Sunday, February 10, 2019

Declaration For Our Nation

From the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these thing ought not be this way. James 3:10

What we speak and confess is very powerful. It can affect us and others physically as well as spiritually. Those with positive attitudes often accomplish much because what the say can effect them internally as well as the atmosphere around them. Likewise those who always complain, even if justified in their complaints, can actually be working against their own best interests. Scripture is clear that often times it is better to bridle the tongue than to say negative things about others.

On a national scale that is not easy. Everyday we observe injustice and the acting out of hate, slander and violence. But what is happening is much more than a contest between one group of men and women against another group. The overriding conflict is between what is God's will for us and our nation and what is the ancient enemy's will.

In that regard there is not one side that is holy and another side that is evil. There are good people on each as well as bad people. But there definitely are some things said and some actions done or advocated that are clearly not in the will of God. I would say that the taking of an innocent life by abortion is one of those. And I would say that how people stand on abortion is a pretty good indicator as to how accurate that person's spiritual radar is in knowing what God's will is for our land.

I would also say that outward displays of hate, knowingly twisting or altering the truth to put someone else in a bad light and acting or inciting violence toward others or another group are signs that those who do so may be being influenced by evil spirits. And I would also throw in the ever advancing attacks on the family, traditional moral values and the Christian faith.

Mike Thompson is a pastor/prophet I follow. He is a white haired guy about my age whom I find to be both insightful and encouraging. About two weeks ago he said he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to call for Christians to begin to verbally speak out some specific things into the atmosphere. That means when we are in our prayer time we verbally declare, by the authority given us in Jesus name, the following things listed below. By the way, these are things that believers on any side of the political spectrum should be able to declare.

Note on what binding, releasing and rebuking do. When we declare into the atmosphere (the air around us) for something not in the will of God to be bound, we, as representatives of Christ on this Earth, help release the activity of angels to engage in spiritual warfare against principalities and powers in the high places as well as against evil spirits on our level. So we bind the activity of evil spirits, we release angelic activity and godly truth, and we rebuke or silence other evil spiritual activities or forces.

There are three spiritual forces that Pastor Thompson calls the "dogs of war".

In Jesus name
We bind the Spirit of False Witness.
We bind the Spirit of Hate.
We bind the Spirit of Murder (character assignation).

(Now we need to release a spiritual counter balance to those)

In Jesus name we release Truth and Justice into the atmosphere.

Next we rebuke three other major evil spirits.

In Jesus name
We rebuke the Spirit of Self-Righteousness
We rebuke the Spirit of Judgmentalism
We rebuke the Spirit of Ungodly Control

(Again we release a spiritual counter balance)

In Jesus name we release Truth and Justice into the atmosphere.

Finally Pastor Thompson suggests we say the Our Father but replace the words "on earth" with "the USA.

This really resonated with me. For a couple of days before I heard his message I had been waited down with concern about the floodgates for the above that seemed to open up two years ago. My dear friends, we are in a spiritual battle and this is something that we all can do to help bring about what God desires in our country.

Time to start using the spiritual authority that God has blessed you with in Jesus name!