Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Acceptable Number Of Blacks That Should Be Owned As Slaves

What is the acceptable number of Blacks that our country should allow to be kept as slaves? If asked, what would your answer be?


Now imagine you were living in a country where enslaving Blacks was legal. There is an election coming up where the main issue is whether slavery of Blacks should continue to be legal. Some of the pro-slavery arguments are as follows:


Blacks are not really people and because they are in a sense subhuman it is OK to own them and to have full control over their lives.


Slavery of Blacks is an economic necessity and those owning Blacks as slaves would suffer financially if slavery was outlawed.


You might be personally opposed to owning Black slaves but what right do you have to tell someone else that they cannot own Black slaves.


The number of Blacks who are slaves is gradually decreasing, thus it would be best for the country to do nothing and in time the number of Blacks owned as slaves would be more acceptable for those who are opposed to it.


We understand you are bothered by the idea of slave owners physically harming their Blacks and we want to assure you that it is our ultimate goal to make slavery of Blacks rare, safe, but legal.


One hundred and sixty years ago there was an election coming up. One party wanted to do everything possible to end slavery. The other the exact opposite. Slavery was not the only issue between the parties but how one voted had everything to do with what would happen over the next five years and beyond. The movement to end the enslavement of Blacks originated with and was carried forth most aggressively through the years by those in the Church who were morally opposed to the institution. Now it had come to a head and people had their chance to make a moral decision of their own in the sight of God by how they voted. I know we can convince ourselves that it is never really that simple. But maybe it is.


There is an issue today that equals or even exceeds the moral injustice of owning Blacks as slaves. Many of the same arguments used to support slavery are used to support the ending of an innocent human life. And once again we are being asked to make a moral decision in the sight of God by voting. 


During the last four years the same Party that promised to end the enslavement of Blacks has done everything possible to advance the righteous cause of protecting the life of the innocent. The other Party has continued to swing more radical on the issue, even approving taking the life of a child who survives an abortion. Their VP hopeful when State Attorney General even prosecuted an undercover journalist who exposed the widespread practice by Planned Parenthood of selling aborted baby parts to labs for medical research. The results of the election will not only affect abortion policy and funding in our country but, because of our countries funding and influence, across the world as well.


I imagine you view yourself as an enlightened person who, if given the chance today, would vote for the person and the party who were moving to end the horrors of the enslavement of Blacks to the last man, woman and child. So what is your position on the acceptable number of babies that should legally be aborted? And what are you going to do about it?  

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