Saturday, August 25, 2018

Revival Angel

There is a revival going on now in a small church in Georgia. Just prior to it's beginning a lady from the church had a dream that there were crowds of people at the doors, mindlessly bumping into each other, clamoring to get in. They all looked like characters from the walking dead, zombies with ashen skin. Once inside they went up to the baptismal fount, went into the waters and came out alive with bright new skin.

When the church set aside special time for services they invited anyone who wanted to during the service to come forward to be baptized. It started with a few at first and then more and more came. People were coming out of the waters not only radically changed in their hearts but many experienced various types of healing as well.

I wrote the following poem retelling a vision one of my daughters (who had not heard this story) recently had during a special service at her church. Could an outbreak of revival there be far off?

Revival Angel     

From the worship stage he awakes
sits up to watch the prophets wandering
pulls out from his side a length of rough leather
and braids it to form a long rope which when finished
is tossed into the widths and depths of men and women
lassoing one here, one there, pulling them to the altar of repentance
where they take off their filthy clothes, piling them in bundles
before being placed into the waiting waters of baptism
one after another, over and over, faster and faster
the altar is filled and still more come
as the prophets sing their songs
and angels rejoice

Sunday, August 5, 2018


My wife said, Honey, our rest be ahead
if we spend a few dollars for a Sleep Number bed
a split king will raise either head or the feet
with an app on our phones, wouldn't that be so neat?

And the best thing my dear is when you're snoring loud
I'll message adjustment then send to the cloud
and up goes your noggin to quiet the roar
no need for my leaving and closing the door

Thus we dropped some big bucks and had our first night
first programmed our comfort, set the numbers just right
then fell fast asleep till the first lightning strike
now I look like a diver at the peak of his pike