Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What The Media Don't Know

The media don't know about God

or evil spirits, or the evil one

or truth for that matter

They don't know about innocent blood

calling out from invisible graves

shaking the throne room

They don't know about secret meetings

handshakes in dark rooms

hidden altars

They media don't know about restoration

or reformation, or reconciliation

or revival for that matter

They don't know about the Donald

plans and timeline of the Father

the meaning of a trumpet

They don't know about angels with flaming swords

watchmen and women on bended knee

how a house gets cleaned

The media don't know about their time running out

or ownerships changing, or new stars arising

or freedom of the press for that matter

They don't know that secrets will be exposed

that this nation will rise up

that jail cells await

They don't know when the story is finally written

and when masks have been ripped away

a new song will arise

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Justice Will Come Swiftly

Earlier this week I was sitting in my car in a parking lot we use for part of our driving tests. From the far end of the lot I notice a hawk flying toward me. It passes close by and has something bright red in its talons which I figure must be a cardinal. It lands on a branch about thirty feet away and waits several minutes until the life drains away from its prey. It then begins the process of using its beak to tear apart the smaller bird. My client then arrives, I begin their test, and forty-five minutes later when we get back to the parking lot the hawk is gone and I can find no traces of feathers or bones on the ground from the cardinal.

I feel, because of how close the hawk flew near me and because of my surprise at noticing the bright red in its claws, that there might be a message to me from God in what has just happened. If God can speak to us through dreams and visions then He certainly can do so through what we experience in the natural. That evening I start praying about it and doing some research about prophetic symbolism but I get nothing that felt right. Then a couple of mornings later as I am lying in bed before getting up I picture the scene of the hawk and a short sentence comes clearly in my head. "Justice will come swiftly".

Before explaining what I believe that means let me give you a little background about how I have been feeling concerning the season we are in.

From I spiritual point of view I have been convinced for a long time that President Trump would win again in 2020 and serve 4 more years. As I have written before, it is not about Donald Trump but about what God wants to accomplish through him. I can simplify that into 5 points. This election (as well as the 2016 election) was about the life of the unborn, the security of the nation of Israel, Christian freedom and morality, the restoration and preservation of our Republic, and a spiritual revival that would shake both this country and the nations of the world. God's hand was upon Donald J. Trump in 2016, President Trump proved himself faithful on the first 4 of those counts, and a great awakening has begun. Thus it is that God's hand is still on Donald J. Trump and no matter what else you are being told, he will be our President for the next 4 years.

From a worldly point of view I was also convinced that President Trump would win in a landslide in 2020. I will simplify that in 5 points. Excitement for President Trump was at historic levels in his base, minority support for him was greatly expanding, Democrats were crossing over in droves, personal income and the economy before Covid were at record levels and were well on their way to recovery, and President Trump's record on life, judges and Christian liberty had swung over a lot of Evangelicals that had sat out the last election. All of those expectations proved true. Even if we don't challenge any of the election numbers President Trump's votes increased from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020.

There was another thing I was feeling very strongly from a spiritual point of view and which I had mentioned a few times in my writings. I believed that after the elections in 2020 the Democrat Party as we know it would implode and would not recover for decades. I am still feeling this. I did not know that part of the reason would be connected to revelations concerning how this election was fixed and who ultimately was responsible for doing so. I still don't know names (although I have heard rumors) but I do believe that the truth will come out clearly for all to see.

Before my conclusion, here are a few things from a worldly standpoint that make one go - humm?

President Obama who was wildly popular and had huge rallies, received 69 million votes in 2008, his best year. Hillary Clinton, a breakthrough female candidate, received 66 million votes in 2016. President Trump, who was getting crowds of 20 to 40 thousand with 1 day notice at random airports and 50 - 60 thousand in a rally in swing state PA, and had thousands of spontaneous Trump parades, received 74 million votes in 2020. Joe Biden, with no excitement behind him, who spent most of his time in his basement and when he did go out attracted fewer than 100 cars, who had one of the most unpopular VP choices ever, who never articulated a positive vision of what he would do, received 80 million votes, 11 million more than Obama and 14 million more than Clinton.

Not only that but Joe Biden 2020 underperformed Clinton 2016 in EVERY major metro area in the country except 4 - Atlanta, Detroit, Philly and Milwaukee, all of which restricted, limited or outright excluded Republican poll watchers from observing millions of mail-in votes being processed. 

Not only that but Trump won Florida by 3 points and Ohio by 8 points. In the last 60 years who ever won both of those bellwether states won the Presidency.

Not only that but Trump won 18 of the 19 bellwether counties (counties that historically predict the winner) by an average margin of 16 points. Biden carried the other by 3 points. There is a larger group of 58 bellwether counties. Trump won 51 of those by an average of 15 points. Biden won his 7 by an average of 3 points.

Not only that but Biden's 80 million votes did not affect any of the down ballot races. When a Presidential candidate wins big it always pulls in victories for those running for the House of Representatives. Republicans in 2020 won every contested House election. Trump is the only incumbent in history to lose their re-election while their party gained a lot of seats in the House.

From a worldly point of view this election will eventually be overturned and lots of people are going to go to jail. The thousand of sworn witness statements to fraud, the thousand of strange statistical anomalies and some outright statistical impossibilities, the information that has already come out about Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic and related software and the personalities involved and their political connections, all will end up causing a national uprising if justice is not done. 

But for now the process is to present available evidence and push it upstream through the courts, with multiple fronts being pursued, including involving State legislators, to invalidate improper ballots. This will either result in a Supreme Court ruling or in there not being enough Electoral votes to confirm a candidate, which will then push the solution back to the states. The Constitution provides that each State legislator send 1 representative to Washington to place their vote for President. There are 31 Republican State Legislators and 19 Democrat.   

Spiritually I believe that justice will be brought about and that all that has been hidden and done in darkness will be revealed. This will involve people from both parties. And hopefully this will happen soon.

But I am inclined to believe in the scene I described in the beginning is that the cardinal's red represents the life of the innocent unborn child, whose lives have been squeezed out and torn apart. The calls from their blood have risen to Heaven and God is about to bring about justice for them. Commentators on the Conservative side have been saying that Roe V Wade will not be overturned, even with a Conservative Supreme Court majority and that the most that can change will be minor adjustments regarding abortion in individual State laws. 

I think that what God is saying to me here though is that not only can Roe V Wade be overturned - but that it indeed will be, and much sooner than anyone would think. The courts of Heaven have spoken and it will come about through both the courts and the hearts of men and women in this country.

Lord, release into this land the spirit of Truth and Justice.    


Friday, November 20, 2020

The Coming Cloud Of His Glory

Fall is nearing an end and we are about to enter into a new season. So earlier this week I decided to clean leaves out of the gutter at the front of my house. I thought it was going to be easier than before. This season. I would get out my big ladder, climb up with my high volume power blower and blow out several 15' sections. Bam! Quick job, job over.

It didn't end up working like I thought it would. The gutters were filled with leaves but they were packed in with a mixture of twigs and long pine needles the wind had blown from across the street and it was an interwoven mess. That meant that I needed to place my ladder against the gutter, climb up, get everything I could reach to the right and to the left, gripping my fingers around the material and into some cold water at the bottom of the gutter, each trip filling a bucket I carried up with me, then down the ladder, dump material into my wheelbarrow, move the ladder and start working on another section. It was a job I had to keep at until it was done because if any jumbled mess was left in part of the gutter run the next rain would move it to one or both of the down sprouts and the gutters would not function as they were designed to do.

For the last two years I've had a sense that we as a country are moving into a new season. A season in which the prevailing evil spirits in the various mountains of influence would be confronted, weakened and overcome. We would at the same time see the beginning of a third great awakening in our land which would in turn become international. This awakening would be much greater than the ones before it and as part of that great awakening the Church would see and experience the tangible sense of the glory and awesome presence of God. Many tens of millions of souls would come to know and honor the Father and would surrender their lives to Jesus as Lord. This would begin to radically transform every part of society. Even the parts that today we have little or no fatih to expect.

To that purpose for the past two years I have been interceding for the mountains of influence and have been binding and rebuking evil spirits that have influence and authority in those areas and have also been declaring a release of the Spirit of Truth and Justice into those areas so that all evil deeds would be brought to the light and dealt with. My prayer has been that God's Kingdom come and His will be done in those areas in America as it is in Heaven and that, as in the rest of the Our Father, our country's sins would be forgiven as we forgive those that trespass against us. But silly me, I somehow thought that the spiritual battle I was engaged in would become easier after God's man for this time, President Trump, won by a landslide on November 3. It turns out there is still a thick, inter-tangled mess which needs to be pulled out step by step on the left and on the right, and there is still work to do in the icy waters.

It has now been a little over two weeks since the November 3rd, 2020 election. Although you will have no comfort about what I am going say if you listen to the news, what I am going to tell you is the truth. President Trump did win in a landslide although the enemy is trying to cheat him out of it. President Donald John Trump will indeed serve a second term and God's plan for America and for many of the nations of the world will go forward. Donald Trump was chosen by God to achieve certain spiritual objectives. He has been faithful to do his part during his first term and God is going to continue advancing His purposes through Donald Trump and others for the next 4 years and beyond. Although I am completely confondent in this I now understand that it is God's blessing for me to still be a part in seeing this come to birth through my prayers. (I just watch a lot less of the news now).

