Monday, July 24, 2023

July Was Not A Good Month For The Biden

What did we find out this month while not watching the legacy press? Well - The Biden crime family set up 20 LLC's to be able to take in money from foreign governments and foreign businesses. Sixteen of those were set up when the Big Guy was Vice President. That seems to have been their only business purpose. 

During that time 6 major banks filed over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR's) relating to bank accounts from those shell companies. SAR's are rare and were created by the government to help catch money laundering, tax evasion and human trafficking. In one example a Biden account that normally kept a balance of $10,000 received a 3 million dollar transfer from a Chinese bank, all of which was then rerouted to multiple other bank accounts within 24 hours. 

A Burisma official said that he has multiple texts and 2 recorded phone conversations with the Big Guy as an insurance policy in case he ever got in trouble for his shady dealings with him. He said he didn't think the money could be traced because it was distributed through so many accounts. 

The Biden's took in at least 17 million dollars from Ukraine, China, Romania and other counties. In one deal with Ukraine Hunter received 5 million and the Big Guy received 5 million. 

Devon Archer revealed that when he was a business partner with Hunter at Rosemont Capitol the Big Guy was brought in on their business calls two dozen times. Archer is currently in hiding until he testifies before a Congressional committee next week. 

A transcript of a recorded phone conversation between Hunter and a Chinese businessman shows Hunter shaking down the guy for money and to emphasize the point he says that his father is sitting right next to him. 

We found out from two IRS whistle blowers who were in charge of investigating Hunter that they had recommended he should be charged with multiple felonies for willful tax evasion (and for claiming as a  business expense things like flying business interns across the country for the sole purpose of having sex).

Hunter's sweetheart plea deal (he was going to plead guilty to 2 misdemeanor tax charges in exchange for total immunity from all other charges including multiple felony charges) fell through after the judge for his case found out that someone from Hunter's law office called the court representing themselves as someone from the prosecutor's office directing that certain evidence against Hunter not be looked at. 

On the cognitive side of life we saw that a shorter set of steps were brought in to make it easier for the President to enter Marine One, but he slipped on those steps as well and bumped his head on the way out. His failure as Commander in Chief to salute those marines has also become more frequent.

During a meeting with the President of Israel Biden closed his eyes, nodded his head and mumbled in coherently for a while. 

In a short statement to reporters the President blurted out something that was a State secret.

And finally it was revealed that the Biden has so far spent only $17,000 toward his re-election, which either means the switch is in or his party expects to produce as many votes as needed, so why campaign. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Intelligence Agencies - Tools of the Deep State

Remember the Whitmere kidnapping plot in Michigan, where half of those involved were federal agents, including the people that suggested what to do, provided the transportation and financed everything? Remember January 6, where over 100 federal agents were in the crowd that entered the Capitol and where the people that situated themselves at various key spots to direct crowds into the building and the people that removed barriers into the Capitol grounds to make entrance easier and the people or person who unlocked magnetic doors to the Capitol from inside and the people who climbed up to smash windows were not arrested and jailed and deprived of their constitutional rights like a thousand others, many of whom are still rotting in the D.C. gulag for trespassing?

Well, now this week at a trial for one of the Proud Boys leaders it has been disclosed that a person employed by the FBI wrote a manual about how to send a large group of people into the Capitol to occupy it. They then gave this manual to a girl friend of one of the Proud Boys leaders who then emailed it to that guy without telling him where it came from or who wrote it. Then at his trial they used his possession of that manual on his computer as their key piece of evidence that the Proud Boys had gone to Washington on January 6 to occupy the Capitol. In a regular court of law this would be considered entrapment but because this is a federal case all the usual rights and protections a citizen has are thrown out the window.

The Proud Boys are ex-military and ex-law enforcement who organized themselves to help protect people who were being physically assaulted by anarchist groups such as Antifa. This was a big problem during the Trump years, especially in Washington D.C. and that is the reason they were there in January. It was interesting though that Antifa disappeared from the scene on January 5. It is also interesting that as far as we know the feds have done very little if anything to infiltrate Antifa or to bring those true homegrown terrorists to justice. If I was a betting man I would place a large wager that Antifa is indeed chock full of federal agents who most likely help organize, plan, provide pallet loads of bricks during riots and finance their activities. Activities that have cost hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, thousands of injuries and many deaths.

Were you aware that the FBI has been spying on Hunter Biden and the Biden family at least since 2017? That they had the Hunter Biden laptops, which implicated Hunter, his uncles and his father in many illegal activities since 2019? That they knew from the git go that those laptops were authentic?

