Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Smell Of Abortion

"Did you know there is a smell to abortion?" - Abbey Johnson

The RNC Convention, which I thought was absolutely fantastic from start to finish, featured a very strong pro life witness throughout. Whether it was the talk by Abbey Johnson, a former national employee of the month for Planned Parenthood turned Pro Life activist, which brought me to tears, or the one by Sister Byrne in full habit, a long time military surgeon who later became a nun and quipped that she was not just for unborn lives but also for eternal lives, the collection of short speeches by a bunch of real people gave a very clear indication of the importance of this coming election.

It was a sharp contrast to the DNC, which is not only strongly pro abortion, even approving abortion right up to birth and in certain cases just after (infanticide), but with Kamala Harris as the VP choice, who has been an activists for abortion, prosecuting those who oppose it in conscience in California and raking Justice Cavanaugh over the coals in the Senate confirmation hearings, they have now given us the most pro abortion ticket ever to run for the highest office in the land. At one time the Dems hid their true agenda by declaring that abortion should be legal but rare. Today support for abortion for any reason and at any time during the pregnancy is now the main litmus test for inclusion in the Democrat Party.

Less than 2 months after I became a born again Christian and Roe V Wade became law, a deep curse settled upon our country. Since that time, in order to honor and in turn empower the ancient spirit of Baal (a major or perhaps the major spiritual principality over our country), over 60 million innocent children in this country alone have been sacrificed. Most who have participated in these sacrifices were certainly not aware of what they actually were doing or who they actually were honoring and empowering, but innocent lives were being taken, blood was being shed, evil spirits were gaining power and influence, and we and our country have suffered as a result.

Just like slavery could be tolerated because people convinced themselves that certain other people were less than human, so abortion is tolerated by saying that a human life is not really a human life if it isn't wanted, or can't be seen, or might be somehow defective, or hasn't taken a breath yet outside the womb. The lie that an unborn child is not really a human but is instead just a lump of cells inside a woman's body is from the deepest pit of hell. For too long we have tolerated this lie, and for those who know better but do nothing to bring light into this darkness, there will come a day when we stand before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to give an account for what we did or did not do according to the light given us.

Since 1973 we have had chances to vote on pro life measures in our States. Since 1973 we have had people running for office who have informed us as to their stance concerning being pro life or pro abortion. A lot of politicians have given lip service to the pro life cause but when push came to shove they did nothing or next to nothing. And yet, each person old enough to vote has had many chances to play a part in ending this great sin.

Voting pro life has always been my litmus test to determine for whom I will vote for. For me it tops all other economic and foreign policy considerations, although those that vote pro life usually are Conservative as well on social and economic issues and are for the US supporting the State of Israel (another spiritual issue that I believe results in either blessings or curses for America).

Many states have passed legislation to restrict abortion. However the main battle then switches to the courts, the restrictions get challenged and then ultimately overturned at the highest levels. The fact is, who ever wins the highest office in the land gets the right to appoint judges at the highest levels. Since 1973 the Supreme Court has not had enough strong Conservative members to overturn Roe V Wade.

We now have for the first time in my life a real chance to end or at least weaken that curse over our nation. One or two more Justices will be enough to finally turn the tide and the odds are high that there will be those openings in the next 4 years. Having a solid majority in the Supreme Court is a real possibility if President Trump gets re-elected. It will for sure not be possible if a Democrat wins. There is not one single Democrat who will admit they will support a pro life position. This may actually be our last chance.

In 2016 we did not know if Trump would actually follow through on his pro life promises and his commitment to appoint very Conservative judges. Yet he has, 2 Supreme Court Justices and over 200 other Conservative Federal judges confirmed. I don't care if you like the guy or hate the guy. Your votes are about issues that have great and lasting importance and not about a person's personality. And the election is a binary choice. Not voting or voting third party contributes nothing in the cause to overturn Roe V. Wade.

As a Christian I believe that how we vote on the pro life issue will determine how God will in turn bless our country. It is the base issue that determines everything else. Please, pray, pray, pray about what God's will is. Pray that God will put into office a person to appoint the right judges to the Supreme Court and the Federal Courts. Pray that the Senate has enough pro life members to get those persons confirmed. Pray that confusion will fill the enemy's ranks. And then get off your knees and vote.