There are very powerful and dark spiritual principalities and powers which sit in high places of influence in this country, and in the rest of the world, and they have destruction as their main goal. They want to destroy the Christian faith and all standards of Christian morality. They want to destroy the sacred family order. They want to destroy Israel. They want to destroy the covenant our forefathers made with the Father to have our unique Union one nation under God. They want to destroy personal responsibility and all the freedoms that make America different and great. They want to destroy racial unity. And they want to destroy innocent life, considering abortion a blood sacrifice that increases their power and influence.

Because this has been and is a spiritual battle, and because evil spirits are strongly influencing carnal men and women in positions of power in politics, the media, business and industry, academia, arts and entertainment and even in the Church, it should come as no surprise that almost everything you have heard from them about President Trump has been strongly negative. They have shaded everything reported about President Trump to a great degree and have injected hate towards President Trump to a great extent because they know their time has come and he is a threat to their power and influence.

I still agree with what I've written before. Donald Trump was chosen for such a time as this because our country was at a point of no return. Corruption ran deep in every part of government and we were quickly sliding into the globalist plans of the evil one. God choose Donald Trump to be a wrecking ball. Someone who would bring chaos into the established order in order to expose and rip away the greedy deeds done in darkness. God saw these things about Trump that would enable him to forward the Master's plan:

Donald Trump loves America, wants the best for it and would do so without seeking any personal gain for him or his family. (Have you EVER heard that about President Trump before?)

Donald Trump would honor and protect Israel.

Donald Trump would be a champion for the unborn.

Donald Trump could not be bought.

Donald Trump is a fighter and strong enough to be able to endure the constant attacks against him.

Donald Trump actually loves people.

Donald Trump truly hates corruption in government.

Donald Trump is equipped to see situations from a different vantage point than others.

Donald Trump would surround himself with strong believing Christians and would be a champion for Christian causes.

Donald Trump would learn to seek out the will of the Lord for himself and his country. 

He is a work in progress and still displays character flaws that make me cringe, but the job God has charged him to do is a nasty one.

But this election and what is happening now is not about any particular man. It is about exposing dark deeds and corrupt personalities, about saving our country from Socialist/Marxist/Anti-Christian agendas, about dethroning principalities and powers and reforming and restoring our great institutions. It is about the coming cloud of His awesome glory and about a coming season of repentance, faith and greater works of the Holy Spirit. 

It should only be expected that the World would not recognize or understand the darkness it has fallen into or that those who have compromised themselves to the World's beliefs, even those in the Church, would not recognize the spiritual battle we are currently engaged in. But God has been raising up a large army who have been faithful to pray and fast this through, who recognize who the real enemy is, where the battle lays and how victory will come. Like everything God plans, the big things He wills come by faith. And the great things of faith always need to be contended for. But faith is, as it says in Romans, the evidence of things hoped for and the substance of things not seen.

I am filled with hope. I choose to look past the smoke screen of the present so I can view the beauty of the near future. At one time I had given up, not thinking any change was possible and was wondering how soon it would be for the Rapture to come and God's judgment to fall. But God has not shown me a definite time frame for His sure return. He has told me though it is time to clean the gutters of the high places so that pure rains may flow and refresh the land. Let it be so!


Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Acceptable Number Of Blacks That Should Be Owned As Slaves

What is the acceptable number of Blacks that our country should allow to be kept as slaves? If asked, what would your answer be?


Now imagine you were living in a country where enslaving Blacks was legal. There is an election coming up where the main issue is whether slavery of Blacks should continue to be legal. Some of the pro-slavery arguments are as follows:


Blacks are not really people and because they are in a sense subhuman it is OK to own them and to have full control over their lives.


Slavery of Blacks is an economic necessity and those owning Blacks as slaves would suffer financially if slavery was outlawed.


You might be personally opposed to owning Black slaves but what right do you have to tell someone else that they cannot own Black slaves.


The number of Blacks who are slaves is gradually decreasing, thus it would be best for the country to do nothing and in time the number of Blacks owned as slaves would be more acceptable for those who are opposed to it.


We understand you are bothered by the idea of slave owners physically harming their Blacks and we want to assure you that it is our ultimate goal to make slavery of Blacks rare, safe, but legal.


One hundred and sixty years ago there was an election coming up. One party wanted to do everything possible to end slavery. The other the exact opposite. Slavery was not the only issue between the parties but how one voted had everything to do with what would happen over the next five years and beyond. The movement to end the enslavement of Blacks originated with and was carried forth most aggressively through the years by those in the Church who were morally opposed to the institution. Now it had come to a head and people had their chance to make a moral decision of their own in the sight of God by how they voted. I know we can convince ourselves that it is never really that simple. But maybe it is.


There is an issue today that equals or even exceeds the moral injustice of owning Blacks as slaves. Many of the same arguments used to support slavery are used to support the ending of an innocent human life. And once again we are being asked to make a moral decision in the sight of God by voting. 


During the last four years the same Party that promised to end the enslavement of Blacks has done everything possible to advance the righteous cause of protecting the life of the innocent. The other Party has continued to swing more radical on the issue, even approving taking the life of a child who survives an abortion. Their VP hopeful when State Attorney General even prosecuted an undercover journalist who exposed the widespread practice by Planned Parenthood of selling aborted baby parts to labs for medical research. The results of the election will not only affect abortion policy and funding in our country but, because of our countries funding and influence, across the world as well.


I imagine you view yourself as an enlightened person who, if given the chance today, would vote for the person and the party who were moving to end the horrors of the enslavement of Blacks to the last man, woman and child. So what is your position on the acceptable number of babies that should legally be aborted? And what are you going to do about it?  

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Political And Spiritual Perspectives From The Last 4 Years

Here is a list of links to some of my brilliant essays from the last 4 years concerning politics and related spiritual perspectives surrounding those politics. An old Chinese curse says - May you live in interesting times - and we have certainly had that, topped off with 2020 as icing on the cake.

Posting on religion and/or politics is a sure fire way to get at least some people spitting mad every time. That is why, because I have dear friends and family on both sides, I do not post my opinions or share political/religious memes on my family sites. I do though post links to my essays with their titles on my Facebook page. That takes some effort on the reader's part so they only go there if they want to. Since most of my friends already are aware of what side of the fence I stand they should know what to expect once they do clink on the link.

Posting on FB does have an interesting side to it. It seems that even if you have several hundred friends (which I don't) only a limited number of my friends (based on how much we interact) will actually see my posts. The numbers do increase when someone "likes" or "shares" which then allows that post to be seen by greater numbers.

I do have a lot of family who are not part of my friends list but whom I think would enjoy and be encouraged by what I have written. So here are links to some of my posts. If you are on the other side of the fence feel free to take a peek. Either way I am not doing this to engage in an online argument. We can talk privately if you agree or disagree with what I've written but I ask that you do not post anything in the comment section specifically about the subject matter I've shared. I think that is the loving thing for us to do.

So if ever you've got a bunch of free time, strap on your sunglasses, get your Tums ready and find out what is really going on in our world today.

Here is a post from November 17, 2016, which talks about how I came to vote for Donald J. Trump and the days just after.

Thoughts On The Election

This January 21, 2017 post examines the spiritual damage arising out of bitterness and then matches that to the Marxist roots of radical feminism. A great help in understanding both bitterness and current Marxist thought.

The Root Of Bitterness And Radical Feminism

As this title form May 26, 2018 suggests, there appears to be a keen prophetic link between President Donald Trump and the nation of Israel. 

The Prophetic Significance Of Donald Trump

Examining the spiritual reason we have Donald Trump as President - from September 28, 2018

There Is An Uproar In The Land

On March 20, 2019, I talked about prophecies that we are seeing played out this very day.

Prophecies Of Debra And Esther For America

On September 17, 2019 I wrote this:

A Christian's Letter To The President

This October 2, 2019 post lays out the forces behind impeachment, beginning with President Obama.

Impeach! Impeach!

Back on July 14, 2019 I wrote a post called Trump Will Win Bigly In 2020. I also wrote another post on July 15, 2020 called 10 Reasons Why Trump Will Win In November. It seems like a favorite topic of mine. This one from June 6, 2020 has a lot of the same information.

Trump To Win In November By 20 Points

A post from June 12, 2020 showing the links between Marxism and today's cancel culture.

Cancel Culture

How Marist philosophy is fueling the current riots. From June 24, 2020.

Black Lives Do Matter. But The Organization's Goals Are Marxist

This August 30th, 2020 post was written before Ruth Bader Ginsburg died.

The Smell Of Abortion

This September 12, 2020 post helps to explain why people's heads explode when you say anything positive about President Donald Trump.

Cult Like Responses In Trump Derangement Syndrome

And finally on September 21, 2020 I wrote about a strong feeling I had a few weeks prior that Ruth Bader Ginsburg would not be alive for the November 3rd elections.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Two or three weeks ago, while thinking about politics, this thought popped into my mind - Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be a Supreme Court Justice when this year's election happens. The thought came so out of the blue and so strong that I actually mentioned to Jackie that I didn't think Ginsberg would be around then.

I didn't know if this was because Ginsberg was going die, although I did know that she recently had to go to the hospital to get something treated. Other possibilities came to mind. Perhaps she would retire, although I believe it would be her desire to keep hanging on as long as possible. Perhaps, in order to best engage their base, Democrat insiders, knowing despite public polling otherwise that Biden was actually far behind, would try to get Ginsberg to resign. The odds were not good that she was going to hang on for another 4 years anyway so why not use her retirement as adding fuel to the far Left fire so to speak. 

