Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Dare They!

Sixteen year old Greta Thunberg has recently been named Time Magazine's person of the year. Greta is a climate change activist who has been a subject of hundreds of memes making fun of her "HOW DARE YOU!" speak at the United Nations as well as for the mural of her recently painted on the side of a San Francisco building which (unintentionally) bears an eerie resemblance to Vladimir Putin. Now how you may wonder does such a young girl from Sweden whom no one knew about a year or two ago get named Time's person of the year?

The simple explanation is as follows. We are living in a time where the main stream media now acts as a propaganda tool for a small but rich and powerful group of people who have a globalist world view and an organized agenda and timeline to achieve that. Part of their agenda involves climate alarmism, which is the claim that the world is being threatened by carbon emissions produced by man which will result in a very short time with the world heating up and ending life as we know it.

The solution presented to avoid the catastrophe they predict has very little to do with creating a cleaner environment and having purer air to breath. The climate scare at its most basic is actually a means to achieve one of the main goals of globalism, which is income redistribution. I've written a number of posts examining man made global warming and am not going to make any of my counter arguments here. My purpose here is to look at how Greta became famous.

At the beginning of this year a group of about 250 leftest/progressive media organizations met at Columbia School of Journalism to discuss what they as news and opinion outlets could do to advance this climate alarmism. Someone suggested Greta, a young girl with Aspergers who had, being convinced that the planet was indeed dying, dropped out of school to be an activist on climate change. Greta soon became funded, hyped and suddenly all sorts of doors were opened for her.

She (like a lot of passionate 16 year old girls) was invited to speak to the United Nations (which funds the main group which comes up with all the alarming computer climate models) and to get there she (bravely) boards a low carbon fingerprint yacht (her crew of 2 take a jet liner home once the boat arrives in NY and another crew of 2 fly there in order to sail the vessel back to Europe). By a strange coincidence when she is there the public schools in NY declare a climate skip school and protest day. Greta then goes on the rest of her trip in the US (also organized, planned and funded by her Soros funded NGO) and becomes so gosh darn famous and important that Time magazine just has to choose her as their iconic Person of the Year.

Or - in a space of a year the MSM chooses someone to be famous, organizes events, gets the funding and hypes the adoring heck about a 16 year old girl and then awards her for all the hype they bestowed upon her. This would be a THE case study in the creation of fake news (if there were not so many other obvious examples going on at the same time).

So let me admit here a couple of things. Although I've read some online pieces about Greta I did not read the Time article. Thirty years ago I subscribed to Time until it became so overly liberal that I switched to Newsweek. For awhile they were a lot more balanced but after a few years they too in my opinion went over the edge. A couple of years ago I saw Time in a waiting room at a tire dealer. It was now a thin little rag devoted to some liberal cause, a minor blip that still has an annual person of the year cover which now lacks any relevance.

I also did not realize until recently that Greta had a form of Autism known as Aspergers. People that have this can be very intelligent and very high functioning. They tend to put a laser focus on things that interest them, are prone to depression (and suicide) and understand most things as black and white issues without seeing the shades of gray. It would be easy to understand then how Greta could read all of the blah blah being pushed her way, decide that the world was indeed coming to an end and that she had to do something about it.

The downside here, and this makes me really mad, is that it is now obvious that the United Nations "HOW DARE YOU!" speech was a reflection both in her voice and in her facial features of her Aspergers. It also explains the video of her at a UN panel discussion where she seemed lost, confused and inarticulate. Instead of a hero I actually see her as a poor girl being exploited for political gain by adults with an agenda who are using her age and Autism as a hammer to silence any critics or objections to what they (through Greta) are presenting.

The funny thing about the moral outrage directed to any who criticize Greta is that those people are blind to how easily they are being morally manipulated by forces that are totally devoid of morals. The main stream media has become a tool of those forces as are platforms like Twitter and the rest to advance an agenda while at the same time presenting it as a moral argument. And when your have morals not etched in stone, inscribed on your heart and based on the Word of God and are instead swimming in the ever changing tides of modern society one can easily be manipulated.

Facts matter, but you can't argue facts with people who make emotional arguments and are offended by anyone even attempting to disagree with their worldview built on shifting sand. I can still love them just like I will love Greta and pray that she will experience the deep love of God and the peace that passes understanding. At the same time I will pray that all those who are abusing her will be exposed and justly dealt with.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Falling Into The Pit

You would think that the opposition would at least be logical in how they appraise a situation or in what they are trying to do. Instead there has been insanity from the Left and from the Main Stream Media for the entirety of last three years. They have consistently lied, presented everything Trump has done in a negative light, twisted and then persisted in their hate for the President. And then to top it off they accuse him of doing everything they are doing or have actually done themselves.

Each time the truth comes out they react by doubling down on their lies and then lashing out at whoever is looking into their dirty deeds. Gathering from the Horowitz hearings which I watched Tuesday it is obvious that their next step will be an attempt to discredit Attorney General Barr and the Durham Report which will be even more devastating than the Horowitz Report. By the way, at the hearings today not one single Democrat asked any questions about any of the serious and illegal abuses associated with the FBI investigation. It was all spin, spin, spin.

The Russia investigation was first predicated when an undercover CIA agent set up a young Trump staffer by passing along a rumor that the Russians had the missing Clinton emails. When the staffer mentioned this to an Australian diplomat (who worked for the CIA and is now missing) in a bar overseas the CIA had inserted their first hook. They then passed that hook off to the FBI. (This is not mentioned in the Horowitz Report but it will come out in the Durham Report), The FBI then used the Steele Dossier (a totally false report created by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Clinton campaign) as the second hook. Interestingly the wife of FBI agent Bruce Orr who would be involved in the investigation worked for Fusion GPS.

The third hook was a report that the FBI or CIA leaked to a media outlet disinformation that was mentioned in the Steele Dossier, making it look as though there was independent confirmation of its contents. In order to begin a secret investigation on the Trump campaign the FBI needed to use the FISA courts. In order to get FISA court approval they used those 3 pieces of information to justify it, even though it became clear to certain agents in the FBI very early on that the Steele information was bogus.

A sad side note to this is that Robert Mueller (or his team) should have been aware of this by at least the second month of his investigation. Since there was never any "there" there the investigation should have ended then instead of going on for two more years. It was not ended because the FBI's Andrew Wiseman, who was actually running the case and who hired the 12 lawyers (all Democrats) for figurehead Mueller, had an obvious anti-Trump agenda.

So here we are. Impeachment without a crime. If you actually think so you need a lesson in history, government, common sense and really have to stop watching outlets who employ guys like ex CIA and FBI guys Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, who are all up to their necks dirty in this affair. The real crimes re the Ukraine were efforts by the Obama administration and the DNC, which influenced Ukraine to make anti-Trump statements during the 2016 election, and by Adam Shift and his staff who, in partnership with people in the CIA, set up the whole whistle blower episode.  But just so no one gets too surprised, be aware that the hammer will be coming down, the truth will come out and people will be going to jail.

I want to paraphrase a few verses from Psalm 7 for you. I personally believe that God is letting the craziness continue in order to display what are the true plans and motivations of many on the Left in order to expose what is really a clear and present danger to our country.

They conceive mischief and bring forth falsehood. They have dug a pit and hollowed it out, and have fallen into the hole which they themselves have made. Their mischief will return upon their own head.

Monday, November 25, 2019

All To Jesus, I Surrender

It was around this time in the month of November, 47 years ago, that I knelt down on the living room floor of our little apartment in Kalamazoo to confess my sins and asked Jesus to come into my life as Savior and as Lord and to fill me with the Holy Spirit. I had been born and raised a Catholic but was then an atheist. Earlier that year I had married a Spirit-filled Catholic woman, and there I was, now speaking in an unknown tongue and experiencing the overwhelming presence and peace that Jesus had indeed come in. He revealed Himself in such a way that I could never deny what had just happened.

I recognized even then, without any theological training, that I had surrendered the lordship of my life to Jesus and that my life was no longer mine. Obviously I knew that I would often fall far short of what His will would be for me but sensed, as I would learn later, that having died in Christ I was indeed a new creation, now part of God's family. And as a bonus, by surrendering to the move of the Holy Spirit in me, I had also surrendered and opened up many areas of my soul that might put up barriers to my relationship with God.

Here is a point that I want to make clear when we talk about how we go about obeying the will of the Father. Salvation is to the spirit. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is to the soul.

When we are born again it is our spirit man that is changed from death to new life in Christ. In our spirit we are now perfect, holy and redeemed in the Father's sight and that is now a place where the Holy Spirit can reside. The Father's will from the beginning was to give us revelation of His will from the Holy Spirit, through our spirit, to minister to our soul and from there to our body.

At death the spirit/soul is separated from the body and for the believer the spirit/soul goes to be with the Father. The rebirth of the spirit affects the soul as well. The difference is that although the reborn spirit is now perfect we have a soul that, although redeemed, still needs to be conformed to the image of Christ.

The fall was the result of man desiring the knowledge of good and evil apart from the direction of the Father through the Holy Spirit. And the result of the fall was that the spirit of man in effect died and became separated from God and the soul of man took charge, subject to it's own weakness and to the weakness of the desires of the body.

The answer of the world to the fall is religion, or, we do things or act a certain way to earn something and thus justify ourselves before God. In all religion it is the soul of man that stays in charge.

And sadly, although the believing Church talks about redemption through the free gift of what Jesus did on the cross, our walking out our salvation can sometimes look an awful lot like religion. The emphasis in many places is completely backward. People are taught that they can come into a deeper relationship with God by striving toward obedience and holiness. And that striving is often a struggle because the soul, apart from the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is trying to overcome its own weaknesses as well as the desires of the flesh.