It is coming. I believe the curse will be lifted in my life time, and hopefully soon. I believe there is a confrontation coming with the prophets of Baal and that their positions and altars of influence will be destroyed. This I do know. It will take place a lot sooner if enough of us humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, pray, and vote pro life.  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Prophecy About Kamala Harris

As the Democrat National Convention begins this week I thought I would share some of my thoughts as well as a prophecy about their VP pick.

Below is a link to a prophecy about Kamala Harris that was posted by Charlie Shamp in September 2017. Charlie is a proven soul winner and also someone who has given many accurate national prophecies for both the US and for other countries. He has preached and ministered to crowds of hundreds of thousands in multiple nations but is also a street preacher. He has organized and will be leading a major outdoor street crusade to the inner city of Chicago this September.

This is the strangest political season I have ever seen. Donald Trump has a portfolio of success both foreign and domestic that is a foot thick and yet no one would know it because main stream media's coverage of him has, by design, been well over 90 per cent negative. The focus for the 2020 election on the Democrat side has had nothing to do with who their actual candidates are or what their policies would be. Instead it has all been - Donald Trump is horrible, get rid of Donald Trump.

As I recently wrote, Joe Biden is a uniquely weak selection. Over the years and up to and through this campaign season Biden has never been able to generate any personal excitement toward himself on the national stage. He has numerous things going against him, not least of which is his declining mental acuity. So how did he end up representing the Democrat Party for this election?

The RNC and DNC are actually run like corporations. There are powerful insiders with a lot of influence who try to direct the way the corporations will go. When they are in power it is usually the President who also acts as the party CEO. When Bill Clinton served as President for 8 years the Clintons were able to place their people in a lot of major places of influence, not just in the Party but also throughout different areas of the government and the military. President Bush and President Obama were also able to do the same.

A thing to remember here is that most of government has been run by people who have mostly the same goals, who live close to each other in the same areas, who socialize at the same parties and whose families go to the same schools. Their have what is known as a Neo-Con foreign policy which favors heavy US investment and intervention abroad. Their domestic policy favors heavy influence by the Federal Government over policy and distribution of funds. The insiders of both parties want to grow the size and influence of Government. To understand the reason simply, the more money that runs through Washington for Foreign or Domestic purposes the more money there is available for eager hands to slice off their share. Money equals power and the lust for power drives those in Government, even if their original intentions were pure.

This is the major reason why the establishment of both parties hate Donald Trump. He is an outsider who is upsetting their apple cart. He is not a Neo-Con, he plays by different rules, he doesn't smile and promise one thing while actually doing another and so far he has not been bought off by the big money lobbyists from major corporations and other countries.

Clinton people had been running the DNC ever since Bill Clinton was elected President. It was their intent to have Hillary Clinton become the Democrat nominee after Bush's 2nd term but Barack Obama's star was rising hot and fast, and after he won he started installing his own people in key positions throughout government. Obama's people were a lot farther to the Left than Clinton's although Hillary herself leaned a lot further Left than Bill.

Hillary was the designated replacement for Obama but now there was a third group, represented by Bernie Sanders, vying for power. This group consisted of a lot of more Marxist flavored radicals who were not content with Obama's strategy of a slow and steady transistion to Socialist and then Marxist government. They wanted revolution now and were upset when Bernie got shunted aside by the Party insiders.

 Clinton was supposed to win. Everything was supposed to keep heading Left. All the dirty tricks against Trump would be buried and the people in power would be able to keep the radicals in check. But in the natural there were two main reasons that Clinton lost. One was that she believed the polls so she did not work hard enough in the key swing states during the last month of the contest. The second was that Hillary did not come off as a very likable person. She does not have that Obama charm and many Dems simply could not check the box when it came time to vote.