And, if she would not retire then maybe she would end up getting "Clintonized" (an untimely end that is supposed to look natural or self inflicted but actually ends up being a bit suspicious). although I'm not suggestion that's what happened to RBG. Cancer is a tough foe and even though she had beat it for a long time it has been known to flair up and be fatal in a very short time. I'm glad she did not have to endure a long time being in pain and was able to be surrounded by family when her time came. 

Imagine my surprise hearing RBG had died. I had heard from prophetic voices after President Trump's election that he would be able to appoint at least 3 and maybe 4 or even 5 Supreme Court Justices. It looks like Ginsberg's replacement will be nominated soon and he or she (most likely she) will be the 3rd Trump selection. And this person will be the one (if Trump selects right) who finally swings the voting balance in the Supreme Court in the direction that Conservatives have always prayed for.

It will be the chance to finally overturn Roe V Wade and bring the issue of abortion back to the States. It will be the chance to finally return law making back to the States and to Congress instead of having the major issues of the day decided by just 5 unaccountable people, willing to revise the foundational principles of the Constitution because in their own eyes they see or desire something different. It will finally be the chance to retain the Judeo/Christian principles this country was founded on. 

The Democrat Party and the Marxist far Left (but now I'm beginning to repeat myself) also understand that this selection for Supreme Court Justice represents a historic moment that could for decades sideline their plans for societal change. Their viciousness in opposing Judge Kavanaugh will seem pale to what is coming. And there is a real chance that the dogs of war will be released and riots or worse will ensue.

It seems Ginsburg's death threw another wrench into the Democrat's plans that I had not thought about back then. The well advertised game for Democrats, knowing they were going to lose big on November 3rd, are plans to do everything possible to cast doubt upon the election results and ultimately bring the decision up to the Supreme Court, as happened with Bush verses Gore in Florida. They were looking for a 4 - 4 tie with Chief Justice Roberts having to cast the deciding vote, and were hoping that Roberts would once again cave in to the Liberal side as he has done a few times before. That outcome is now in shambles.

After I heard about Ginsberg's death I was checking my online links. I found a posting from pastor and prophet Mike Thompson, a man about my age, whom I follow and who in my opinion is one of the best and most mature prophetic voices out there. He posted that same afternoon but before it was known that Ginsburg died that God told him to go to Exodus 14. He pointed out 7 points that he thought God wanted us to hear at this moment. I am only going to share with you the first 3 but I truly believe they are an encouragement from God for His Church for the times we are in right now. 

The context is that the children of Israel were hemmed in by the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his forces are about to advance on the Jewish nation. Earlier Pharaoh had relented and let the nation go but God hardened Pharaoh's heart once again to go after them. The Jewish people complain to Moses, asking him why he led them into the wilderness only to have them die at the hands of the Egyptians. Moses then speaks to the people, and I believe this is God's word for us today;

Moses said to the people;

Do not fear! 

Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today

The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent

God then tells Moses to lift up his staff, stretch his hand over the Red Sea and divide it. The sons of Israel would then cross over as if on dry land and God would harden the heart of the Egyptians so they would go in after them, only to have the waters return upon Pharaoh's army, chariots and horsemen. In this the Egyptians would know that God is the Lord and He would be honored.

Now for additional commentary by me;

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was Jewish. She died just before the beginning of the Jewish Days of Awe, which began Friday, September 18, at sunset. The Days of Awe are a 10 day period of repentance, starting with the Feast of Rosh Hashanah and ending with the Feast of Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah also marks the beginning of a new year on the Jewish calendar. I have to believe that the timing of Ginsburg's death was too perfect to be by accident.

Despite all the sound and the fury which we have heard the last 4 years and will continue to hear, God is in control and is moving. This is the beginning of a new day and a new era. Our country is crossing over, from a focus on death and the destruction of all we hold dear to a focus on life and the blessings of milk and honey. We will be brought to a point where we, as a Christian people, need to decide whether to confront the giants in our promised land with their fortified cities or to live in fear and wander in the wilderness for 39 more years. 

The hearts of those who oppose the will of God and who desire conflict and chaos will be hardened in the days to come. This is God's will, to reveal and expose what is the outcome of rebellion. Their armies and chariots and horsemen will follow after God's people seeking to destroy, but instead mighty waters will fall in upon them. In this the people of our land will finally understand the power of the Lord. And God will indeed be honored.

The first and the greatest message then for us today is - Do not fear! Fear is always the enemy's greatest and most powerful tactic. Fear made the Jewish people forget all that God did through the 10 plagues. Fear kept the Jewish people from entering the promise land. But we have been praying and I believe that our prayers have risen to the Most High, who will continue to move in our midst. 

Second, we need to trust that the Lord is indeed moving in our midst. "Stand by" then does not mean not to pray or not to work toward truth and justice or not to vote. We need to continue to do all of those things. It does mean that even as we engage we need to understand that ultimately the battle is the Lord's, and that He is more than able to destroy and thwart the designs of the enemy.

And third, I think God is saying to us right now - Watch what I will do and be in awe of what will be accomplished. I know that is hard for us. We all like to complain. We all have doubts that the slide in morality and values, the tearing apart of the family, the redefining of our language, the attack on Christianity and the decades long march toward Socialism can actually be stopped or could ever be reversed.

So friends, let us put aside our complaining, stand firm in the will of the Lord, and indeed be in AWE of what the Lord will do.



Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cult Like Responses Of Trump Derangement Syndrome

If you are a Conservative you know full well what Trump Derangement Syndrome (DRS) is. The morning after Donald Trump won the election, after eight long years of Barack Obama, you got on social media and wrote something like "yea", "hurrah" or "I can't believe we did it." Within minutes several of your friends posted angry comments or shared nasty memes, some using the vilest language possible, and questioned both your sanity and your faith. There was never a wait and see period and we'll see how things work out. Instead it was - Don't you dare associate that name with anything positive - EVER!!!!!!!!

All this was very confusing to us. It was an election for God's sake. Our side won, their side lost. It had been that way in our country for 240 years. If you don't like the results of an election you suck it up, work hard, become the loyal opposition and try to get your guy in the next time. And besides, there were principles very important to us that we had voted on and had hopes that Mr. Trump would follow through on. Topping the list for the average Conservative was ending Roe V Wade, the Supreme Court selection(s), border security, lowering taxes, building up the economy, being friends with Israel, ending the Iran deal, draining the Swamp and getting rid of Obamacare.

We could see where those on the Left would object to the proposed Trump policies but we could not understand their failure to acknowledge or understand that policies even mattered. Instead all we heard were comments that Trump lies 100 times a day, that he hates Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, gays, transgenders, women, the poor, the handicap, and is a Nazi, immoral to the core, lazy, in it for the money and talks like a third grader.  And our "friends" never had any interest in debating policies or perceptions or understanding that a Clinton victory would have in our minds been a disaster. But also they had no interest in a logical discussion as to why some (or most) of their opinions on Trump's character may not be as black  as they were so sure of.

And that's where we get into why DRS is like cult behavior. A positive mention of President Trump or anything Trumpian causes in some people - eyes to glare, veins to bulge, spittle to form on the lips and an inability to hear and process an opposing viewpoint. I'm not just talking about comments made on line. I have a relative with whom I was having a nice conversation with. Foreign policy happened to come up and I began to opine on what I believed President Trump's intentions were. I was immediately cut off, informed that Trump has no plan, only governs by the seat of the pants to stroke his ego and was then lectured on how awful the man has been every day since he was elected. When it was over it was very clear that ANY comments by me about President Trump would not be welcomed.

Please understand that I'm not calling everyone who disagrees with my political views a cultist or a Marxist. I do firmly believe though that the Democrat Party is rapidly moving to the far Left and is becoming more Marxist by the day. I believe that Marxism is by definition athetistic at its core and that in turn makes Marxism a type of religious belief. And Marxism it is a belief that has always viewed Judeo/Christian beliefs and traditions as threats that must eventually be eliminated. 

Thus it is that when someone has bought in to the core tenets currently being promulgated by the far Left, even if they do not consider themselves Marxists, and if anyone questions those core tenets, it elicits an emotional reaction rather than a logical response. It reminds me of the second warning sign of someone who may be in a cult - "No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry".

So what else would cause otherwise very nice, intelligent and caring people to flip out at the snap of a finger or the sight of a MAGA hat? There are four factors.

The first is an education system which has become over the years extremely liberal and is filled at the top levels with a very large percentage of professors and even administrators who favor and thus teach Marxist ideas. Studies have shown that eighty to ninety percent of professors in colleges and universities lean Liberal and in turn vote Democrat. Graduates are now coming out with a world view that has distorted the past, hates a lot of the present and wants to fundamentally change the future. Thought that counters those arguments is met with emotion, considered hateful and is not even allowed in many colleges and universities today.

The second factor is cultural. Most people in the US are not politically intelligent. Their opinions instead are strongly influenced by the movies and shows they see, the music they listen to and the non news media they absorb. This area is dominated by Leftists and thus reflects their opinions, morals and political views.

The third is that Trump committed the unpardonable sin of promising and then beginning to deliver on undoing everything that Barack Obama achieved while he was in office. President Barack Obama has almost saint like status to the Left. Many love him, have this powerful emotional attachment to him, court his advice and blessing, and long for the smooth double talk that covers his radical agenda. They also love Michelle and still put her on the covers of their magazines while completely shutting out the stunningly beautiful Melania. MSM coverage of Obama was and is the exact opposite of that given to Trump. 

Sadly there are still people on the Right who would rather have a leader who looks nice and talks smoothly, even though he governs against everything they actually believe in, than have a guy who always says exactly what he is thinking, albeit often crudely, but then govens toward every goal they would hope to achieve. Goals the media has consistently distorted.