I contend instead that obedience and holiness should be a natural out working of a deep and mature relationship with God. We seek Him. We become sensitive to the Father's will and develop a deeper relationship with Him through prayer, through the faithful reading of His Word and through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Thus the desire to be obedient to the will of God comes from and through that relationship. The Holy Spirit moves through our spirit to influence our soul. This makes obedience so much easier. We will now be acting out of a desire born of love and the desire to honor that love.

Now the Holy Spirit does move to one degree or another in the soul's of all who become born again. Many old desires are changed and the soul often surrenders certain aspects of control to the Spirit of God. Old sinful ways are set aside. Godly fruit is demonstrated. Christian growth becomes evident and various ministry abilities spring forth. However the soul is very complex. It contains our personality, our memories, the effects of our past experiences, our desires and so much more. In many of those areas the soul has barriers (probably because of fear) where it does not allow the Holy Spirit to freely move or maybe even to enter.

From observation I would say that most born again believers actually desire a closer relationship with God and the ability to live a life submitted to His will. They just don't know how to go about it. They don't know how to remove the barriers still set up in the soul. When the Church, in it's desire to create better disciples, presents a list of things that a person should avoid or must strive to accomplish, it may actually result in producing guilt or frustration. Sound spiritual advice must be partnered with the spiritual means to achieve the goal.

That same sense of guilt or frustration can come about for people involved in groups with a strong spiritual authority figure where there is an emphasis on instilling "holiness" or an "overcomer" lifestyle. This usually goes to a place where people lose all the freedom and joy they should be having in the Spirit. What was begun in the Spirit cannot be completed in the flesh, no matter how spiritual it sounds.

Would it not be so much better instead to show people that perfect love overcomes all fear and to demonstrate how we can experience that love by surrendering to the move and power of the Holy Spirit?  We open up the door to a more excellent way but we must allow the Holy Spirit to walk the person through it. At salvation I surrendered my life to Jesus. I also surrendered as an act of faith my tongue to a language the Spirit gave me, which opened my door to a much greater infilling of the Holy Spirit.

So much happened in those beginning months. Behavior changed, friends changed and I counted it all joy. It was a process and it still is a process. The Holy Spirit fills us but we need to keep emptying Him out (by responding to the direction of the Spirit) so that He can refill us a fresh.

And that is a key. The Holy Spirit is never stale. He will always move in fresh and more amazing ways. The gifts, fruits and the power of the Spirit as demonstrated in the Bible are for all of us today. There is joy and faith, a peace that passes understanding and a closer relationship with God where we can actually say and feel, every day, Abba, Father. But even more important there comes with the Spirit an ability to live a life holy and pleasing to the Lord.

Take some of your precious time and devote it to seeking His presence. Take a risk and surrender your tongue and your whole being to the infilling of the Holy Spirit. He is a gentleman and will only bring you as far as you are willing to go. That said, surrender the fear that is holding you back and receive in turn what your Loving Father has designed especially for you from before you were even born. It is much more than you could ever imagine!

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11: 28 - 30)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Key Words

The 2020 elections are now just a bit less than a year away. With that in mind I thought I would come up with a list of a dozen keys words for Conservatives to remember when we head to the voting booth next November. Problem was, I got up to 12 and then others kept popping into my mind. So for your enjoyment (or maybe enlightenment), here they are (read slowly for best effect).
Pussy hats
Border Security
Supreme Court
Federal Court appointments
Kavanaugh hearings
Covington Kids defamation
US Embassy to Jerusalem
Clinton paid Steele Dossier
Adam Shift lies
Read the Mueller Report
Confused Robert Muller
Adam Shift secret hearings
Read the transcript
Twitter mob
Algorithm censorship
YouTube demonetization
MSM 24/7 bias
Hollywood hate
"Good people" distortion
"Racism, racism, racism"
Identity politics
Men and Women are different?
The Swamp
The Squad
1st Amendment
2nd Amendment
The Constitution
America's Founders
American pride
Religious liberty
Arlene's Florist
Masterpiece Cake Shop
No Mexico City Accord
No money for Planned Parenthood
No Paris Climate Accord
No crazy Iran deal
Hostage's released
Less Federal regulations
Dismantled Obamacare
Destroyed Isis Caliphate
Dead Al Baghbadi
Domestic manufacturing growth
Do nothing Dems
USMCA Trade Deal
Middle class tax break
6 million new jobs
3.5 % unemployment
Real wage growth
Low inflation
Lower drug prices
Record Dow
Rebuilt military
Better care for Vets
U.S. world's largest energy producer
Project Veritas
Chuck and Nancy as American Gothic
Air Force 2
DNC deals with Ukraine
Slow slow Sleepy Joe
Crazy Bernie
50 TRILLION government health care
70 TRILLION Green New Deal
Obama election interference
Harvey Weinstein
Private island flights for Bill
Mega bucks for Hill
- and of course -
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself

Sunday, November 3, 2019

I Will Teach You The Fear Of The Lord

It says many times throughout Scripture that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is in such great contrast to the society we live in today where even in many areas of the Church there is a laissez-faire attitude toward what God's perfect will is for us. I think for most people we mistake God's grace for God's permission.

Paul makes the argument in Romans that as believers we are no longer under The Law. The Law did not come to justify anyone but it came instead to demonstrate that all men fall short of what God's will for us is. The law actually made man's transgressions against God increase,

When Jesus came His death made right for us all of the requirements of The Law. Although man's sins are many and great the grace that God provides through the death and resurrection of Jesus are even greater. Paul then says in Roman's 6:1-2.

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be!

By our confession that we have sinned against God, and our desire that what Jesus did on the cross for the forgiveness of sins He did for us personally, we join ourselves into the death of Jesus.

Paul then says;

If we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin, for he who has died is free from sin. v 5-7

Well, praise the Lord! Every believer needs to know that they do not need to fear death (wondering if they have done enough to please God) because when we have joined into Christ's death we also have joined into His resurrection. Death no longer has a hold on us. We can rejoice that even when we fall short of God's perfect will for us He is always there like a loving Father, willing to forgive and anxious that we do better.

Yet even so, God is awesome beyond our comprehension and righteous and holy in all things. The Father's desire is that even as we have become like Christ in His death we also become like Him in His life.

Therefore do not let sin reign in your body so you obey its lusts and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness . . . for sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. v 11-14

I do not have a fear of losing my salvation and I daily rejoice in all that God is doing and has done in my life. Worshiping Him is wonderful and prayer and reading the Bible help show me His will and connect me with Him on a personal level, always challenging me to do better.

There are things though that make me tremble. I do not want to dishonor God in any way. I do not want to take His grace for granted. I try to avoid going outside the safe boundaries He has set for me, such as what I read, watch or listen to, where I go, what I drink, where my mind wanders and what I do.

I recognize that we are in a battle with an enemy who constantly seeks to steal, dishonor, corrupt, kill and destroy all that has been given by God to declare His glory, and it would crush me to think that I have partaken in the enemy's plans.

A major deception of the enemy is to prevent us from knowing what God's will is and what His boundaries are. The Bible is attacked, ignored or distorted and the tugs in man's conscious are overcome by false doctrines teaching that there are no moral constants and that God's main desire is that we find and do the things that make us happy.

I believe there is coming a time when a great fear of the Lord will sweep through the Church and then spread through society. Even believers will put aside all that has been petty and look into their own hearts and cry out for mercy. God's presence will be more manifest and we will approach it in fear and trembling.

Until then let us continue to open up the Word and to take seriously all that the Holy Spirit is showing us.

Psalm 34: 4-11.
I sought the Lord and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.

They looked to Him and were radiant
and their faces shall never be ashamed.

This poor man cried and the Lord delivered him
and saved him out of all his troubles.

The angel of the Lord (Jesus) encamps around
those who fear Him, and rescues them.

O taste and see that the Lord is good,
how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

O fear the Lord you His saints
for to those who fear Him there is no want.

The young lions do lack and suffer hunger
but they who seek the Lord shall not be in want
of any good thing.

Come you children, listen to me.
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Seeing Red

A lot of people I am related to are dyed in the wool liberals. Some of them are even radical progressives. They are wonderful and generous people who would give an arm or a leg to anyone in need. They loved President Obama, could not believe that any sane person would vote for President Trump and thought that Hillary Clinton would continue to implement their progressive vision to fundamentally change who and what America is. They believe the world and America was in the midst of a historic and inevitable metamorphose where enlightened leaders would ensure equality and fairness for all.

November 8, 2016 was thus a tremendous shock to their mental and emotional state. Like what was expressed by liberals and the main stream media throughout the country, there was never for a moment a wait and see attitude as to how things would play out.  It was hate Trump from the very first moment and that Trump hate was openly expressed against any who dared to express any kind of support for the new President.

For the last 3 years they have been convinced that orange man bad would be removed, that Republicans would regret ever voting for him and that the next election would return sanity to themselves as well as to the country.

In an effort then to help them avoid any further mental breakdowns when the results are announced early in the evening of November 3, 2020 and instead ease into a grudging acceptance earlier, I thought it would be a loving thing to provide some statistics and information they may not normally be exposed to.

The first thing to mention is that the trend in the Western world today is away from Internationalism and Progressiveism and toward National Populism. This is demonstrated in Great Britain by the Brerxit movement, where the ruling class in Westminster and the liberal press wanted and still want to stay in the EU but 60% of the population voted to leave. You can see it in Canada where just yesterday in their national elections Trudeau's Liberal party, although his collation still retains power, lost a fairly large number of seats and now holds less than the Conservative party. You can see the same trends happening in France, Poland, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Brazil. Check out Dr. Steve Turley's YouTube videos for commentaries on these trends.