Behind the scenes Obama now became the chief dude although the Clinton camp remained strong. Each side had people they favored to run for the Dem ticket in 2020. Although President Obama did not publicly endorse anyone early I am pretty certain that it was his camp that encouraged Kamala Harris to run. I suspect another early choice was Cory Booker. The insiders still did not want Sanders, or for that matter Elizabeth Warren, who was too close to Sanders. Obama was not high on Biden.

As it turned out Senator Booker bowed out early because he came off as angry and as a bit of a nut case. Senator Harris started strong and got, as expected, a big push from the media. However, after Tulsi Gabbert utterly destroyed her in one two minute statement, everyone realized that Harris did not come off as either likable or believable. And she possesses a creepy laugh that reminds everyone of Hillary's, only worse.

After Bloomberg's 500 million didn't work, too low primary vote totals for most of the others, a dissatisfaction with Warren from the insiders and the belief that Kobachar and Mayor Pete had limited national potential (although they might be wrong on Mayor Pete), this basically left it a race between Biden and Sanders. At the last minute, just before the South Carolina primary, deals were made with a bunch of people and the fix went in to push Biden.

Why Biden? At this point everyone on the inside already knew that Joe had cognitive problems and would not be able to push forth a vigorous campaign or serve a full term if elected. They knew that the race was not about their person but rather about getting rid of President Trump. At least with Biden they had someone whom they believed they could control and who would continue to pursue a gradual slant towards the Left, even though publically Joe went a lot further to the radical Left in an effort to keep that faction in tow. If they could just keep Biden in his basement as much as possible to avoid getting into trouble and if they could make sure he chose the right person to replace him, and if the media continued to do their job, things might end up even better than they hoped.

Well, back into the picture enters Obama's first choice. Is there something else that is going on that we don't know about. I guess we will find out pretty soon. 


Friday, August 14, 2020

My Joe Biden Dream

Last night I had a dream about Joe Biden. 

I once had a dream where I was at the White House when President Obama was in office. While walking around I saw the same style mirror frame hanging on a wall that our family business use to import and sell. What was unusual about the mirror at the White House was that it didn't have any mirror glass in it. I got alone with President Obama in a side room and told him that I was a bit upset about the frame not having any glass. I think the deeper meaning of the dream was the idea of Obama looking into a mirror and not seeing anything. I'll let you figure that one out.

One time I had a dream where I interacted with President Trump. We played a backyard game where we threw folding chairs against a wall about 20 feet away, scoring points if we could get them to stick on the wall. In that dream President Trump represented God and the purpose of the dream was to give me some advice about using spiritual authority.

So last night I'm in what seems to be some type of health clinic. Joe Biden is dressed in a hospital gown, in a wheelchair, very frail and bald looking, and I wheel him into a fairly large room with a bunch of people, one of them my cousin Marsha. I point to her and say to Biden that I want to introduce to you my cousin Marsha. Then I say to my cousin, "Oh bye the way, this is Joe Biden."  Marsha smiles and tells me that she knows that's Joe Biden.

I happen to have Biden's chart with me. One the front side it looks like a watercolor picture. I turn it over and on the back right side it has several columns with numbers and letters which I don't understand. My brother Jet then walks over and looks over my shoulder at the chart. Smiling Jet remarks, "Oh, he has a blue mark. Those are the money makers". By "money makers" I understand Jet is talking about certain kinds of health problems which allow doctors to make a lot more money than what would be average.

Scanning the chart I spot a small blue shield and on it is the word "atrophy", which is a condition where the body or organs are wasting away, although I understand it as Biden's muscles starting to harden and becoming useless. I look at Joe and he is looking so old and frail and, although there is nothing about his politics or a lot of his past actions that I agree with, I feel so bad for Joe that I wrap my arms around him and he in turn puts his arms around me. I begin to cry, Biden begins to cry and my cousin Marsha, seeing us cry, also begins to cry. This hugging and crying goes on for quite awhile and then I wake up.

At this point I'm not sure as to the dream's meaning. I have a brother-in-law with ALS and a daughter going to Mayo Clinic at the end of the month because of a condition that no one can figure out, so maybe the dream is not political but instead is me processing my emotions for them. If it is a prophetic political dream then things don't look too good for Biden's future. We will see.