And the fourth major factor is that the vast majority of the main stream media (MSM) is owned by a half dozen corporations, all run by far Left leaning executives, and the MSM is now effectively the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. The Democrat's plan has been clearly announced and has been well executed by the media. They would never admit that President Trump was or deserved to be the real President of the United States. They would present everything President Trump did in a negative light (media coverage has been over 90% negative about Trump since the day he got elected). And they would intentionally take things out of context and twist them to fit their narrative that Orange Man is not only bad and a dunce but also a threat to the survival of Democracy as we know it.

Thus it was in Charlottesville when a group of protesters came because they wanted to petition for the removal of statues of Confederate generals and another group of protesters and locals came to support the status quo. Into the city their arrived two other groups. One consisted of a KKK group and the other consisted of an Antifa group, who showed up to cause trouble against the KKK group. Stuff happened and eventually President Trump made his public comments about it. He first said according to the published transcript (which you can Google to check my story), referring to the original two protest groups, that there "were fine people on both sides". I think any reasonable person would agree with that. Then just two paragraphs later he condemned all violence and specifically condemned any actions by the KKK or other extremist groups.

In response the MSM intentionally and wrongly reported that Trump called the KKK "fine people". So pervasive was this hoax that most attempts to set the story straight via Twitter or other social media (Big Tech is also owned and run by those on the Left) and fact checked by Left leaning Big Tech sites were censored, scrubbed, removed and demonitized. On top of that Joe Biden colorfully cited the "fine people" hoax in his acceptance speech at the DNC convention as the main reason he put his hat into the ring to run for President and then kept on repeating his rendition of the story every time he got out of his basement in order to assure us that President Trump is the worse kind of racist. I assume he actually knows better and is just lying about it for political advantage. But then again maybe his handlers have kept the truth from him.

Or take for example a supposed video showing President Trump making fun of a handicap man. I have heard this so many times - How could you ever vote for someone who makes fun of the handicap? Most people when seeing the video of Trump making wobbly moves with his arms and saying OOO OOO while at the same time being informed that he was doing this to make fun of a handicapped person believe the report without asking any further questions. But this too is a hoax devised by the MSM to try to defame and further their agenda against the President.

Here is the actual story. Trump at one time remarked that he remembered at 9/11 there were hundreds or even thousands of Muslims that were cheering after the Twin Towers came down. When asked again about it Trump said hundreds but did not use the word thousands. ABC News fact checked it and declared it false. They assured their audience that no Muslims were seen celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. Two bits of information then came to light. First, old videos surfaced showing that someone from ABC news itself had actually on TV reported on the said celebrations. And an article published by the NY Times also reported that on the roof tops of apartment buildings across the river in New Jersey there were groups of Muslims that were watching the towers burning and were seen celebrating when the towers collapsed. Trump, being a New Yorker, must have been recalling what he had read in the NY Times.

So the media finds the Times reporter and wants him to recant his original story to reduce the egg on their faces. The reporter does not actually deny what he wrote but he does soften it a bit and say that the number was not in the thousands or maybe not even in the hundreds. Later at a rally (that the reporter was not at) Trump does a wobbly move with his arms and body in referring to a reporter who waffled on his original story that went against Trump's version. As it turns out there are at least 4 other videos (which I have viewed) showing Trump speeches where Trump uses the same body motions when he refers to people who waffle on their positions.  

Well, it turns out that the reporter that Trump was making fun of waffling this time was someone with a handicap. That gave the MSM an opening to set up one of their most cruel hoaxes. They show Trump wobbling, report that he is making fun of a handicap person, then freeze frame one of Trumps hands in a downward pose from the wobble video and then show the reporter with his hand in the same position. Did Trump actually know anything about the NY Times reporter other than what he wrote? Did he even know that the Times reporter had a handicap? Did Trump remember one of a thousand business reporters he may or may not have met in New York over a dozen years before for a interview on his businesses? Probably not. And, as it turns out, the reporter's arm and hand are frozen, so he doesn't even have a handicap that matches the wobble.

Finally I'll bring up the kid from a Catholic school who went to a Right to Life rally in Washington D.C. Nicholas Sandman had just bought a MAGA hat and was waiting with his group for their bus to come. Nearby was a group called that called themselves Black Hebrews who were yelling vulgar and racist things toward them. An American Indian activist was chanting at the Black Hebrews and when the boys started to join in the chants to support him the activist turns around, goes up to Sandman and starts beating his drum inches from Sandman's face. Not knowing really what to do and not wanting to do anything provocative Sandman just stood there and smiled, taking the abuse from the Indian. CNN got ahold of some of the video, edited it, took it out of context, created a story and then went on a crusade to destroy the young man's life. His crime? Being against abortion (the blood sacrament of the Left) and wearing a Trump MAGA hat.  

My point here is that if someone's views about President Trump and his supporters are formed mainly by watching and listening to the same news and information outlets that are themselves actually providing not news but propaganda, and if someone is only surrounded by people who also only hear the same stuff, then is it far fetched to believe that people can be so easily brainwashed into group think, are fearful to break out of their comfort zone and will get emotional when their beliefs are threatened?

President Trump is not a saint. He has many flaws but also great strengths. The picture of Trump created by the MSM has little resemblance to who the person actually is, what he actually has been able to accomplish and to the direction of his policies. Marxist's elements are tearing apart the Democrat party. They want to rewrite the past, redefine our language, tear down all national and moral borders and with religious zeal replace everything we hold dear with some type of atheistic Utopia and the religious intolerance that goes with it. 

The hoax's above are considered gospel by all Trump haters and low information voters. Many after being exposed to the truth still refuse to believe that they were deceived. There are some though that have done their research, going beyond the fact check sites, and have then asked this one simple question. Why would they (the media) lie to me?  Welcome to the red pill moment.

President Trump is going to be re-elected and after the election the brains of many of the indoctrinated are once again going to explode. Swamp creatures are going to be exposed and the MSM will in turn double down on their hatred and misrepresentations of President Trump and their efforts to get him out of office by whatever means possible. There is a plan afoot for more racial riots and more blood in the streets. The true believers think this is their time, but they have overplayed their hand.

You see, this actually is a spiritual battle. Evil spirits in the high places are agitated and coming out of the shadows. They want not only corruption but death and destruction as well. But we are not going to let them. I have been praying a long time for there to be truth and justice released into this land. And that is going to happen. There will be a healing of the racial divide not born out of violence. There will be an overturn of Roe V Wade which will lift a major curse off of our land. There are major corrections and resettings in store for many institutions in this great land, including the Church.

Into the darkness there will come a great light. 



Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Smell Of Abortion

"Did you know there is a smell to abortion?" - Abbey Johnson

The RNC Convention, which I thought was absolutely fantastic from start to finish, featured a very strong pro life witness throughout. Whether it was the talk by Abbey Johnson, a former national employee of the month for Planned Parenthood turned Pro Life activist, which brought me to tears, or the one by Sister Byrne in full habit, a long time military surgeon who later became a nun and quipped that she was not just for unborn lives but also for eternal lives, the collection of short speeches by a bunch of real people gave a very clear indication of the importance of this coming election.

It was a sharp contrast to the DNC, which is not only strongly pro abortion, even approving abortion right up to birth and in certain cases just after (infanticide), but with Kamala Harris as the VP choice, who has been an activists for abortion, prosecuting those who oppose it in conscience in California and raking Justice Cavanaugh over the coals in the Senate confirmation hearings, they have now given us the most pro abortion ticket ever to run for the highest office in the land. At one time the Dems hid their true agenda by declaring that abortion should be legal but rare. Today support for abortion for any reason and at any time during the pregnancy is now the main litmus test for inclusion in the Democrat Party.

Less than 2 months after I became a born again Christian and Roe V Wade became law, a deep curse settled upon our country. Since that time, in order to honor and in turn empower the ancient spirit of Baal (a major or perhaps the major spiritual principality over our country), over 60 million innocent children in this country alone have been sacrificed. Most who have participated in these sacrifices were certainly not aware of what they actually were doing or who they actually were honoring and empowering, but innocent lives were being taken, blood was being shed, evil spirits were gaining power and influence, and we and our country have suffered as a result.

Just like slavery could be tolerated because people convinced themselves that certain other people were less than human, so abortion is tolerated by saying that a human life is not really a human life if it isn't wanted, or can't be seen, or might be somehow defective, or hasn't taken a breath yet outside the womb. The lie that an unborn child is not really a human but is instead just a lump of cells inside a woman's body is from the deepest pit of hell. For too long we have tolerated this lie, and for those who know better but do nothing to bring light into this darkness, there will come a day when we stand before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to give an account for what we did or did not do according to the light given us.

Since 1973 we have had chances to vote on pro life measures in our States. Since 1973 we have had people running for office who have informed us as to their stance concerning being pro life or pro abortion. A lot of politicians have given lip service to the pro life cause but when push came to shove they did nothing or next to nothing. And yet, each person old enough to vote has had many chances to play a part in ending this great sin.

Voting pro life has always been my litmus test to determine for whom I will vote for. For me it tops all other economic and foreign policy considerations, although those that vote pro life usually are Conservative as well on social and economic issues and are for the US supporting the State of Israel (another spiritual issue that I believe results in either blessings or curses for America).

Many states have passed legislation to restrict abortion. However the main battle then switches to the courts, the restrictions get challenged and then ultimately overturned at the highest levels. The fact is, who ever wins the highest office in the land gets the right to appoint judges at the highest levels. Since 1973 the Supreme Court has not had enough strong Conservative members to overturn Roe V Wade.