Did you know not only did the FBI know there was no collusion between Trump and Russia but that they and the CIA were actually the ones involved in creating documents and feeding suspect information to Trump campaign people to make it appear so?

Were you aware that Jeffrey Epstein was paid tons of money by the feds? That his main job was to get very important people to go to one of his islands or luxury homes, where they were provided with underage girls for sex and parties where drugs were provided, all of which was secretly filmed? That the FBI has guest logs, videos and other incriminating evidence of it all which they have refused to release? It would be reasonable to conclude that top people in the intelligence agencies are taking orders from someone and that the FBI is engaged in political blackmail.

Did you know that all the 3 letter intelligence agencies were actively involved in regulating what information can and cannot be conveyed via most of the social media platforms via daily engagement on back channels with those sites? This would include information placement or availability on Google, what you can or cannot post on Facebook and who gets to see those posts, what you can twit about on Twitter or what videos you can post on YouTube. The FBI and others have also created organizations that are used to comment on or to fact check information which is then picked up by the liberal press to use as a basis for comment. 

Take for example the article Sy Hersh just wrote about a CIA and U.S. Navy operation to set explosives on the Nord Stream II pipeline 6 months in advance of the Russian/Ukraine invasion, which were then ignited to create the world's worst man made ecological disaster in order to cause great energy hardship on Western Europe as a means to have them put pressure on Russia. Basically this was an act of war against another country without legally required congressional approval by the Biden administration. This story was ignored by legacy media and met instead with hit pieces against Mr. Hersh written by those FBI sponsored outlets, which could then be used to assure the media and us that there is nothing behind the curtain.

And finally, were you aware that the Patriot Act, which was voted in after 9/11 and later renewed, gives governmental agencies almost unlimited permission to gather as much information on you as they can? Somewhere there is a log on your computer activities, your phone conversations, your banking transactions, your credit card transactions, all creating a profile that could possible be used against you by the wrong people. Merge in the abilities of artificial intelligence and your identity could even be duplicated.

Big government needs to have control of everything and thus they have to stripe away all of your most basic and sacred God given rights. I'm not sure if big government is using the intelligence agencies as a tool for that purpose or if it is actually the intelligence agencies who control big government. Either way, we must demand transparency in the activities of those agencies. We must demand that our press actually searches for the truth instead of taking orders from third parties. And we must demand that corrupt leaders be removed and Godly men and women step forward so that a true house cleaning can take place.  


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Brunson v Adams

This Friday, 1/6/23, the Supreme Court reviewed Brunson V Adams If 4 of the 9 Justices agree it will be placed on the Court docket to be heard. We will find out tomorrow morning if it will proceed.

This case refers to the actions of Congress exactly 2 years earlier on 1/6/21. On that date Congress met to vote on accepting each State's delegation of electors who would vote to confirm the results of the 2020 elections. Objections to the results of the election had been made earlier by over 100 Representatives and there were 1000 sworn affidavits of election impropriety. Congress had the opportunity as proscribed by law to send things back to the States (or at least to the States where most of the claims of election fraud had been made) for a 10 day period of election investigation.

The lawsuit contends that because they failed to do so even in the face of tremendous national doubt concerning the integrity of the election, they violated their oath to the Constitution and thus were guilty of treason. To be clear, the lawsuit is not whether the actual results of the election were fraudulent but whether Congress failed in their duty to protect the interest of the country by failing to use an option set forth in case there was legitimate concern about election interference. The relief requested of the Court is the removal from power of Biden, Harris and every politician who voted to accept the 2020 results, including Vice President Pence who was overseeing the process that day. In addition it would ban each of those people from ever serving in elected office again.

Even though this is the longest of long shots the story of how the Brunson lawsuit even got this far is amazing. As the suit was making its way through the different levels of courts the Brunsons (who are not lawyers) were contacted by a clerk from the Supreme Court with advice on how to correctly formulate the paperwork for the high court's purposes. The suit rose to the Circuit Court level who had 90 days to respond to the paperwork filed with them and because they failed to respond, on day 91 the Supreme Court fast tracked the case. So there must be at least one Justice who wants an open hearing before the Nation and the Court.

Speculation is that some Justices were horrified as more and more information started coming out about election interference by certain agencies of the government (think 3 letter intelligence) and their possible ties to foreign governments. If so and if this lawsuit goes forward the pressure on the Justices and their families safety will be intense. Pray for them.