The second thing to mention is that Moody Analytics, which has been right about every election since 1980 (except for Trump's in 2016, due to large swings in previous voting patterns) foresee a Trump victory in the Electoral College in all 3 of the categories they measure. In 2016 Trump beat Clinton 304 to 226. Now Moody's Jobs metrics predicts Trump will increase his electoral seats to 326 and the Pocketbook metrics predicts an increase to 351 seats. If the economy tanks between now and the election they may have some hope but Moody has already factored some of that possibility into their calculations.

The third thing they should know is that unlike what they may be hearing from the main stream media (MSM) and the Internet sites they frequent, there is not any significant defection away from President Trump. He currently has a 95% approval rating from his base and his base of support has been rapidly growing.

Here is a statistic that is very interesting. A few weeks ago President Trump held a rally in New Mexico. There were 45,000 people who came. Fifteen thousand were able to be inside the auditorium and thirty thousand outside. Here are statistics that were compiled from those 45,000. Forty per cent of them were Hispanic. Thirty per cent had previously voted Democrat. Twenty per cent were people who had not voted in the last 4 presidential elections.

Those numbers reinforce trends that are being recorded nationwide. In 2016 Trump drew in large numbers of people who had not voted before because they believed their vote never counted. That is one reason Congress went Republican in 2016 but lost seats in 2018 because Trump was not on the ballot. I believe it is reasonable to expect that they and many more like them will show up to vote in 2020.

Hispanic support for President Trump has already jumped 10 points since he was elected and continues to trend higher.

For many decades eighty-seven per cent of Blacks on average have voted Democrat and that is about what Trump received in 2016. Several things have happened since that time. The first is the availability and popularity of many outside sources of information which have started to erode the illusion that Blacks have to vote Democrat. I'll mention just two of them.

The first is a movement to leave the Democrat Party, started by young and charismatic Candace Owens, which is also known as Blexit (think Black Exit). The second is the #Walk Away campaign (walk away from the Democrat Party) which shows thousands of homemade testimonials which combined have many millions of views where people (I would say at least half of them either Blacks or Hispanic) tell about their "red pill" moment. Go to YouTube and check out #Walk Away.

Those type of influences, combined with a strong economy, rising wages, historically low Black unemployment and much more are indications that President Trump's support from Blacks may be much higher than the 15% currently predicted for 2020. A Rasmussen poll done in August this year showed a 32% job approval rating from Blacks for the President.

Another factor to consider is the Ecumenical vote. In 2016 we had a situation where there were 3 things about Trump that they had concerns about. Those were his past behaviors including sexual infidelities, his lack of Christian character that he portrayed publicly, and a nagging feeling that he was actually a liberal in sheep clothing. The votes President Trump got from the Ecumenical community were received because those that did vote recognized that there was no chance that Clinton would support any policy that was deeply important to them but there was at least somewhat of a chance that they would be under a Trump Presidency.

But here is the deal you should be aware of. A heck of a lot of Ecumenicals did not vote for president or they voted for a write-in candidate. Today any behavior by Trump that we know about before he got elected is no longer a concern to that group. His brash manner still is but in large part is discounted because of a number of factors. And because President Trump has followed through on all of his conservative promises and has championed religious freedom and pro life positions there will be a huge increase of Ecumenical votes cast for Trump in 2020.

There has also been a sea change of where and how people receive their information. Cable news has been on a long decline but viewership for outlets like CNN and MSNBC have been dropping like a stone. A recent poll showed that only 6% of the population has any trust that the MSM is unbiased. There are now numerous Conservative sites such as The Daily Wire that have razor sharp commentators and millions of more views than an outlet like CNN. The MSM's 95% negative coverage from day one of Trump has greatly contributed to their soon coming death.

One way we can gauge this is by noticing that although impeachment has been a political strategy for the Left since the day of Trump's election, that after 2 1/2 years of their made up Russian accusations and now a month of their Ukraine gambit, impeachment is near the bottom of the average American's concerns. Almost everybody in the fly over states know what the deal is not and many actually suspect that in the end the Left and the DNC are going to end up holding the bag.

Which leads to my last point. Progressives are the loud and vocal part of the Democrat party. My guess is they comprise less than a third of this countries voting electric but that means they have a majority of the influence in their party. It has been noted that the concerns of a large section of traditional Democrat voters, such as those in the traditional manufacturing blue states, has been ignored by the radical Left. A good number switched and voted Republican in 2016 and I would bet that they were just the tip of the iceberg of the switch we will see in 2020.

The lack of any moderate voices in the MSM, or from the leaders of the Democratic Party, or from any of the current crop of Presidential candidates has exposed their true Progressive agenda which I believe in the end will result in either a split or an implosion of the Democrat Party from which it may take them decades to recover.

So get yourselves ready for a visit to a nice relaxing spa. We are not just talking Trump 2020. Get ready for a President Pence 2024.   

Monday, October 14, 2019

Does Solar Power Make Sense For Me?

Today I read an article talking about California's wildfires and their effect on California's energy grid. When the terrible fires happened last year many people believed that a number of those fires were caused by sparks that came from power lines. This led to law suits which led to the main electric provide in Northern California turning off the power grid this year during certain high fire risk periods. Today there are wide areas in Northern California without electric power.

One of the surprises that came from this is that many people who were equipped with solar panels found out that their solar systems would not provide any electricity to their homes during a power outage. That is because the typical solar system does not store the electricity it produces into a battery system from which the house then draws upon but rather transfers produced electricity into the electrical grid of the power company. Thus without an electrical storage system and without the house being wired to directly utilize solar power there will not be electricity for the home to use.

When a home system is producing electricity under the typical system the home's electric meter slows down accordingly and the home owner is only charged for any excess current they use. If the power company accepts what is known as Net Metering and the home system produces more current that what the home uses for a month then the power company will credit that amount to the home owner's electric bill. The one catch to that is that while the electric company charges it's customer a retail rate they often only credit them for excess production at a wholesale rate which is substantially lower.

But finding that out did get me thinking about what would be my cost here in West Michigan to install a roof solar panel system and how long would the actual payback be. I have not talked to any solar provider companies or any actual people who currently have roof top solar panels but I have done a little research and here is what I have discovered.

Checking my electric bill from the local Board of Public Works I found that during the last 12 months I used in my 1300 sq. ft. house 7115 kW hours of electricity. The overall BPW charge for our electric figures out to be .127 per kW hr. My annual electric usage equaled $904. Michigan prices for electric are usually a bit higher than the national average. A little over a year ago our BPW finished building a new power plant and converted from coal to natural gas which is supposed to be much cleaner and less expensive.

According to what I was able to find out on line the average solar customer installs a 6200 kW system which would seem about right if my annual usage is 7115 kW's. In Michigan the average cost for roof top solar panels is $4.11 per kW. That means a 6200 kW installation would cost me if I paid in cash $25,482. I don't know if that is before or after taxes.

For some reason the government has offered pretty big incentives for people to install solar power. This seems pretty much a crock to me for a whole lot of reasons, about which I could write from here to the end of next week. However, let's get back to what my cost would be to install solar.

Until the end of 2019 the Federal Government will, if you install a solar system this year, reduce what you would owe in taxes this year up to 30% of what it costs you to install a solar system. In 2020 that amount reduces to 26%, in 2021 I'm not sure but I think it's something like 20% and the incentive program expires at the end of 2021. Maybe something else will come up but if I am thinking about solar I either need to do something soon or hope that a breakthrough in technology would make an investment practical.

There also may be local incentives offered by my city or even by the BPW to become more energy efficient.  I'm not sure if or what those are but perhaps they can add up to another $4 - 6 thousand dollars. I'm not going to include those numbers below but you are welcome to do the math yourselves later on.

So let's say I decide on installing a $25,482 6200 kW system next year. I would need to pay the full amount, and then to qualify for the 26%, $6000 plus government money, make sure to withhold that much from my 2020 tax estimates which will then reduce my tax owed by April 15 of 2021 by that amount. Thus after a year if I install in the Spring the actual cost for the system would be $19,366.

To figure the length of pay back I multiply 6200 kW hrs per year X my BPW rate of .129 kW hr. which equals an annual savings on my electric bill of $787. And at $787 per year it would take me 25 years to break even. Solar systems are supposed to be good for 25 years so in theory every year after that my electric bill would be only $117 per year. 

There are however a few things to consider with solar. On the plus side, what I pay for electric may very well go up during those 25 years which would increase the amount I would be saving and thus reduce the actual payback period.

On the other hand there are a few negatives to consider. Apart from possible maintenance costs, like equipment breakdowns, cleaning, snow and tree branch removal, and the need to spend $10 -12 thousand dollars on new roof shingles before solar installation, there are solar energy efficiency questions when living in West Michigan and where I live in particular. A 6200 kW system might possibly produce 6200 kW's per year in a place like Arizona. But where I live we get a lot of clouds, a fair amount of snow, there are woods west of us across the street  which block direct sunlight for the last hour of the day, and the trees near us produce a fair amount of pollen. I don't know how to actually calculate all of this but if my panels produce only 60% of capacity then my annual payback then becomes $472 which would equal a 41 year pay back.

Since I will turn 70 next year solar does not seem to be something that I will get too excited about.

Most of the information I could find on line whether solar is a good investment comes one way or another from companies that want to sell and install their solar panels. Each one assures me how wonderful a system would be. After watching U Tube videos of people who have installed systems I have come to the conclusion that the actual reason, apart from those that live off grid and need solar, or perhaps those who live in very sunny areas where the costs might be much different, is that installing solar makes them fell good about themselves.

They ignore the fact that Chinese miners earning slave wages dig out the dirty materials currently needed for solar panel production. They buy into the claim that man made CO2 is somehow any different than naturally produced CO2 (CO2 being the food that all plants eat) and buy into a claim, despite historic evidence showing the opposite, that any warming of the planet will be a disaster and must have been caused by the actions of man and can likewise be reduced by the actions of man.