We now have for the first time in my life a real chance to end or at least weaken that curse over our nation. One or two more Justices will be enough to finally turn the tide and the odds are high that there will be those openings in the next 4 years. Having a solid majority in the Supreme Court is a real possibility if President Trump gets re-elected. It will for sure not be possible if a Democrat wins. There is not one single Democrat who will admit they will support a pro life position. This may actually be our last chance.

In 2016 we did not know if Trump would actually follow through on his pro life promises and his commitment to appoint very Conservative judges. Yet he has, 2 Supreme Court Justices and over 200 other Conservative Federal judges confirmed. I don't care if you like the guy or hate the guy. Your votes are about issues that have great and lasting importance and not about a person's personality. And the election is a binary choice. Not voting or voting third party contributes nothing in the cause to overturn Roe V. Wade.

As a Christian I believe that how we vote on the pro life issue will determine how God will in turn bless our country. It is the base issue that determines everything else. Please, pray, pray, pray about what God's will is. Pray that God will put into office a person to appoint the right judges to the Supreme Court and the Federal Courts. Pray that the Senate has enough pro life members to get those persons confirmed. Pray that confusion will fill the enemy's ranks. And then get off your knees and vote.

It is coming. I believe the curse will be lifted in my life time, and hopefully soon. I believe there is a confrontation coming with the prophets of Baal and that their positions and altars of influence will be destroyed. This I do know. It will take place a lot sooner if enough of us humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, pray, and vote pro life.  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Prophecy About Kamala Harris

As the Democrat National Convention begins this week I thought I would share some of my thoughts as well as a prophecy about their VP pick.

Below is a link to a prophecy about Kamala Harris that was posted by Charlie Shamp in September 2017. Charlie is a proven soul winner and also someone who has given many accurate national prophecies for both the US and for other countries. He has preached and ministered to crowds of hundreds of thousands in multiple nations but is also a street preacher. He has organized and will be leading a major outdoor street crusade to the inner city of Chicago this September.

This is the strangest political season I have ever seen. Donald Trump has a portfolio of success both foreign and domestic that is a foot thick and yet no one would know it because main stream media's coverage of him has, by design, been well over 90 per cent negative. The focus for the 2020 election on the Democrat side has had nothing to do with who their actual candidates are or what their policies would be. Instead it has all been - Donald Trump is horrible, get rid of Donald Trump.

As I recently wrote, Joe Biden is a uniquely weak selection. Over the years and up to and through this campaign season Biden has never been able to generate any personal excitement toward himself on the national stage. He has numerous things going against him, not least of which is his declining mental acuity. So how did he end up representing the Democrat Party for this election?

The RNC and DNC are actually run like corporations. There are powerful insiders with a lot of influence who try to direct the way the corporations will go. When they are in power it is usually the President who also acts as the party CEO. When Bill Clinton served as President for 8 years the Clintons were able to place their people in a lot of major places of influence, not just in the Party but also throughout different areas of the government and the military. President Bush and President Obama were also able to do the same.

A thing to remember here is that most of government has been run by people who have mostly the same goals, who live close to each other in the same areas, who socialize at the same parties and whose families go to the same schools. Their have what is known as a Neo-Con foreign policy which favors heavy US investment and intervention abroad. Their domestic policy favors heavy influence by the Federal Government over policy and distribution of funds. The insiders of both parties want to grow the size and influence of Government. To understand the reason simply, the more money that runs through Washington for Foreign or Domestic purposes the more money there is available for eager hands to slice off their share. Money equals power and the lust for power drives those in Government, even if their original intentions were pure.

This is the major reason why the establishment of both parties hate Donald Trump. He is an outsider who is upsetting their apple cart. He is not a Neo-Con, he plays by different rules, he doesn't smile and promise one thing while actually doing another and so far he has not been bought off by the big money lobbyists from major corporations and other countries.

Clinton people had been running the DNC ever since Bill Clinton was elected President. It was their intent to have Hillary Clinton become the Democrat nominee after Bush's 2nd term but Barack Obama's star was rising hot and fast, and after he won he started installing his own people in key positions throughout government. Obama's people were a lot farther to the Left than Clinton's although Hillary herself leaned a lot further Left than Bill.

Hillary was the designated replacement for Obama but now there was a third group, represented by Bernie Sanders, vying for power. This group consisted of a lot of more Marxist flavored radicals who were not content with Obama's strategy of a slow and steady transistion to Socialist and then Marxist government. They wanted revolution now and were upset when Bernie got shunted aside by the Party insiders.

 Clinton was supposed to win. Everything was supposed to keep heading Left. All the dirty tricks against Trump would be buried and the people in power would be able to keep the radicals in check. But in the natural there were two main reasons that Clinton lost. One was that she believed the polls so she did not work hard enough in the key swing states during the last month of the contest. The second was that Hillary did not come off as a very likable person. She does not have that Obama charm and many Dems simply could not check the box when it came time to vote.

Behind the scenes Obama now became the chief dude although the Clinton camp remained strong. Each side had people they favored to run for the Dem ticket in 2020. Although President Obama did not publicly endorse anyone early I am pretty certain that it was his camp that encouraged Kamala Harris to run. I suspect another early choice was Cory Booker. The insiders still did not want Sanders, or for that matter Elizabeth Warren, who was too close to Sanders. Obama was not high on Biden.

As it turned out Senator Booker bowed out early because he came off as angry and as a bit of a nut case. Senator Harris started strong and got, as expected, a big push from the media. However, after Tulsi Gabbert utterly destroyed her in one two minute statement, everyone realized that Harris did not come off as either likable or believable. And she possesses a creepy laugh that reminds everyone of Hillary's, only worse.

After Bloomberg's 500 million didn't work, too low primary vote totals for most of the others, a dissatisfaction with Warren from the insiders and the belief that Kobachar and Mayor Pete had limited national potential (although they might be wrong on Mayor Pete), this basically left it a race between Biden and Sanders. At the last minute, just before the South Carolina primary, deals were made with a bunch of people and the fix went in to push Biden.

Why Biden? At this point everyone on the inside already knew that Joe had cognitive problems and would not be able to push forth a vigorous campaign or serve a full term if elected. They knew that the race was not about their person but rather about getting rid of President Trump. At least with Biden they had someone whom they believed they could control and who would continue to pursue a gradual slant towards the Left, even though publically Joe went a lot further to the radical Left in an effort to keep that faction in tow. If they could just keep Biden in his basement as much as possible to avoid getting into trouble and if they could make sure he chose the right person to replace him, and if the media continued to do their job, things might end up even better than they hoped.

Well, back into the picture enters Obama's first choice. Is there something else that is going on that we don't know about. I guess we will find out pretty soon.



Friday, August 14, 2020

My Joe Biden Dream

Last night I had a dream about Joe Biden. 

I once had a dream where I was at the White House when President Obama was in office. While walking around I saw the same style mirror frame hanging on a wall that our family business use to import and sell. What was unusual about the mirror at the White House was that it didn't have any mirror glass in it. I got alone with President Obama in a side room and told him that I was a bit upset about the frame not having any glass. I think the deeper meaning of the dream was the idea of Obama looking into a mirror and not seeing anything. I'll let you figure that one out.

One time I had a dream where I interacted with President Trump. We played a backyard game where we threw folding chairs against a wall about 20 feet away, scoring points if we could get them to stick on the wall. In that dream President Trump represented God and the purpose of the dream was to give me some advice about using spiritual authority.

So last night I'm in what seems to be some type of health clinic. Joe Biden is dressed in a hospital gown, in a wheelchair, very frail and bald looking, and I wheel him into a fairly large room with a bunch of people, one of them my cousin Marsha. I point to her and say to Biden that I want to introduce to you my cousin Marsha. Then I say to my cousin, "Oh bye the way, this is Joe Biden."  Marsha smiles and tells me that she knows that's Joe Biden.

I happen to have Biden's chart with me. One the front side it looks like a watercolor picture. I turn it over and on the back right side it has several columns with numbers and letters which I don't understand. My brother Jet then walks over and looks over my shoulder at the chart. Smiling Jet remarks, "Oh, he has a blue mark. Those are the money makers". By "money makers" I understand Jet is talking about certain kinds of health problems which allow doctors to make a lot more money than what would be average.

Scanning the chart I spot a small blue shield and on it is the word "atrophy", which is a condition where the body or organs are wasting away, although I understand it as Biden's muscles starting to harden and becoming useless. I look at Joe and he is looking so old and frail and, although there is nothing about his politics or a lot of his past actions that I agree with, I feel so bad for Joe that I wrap my arms around him and he in turn puts his arms around me. I begin to cry, Biden begins to cry and my cousin Marsha, seeing us cry, also begins to cry. This hugging and crying goes on for quite awhile and then I wake up.

At this point I'm not sure as to the dream's meaning. I have a brother-in-law with ALS and a daughter going to Mayo Clinic at the end of the month because of a condition that no one can figure out, so maybe the dream is not political but instead is me processing my emotions for them. If it is a prophetic political dream then things don't look too good for Biden's future. We will see.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

10 Reasons Trump Will Win By A Landslide In November

1.  Incumbents almost always win. And Trump has a long and strong record of accomplishments to point to, including record low unemployment and a record strong economy up to the Covid 19 shutdowns. Democrats would like to delay the recovery until after the November elections, but it has already started to strongly rebound.

