As the Democrat National Convention begins this week I thought I would share some of my thoughts as well as a prophecy about their VP pick.
Below is a link to a prophecy about Kamala Harris that was posted by Charlie Shamp in September 2017. Charlie is a proven soul winner and also someone who has given many accurate national prophecies for both the US and for other countries. He has preached and ministered to crowds of hundreds of thousands in multiple nations but is also a street preacher. He has organized and will be leading a major outdoor street crusade to the inner city of Chicago this September.
This is the strangest political season I have ever seen. Donald Trump has a portfolio of success both foreign and domestic that is a foot thick and yet no one would know it because main stream media's coverage of him has, by design, been well over 90 per cent negative. The focus for the 2020 election on the Democrat side has had nothing to do with who their actual candidates are or what their policies would be. Instead it has all been - Donald Trump is horrible, get rid of Donald Trump.
As I recently wrote, Joe Biden is a uniquely weak selection. Over the years and up to and through this campaign season Biden has never been able to generate any personal excitement toward himself on the national stage. He has numerous things going against him, not least of which is his declining mental acuity. So how did he end up representing the Democrat Party for this election?
The RNC and DNC are actually run like corporations. There are powerful insiders with a lot of influence who try to direct the way the corporations will go. When they are in power it is usually the President who also acts as the party CEO. When Bill Clinton served as President for 8 years the Clintons were able to place their people in a lot of major places of influence, not just in the Party but also throughout different areas of the government and the military. President Bush and President Obama were also able to do the same.
A thing to remember here is that most of government has been run by people who have mostly the same goals, who live close to each other in the same areas, who socialize at the same parties and whose families go to the same schools. Their have what is known as a Neo-Con foreign policy which favors heavy US investment and intervention abroad. Their domestic policy favors heavy influence by the Federal Government over policy and distribution of funds. The insiders of both parties want to grow the size and influence of Government. To understand the reason simply, the more money that runs through Washington for Foreign or Domestic purposes the more money there is available for eager hands to slice off their share. Money equals power and the lust for power drives those in Government, even if their original intentions were pure.
This is the major reason why the establishment of both parties hate Donald Trump. He is an outsider who is upsetting their apple cart. He is not a Neo-Con, he plays by different rules, he doesn't smile and promise one thing while actually doing another and so far he has not been bought off by the big money lobbyists from major corporations and other countries.
Clinton people had been running the DNC ever since Bill Clinton was elected President. It was their intent to have Hillary Clinton become the Democrat nominee after Bush's 2nd term but Barack Obama's star was rising hot and fast, and after he won he started installing his own people in key positions throughout government. Obama's people were a lot farther to the Left than Clinton's although Hillary herself leaned a lot further Left than Bill.
Hillary was the designated replacement for Obama but now there was a third group, represented by Bernie Sanders, vying for power. This group consisted of a lot of more Marxist flavored radicals who were not content with Obama's strategy of a slow and steady transistion to Socialist and then Marxist government. They wanted revolution now and were upset when Bernie got shunted aside by the Party insiders.
Clinton was supposed to win. Everything was supposed to keep heading Left. All the dirty tricks against Trump would be buried and the people in power would be able to keep the radicals in check. But in the natural there were two main reasons that Clinton lost. One was that she believed the polls so she did not work hard enough in the key swing states during the last month of the contest. The second was that Hillary did not come off as a very likable person. She does not have that Obama charm and many Dems simply could not check the box when it came time to vote.
Behind the scenes Obama now became the chief dude although the Clinton camp remained strong. Each side had people they favored to run for the Dem ticket in 2020. Although President Obama did not publicly endorse anyone early I am pretty certain that it was his camp that encouraged Kamala Harris to run. I suspect another early choice was Cory Booker. The insiders still did not want Sanders, or for that matter Elizabeth Warren, who was too close to Sanders. Obama was not high on Biden.
As it turned out Senator Booker bowed out early because he came off as angry and as a bit of a nut case. Senator Harris started strong and got, as expected, a big push from the media. However, after Tulsi Gabbert utterly destroyed her in one two minute statement, everyone realized that Harris did not come off as either likable or believable. And she possesses a creepy laugh that reminds everyone of Hillary's, only worse.
After Bloomberg's 500 million didn't work, too low primary vote totals for most of the others, a dissatisfaction with Warren from the insiders and the belief that Kobachar and Mayor Pete had limited national potential (although they might be wrong on Mayor Pete), this basically left it a race between Biden and Sanders. At the last minute, just before the South Carolina primary, deals were made with a bunch of people and the fix went in to push Biden.
Why Biden? At this point everyone on the inside already knew that Joe had cognitive problems and would not be able to push forth a vigorous campaign or serve a full term if elected. They knew that the race was not about their person but rather about getting rid of President Trump. At least with Biden they had someone whom they believed they could control and who would continue to pursue a gradual slant towards the Left, even though publically Joe went a lot further to the radical Left in an effort to keep that faction in tow. If they could just keep Biden in his basement as much as possible to avoid getting into trouble and if they could make sure he chose the right person to replace him, and if the media continued to do their job, things might end up even better than they hoped.
Well, back into the picture enters Obama's first choice. Is there something else that is going on that we don't know about. I guess we will find out pretty soon.
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