But like I said, I'm almost 70. If I could invest now for something that would have a decent return much earlier and reduce what I would need to pay for utilities when I finally stop working it would be worth it. Hmm, maybe I'll check out wind. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Impeach! Impeach!

Impeach! Impeach! Well, well, how did we get here, what does this all mean and how will this all play out? Hopefully I will be able to shed a little insight that will make things a bit clearer on what has been going on and what will be happening.

Let me start by taking a quick look at the Obama presidency. Although he ran as a centrist, Barack Obama's voting record when he was in the Senate was to the extreme far left of the spectrum. When he became our President his actions thus proved to be far left. This should not have been a surprise to anyone who would have looked past the nice suits, attractive family and smooth talking blah blah and done a little research.

His father's politics in Kenya were Anti-Colonial. His father believed that Western powers had robbed third world countries like his of their resources and should be punished for such. His politics were also Anti-Capitalist or Socialist/Communist which is reflected by his belief that the rich should pay 100% in taxes and only receive an amount back from the government sufficient to live on. It is interesting that Barack Obama wrote a book that was titled - Dreams Of My Father. Obama's mother also had hard leftest leanings as can be determined by the politics of the church she belonged to in Hawaii.

Sometime after Barack's father left his mother to go back to Kenya she married a man from Indonesia where she and her son moved. In Indonesia Barack was educated during his elementary years in a religious Muslim school. She sent him back to Hawaii during his high school years to live with her parents. It was during or shortly after that time that he was introduced to and was mentored by Frank L Davis, a leading African American member and thinker in the Communist Party in America. Later on during his college years in California most of his room mates and organizations he belonged to were politically on the radical spectrum. Not much is known about his politics or associations while at law school at Harvard but then, apart from his being the editor of the Harvard Law Review, almost no one can be found who remembers or is willing to share that they remember going to class with him.

After Obama came to Chicago he is well known for having been a community organizer. On it's face value that sounds like a noble occupation and indeed it can be, helping the poor and disenfranchised to do better with food, housing, clothing, medical care and helping them have a greater voice over their affairs. But there can be a radical political aspect involved in community organizing as evidenced by the methods of famous Chicago community organizer Saul Alansky.

In 1971, the year before he died, Alansky wrote a book called Rules For Radicals. Its ten chapters laid out Alansky's insights about how confrontation can produce desired results. Later on in the community organization community there was debate as to how effective Alansky's rules actually were in practice but the book and its principles did become famous in the world of the radical left. At the University of Chicago Barack Obama taught a course called Alansky 101, so we know he was quite familiar with Alansky's radical teachings. Oh by the way, in the book Alansky dedicates it to someone called Lucifer (no kidding!)

Here is a partial list of Alansky's main principles. Notice two things here. First, the other side is referred to as "the enemy". Second, see if any of these tactics ring a bell when you think of the how the Democrats have resisted form day one and continue to resist the presidency of Donald Trump, the Kavanaugh hearings, the Russia hearings and their constant calls for impeachment.

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have".

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules".

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon".

"Keep the pressure on".

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself".

"The major premise for tactics is the development of opportunities that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition".

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter side".

"Pick the target, freeze it, polarize it".   

Barack Obama eventually moved to the same neighborhood and was on one of the same boards as Bill Ayers, former leader of the Weatherman Underground, a radical 1970's group that among other things bombed the Pentagon and Capitol building. The church Obama belonged to for 20 years had definite leftest leanings. I could on and on along the same vein but I think I've made the point that it seemed to me pretty clear, even before he was elected, that Barack Obama if chosen would try to radically change not only US foreign policy and US domestic policy but would also appoint and place in positions of power men and women with the same mind set as his.

The part of interest for us here is not President Obama's foreign or domestic policies. I think from what we know about his past and from what he showed while being President is that he is at heart a Marxist and was smart enough to have both a short term and a long term plan for how to radically transform our country. I also strongly suspect that despite our hearing almost nothing about President Obama for the last 3 years that he is in fact the key person leading a behind the scenes opposition to President Trump and his administration. You should be aware that there is a select group of power people that meet every day in private, either in person or via devices, that determine both tactics and each day's talking points, that are then relayed to the press and to key Democrat leaders in Congress. 

There are some interesting things that happened while President Obama was in office that demonstrate his efforts to ensure that his opponents would not be successful in gaining power.

The main one that comes to mind is how he used the IRS to delay and refuse applications for almost every conservative political group that tried to obtain non taxable status.

Another well known one is the activity of Susan Rice and others toward the last days of his administration to unmask identities of quite a large number of his political opponents so that people in his administration would have access to their private conversations (I think that might be called "spying" on your political opponents).

And a third one that is coming to light is the effort to use the FBI and CIA along with their foreign contacts, to both spy on candidate Trump and everyone connected with him but also to set up sophisticated operations designed to eventually remove him from power in case he would actually win. People have blamed Hillary Clinton's campaign for spending 9 million to finance the fake dossier that the intelligence agencies then used to obtain FISA warrants of Trump's people, but I believe it actually goes much deeper than that.

Let me make this very clear. There were and still are people appointed or hired by President Obama in the intelligence community who are actively opposed to President Trump, not just because he is a Republican but because he is an outsider who is threatening both their power and globalist worldview. Many of these people, previously so comfortable in their arrogance, are now becoming increasingly frightened that their secret activities will be exposed.

There will soon be reports released that will lay a lot of this out. The guilty parties have the full support of the main stream media so everything will be twisted in the news and there will be a full blown attempt to impeach and discredit Attorney General Barr. I would like to believe that all those that have taken part in this coup attempt against the President will get the punishment they deserve. I would like to believe that the main stream media itself will be exposed and eventually be replaced by honest men and women without political bias. Can all of this happen without a revolution or civil unrest? I sure pray so.

Cries for impeachment today are a desperate ploy to circumvent the ballot box. After all we do have another election in about a year. These last three years have pulled the veil off the political faces of the far left, the never Trump right and others in Washington and have totally destroyed any confidence we ever had in the main stream media. By God's grace we now know much clearer their desire for an atheistic utopia that sees Conservatives, Christians and the Constitution as  "enemies" that need to be discarded.

The good news is that a light does shine in the darkness and that God is using the events of the day to bring out a deep and widespread spiritual change in this country. There are dark spiritual forces behind all the lies and shouting and their desperation is a sign that they know a change is coming.

Pray for our President for wisdom and grace. Pray for all those in authority over us that they will be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Pray for your enemies that His light will shine so bright that their hearts will be open to coming to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. And pray for a spirit of repentance to flood our land as an invitation for the presence of God to fall upon us.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Christian's Letter To Our President

Dear Mr. President

Thank you for being the most pro-life president that we have had in my voting lifetime. Your actions to support the rights of the unborn have spoken much louder than all the empty rhetoric of politicians in the past or any political tweets that you have made in the present.

Your first major decision while running for President was to select pro-life Michael Pence as your VP running mate. Your second was to announce a top flight list of possible Supreme Court appointees that court scholars said would be inclined to support both a strict constitutional interpretation as well as the right of the unborn to be protected and valued.

I believe that abortion is THE most important political issue of my lifetime. Because I believe abortion is the taking of a human life given by God and because I believe that one's stance on abortion reflects an inner moral compass that ultimately affects other governmental decisions, including the economy and foreign policy. I voted for you in hopes that your actual deeds in regards to abortion would match your political promises. To me this issue far outweighed any of my concerns about your previous moral lapses or any embarrassment I might have had about how you conduct yourself publicly in the present.

I was thrilled to see that on your very first day in office you canceled the Mexico City Accord which required other nations to provide abortions in order to receive our country's foreign aid

I am also thrilled and encouraged to see that so far during your first term you have appointed two constitutional conservative Supreme Court Justices who will, hopefully along with your next appointment, insure that like slavery Roe V Wade goes to the ash heap of our country's history and will bring the decision of whether to terminate an infant's life back to each individual state

So far during your first term you and the Senate have confirmed more Federal judges than both of your predecessors combined, all of them constitutional conservatives, their average age 10 years younger than those confirmed by your last two predecessors. This will affect the direction of our courts for decades to come and will be instrumental when lawsuits arise challenging state laws restricting abortion.

Along with the above you have done much to restrict the use of tax payer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood, our country's largest provider of abortions who by themselves terminate over a third of a million of lives every year

Your actions to defend the most vulnerable among us has been an answer to the voices of over fifty million innocent lives that have cried out for justice to the heavens since 1972. For this stance alone your name will be remembered and honored for generations to come.

I thank you as well for officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. Unlike most of your predecessors who only gave lip service to the idea, you have actually followed through on your promise and have made sure that America remains a great friend of the nation of Israel.

Our country does not need to approve or support everything that Israel does. However God promises in His Word that He will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse it. You have blessed Israel by giving international recognition to the fact that Jerusalem is its capital and you have blessed Israel by recognizing their right of sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Thus I believe that the following spiritual principle will play out. Your support for Israel will help insure God's blessing for our country and you as well are being blessed by it.

Thank you for recognizing the severity of the persecution of the Christian Church that is happening today in many countries internationally as well as for truly understanding all the cultural and political pressures that the Church in America is experiencing greater and greater everyday. More than any President in the past you have show a willingness to both seek and to listen to advice giving by respected Church leaders.

I thank you for the courage you have displayed in the midst of the greatest opposition and the greatest attacks any president has ever seen during their first days in office and during their first term. I believe that opposition to your election goes far beyond normal politics and instead reflects a spiritual battle that is going on today. And part of that spiritual battle is that the evil spirits that thirst for the shedding of innocent blood do not want to lose one of their means to their power and influence.