2.  The most accurate election predictor, which has been right 22 out of the last 24 Presidential elections and which in 2016 gave candidateTrump an 87% chance of winning, gives him a 91% chance of winning in 2020. Its algorithms look at how people perform in Presidential primaries. This year, even though President Trump ran unopposed and people did not need to turn out, his numbers were crushingly high.

3.  President Trump's approval rating within his base is over 90%. and the base is motivated. Unlike almost any other politician in memory President Trump has followed through on almost every thing he promised when he campaigned, and his supporters recognize that.

4.  In 2016 Trump won 200 counties in critical swing states that had voted Democrat by a 20% margin in the previous 20 years. He won those by a margin of 20%. They counties were once part of the traditional Democrat base, comprised of mostly white working class voters. These voters felt both that the Democrat Party had abandoned them and that Trump best represented their daily concerns. 

This is the group that won Trump the election in 2016. They made up for votes that Trump did not get within the Evangelical community and within certain segments of the ruling class in the Republican Party (never Trumpers). Since 2016 the Democrat Party has swung so much farther to the Left and away from the concerns of that group that Trump will not only maintain, but greatly expand his support from them.

5.  As noted above, in 2016, because they did not believe he would follow through on his promises and because of certain other obvious personal weaknesses, many Evangelical voters either sat out the election or voted third party. For the most part that will not happen again. President Trump has been the best Pro-Life President ever. He is arguably the most Pro-Israel President ever. There are a dozen other metrics important to Christians that President Trump has also proven to be very strong on.

6.  President Trump's approval rating among Blacks has been steadily growing. Traditionally, Republican Presidential candidates garner about 10% of the Black vote. There were two polls done earlier this year which showed President Trump's approval with Blacks at 31% and then 35%. A poll that came out 2 weeks ago had it at 41%. There are several reasons for this. 

(A) Because of Trump's policies Black owned business have increased 400% since Trump was elected.
(B) President Trump has enacted real prison reform, a major concern in the Black community.
(C) Black colleges have received strong funding from Trump's administration.
(D) Black voices such as Candice Owens with her Blexit movement (Black exit from the Democrat Party) and others  have articulated that Republican positions and policies better represent traditional Conservative views held in the Black community.
(E) Did I mention Kayne West?

Approval ratings do not necessarily translate directly to votes. But if Republicans ever get 15% of the Black vote then it is game over for the Democrat Party.

7.  Hispanic approval for President Trump has been polling in the mid 40's, way up from the 30% he received in 2016.

8.  Following the lead of Brendan Stracha's #WalkAway movement (a gay hair dresser from New York city) there have been large numbers of people from traditional Democrat voting groups who have realized that the main stream media has been utterly biased and unfair in their coverage of President Trump. Ten's of thousands or more have been "red pilled" and will now be voting in 2020 for Trump.
9.  Joe Biden is a uniquely weak candidate. He has never created any excitement toward himself on the national stage. This year he surged ahead after winning South Carolina only because party insiders decided he was their guy and pressured most of the other candidates to drop out so Sanders would not win. Polls show that in 2020, 75% of Democrats will not be voting "for" Joe Biden. Instead they will be voting "against" Donald Trump. There is also a good bet that some of the Sanders people will not show up to vote, even though Biden has in public adopted most of Sander's platform. This is very bad for Biden because historically more people show up to vote "for" someone than "against" someone.

Joe Biden is, to be kind, way, way past his prime, and everyone knows it. No one can really invision him as a strong and intelligent leader with vision, ready to take on the numerous difficult challenges of the Presidency. That non confidence will cost him votes. 

He has numerous road blocks from his past which the press has largely ignored but which will be brought out front and center by President Trump and his campaign. These including sexual assault, compulsive touching, grouping and hair sniffing. and being a little too friendly around little girls.  There are also a few books out detailing how Biden's family have become rich by taking advantage of government related contracts connected to areas that Vice President Biden was in charge of. 

It will be hard for Biden to get around the fact that he was very cozy with the country that released upon us the Covid 19 virus. And his past policies are very unpopular with the Progressive Left who are now taking over his party and who want to burn down and shout down anything resembling common sense.

Biden just released his platform which, as I said, adopts about everything that Bernie Sanders was running on. The Democrat Party's gambit is (if they are really going to let Biden get the nomination) most Democrats will believe that Joe is really a moderate and is only playing the political game to keep the Progressive Left happy. The problem is, so many of those positions are so wacky that it is just too easy for President Trump to read aloud (as I saw him do last night) one goofy thing after another, look at the camera and say; "Can you believe it?" 

Both the past and the present are out to get Joe Biden. That leaves him very little future.

10  And on top of all of the above, the events of this year have frightened a lot of people. Those events include riots that are still going on, tearing down of statues, defunding police and the lack for support for law and order. Many of the people frightened are life long Democrats who never before would have thought of voting Republican. Fear is one of the greatest motivators in life and this year fear will bring out two groups of people to vote the Republican ticket. Those that have never voted before and Democrats who dislike Trump but fear what the Marxist inspired chaos has created.

Gun sales have gone through the roof in the last 3 months, many of the sales to first time gun owners, a lot of those Democrats who before were anti-gun until they felt their own lives were or would be threatened.

So ignore the polls and all the sound and fury you are hearing and will hear in the next few months. Ignore the political commentators. Turn off the TV or at least the political news and the daily - Trump is bad news - which has been a staple of the main stream Democrat propaganda media since the day he got elected. And even though YOU STILL NEED TO VOTE and you need to pray against massive fraud via mail in ballots, you should relax. Trump will not only get voted in again this November, it won't even be close.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Meditation On Our Times (With Thanks to 1 Corinthians 13)

This I know
that in the times we are living
love will triumph over hate
love does not provoke or take into account wrongs suffered
it is gentle, patient and slow to anger
love does not yell, scream, nag or demand
it bears all things, believes all things
hopes all things, endures all things
it is not jealous or arrogant
it encourages and looks for the best
and does not magnify one by putting down another
love unites and does not divide
it is honest while at the same time respectful
it does not rejoice in unrighteousness
but rejoices with the truth
This I know
that in the times we are living
love will triumph over hate
and change will only come through love
it is faith that will heal the great divide
and from faith, hope will spring forth to refresh our land
but of the three, faith, hope and love
the greatest of these - is love

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Black Lives Do Matter, But The Organization's Goals Are Marxist

Let me start with 2 broad statements. (1) Everything is political. (2) Everything is spiritual. In other words, very few things happen by chance. Also, everything we see, read or hear comes through some type of lens and the people providing that information do so through their own political and spiritual bias. We are in a unique place in history because there are now so many sources of information. This has been both bad and good.

The bad is that a small group of powerful people and corporations, all far Left in their politics and spiritual beliefs, control most of the major sources of information. These include The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR, Associated Press, Reuters, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Apple, Snoops, Drudge Report and so on. They control both the discussion and where news is positioned on search engines.

They do not provide honest and balanced news coverage. They control MOST of the information the average American receives. They decide what gets talked about and what doesn't, what is important and what is not, what is true and what is false. They do this by how they construct headlines or edit a story and they will even lie if need be. And they do this by what views they allow on social media, who gets monitized, and who gets blocked or censored. The news feed you get on your phones or devices is not balanced. Most of it tilts Left at best.

The good news is that there are a lot of very intelligent and articulate Conservative commentators out there. From the group on the Daily Wire including Ben Sharipo, Michael Knowles and Andrew Klavan, to Victor David Hansen, Prager U, Candice Owens, Charlie Kirk and Jordan Peterson, plus dozens more, the Conservative view point is well presented and well laid out. You just have to look for it.

Take for example what President Trump has had to go through since the very hour he got elected. President Trump was seen rightly by the people controlling the media as an existential threat to their goals. He was not one of them, he knew how they operated and he threatened to expose them. His pro life, pro Israel and America First agenda went against their globalist Marists agenda.

There was a decision made by this group that from day one they would frame President Trump as not legitimate, to declare him a habitual liar, unqualified for the job, a racist, a Russian stooge and they were instructed never to give him "a win" or picture him in a positive light. This was all about having lost what they thought was the key to advancing their long range plans and to try to get it back as soon as they could. Failing impeachment the goal is now the November election.

They also had at their beck and call an army of social justice warriors who (and I saw this beginning the day that President Trump won) flooded social media with their views and harrased, threatened and bullied any one who expressed a positive view of President Trump or his policies.

Well, it mostly started as get rid of Trump but it has now morphed into an all out advancement toward Marxism, which has as it's agenda the destroying of society and the social order in order to rebuilt it into the Marxist utopia. This specifically means the destruction of the nuclear family, the silencing and then elimination of Christianity, the reviling and then rewriting of all American history, the transfer of all rights and means of production from the individual to the State.

Which leads me to discuss what is currently happening under the cover of Black Lives Matter. As I wrote in my last blog post - Cancel Culture - by itself the phrase Black Lives Matter is positive and expresses these truths; Blacks do get discriminated against in our society, for certain reasons not merely based on race they will get stopped and questioned far more than whites and there have been plenty of times where police act with excessive force or violence toward blacks. There is a lot of room for improvement on all counts and I believe most people agree with me on those statements. We can and need to learn and grow and to both see and treat all others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

There are factors that must be understood in that context. First. racism is not just a white problem. It's ugly head exists within every racial group toward those of other races. It is part of the human condition.

Second, throughout history the majority group or tribe with economic power will discriminate toward the minority group or tribe. Tribalism is still with us. It is not just a "white" problem.

