The bad is that a small group of powerful people and corporations, all far Left in their politics and spiritual beliefs, control most of the major sources of information. These include The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR, Associated Press, Reuters, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Apple, Snoops, Drudge Report and so on. They control both the discussion and where news is positioned on search engines.
They do not provide honest and balanced news coverage. They control MOST of the information the average American receives. They decide what gets talked about and what doesn't, what is important and what is not, what is true and what is false. They do this by how they construct headlines or edit a story and they will even lie if need be. And they do this by what views they allow on social media, who gets monitized, and who gets blocked or censored. The news feed you get on your phones or devices is not balanced. Most of it tilts Left at best.
The good news is that there are a lot of very intelligent and articulate Conservative commentators out there. From the group on the Daily Wire including Ben Sharipo, Michael Knowles and Andrew Klavan, to Victor David Hansen, Prager U, Candice Owens, Charlie Kirk and Jordan Peterson, plus dozens more, the Conservative view point is well presented and well laid out. You just have to look for it.
Take for example what President Trump has had to go through since the very hour he got elected. President Trump was seen rightly by the people controlling the media as an existential threat to their goals. He was not one of them, he knew how they operated and he threatened to expose them. His pro life, pro Israel and America First agenda went against their globalist Marists agenda.
There was a decision made by this group that from day one they would frame President Trump as not legitimate, to declare him a habitual liar, unqualified for the job, a racist, a Russian stooge and they were instructed never to give him "a win" or picture him in a positive light. This was all about having lost what they thought was the key to advancing their long range plans and to try to get it back as soon as they could. Failing impeachment the goal is now the November election.
They also had at their beck and call an army of social justice warriors who (and I saw this beginning the day that President Trump won) flooded social media with their views and harrased, threatened and bullied any one who expressed a positive view of President Trump or his policies.
Well, it mostly started as get rid of Trump but it has now morphed into an all out advancement toward Marxism, which has as it's agenda the destroying of society and the social order in order to rebuilt it into the Marxist utopia. This specifically means the destruction of the nuclear family, the silencing and then elimination of Christianity, the reviling and then rewriting of all American history, the transfer of all rights and means of production from the individual to the State.
Which leads me to discuss what is currently happening under the cover of Black Lives Matter. As I wrote in my last blog post - Cancel Culture - by itself the phrase Black Lives Matter is positive and expresses these truths; Blacks do get discriminated against in our society, for certain reasons not merely based on race they will get stopped and questioned far more than whites and there have been plenty of times where police act with excessive force or violence toward blacks. There is a lot of room for improvement on all counts and I believe most people agree with me on those statements. We can and need to learn and grow and to both see and treat all others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
There are factors that must be understood in that context. First. racism is not just a white problem. It's ugly head exists within every racial group toward those of other races. It is part of the human condition.
Second, throughout history the majority group or tribe with economic power will discriminate toward the minority group or tribe. Tribalism is still with us. It is not just a "white" problem.
Third, the great problem in our country today is not racism but a system that creates a poverty class that is hard to break out of and which often leaves those in that system without realistic hopes and dreams. People caught in that system are by a huge factor more likely to be poorly educated, unemployed, on drugs or in prison.
Fourth, the greatest cause of poverty by far is having children young and out of wedlock. In almost all cases, if a person is married before they have children and has a steady job their chances of being in poverty are very low. Men, to be able to learn how to be responsible men, need to have a strong father figure in their home. I have been told by many guys on my road tests that the biggest problem inner city teens have today is that they have no respect for their elders. That is a father problem.
This is the elephant in the room that cannot be discussed. You will get called racist if you try. And the main reason is because it is the result of Democrat led policies and a media that is controlled by Democrats. Before the Great Society programs of LBJ in the mid 1960's there was a very large black middle class. At that time only 15% of black families were single parent homes. Today 70 % of blacks are brought up in single parent homes. Single parent white households are now at 30%. I am told that a large factor to the rebellion occuring in the young white college educated world today are with males who had a father at home but that father was in many ways absent in the life of the boy.
Fifth, a man's sense of worth is tied into having a steady job or jobs that can provide for his family.
Sixth, statistically last year 10 unarmed blacks were killed (for whatever reason) by white policemen. During the same year 20 unarmed whites were (for whatever reason) killed by white policemen. Bad as that is there is not actually a plague of unarmed blacks getting shot by white policemen.
Seventh, (remember this is a poverty issue and not a race issue) in cities like New York, a person of color is 400 times more likely to commit a violent crime than a white person.