My constant prayer for you is that as you seek God's will for our country you will also humble yourself personally. I pray that you will receive not only the fullness of His salvation but will also experience the gifts of His Holy Spirit as well as the demonstration of the fruits of His Holy Spirit in your life.

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Trump Wins Bigly In 2020

Here are 7 reasons President Trump will win reelection in a landslide in 2020 (not necessarily in order of importance)

1.  It's The Economy Stupid.

As of today the stock market, where 10's of millions of average Americans invest a good portion of their money, is at an all time high, a whopping 49% higher than it was on the day before the 2016 election. Odds are there will be one or more major market adjustments between now and the next presidential election but the economy is roaring now and confidence in the economy is reflected in the stock market. This is due in large part to Trump's pro business policies (think for example lower corporate tax rates which have drawn back to the US trillions of overseas dollars to be invested in creating more US jobs).

Unemployment levels are at record lows and employment levels are at record highs and the number of jobs including higher paying manufacturing jobs have been growing since Trump's election at rates most experts thought were not possible anymore (Obama/Biden/Clinton told us we must forget those jobs) At the same time, because of the competition for qualified workers, average wage rates have been sharply growing as well.

Although dismissed by East and West coast elites as a tax cut for the rich (because (a) that's the standard leftist trope and (b) an extra $20 or $40 dollars per paycheck doesn't mean anything to them), the tax cut has been appreciated by the average American worker.

2. When Attacked The Tribe Unites

Oh, how many ways can I make this point? Think of "RESIST" from day one until now by the mainstream media where 93% of their coverage toward Trump was and still is negative. Think of "RESIST" from day one with all of the hate Trump posts, comments and vulgar language by supposed "friends" on social media immediately after the election and probably continuing today (finally not being able to take it and wanting to remain civil and "friends" I blocked most of them).

I and almost everyone I know who voted for Trump was shocked at the failure of one side to do what has always been done and acknowledge with grace when their side lost. Most of us were not happy with the ultra liberal policies of President Obama and we expressed our disagreements in many time tested ways and then voted for change. We did not expect the circus that followed and were shocked by the other side's behavior.

Think of the 2 year long "Trump is a Russian stodge" debacle which was obvious from very early on to anyone not affected by the "Trump derangement syndrome" that this was both a set up of Trump and a cover up of actual Clinton/Obama efforts to effect the election.

And then think of the Kavanaugh hearings with the vicious accusations, outright lies and character assassinations of an outstanding jurist and human being. These had nothing to do with judicial philosophy but everything to do with trying to destroy a person with whom you disagree.

RESIST, Kavanaugh and to a lesser sense Russia were emotional slaps in the face to conservatives which worked to unite them and will not soon be forgotten.

3.  Trump Is A Money Magnet

The Republican Party was not united behind Trump in 2016 and for awhile after wards and that included many of the big money donors and certain of it's elected officials. Perhaps you are not aware of this but while President Trump is an America first person as are most of his base there is a large portion of the GOP who consider themselves globalists. Globalists seek international solutions and are willing to give up national sovereignty and treasure in order to achieve that. The Bushes were globalists. So was Obama. So is Clinton/Biden.

Without getting into a long discussion of exactly how that affects the way a President governs let me give you a simplistic generalization. There are very large and powerful international businesses and personalities who have a common goal and who invest a lot of money with politicians and activist groups around the world which includes men and woman from both parties here in America. That is a large reason why Washington is filled with swamp creatures, many who do not really have the best interests of our country in mind.

A large part of the hatred of Trump from the GOP side was that he was not one of them. He did not go to their private parties (attended by both sides), did not behave in the acceptable manner and did not have the same globalist goals. Not only that but he pledged if elected to go to Washington to drain the swamp.

However, an interesting thing happened as stated in point number 2. Although globalism is a strong interest many on the Right also actually have sincere conservative leanings and when Trump came to Washington he has governed as a true conservative. This they noticed.

But they also noticed the daily attacks, lies and misrepresentations about Trump and the effort to destroy anyone who is associated with him. It turns out that their tribal instincts are now outweighing their global instincts. In 2016 fundraising for Trump and fundraising for the GOP were separate. Today they are combined.

In 2016 Clinton raised a record billion dollars toward her election. Trump raised 600 million. This year when President Trump announced his intent to run again in 2020 he raised a million dollars an hour on the first day alone. It is estimated that his reelection war chest will equal 2.5 billion dollars. Although social media companies are almost totally controlled by young male progressives who actively work to silence conservative voices on their social media platforms the Trump campaign does have a well funded team who know how to use it to fund raise and how to get their message targeted.   

4. Open Borders Is Going To Crush The Left

Illegal immigration was the major issue driving the Right in 2016. The situation has become ten times worse since then. The Left as with most issues argues emotions over facts and logic but here that is going to backfire. The African American community and the established Hispanic community, traditional Democrat voting blocs, do not want the huge influx of unskilled workers competing for some of their jobs and lowering those wages. Suburban white woman do not want to see pictures of children in cages but they are going to finally realize that the Dems because of their hatred for Trump refused to vote for any funding that would help solve a crisis caused by the overwhelming of our facilities at the border.

Populations in many countries in Europe, fearing they are losing their national identities, are rebelling. England had its Brexit vote to leave the EU and a Prime Minister who recently resigned because the globalist elites at Westminster did not want to deliver it, Greece and Italy's new governments are making sweeping immigration policy changes and Europe is rife with immigrant populations who refuse to adapt to national cultural norms and behaviors and because of that traditional national populations are rebelling.

The issue in American of course is not whether immigration is good and healthy. Most people believe it is. The issue is not whether we are a compassionate people. Most people believe we are. Instead the issue is - do we have a right to control our borders, enforce our immigration laws, decide who and when they are allowed to enter and have a chance to become citizens, willing to learn the language and adopt traditional American values. The issue also should be, are there jobs available for the new arrivals and do we have the ability to stop drugs from being smuggled in, criminals and gangs from moving in and dangerous diseases from infection our population.

These are not policies driven, as the Left tries to portray everything, by racism or xenophobia. Most Americans know this in their gut and they have noticed that one side does not even come close to believing the same way they do or trying to provide a solution, other than accepting open borders.

5.  Karl Was Not One Of The Funny Marx Brothers

OK, but Bernie highlights can be pretty amusing. But when every presidential candidate from one party is competing to see who can offer the most free stuff, the craziest ideas, the highest tax rates, the most anti-Christian tropes, the most woke stance on gender, LGBT, race and abortion, the most green anti-capitalist environment, they have indeed energized the most radical of their base but have left the rest of the country far, far behind. Their push toward achieving an atheistic Marxist global utopia run by an enlightened few is an idea that because of human nature cannot and never has worked. However, for some reason their masks are now off all of them are on the record.

Partly because of abandoning either/or religious sensibilities, family values and traditional work ethic, African Americans, Latino Americans and Asians Americans are starting to leave their old party in large numbers. The rust belt is starting to turn red and you are going to see before the election defections from some major politicians and perhaps even a split in the Democrat party.

6.  The Push For Reparations Is A Gift From God

Which leads to my final point.

7.  God Blesses Those Who Bless The Jews

Now the Lord God said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house to the Land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And will bless those that bless you, and the one that curses you I will curse.  Genesis 12: 1-3

You may not like to hear this but here it is. God chose this moment in time to place Donald J. Trump into office. He did not choose who I would have chosen. He did not choose a man with a pristine past and a refined air. And he did not choose a politician who says one thing but believes in his heart another.

He chose a man who would take the timing away from the plans of the evil one so God could accomplish three things.

First, there is a timing for the nation of Israel. The evil one has always planned and worked to wipe that nation off the face of the earth. A Clinton presidency in 2016 after the 8 years of Obama or any of the current Democrat candidates for 2020 would have or would be a disaster for Israel. Trump is widely seen in Israel as a modern day Cyrus, a gentile king who saved the Jewish people from disaster and then issued a decree for the Jewish people to return to their land, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and eventually rebuild the temple.

Trump was the only one running on the 2016 Republican ticket who would have had the guts to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus giving defacto international recognition to Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. He is the only one who would have recognized Israel's control of the strategic Golan Heights. If only for those two actions God is going to bless the Presidency of Donald Trump. Who knows what may come out his so called deal of the century regarding Israel and it's neighbors but what ever way it goes I believe it is part of God's plans for this point in time.

Second, God wanted to stop our countries march toward Marxism and globalism and in doing so He also wanted to bless our land because of all of those who have prayed, because of those who have given their time and shed their blood for the freedom and well being of other lands and because of those who have gone out from here to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

We as a nation have sinned greatly, have shed the blood of sixty million of our own innocents, and we deserve judgment. But God in His grace is giving us a period of time where those investments will return ten fold home, where globalism will be set back for a time and where the prayers of the righteous and the blood of the innocent will rise up to Heaven and Roe Vs Wade will be overturned.

What we are seeing in the public square today is the reaction of evil principalities and powers in and over this land, the loud cries of foul spirits who know they are being unmasked and in a battle for position and power, who are and will be cast out so the land may be healed. God chose Donald Trump because he has no fear of man and has no obligations to other parties.

The orange man, rough as he is, has boundless energy, loves America and understands at a deep level how people think and how there are multiple ways to look at a problem and find a solution that your normal politician could never even begin to grasp. He has God's blessing and anointing and even at times, probably without even knowing it, speaks prophetically (stories perhaps for another day).

Third, but most important. God is doing this all because of souls. I believe that it is His will that many peoples and many countries at this point in time will be led into believing that Jesus is Lord. The financial blessings that have come and are coming about are meant to be used to finance and send out the gospel. The spiritual blessings that have come and are coming are meant to evangelize, to heal the sick and mend the broken hearted, to rebuild and reinforce all that has been lost.

