The angel brought a burning coal
and placed it on my lips
and said - proclaim the word of God
sweet as the honey drips
It was the start of something new
revival in the land
a fire started burning bright
and fortresses couldn't stand
We fell down weeping at His feet
our arms extended wide
and broken hearts were filled with hope
He burned out all our pride
We then exclaimed the wonder of
the power in His blood
and people started rushing in
swept up into that flood
Large crowds were waiting hours long
while some had tarried days
the blind got sight, the lame could walk
the cleansed all offered praise
A million souls were born again
next week a million more
all lives were changed and families healed
prayer opened prison doors
And we are those of unclean lips
fearful of what men say
while mankind dies a thousand deaths
they need someone to pray
But coming soon while we're still weak
an angel with a coal
it's burning hot onto your mouth
empowering your soul
The Holy Spirit is our strength
He'll give us all we need
so step right in - surrender now
to see our nation freed
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