Thursday, August 25, 2022

Can Yoga Be A Christian Activity?

Abstain from every form of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22)

Idol: 1 - an object of extreme devotion - 2 - a representation or symbol of an object of worship (Merriman-Webster)

Idols are representations of evil spirits. Evil Spirits reside in idols, not just for the opportunity to be worshiped but also because it gives them access and PERMISSION to demonize those that come to worship before those idols. 

Evil spirits are the power behind all occult power. Expressing interest in anything associated with the occult gives evil spirits access and PERMISSION to demonize those that do so.

Examples of things that attract evil spirits that want to demonize us are horror movies, movies representing the occult, certain types of music, books or games promoting witchcraft or other occult activity, objects used to obtain information through the spirit realm (ouija boards, horoscopes, crystals etc.) or objects that were dedicated to evil spirits or were even just in the presence of evil spirit activity. All likely will have evil spirits close by and our participation will have given them access and PERMISSION to demonize us.

Demonized does not mean possessed. But it does mean there are certain areas of soul and body that evil spirits will attack and grab onto because a person (usually without their knowledge) has given evil spirits a LEGAL RIGHT to do so. This is true for Christians as well. Evil spirits can affect a person's physical and mental health. I am also convinced that a Christian who has been demonized has also suffered greatly in their ability to be able to discern the activity of evil spirits in them as well as their ability to be able to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit for their lives. 

Which leads us to the subject of Yoga. Is it possible for yoga to be a Christian activity? Can someone use traditional yoga exercises and positions and substitute Christian meanings and meditations so as to not attract evil spirits and give them PERMISSION to demonize?

Let's think this through. Is there anything wrong with taking time to engage in different types of stretching or to learn to control one's breathing or to release to God any pent up anger, frustration or unforgiveness?  I would say no. Those are all good things which will give glory to God and will benefit a person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Is this what yoga does or is that even what Christian yoga does? Well, my first question would be - Why is "yoga" which describes an occult activity, in the description? And my next would be - Does Christian yoga use any of the same body positions, vocabulary, chants and hand positions as does traditional yoga and does it direct people to empty their minds in the same way traditional yoga does?

Yoga is part and parcel with the Hindu religion which recognizes 330 million gods, all of which are representations of a hierarchy of evil spirits, weak to powerful. Each position in yoga, body, hand, as well as words spoken, represents and thus worships a different Hindu deity and there are spiritual reasons why each position or word are done or said in a certain way. Evil spirits will be attracted to places where traditional yoga forms are practiced and people who participate in those forms are (even without their knowledge) giving those evil spirits PERMISSION and a LEGAL RIGHT to demonize them.

The underlying principle yoga is based on is an anti Christian idea that there is spiritual energy at the base of a person's spine and through yoga exercises that energy travels up the spine and is released through certain specific spots in the body. A key aspect in yoga is at the end where a person either sits or lays in the "dead body" position and then opens their mind to where ever those spiritual forces will lead (or what the yoga master might suggest). Frankly, this is an invitation for spiritual deception. Indeed, a person's body and mind may feel relaxed and refreshed right after doing yoga but they have carved out a tiny hole in their soul where an unholy seed has been planted.

God's way for man to operate in the spiritual is totally different. And God is a jealous God. He does not want there to be any false gods before Him and He does not want us to entertain any evil spirits. Instead by the shed blood of Jesus He has given us authority over all unclean spirits.

My prayer (if you currently are or have in the past been involved with yoga) is that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and guide you to what is true and will then show you how to repent and how to renounce your activity in it. If you're not sure you agree with what I've written at least take some time and have an honest conversation with God, search the Word and tell Him you only want to know what is true and that you are willing to change if you have been deceived. 

Repenting and renouncing are key factors in taking away the legal rights of evil spirits to have a hold on you. But you may also need to take other actions to be truly set free. Find a book which talks about deliverance from evil spirits. They usually have a section for the reader which will lead you through areas to confess and the steps needed to be set free. If after doing that you still sense there are more evil spirits around then find a Christian friend or minister with wisdom who understands the spirit world so they can walk you through anything else needed to set you free.

And, if reading this essay has caused you to get very angry - that's a good sign you are probably demonized. 


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