Third, the great problem in our country today is not racism but a system that creates a poverty class that is hard to break out of and which often leaves those in that system without realistic hopes and dreams. People caught in that system are by a huge factor more likely to be poorly educated, unemployed, on drugs or in prison.

Fourth, the greatest cause of poverty by far is having children young and out of wedlock. In almost all cases, if a person is married before they have children and has a steady job their chances of being in poverty are very low. Men, to be able to learn how to be responsible men, need to have a strong father figure in their home. I have been told by many guys on my road tests that the biggest problem inner city teens have today is that they have no respect for their elders. That is a father problem.

This is the elephant in the room that cannot be discussed. You will get called racist if you try. And the main reason is because it is the result of Democrat led policies and a media that is controlled by Democrats. Before the Great Society programs of LBJ in the mid 1960's there was a very large black middle class. At that time only 15% of black families were single parent homes. Today 70 % of blacks are brought up in single parent homes. Single parent white households are now at 30%. I am told that a large factor to the rebellion occuring in the young white college educated world today are with males who had a father at home but that father was in many ways absent in the life of the boy.

Fifth, a man's sense of worth is tied into having a steady job or jobs that can provide for his family.

Sixth, statistically last year 10 unarmed blacks were killed (for whatever reason) by white policemen. During the same year 20 unarmed whites were (for whatever reason) killed by white policemen. Bad as that is there is not actually a plague of unarmed blacks getting shot by white policemen.

Seventh, (remember this is a poverty issue and not a race issue) in cities like New York, a person of color is 400 times more likely to commit a violent crime than a white person.

Eight, many police risk their lives everyday and everyday they are dealing with people in the bottom 10th of society. Day after day they get cursed at and abused and they see the worse of what man can do to man. A policeman always tries to be in a position of control but when they feel threatened it usually leads to a show of force. This is not a race issue. It is the fear aspect of human nature. It does not excuse bad actions but we need to be aware what the dynamics are.

Ninth, police unions (and unions usually donate to Democrats) make it very hard to get rid of bad police. Such was the case with the guy who killed George Floyd.

Tenth, there is nothing more racist than identity politics, but that is the game plan of the current Democrat Party. The attack on white this and white that, an evil white past and a present white guilt that cannot be released or even purged because of a person's race is an attack straight from the pit of hell. To me the term "white privilege" is full of political and racial meaning. Again, most large ethnic groups have stories that are different than the smaller ones. But in today's politics the demand is not just for awareness, it extends to things like reparations.  

So I can say yes to the idea that black lives matter but I cannot say yes to the organization that is Black Lives Matter.  If I do I am associating myself, not with an idea of healing racism but rather with a group that has a totally different agenda and which hides it's agenda under a mantra that cannot be criticized. 

The organization was founded by 3 community organizers. I saw one of the current leaders in an interview conducted a few years ago saying that they were all Marxist and well versed in how to obtain their goals. At least one of the woman is an LGBT activists as well. One of the original founding statements of the organization was that in American there is state sponsored violence toward blacks and the solution to that is to defund police departments. That has been one of their goals from the beginning.  Like all Marxists they want to deconstruct the family, the church, the government, our history and then rebuild it to the Marxist dream.

But there is another aspect to Black Lives Matter. Apart from being Marxist it is also tribal. The leaders are not looking to create a better melting pot. They ultimately want to separate the races and create steps toward segregation. Look for example at the attempt in Seattle to create a garden at the park in CHOP. It is for blacks only. At many colleges and universities there are now black only dorms. 

Shaun King, on of the current leaders of Black Lives Matter, just tweeted that not only should we be tearing down and removing statues of famous white leaders and renaming tens of thousands of buildings and schools but we also need to remove any depictions in statues or stain glass windows of a white Jesus and his white mother because that is considered "offensive" to blacks.

Now remember, there is a vital time event looming, the November elections. Remember, this has both political and spiritual ramifications. There were several Marxist groups, emboldened by how far Left the Democrat Party and the Main Stream Media have swung in the last 4 years, waiting for something to spark a Leftist revolt. And there was a large jobless base of angry people at the beginning of Summer, many hurting or ready to blow off steam because of the Covid 19 lockdowns, Presented to them was a visual of a heartless murder of a black man by a white policeman that perfectly fit into the white police hate black men narrative.

The radical groups, waiting for a trigger event, jumped into action and at the lead (because no one dares to criticize them) was the group called Black Lives Matter. But what was to happen was never really about the need for white police to treat black men better or for the need for whites to realize that they are actually more prejudiced toward blacks than they believe. There was released into this country a spirit of rebellion and anarchy, a spirit of fear, a spirit of hate, murder and greed. And at the head of those spirits is the spirit of antichrist. This does not mean that there were not a lot of people of good will who want to see an end to racism in America. But it must be realized what the actual goals of the leadership are and how this has all been working out in the present.

The main stream media has done everything in their power to limit showing what has been happening but the statistics of carnage to property, lives and now institutions has been staggering. And what has been the upshot? Gun sales have skyrocketed, even by people who never in their lives believed people should even own guns. Violence by blacks toward other blacks in many of the major cities in our country has doubled because police presence has pulled back. Every white person who works in a corporation suspects that they will have to endure even more racial and gender sensitivity training. 

And the average white person, who doesn't understand the politics and the spiritual dynamics, is asking this question. What do they want to get out of all this? And that's because not one has articulated the goals of the protests, or the marches, or the burnings, or the lootings, or the violence. The goal posts keep moving and the goals are not articulated because this is of course all about creating a new, utopian society.

The Left got a little, they got some more, and now they think they can get it all.

Can God still make all things work for good, so that out of this chaos there can come actual racial healing and forgiveness? Yes, He can and I believe He will. But the change in racial relations has to come through hearts being healed and transformed by the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit, Remember, we are dealing with human nature, and human nature always resists what is being forced upon it.

I believe God has allowed the enemy to show his cards and to play his hand and although the chaos has not ended yet the spirit of the antichrist will soon be restrained for a time. Hearts throughout our nation that have been hurting, confused and fearful will pour out their cares upon the Lord and He in turn will radically fill, heal and change those hearts, and that healing will pour out like waves upon our society.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is the logical result of what happens when Marxist gain a foothold. Like true brown shirt revolutionaries everywhere they want to define thought, shut down and shout down any speech that opposes them, and then punish everyone who gets in the way of their quest for power. 

Their goal, as has been the goal of all Marxist, is to dismantle society and then rebuilt it to their vision of Utopia, This ultimately means getting rid of God, redefining morality and the family, controlling the press, the education system, the means of production and moving all power and transferring all money to the State. From there a small group of enlightened managers directed by a smaller group of enlightened leaders will distribute rights, wages, healthcare, services, security and unbridled happiness to an adoring population, so thankful to have such wise and righteous leaders and ruling class. What could go wrong?

Well for one, that's not American and everything that made and makes America great. It does not reflect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, or how the legal system and courts work. It does not reflect freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom to bear arms. It does not reflect the freedom we have in this country to innovate, to build, to start a business, to become wealthy or to fail in the effort to do so. It does not reflect either our generous spirit or our dogged determinism. And it does not reflect what every Founder was keenly aware of. All people are by nature selfish and weak and when small groups or individuals gain great power they have the potential to be despots.

It has been said that when you don't believe in God then your belief is not in nothing. Instead it means that you will believe anything. Marxism gets rid of God and replaces Him with a morality that has no foundation and which changes according to the times. What is dogma for a Marxist today can be replaced tomorrow without a blink of an eye or a hint of logical introspection. Because it is really a dogmatic religious belief it allows for no debate and has no respect for the past. In order to evolve into a glorious and just moral future American history and American society must not only be retold but destroyed as well. Think of giant rallys where books are burned.

This my friends is what our colleges and universities, with their heavy percentage of Marxist professors, have been churning out for the last couple of decades. They teach that America has been racist and sexist from the start and nothing that exists today is legitimate. Not everyone exits the education system that way of course but there does exist today a large population of social justice warriors (SJW's) who have become the brown shirts of social media.

One of their tactics is to declare that racism in America is systemic. This apparently is not the evil of normal racism, of which every person of every race is somewhat guilty of and which has existed in every society where there is a dominant tribe or people. No, this is specifically something that whites in America are guilty of, having inherited it from our white ancestors. And there is no cure for it. Reparations would be just, public humiliations should be expected, and when that's done perhaps whites should think of moving to some place that will have us.

And logical reasons for economic differences cannot be discussed. Statistical evidence shows quite clearly that across all races, the greatest indicator of poverty is having babies early and out of wedlock and not having a father figure in the home. This greatly decreases the odds for educational advancement and greatly increases the odds for being unemployed, having substance abuse and being imprisoned. Sadly, since the 1960's, government policies have helped create this very situation. And as a result males in particular are deprived of learning how and what it means to be a man and being able to achieve the basic human dignity afforded by having work that can provide for one's family. 

However, now all economic disparities are described as due to "white privilege".  I'm not disputing that for various reasons people get treated different in our country. Do majority populations or the majority tribe have advantages in every society? Yes. Should we be aware of that and strive to do better? Yes. Is it right to make racist statements and judge people as a group because of their skin color, including whites? No. 

Also in order to tear apart society and insert their own moral code SJW's want to redefine what it means to be a man, a woman and a family. To do this they need to control the language we use and frame how the debate is conducted and then shame and boycott anyone who does not go along. They identify dozens of micro groups, all like blacks oppressed by the dominate group that they intend to tear down and replace. This has been an active policy of the Left in the Democrat Party for a long time but it has now gone full bore over social media through the intimidation and mass shamming by the hordes of Social Justice Warriors.