Eight, many police risk their lives everyday and everyday they are dealing with people in the bottom 10th of society. Day after day they get cursed at and abused and they see the worse of what man can do to man. A policeman always tries to be in a position of control but when they feel threatened it usually leads to a show of force. This is not a race issue. It is the fear aspect of human nature. It does not excuse bad actions but we need to be aware what the dynamics are.
Ninth, police unions (and unions usually donate to Democrats) make it very hard to get rid of bad police. Such was the case with the guy who killed George Floyd.
Tenth, there is nothing more racist than identity politics, but that is the game plan of the current Democrat Party. The attack on white this and white that, an evil white past and a present white guilt that cannot be released or even purged because of a person's race is an attack straight from the pit of hell. To me the term "white privilege" is full of political and racial meaning. Again, most large ethnic groups have stories that are different than the smaller ones. But in today's politics the demand is not just for awareness, it extends to things like reparations.
So I can say yes to the idea that black lives matter but I cannot say yes to the organization that is Black Lives Matter. If I do I am associating myself, not with an idea of healing racism but rather with a group that has a totally different agenda and which hides it's agenda under a mantra that cannot be criticized.
The organization was founded by 3 community organizers. I saw one of the current leaders in an interview conducted a few years ago saying that they were all Marxist and well versed in how to obtain their goals. At least one of the woman is an LGBT activists as well. One of the original founding statements of the organization was that in American there is state sponsored violence toward blacks and the solution to that is to defund police departments. That has been one of their goals from the beginning. Like all Marxists they want to deconstruct the family, the church, the government, our history and then rebuild it to the Marxist dream.
But there is another aspect to Black Lives Matter. Apart from being Marxist it is also tribal. The leaders are not looking to create a better melting pot. They ultimately want to separate the races and create steps toward segregation. Look for example at the attempt in Seattle to create a garden at the park in CHOP. It is for blacks only. At many colleges and universities there are now black only dorms.
Shaun King, on of the current leaders of Black Lives Matter, just tweeted that not only should we be tearing down and removing statues of famous white leaders and renaming tens of thousands of buildings and schools but we also need to remove any depictions in statues or stain glass windows of a white Jesus and his white mother because that is considered "offensive" to blacks.
Now remember, there is a vital time event looming, the November elections. Remember, this has both political and spiritual ramifications. There were several Marxist groups, emboldened by how far Left the Democrat Party and the Main Stream Media have swung in the last 4 years, waiting for something to spark a Leftist revolt. And there was a large jobless base of angry people at the beginning of Summer, many hurting or ready to blow off steam because of the Covid 19 lockdowns, Presented to them was a visual of a heartless murder of a black man by a white policeman that perfectly fit into the white police hate black men narrative.
The radical groups, waiting for a trigger event, jumped into action and at the lead (because no one dares to criticize them) was the group called Black Lives Matter. But what was to happen was never really about the need for white police to treat black men better or for the need for whites to realize that they are actually more prejudiced toward blacks than they believe. There was released into this country a spirit of rebellion and anarchy, a spirit of fear, a spirit of hate, murder and greed. And at the head of those spirits is the spirit of antichrist. This does not mean that there were not a lot of people of good will who want to see an end to racism in America. But it must be realized what the actual goals of the leadership are and how this has all been working out in the present.
The main stream media has done everything in their power to limit showing what has been happening but the statistics of carnage to property, lives and now institutions has been staggering. And what has been the upshot? Gun sales have skyrocketed, even by people who never in their lives believed people should even own guns. Violence by blacks toward other blacks in many of the major cities in our country has doubled because police presence has pulled back. Every white person who works in a corporation suspects that they will have to endure even more racial and gender sensitivity training.
And the average white person, who doesn't understand the politics and the spiritual dynamics, is asking this question. What do they want to get out of all this? And that's because not one has articulated the goals of the protests, or the marches, or the burnings, or the lootings, or the violence. The goal posts keep moving and the goals are not articulated because this is of course all about creating a new, utopian society.
The Left got a little, they got some more, and now they think they can get it all.
Can God still make all things work for good, so that out of this chaos there can come actual racial healing and forgiveness? Yes, He can and I believe He will. But the change in racial relations has to come through hearts being healed and transformed by the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit, Remember, we are dealing with human nature, and human nature always resists what is being forced upon it.
I believe God has allowed the enemy to show his cards and to play his hand and although the chaos has not ended yet the spirit of the antichrist will soon be restrained for a time. Hearts throughout our nation that have been hurting, confused and fearful will pour out their cares upon the Lord and He in turn will radically fill, heal and change those hearts, and that healing will pour out like waves upon our society.
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