That is why Trump will be reelected in 2020. There is still much more to be done and perhaps after Trump God will raise up another one to take his place. That said, while I believe this is God's will it also means that the opposition may even be greater in the days ahead, the enemies cries even louder, and our need to pray for God's will to be done even greater. But as one prophet has seen in a vision, we are to declare to the screaming enemy hordes, "You have lost, we have won!"

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Yes Walt Whitman, America Still Sings

From longshoremen of Baltimore and Seattle, moving containers of steel or teaming plastic bins filled with ocean harvest, America still sings

From the uniform wearing brave and loyal, who pledge their time and risk their lives to guard, defend, extinguish and restore, America still sings

From sons and daughters of men and women, those many generations who have plowed and milked and sent out their harvest in good years and hunkered down in bad, America still sings

From those who work the 7 to 4, or 3 to 11 or 10 to 6, who mill and grind and assemble and ship then find time to share meals and coach games, America still sings

From doctors and nurses, teachers and social workers, who have pressed extra hours into each day and spent their own money to offer help and hope, America still sings

From visionaries and bosses who have no set hours but who risk, create, build and train, providing thousands of opportunities in ten thousands of communities, America still sings

These are the families watching fireworks sitting in the local park on hundreds of spread out blankets eating hot dogs and drinking soda pop or an ice cold beer, because America still sings

These are the young and old gathered together on wooden pews or metal folding chairs in a million weekly gatherings to worship and share and encourage and learn, because America still sings

These are you and me who work hard and seldom complain, who trust in God and love this land, who know in our hearts that through all the busy chatter there is still a sound of hope, because America still sings.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day - Stories From My Father

My father, William LaBarge, was a fighter pilot during WWII, flying Spitfires out of Northern Africa. After 6 months of combat his war ended in December of 1944 when he was shot down over the Mediterranean Sea, barely surviving a bailout at 400 feet during a snowstorm with winds at 25 mph.

Flying combat missions in WWII was extremely dangerous . While he was there his unit experienced a casualty rate of 150%. Rookie pilots were the most likely not to make it and the veterans would usually wait a couple of weeks before they would even try to get to know the new guy. Just as in the book Catch 22, a pilot had to complete a certain number of missions before they could get transferred out. The number was 50 when my father started and bumped up to 80 missions later on. Bill did not know one person who achieved that.

Here are three stories my dad wrote later in his life about the war which reflect not just the dangers but also the craziness of it all.


Early in 1943 I was flying P 39's out of Santa Rosa, California. Five of us had been told that we were being sent over to North Africa as replacements. We also were told that we could fly as much as we wanted until our orders came.

The P 39 was made for strafing and dive bombing. Neither of these were habit-forming occupations. One Friday I led a flight of three planes and we flew down to San Francisco. We flew under the Golden Gage Bridge and then put a real buzz job on the Navy ships in the harbor. (The three of us were married and were hoping we would be grounded so we could spend more time with our wives until our orders came).

Strangely, nothing happened and that night Eileen and I drove down to San Francisco for the weekend. My uncle , Vincent LaBarge, lived in Berkley (across the bay from San Francisco), and we were having dinner at his house. Who was also there, but my uncle, the Navy Commander. He said, "Bill, what are you flying?" "P 39's, sir."  "Well", he said, "I'm sure it wasn't you, but three 39 's put a buzz job on me today, and those damn fools were below me and I was on the bridge. It must have been that yellow nosed squadron out of Oakland. Those ships are full of ammunition", he said. "I have the whole squadron out on the ramp, standing at attention until the guilty ones confess".

I almost choked, and when I looked at Eileen, she was looking in her lap, trying not to grin. I said, "I'm sure they didn't know you were full of ammunition". I didn't know what he would have done if he had known it was me, and I sure wasn't going to find out!


When we arrived in Africa we were sent to a distribution center for fighter planes. There were P 40 's, P 39's and P 38's and Spit Fires.  We soon learned that the P 39 was a real dog compared to the other fighter planes. We were based about 20 miles outside of Casablanca. They had a rule that you must not dog fight under 10,000 ft.

One day while flying alone I was hopped by two P 38's at about 10,000 feet. I couldn't out turn them so my only chance was to hit the deck. While trying to get away my head set came off. Suddenly I realized I was shaking the P 38. I put on my headset and heard, "The P 38's and P39 that have been dog fighting on the deck land immediately".

When I landed and parked the plane there was an M P and another Officer waiting. I was informed that I was under arrest and to go to my tent and await further instructions.

Shortly a general assembly was announced and we all went to see what was going to happen. The C.O. was very dramatic. He told about a pilot that had crashed about a week ago and his parents were just getting a telegram announcing the news. It had happened because he was disobeying orders. He said that the pilots on the base would never again have to look at us as we would never again fly for Uncle Sam. He said we would be court marshaled and sent home in disgrace. Then he said that the three of us should decide how we wanted to be punished and report to his tent when we decided.

Needless to say, things didn't look too rosy. However, I thought anyone so dramatic as this C.O. might fall for a good story so what did I have to lose? So I went and knocked on his door. He said, "It didn't take you very long to make up your mind."  "No Sir" said I.  "What have you got to say for yourself?"

"Sir", it was all my fault. I was losing the dog fight as a P 39 cannot turn with a P 38. My only chance was to hit the deck. This desert all looks alike and I didn't realize I was over the field. Naturally they followed me. There is no reason to court marshal the P 38 pilots".

"My boy, I couldn't court marshal a man like you. It took a lot of guts to come in here and say what you did. Come over here and sit down. You stick with the 39's. At Kaserine Pass the Germans were coming thru in force. We sent 12 39's out in the morning and 3 came back. Ten more went out at noon and 2 came back. There are only 5 left. They went out and none came back, but they plugged the gap. You stick with that aircraft. But what will I tell the 38 pilots?" "I said, they are trained to be killers. Don't do anything to them".

About a half an hour later the 38 pilots came by the tent. They said said they didn't know what I told the C.O. but it must have been good. Later they came back with a bottle of good Scotch.

The next morning I went out and transferred to Spit Fires.


One day I was scheduled on an early morning recon flight with flight officer Montgomery. We had information that something was going on around Cannes and were supposed to check it out. We flew over on the deck so the radar wouldn't pick us up. We flew right into the harbor and it was absolutely quiet. But then all hell broke loose. They were not only shooting at us, but would lob shells into the water and the spouts were murder if you flew into one. Only my laundry man would know how scared I was. "They're mad at us Willie, let's get the hell out of here", came from Monty. Fortunately we got out without getting hit in a vital spot. When we landed back at Calvi, both Monty and I had from forty to fifty holes in our planes and while I was there neither plane was able to fly again.

When we were briefed afterwards the C.O. wanted to know what we saw. We said that all we saw were tracers and water spouts and there was no doubt something they didn't want us to see. Later we found out that Hitler was there on a yacht. That was never confirmed, but obviously, there was something they didn't want us to see.

Monty was one of the finest men I knew. He had the ability to lead the whole group into combat. If they had been able to get his promotion from flight officer to 2nd Lt. he would have been promoted to a least a Major as fast as possible. He had been shot down (mostly by flak) several times but always survived.

They tell the story about when he was in Naples on leave. He was stopped by a group of M.P's and had to show the color of the underwear he had on. Army regulations said everyone had to wear khaki colored underwear. Monty's underwear was white. This was a Major that stopped him and started to write up a penalty of some type. Monty grabbed him by his collar and actually shook him and said, "Sir, if you don't have anything better than this to do, why in the hell don't you go home!"

The following week Monty was killed in combat.

The week following that the C.O. received a letter from M.P  headquarters in Naples instructing Captain Huston (he was our C.O. and should have been a light Col.) to court martial Flight Officer Montgomery for being disrespectful to a superior officer, etc. Captain Huston wrote back that he could not comply with request, Montgomery had been killed in action and he was putting him in for the D.F.C.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Abortion Questions

My soul aches
my body trembles
my sleep has been disturbed
this last week I have been sick with no relief

Thoughts of a judgment have flashed before my eyes
and the realization of their blindness overwhelms me
how they can support those who take innocent life
and remain hardened of heart to the Spirit of Life

And I wonder if those who should know better
who have had the Word opened before them
and the sacred boundary stones revealed
will they ever see with open eyes

Can old knees become calloused
can dark sins be forgiven
will mercy be received
and mercy given

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

One Of The Reasons Vice President Biden Will Not Be The Next President

Is is right for someone while in a high political office to use that position to make or to enable financial deals that benefit themselves or their family?

Is it right for that person or group of people to make foreign policy decisions which result in them or their family having a direct financial benefit?

In 2011 Vice President Joe Biden took an official trip to China accompanied by his son. Hunter Biden had just formed an investment group in partnership with Secretary of State John Kerry's son-in-law and the son of famous mobster Whitey Bolger. Shortly afterwards the Chinese government funneled a deal worth 1.8 billion dollars to that new investment group. There was of course a quid quo pro which allowed Chinese investment for a 51% ownership in a company that produces goods for our military.

Hunter Biden was later put on the board of an Ukrainian oil company with Russian mob connections that paid his firm 3 million dollars. When that oil company came under investigation by Ukrainian officials Vice President Joe Biden flew to the Ukraine and threatened to pull a billion dollars of U.S. aid if they didn't fire the people engaged in that probe.

If you are actually interested in reading about the depth of corruption check out the articles below.

Here is a May 1st  John Solomon's article in The Hill about the Bidens and Ukraine.

Here is a  Zero Hedge article from last month on the same subject.

And here is a recent  John Bolden article in The Hill  on the Bidens and China.