There are different layers of Marxist influence in America and there are at least of couple of anarchist groups that somebody is organizing, directing and financing. Most SWJ's are just unwitting pawns, although they do have leaders that organize, direct and announce what their group's current moral outrage is. So how does Black Lives Matter fit into all of this? What I am going to say next might make some of you mad but I think it needs to at least be discussed.

In my view the phrase, Black Lives Matter, is really a positive statement. By itself it is not racist, it promotes the idea that blacks have been both discriminated against as well as victims of violence and have been victims of violence specifically by police. I think almost everyone agrees with those statements. We all want to see improvement and actual healing in the way police respond to situations and they way we ourselves treat and view those of another race. However there are two things we have to be aware of if we want to associate ourselves with the organization called Black Lives Matter.

The first is to be aware of what actual statistics show regarding: the extent of police violence, the extent of police violence towards blacks and towards whites, the percentage of people of different races who commit violent crimes, the reasons why crime exists in certain areas, the personal risks that a police officer takes every day on the job, how difficult police unions make it to get rid of bad eggs and so on. When you start seeing that twice as many unarmed whites get killed than blacks by police, that blacks because of reasons economic and social commit 50 per cent of all violent crimes in our country and that most blacks murdered overall are murdered by other blacks, it starts to eat away at the narrative that not only are all cops bad but that white cops hate black people.

The second is to realize that Black Lives Matter was founded by 3 (female) community organizers who put into the groups founding, statements such as - blacks are victims of state sponsored violence and, as we are seeing today, the solution to state sponsored violence is to defund police departments. They are quite radical in many other social ways and violence seems to follow them where ever they go. I don't know if they would be strictly considered a Marxist group but they seem to have many of the same goals and are supported and financed by the same people in the background. 

There are people with a far reaching and hate filled toward whites agenda who have no problem using people of good faith to achieve that agenda. The times we are in have exposed how radical the people in the background really are and what total hypocrates the people on the Left in power really are. There are some people on the Left who are not Marxist but stay quiet thinking they can control the crazies. They lust for power and don't care if the country burns so that they will end up with more power in the end. There are also people in power on the Right who lust for that same power just as much and have no problem making promises but then screwing us. Both groups should be cleaned out.

This is a spiritual war. It is a war of ideas and principles. For many years the enemy has been playing the long game, infiltrating the education system, eliminating objectivity in the media, attacking Christian beliefs, bit by bit, piece by piece, principle by principle. Now, all of a sudden, the darkness has started coming fully out of the closet. And there is more to come. Cancel culture does not reason or debate. It screams at us and thinks it makes intelligent points by the number of vulgar words yelled, typed or spray painted.

Here is a secret though. Although they will continue to get louder for a time, know for certain - We have won and they have lost. We have won and they have lost. We have won and they have lost.

Our task now is to think through what our principles are, what they are based on and how they fit with the things that are happening today. Always stand for truth and justice but be aware that there are out there wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. Then teach your children well. 



Saturday, June 6, 2020

Trump To Win In November By Twenty Points

The Democrat Party is dying. They just don't know it yet.

There is a revolution coming, but much different than you think. We may even be looking at a new civil war, sparked by the results of the November elections. People are going to vote Republican in record numbers, the Democrat Party is going to split, the major news media, now the propaganda arm of the Left, will be momentarly stunned and may not recover, and some high profile people who were active in the attempted coup against President Trump will be put on trial.

Because all of this may come as a bit of of shock to my never Trump friends and family, some of whom, even as I write, may actually believe that Joe Biden is really leading in the polls and has a good chance to take the prize, I will present the reasons I believe why a landslide Trump win is coming.

My first reason is the most important one and it undergirds everything else, but it is also one that never Trumpers either cannot or are most unwilling to understand. They may shout and scream and even tear their hair out even at the mention of it. But here goes. God has chosen Donald J. Trump for such a time as this. It would take me many pages to expand on that and if asked (yeah right) I would love to lay out step by step my reasons. Instead, for now, speaking as a Christian sensitive to the how the Holy Spirit is moving in these times and seasons, trust me when I say - this is a God thing.

Because of that everything that has been hurled at President Trump over the last 3 1/2 years has or will come back at the accusers.

The major news media (controlled by a small group of Left leaning individuals) who since his election have been well over 90 per cent negative in their coverage of President Trump, who have twisted and taken out of context everything he has said or done to match their narratives of racism, incompetence, being a Russian pawn, orange man bad in all it's forms, etc, in order to get him out of power, are no longer trusted as accurate news sources by the vast majority of the population. New Conservative internet platforms with far greater audiences (despite being censored and demontinized by their Left leaning platform hosts) have sprung up as alternatives and are flourishing. Meanwhile, someone like Rachel Maddow, a MSNBC host who had an average of 6 million viewers during the Russia debacle, is now down to 600,000 and still dropping like a stone.

There are major trends working against the Democrat Party. First, at the same time as it has shifted far to the Left, the world at large has been shifting more to the Right, toward National Capitialism. While education systems both here and in Europe are still controlled by professors that favor Socialist and Communist viewpoints, and while those views are then still heavily ingrained in the hearts and minds of younger college and university educated populations, people eventually get older and more experienced and confront the real world. In doing so most become more Conservative. In Europe, because of low birthrates and heavy restrictions imposed on their countries by the EU, they are encountering both the limitations of the inherent flaws of Socialism and the desire for greater Nationalism.

This is currently happening in many European countries, but look no further than Great Britain. Several years ago, against the opposition of most party leaders and their own Main Stream Media, the Brits voted by 66 per cent to leave the EU (Brexit). This was a shock to the ruling class who kept promising to get it done but could never in their hearts go far enough to actually do it. Finally last year the people had enough. The ruling Labour party (Left) was demolished in new elections by huge margins, many replaced by people who had never run for office before.

We don't have a Brexit movement in the United States but there is a Blexit (Black exit from the Democrat Party) movement alive and well and growing fast in the Black community. Throughout the last couple of years polls have been showing increasing support for President Trump among people of color. There are a half a dozen major reasons for this. (1) Black owed business have grown by 400 per cent under President Trump, (2), Prison reform under President Trump, (3), Media voices like Candace Owens, Charles Paine and Larry Elder, (4) The work Ben Carson has done through HUD, (5) The idea that Blacks have been on the Democrat "plantation", i.e., "They woo us every 4 years for our votes and then forget us, so what do we have to lose?", (6) The growing realization that the current Democrat Party is actually opposed to religion and other conservative views held by the majority of the Black community.

In 2016 President Trump received about 9 per cent of the Black vote, which is average for a Republican. He was helped because fewer Blacks showed up to vote for Clinton than they did for President Obama. A Rasmussen poll taken a few days ago among active voters showed President Trump with a 40 per cent approval rating among Blacks. Let that sink in for a moment. If Trump receives 12 per cent of the Black vote he will win easily. If he receives 15 per cent of the Black vote the Democrat Party itself is in serious trouble. Those numbers in 2020 are not only likely but could even be greater.

President Trump;s support with Hispanics is also in the 40 per cent range. Strange isn't it? And yet it reflects the faces you will find in a typical Trump rally. The Democrat Party has left the working middle class and, despite what the media wants you to believe, there are an awful lot of Blacks and Hispanics who do not view President Trump as a racist.

Just as what happened with Blexit, there is a huge backlash welling up in America against far Left policies and the actions of certain Democrat Governors during the Corona Virus lock downs and the recent rioting and lootings, I'm telling you, when gun sales increased by 80 per cent even before the riots, people are going to express themselves by more than just buying guns. While defunding police departments may seem like Left nirvana, it will end up being suicide in the next election. And people are not going to blame Trump either for lives lost or for jobs lost or for freedoms being taken away from them. But they are going to blame somebody.

The economy took a hit during the shutdowns but should recover at a good pace before the elections. And as every politician knows, "It's the economy stupid". President Trump will get credit for that.

Finally, Trump's approval from his base is over 90 per cent. He has collected record vote totals in the primaries for an unopposed canidate. Special elections have been swinging heavy Republican. There were a lot of Evangelical voters who sat out the last election but who will cast their ballots red this election because Trump has proven to be a champion for pro-life, pro-religious freedom,, pro-gun, pro-free speech and pro Israel causes. He has also appointed and had approved over 200 Conservative Federal Judges and there is a high likely hood that the next President will select at least one more Conservative Supreme Court Justice.

And then we come to who the Democrats will run against Trump. Vice President Biden has just secured enough delegates to officially be his party's nominee. If they stay with Biden he will be crushed six ways to Sunday. Apart from scandals involving Hunter (among other things he went over to CHINA with his dad on Air Force 2 and came back with a 1.5 BILLION dollar deal), his public grouping, shoulder squeezing and hair sniffing of females both young and younger, the sexual accusations against him and a political past that does not match the demands of the new Leftists in his party, it is obvious that Old Joe is in serious cognitive decline. I think "word salad" is how many pundents describe many of his off the prompter remarks during the last 6 months.

If Biden resigns at some point or is replaced at the convention there will be a battle royal between the Democrat factions for power. I believe the far Left faction, thinking this is actually their time, will demand to have one of theirs run. If they don't get their way, many will riot and then sit out the election. Either way, not only is President Trump heading for a landslide election but both the House and the Senate will be solidly in Republican hands. And it could remain so for a long, long time.

That is my prediction for today. As of now God's hand is still on President Trump. Hopefully he will learn to humble himself because, as we all know - Pride comes before the fall.