Vice President Biden will have a lot of other stuff to worry about as we race toward the elections of 2020, but don't underestimate the importance of these.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The High Places

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)

Yesterday while reading on-line a prophetic word, an image popped into my mind. It was only there for for a brief second but I knew right away what it represented and also what its meaning was.

The person had mentioned what has been commonly referred to as "the seven mountains of influence". The idea, first purposed in the 1970's by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham (Campus Crusade for Christ) is that the enemy is trying to shape our society and culture by inserting his twisted ideas into and then dominating areas that affect each and every life.

These areas have been identified as - Family, Church, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business.

You have to be spiritually blind not to notice or at least suspect that the enemy has taken a lot of territory during your life time over each of those areas. The family and even the definition of what family is has taken a serious hit. Many churches are now nothing more than social organizations with a 501c tax exemption, afraid to boldly speak out against sexual immorality, abortion and many other types of sin. Schools get more liberal each day. The vast majority of professors at colleges and universities, even at many Christian schools, lean not only liberal in their viewpoints but Marxist as well. Free speech and open discourse has given way to shouting down and safe spaces.

Time does not permit me to innumerate further on corruption in government, the extreme liberal bias of the press or the values presented every waking second electronically, across the air waves and in theaters. The regression in those areas in just the last decade has been breathtaking.  Is there good in any of these? Yes, very much so. Are there more pitfalls appearing every day designed to ensnare you and me? You better believe it.

All of this combined makes one think that we as a country are on a sure path to judgment. The opposition to God's will seems too vast, too interwoven, too far gone for anyone or any group to change even a little. Compromise comes little by little, step by step and our views become with each step down not to radically change things but rather to hold on to what little we can. We almost seem resigned to form together in little groups and then watch while the world burns. We want to have hope for the future but we also earnestly pray - Come quickly Lord Jesus!

In the last decade there have arisen intercessory groups who are in constant prayer for our nation (and other nations as well) who specifically target those spheres of societal influence. People like Lou Engle, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce come to mind, traveling to every U.S. state, training and organizing intercessors, holding large city wide conferences, speaking boldly the Word of God to tear down enemy strongholds.

I believe God is saying to us today that He is not yet through with America. He desires to have before He returns a great harvest of souls. And for that purpose He desires to reverse, for a season (I do not know how long that season will be) much of what the enemy has been accomplishing over the last several decades. I am also sensing that it is God's will not to just stem the tide and hold back the waters of rebellion but that He wants those areas of rebellion defeated, destroyed and annihilated.

This of course will not initially be pretty. It will be a battle, albeit one with the supernatural help of God on our side. There will be great opposition with each victory and many things will not look the way they did before, including our churches. Those who are lukewarm will need to make decisions and many will not choose wisely.

The prophecy I read talked about speaking out against ruling powers in high places over the seven mountains of influence. As I read it I saw a picture of a part of a town. There was a large and very black scaffold like structure erected from the ground that rose up and over the city. All the beams looked charcoal black, like they were made of wood that had survived a fire.

It was only there for a flash but I knew that it represented the spiritual high places over each area of influence. I think we, each as God directs us, are called to be intercessors to come against ruling spirits in the high places, to declare those spirits to be bound and for God to release His angels to defeat and remove those foul creatures. Our authority as followers of Christ has been granted us through the shed blood of Jesus.

Let us not remain discouraged but rather go forth boldly in the name of Jesus to rebuke and bind the works and lies of the evil one. We have won! They have lost! We have won! They have lost! We have won! May it all be for the glory of God.

Below is a poem I wrote about this.

In High Places

It was a type of scaffolding
tall, black, burnt out looking posts
connected by more of the same, dark, ugly beams
interspersed throughout an ordinary looking town

They overshadowed pleasant homes, busy businesses
neighborhood schools, eating places, entertainment venues
radio stations, churches, parks and the old city hall
those occupants seemingly unaware of the structure

On top dark shadows contrasted against blue sky
in constant motion, side to side, up and down
their forms like rancid smoke from burning tires
some descending into lungs of those below

I despaired when first noticing this horrendous edifice
was shocked as it continued to grow wider and higher
when I yelled warning the people went about their business
traffic continued to flow smoothly on path and road

One unexpected Spring, after many years of anxious prayer
the air stilled, temperature dropped, snow fell straight down
everything covered with thick layers of white
a voice boomed from side to side across the valley

Vibrations from the sound frightened darting wisps
as platforms shook they tumbled down and scurried away
then one after another, those platforms came crashing down
crushing into dust much of what was built below

From midst of the haze came forth a new song
drowning out weeping and gnashing of teeth
mountains sent strong winds to freshen the air
latter rains from which sprung forth new gathering places

Watchmen with authority were placed round and about
to teach and declare, to warn and to sweep away the rubble
gardens full of fresh flowers and delicious fruits were planted
then shared in celebration with every neighbor

Thus it continued for several more years
barns and storage houses were filled and then dispersed
when troubles began all high places were clear
and remained so until the last sound of a trumpet

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Using The Spiritual Authority God Has Given You

One of the earliest statements of the Charismatic Renewal, to address the fear that being filled with the Holy Spirit will somehow make us do things we don't want to do, is that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He does not force Himself on anyone. He will not make you do anything you don't want to do. He is not going to send you to be a missionary in Africa if that is not your desire.

The Holy Spirit does not give us a new personality. What He does do is make who we are a better who we are. He changes our desires. He gives us a greater hunger to be more Christlike and to experience more of the presence of God. We stop engaging in the same old patterns of sin, not because of law but because it now grieves us to do so. We start worshiping more (like throughout the day) because it gives us joy and that's just what happens. Reading the Bible (although always a discipline) becomes fun because the words seem to jump off the page and they now speak to the deepest parts of our being.

So it should be no surprise that if you have a sense of humor then you will find out that God does as well. In fact He LOVES to demonstrate (if you watch for it) just how awesome He is in ways that just make you shake your head.

Let me give you three examples. The third is my teaching for today.

When my youngest daughter Becky was going to college in Milwaukee we would talk a lot about spiritual things via email, phone or when she came home. One Spring Becky was at our house in the woods and she quoted a Scripture verse by giving me the initial few important words and then indicated there was more to the verse by ending with "blah, blah, blah". Teasing her I replied: "Becky, are you blah blahing God!" "Don't worry Dad", Becky said, "Gods got a sense of humor and He always gets me back."

A little later we are going out for a walk and as we begin she notices yellow dandelions in our yard and says something like - 'those sure must be a pain in the rear'. We get about a half mile in and up ahead of us is an old couple. As we approach the old man wanders to the edge of the woods, leans over and picks something, then walks over to Becky with a nice bouquet of dandelions. Smiling he says; "Here, I picked these just for you". Becky looks at me, I look at her, she shakes her head and says; "What did I tell you?"

I watched a video by Dutch Sheets today. Dutch is one of the main leaders in the intercessory prayer ministry movement for our country. He was giving examples showing that we are now entering a major move of God in our land. In one of those he told about being at the end of a church service he spoke at and they were going to have a free will offering for the speaker. People started coming to the front to place their offering in a box. There was one young girl who he had noticed during the worship time and she came forward with a plastic baggie filled with change, only she didn't place it in the box. Instead she went directly to him and gave him the bag.

Dutch thought that was very sweet, thanked her, said there was about five dollars in the bag that she must have been saving up and was quite touched by it. The next week comes, different church, different person, but someone gives him a baggie filled with change. Now this starts to get his attention. In 35 years of ministry there are the first two times he has been given a bag of change. The same thing happens two more times in the next two weeks.

This starts to drive Dutch Sheets crazy. This must be God, there must be some meaning to it but he can't figure it out. One night he is praying about it and finally it just pops in his brain. He said it was like God saying - Is it that hard to figure out? Change is coming.

A week ago I have a dream just before its time to get up for the day. I thought it was pretty funny so I told Jackie and then shared it on Facebook. Then I get a few comments. One friend agreed with me and thought it was really funny. But another asks, have I thought about any possible interpretations? And yet another asks, is this like a public prophetic word given that you don't provide an interpretation for?

Well, think I, I do have a book on Christian dream interpretation so I might as well check it out, pray a bit, and see if the dream goes anywhere beyond funny. So here is the dream followed by what I believe God actually was teaching me through it.

I am in a back yard somewhere which is filled with people sitting around a bunch of round tables. President Trump comes forward from a table in the back and meets me up front where we are going to play a game. There is a white wall about 20 feet in front of us and the object of the game is to take a metal folding chair and toss it with one hand toward the wall, trying to stick the chair on the wall. If the chair sticks in a scoring area you get a point. The President throws first, sticks his chair, but it is low of a scoring position. I toss mine and it sticks in a scoring position.

On his next toss the President sticks his chair, but it lands high, half in a scoring position and half out. From the top of the chair come forth a bouquet of flowers. I stick my next toss in a scoring position. We each throw a couple more, some stick, some don't and we are down to the last round and I am ahead. However there is a man on the top of the wall and he jiggles the wall which causes the President's high toss to go lower into scoring position.

Trump gives the guy a nasty look then tosses his last chair wide of the wall so as not to take advantage of what happened. I tell him that it wasn't a problem and insist he take another toss. So President Trump makes someone get out of their chair, takes the chair and whips it hard against the wall, trying to knock one or two of mine off. The chair misses my chairs, bounces hard off the wall and comes back at us. Trump is in front of me. He jumps, I jump, the chair flies under our feet and passes between the tables. We look at each other and both smile like - that was close. Then I hear a beep, beep, beep which sounds like a garbage truck on a road next to us. The beep, beep happens to be my alarm clock and I wake up.

Symbols in dreams usually have several meanings. The meaning I am providing here are what struck a cord with me. When I checked them out it became quite clear that there was a definite theme and story to the dream that I believe God was showing me. I believe that the teaching here was for me personally but that there certainly  are aspects that apply to all believers.

According to the book a yard is a place where I have authority. A chair is a position of authority. The right arm (with which I tossed the chair)  indicates an area that I have authority over. Do you notice a theme here? Tables and chairs indicates a place I receive teaching from. Persons in a dream can represent the actual person but usually represent something else. Usually in a dream the President represents God, which makes sense here.

So the theme is that God is teaching me (or you) by the game that we were playing how to use spiritual authority in the areas that have been assigned to us. An interesting meaning for wall is that it represents faithful people joined as a barrier to evil. God's first toss against the wall was low. Low represents humility or being humbled. We should exert the authority God has given us from a position of humility. God's next toss was partly high and flowers came out of the chair. Flowers represent blessings or gifts and high means toward God.

This of course is one of the most basic principles of all. Whenever exercising any of the spiritual gifts, or using spiritual authority for that matter, we need to keep our eyes on Him. If shaking or resistance comes and we took away it's like the chair being tossed wide. Wide means the way of the world. The gifts and blessing decline and the authority doesn't stick.  Shaking can also represent the removal of things that need to be removed which is the purpose for using spiritual authority.

God was showing me by the chair ricocheted off the wall that there will at times be great resistance when using our spiritual authority. He was in front of me, when He jumped I jumped, the chair missed us and we both smiled. We should expect a blow back at times but God will always be there with us as our protection. We should expect it but not worry. It's just part of the game.

Pray about the areas where God has or will give you the authority to combat the things of the world, flesh and the devil. If you are a believer and have yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit in your life you have that authority. Change is coming. I believe we are entering an age where we will be like Paul who said in 1 Corinthians 2: 4-5;

my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Prophecies of Debra and Esther For America

The Jewish feast of Purim begins today in Israel. This post is about prophecies concerning women who, like Queen Esther did in Persia, will arise to great influence in our country. Women who will be instrumental in bringing about massive revival, racial healing and restoring the spiritual foundations of this land. But first let me start with an event this week that demonstrates part of the spiritual war that we currently are engaged in. A war that God will for His purpose use certain women to great effect.

Coverage of the recent massacre of 50 Muslims at a mosque at Christ Church, New Zeeland by the mainstream media is interesting in both how they got it wrong but also in what the evil one has planned for America. To be honest I have not actually read or watched any of that coverage but what I have heard about it sounds like the way I would have imagined, so you may correct me if I am wrong.

Analysis I have heard from conservative voices who had access to the killer's 70 page manifesto present this story. The Australian man who did the killing was a loner who like most mass killers was without a father figure since a young man. Although he had traveled widely his life was centered upon hate groups on the Internet. His religious and political beliefs were pagan reflecting his Ayrian theology that whites are the dominate race and there are certain lands allocated to whites that are intended for whites only. He liked President Trump only for his color but hated all of his policies except for certain parts regarding immigration. He considered himself an Eco-terrorist which is someone willing to do almost anything to enforce strict environmental laws and wanted a strong government (think National Socialism, the Nazi party, which also by the way was very big on the environment) to implement these beliefs. Thus his political views (except on immigration) did not reflect any of those by Christian Conservatives or the vast bulk of other Conservatives.

He had a definite, well thought out purpose for using guns instead of gas or bombs or vehicles to kill Muslims. It had little to do with their religious beliefs. He saw Muslims as non white, non native intruders with birthrates 4 times higher than whites and believed they would eventually become dominate in New Zeeland. That is why they were the target. He also believed that one day there would be a racial civil war in the United States and thought that his action would help contribute to an eventual action by those on the Left to confiscate all guns in America. Because most guns owners would not want to give up their guns that would be the trigger event leading to the hoped for racial civil war. This racial civil war would naturally be won by the whites and thus he would be considered in the halls of Valhalla a hero or a martyr to that grand victory.

I'm not too sure, on the networks and print media that have daily for the last dozen years been pushing upon us identity politics and trying to high-lite racial tensions, that you would have gotten this perspective. Identity politics has a pecking order. In the pecking order a person or group on a lower level cannot criticize anyone on a higher level.  At the bottom of the pecking order are white male Christians. Strangely also somewhere near the bottom, despite thousand of years of hatred and murder directed against them, are the Jews. Both groups are now actually considered as oppressors.

Currently at the very top of the list (virtually impervious to criticism) are immigrant, black, female, Muslim congresswomen. Thus when one of those with a long history of virulent anti-Semitic associations and comments is called out yet again, the same woman who sat with a sneer on her face at the State of the Union address while a Holocaust survivor who also survived the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was recognized with a standing ovation, the Left led House of Representatives cannot censor or even issue a direct condemnation of her anti-Semitic statements. Instead they come up with a broad, let's not hate anybody (then listing every possible identity group) piece of worthless tripe. 

I'm also not sure that you would have seen from the main stream media a fraction or even any of the following stories that also happen during the same time frame, perhaps because of the same identity pecking order.

In Nigeria Muslims wiped out 12 villages of Christians, killing 280. In Egypt a Coptic church was bombed by Muslims, killing many. In Manila Muslims set off 2 bombs at a Catholic cathedral, killing 20 and wounding 111. In the Mid-East Muslims fired 10 rockets into Israel and a Muslim terrorist shot 2 Israelis, prompting the Palestinians to pass out candy to everyone. Iran's Muslim's military flew 50 armed drones in an exercise called Flight to Jerusalem.

The above is not meant to be anti-Muslim. It is just an example about how biased the main stream media chooses to be. They have either chosen sides or perhaps their owners are the real power brokers behind a particular side. Either way they actually are being used by the enemy to advance his plans to destroy our countries Judeo-Christian foundations and incite racial and identity hatred so as to weaken us enough that we will no longer be a force for evangelism in both our country and further out to the world.

Let there be no misunderstanding. The spiritual struggle we are currently engaged in, one that manifests itself in the natural, and God's intervention into our history, is really all about souls. I believe that there is a great world wide harvest of souls coming. It has already begun and is now beginning to swing into a higher gear. But it might not come without much prayer, without much spiritual warfare, without new Spirit led leaders, or within our comfort zones.

I believe there is a great shaking coming upon us and upon many of the nations of the world. The evil one has a plan with a time frame but so does God. And anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear should not miss some of the obvious signs that God have been giving us.

For the last couple of years I have been checking out a variety of people who have given prophetic words nationally and/or internationally. There are several who have been consistently accurate and whom I feel good about. I want to share with you parts of prophetic words from two of them which talk about women who will arise to great influence in our country.

The first prophet is a guy named Charlie Shamp. He has a prophetic ministry to the nations, publishes his prophetic words on his web site and one can easily access them to check out how accurate his words have been. This comes from a prophecy he had on 6/30/2018. He believes that when the next Supreme Court justice steps down (and I think he means during Trump's presidency) they will be replaced by a women whom he calls a Debra (He called Kavanaugh a Samuel) There will be tremendous opposition to her during the hearings but she will get in. Shamp says she will be very instrumental in shifting the court's stand away from abortion and will also become a champion for children.

He also has a prophecy, 9/26/17, about Kamala Harris which I will paraphrase for you.

She has been hand picked by some in power to be a bridge between East and West and a queen to try and trump Trump. They will set her on a course to make major waves in the country for awhile. She will realize they have used her as a pawn in a political game only to put forth a rook in an attempt to upset a king. The plan will fail, she will be broken. God will open her eyes and she will have a difficult choice - to become a bridge builder into enemy lines. In the end she will be remembered for the advancement of civil rights and economic justice among Americans.

In 2006 Kim Clement (who died a month after Trump was elected) started prophesying that Donald Trump would become President. Clement said that he would be both God's trumpet and a wrecking ball and he would raise a wall of protection for our country. He would not be a religious man but he would be a praying man. Then on 3/25/2011 he prophesied the following:

I see a president who shall come, and this is not to speak bad about this one . . . God says that he will absolutely have no fear.  He will be decisive . . . and in the midst of the restoration of America . . . because of energy . . . because of medical breakthroughs . . . because of agreements between nations, especially China . . . God says at the beginning of the restoration there shall be a woman that rises up - a woman that shall be strong in faith; virtuous, beautiful eyes, and her eyes shall be so beautiful, her eyes shall be round and big. I have crowned her . . . as I crowned Esther. And the people shall receive her. She have have the oil of gladness for the pain and the mourning that has taken place . .  and she shall pour out the oils . .  on this nation.

God says they will say we hated her, but now we love her. For she shall take the oil of healing and she shall put it on the scars of those left and those right and on the new party that has come forth and emerged where they shall say, Christ will reign and we will not implement Socialism at all. Where they have said, we will make history without God. No, you will not , , , says the Lord. For I choose this nation before it was founded . . . to send my gospel to the entire earth. Do you think I have changed my mind? Therefore the healing that is needed for this nation shall come at a time, in the middle of the presidency . . . If you as a nation believe . . . If you as a nation want this . . . shout - Yes to Esther! Yes to Esther!

Prophecy is given as an encouragement. Sometimes as a call for us to engage in a more positive way by prayer into a situation. It should be a confirmation to us of what God has already been speaking into our hearts. I have no idea how the prophecies above will play out but they do give me hope.

There have been a lot of doom and gloom words for our land and someday we may indeed experience them. We do know that we are in the last days but we do not know the timing of His judgments. Yet for now I sense God saying that healing, hope and restoration are possible, that darkness is being exposed for what it is, that truth and justice will prevail for a season,  that there is a harvest that will be great and we are called as workers for that harvest.

May the Lord unleash righteous women into the battle to pour out His oil of healing and gladness, to be the Debra and the Esther for America in a time such as this.