Earlier this week I was sitting in my car in a parking lot we use for part of our driving tests. From the far end of the lot I notice a hawk flying toward me. It passes close by and has something bright red in its talons which I figure must be a cardinal. It lands on a branch about thirty feet away and waits several minutes until the life drains away from its prey. It then begins the process of using its beak to tear apart the smaller bird. My client then arrives, I begin their test, and forty-five minutes later when we get back to the parking lot the hawk is gone and I can find no traces of feathers or bones on the ground from the cardinal.
I feel, because of how close the hawk flew near me and because of my surprise at noticing the bright red in its claws, that there might be a message to me from God in what has just happened. If God can speak to us through dreams and visions then He certainly can do so through what we experience in the natural. That evening I start praying about it and doing some research about prophetic symbolism but I get nothing that felt right. Then a couple of mornings later as I am lying in bed before getting up I picture the scene of the hawk and a short sentence comes clearly in my head. "Justice will come swiftly".
Before explaining what I believe that means let me give you a little background about how I have been feeling concerning the season we are in.
From I spiritual point of view I have been convinced for a long time that President Trump would win again in 2020 and serve 4 more years. As I have written before, it is not about Donald Trump but about what God wants to accomplish through him. I can simplify that into 5 points. This election (as well as the 2016 election) was about the life of the unborn, the security of the nation of Israel, Christian freedom and morality, the restoration and preservation of our Republic, and a spiritual revival that would shake both this country and the nations of the world. God's hand was upon Donald J. Trump in 2016, President Trump proved himself faithful on the first 4 of those counts, and a great awakening has begun. Thus it is that God's hand is still on Donald J. Trump and no matter what else you are being told, he will be our President for the next 4 years.
From a worldly point of view I was also convinced that President Trump would win in a landslide in 2020. I will simplify that in 5 points. Excitement for President Trump was at historic levels in his base, minority support for him was greatly expanding, Democrats were crossing over in droves, personal income and the economy before Covid were at record levels and were well on their way to recovery, and President Trump's record on life, judges and Christian liberty had swung over a lot of Evangelicals that had sat out the last election. All of those expectations proved true. Even if we don't challenge any of the election numbers President Trump's votes increased from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020.
There was another thing I was feeling very strongly from a spiritual point of view and which I had mentioned a few times in my writings. I believed that after the elections in 2020 the Democrat Party as we know it would implode and would not recover for decades. I am still feeling this. I did not know that part of the reason would be connected to revelations concerning how this election was fixed and who ultimately was responsible for doing so. I still don't know names (although I have heard rumors) but I do believe that the truth will come out clearly for all to see.
Before my conclusion, here are a few things from a worldly standpoint that make one go - humm?
President Obama who was wildly popular and had huge rallies, received 69 million votes in 2008, his best year. Hillary Clinton, a breakthrough female candidate, received 66 million votes in 2016. President Trump, who was getting crowds of 20 to 40 thousand with 1 day notice at random airports and 50 - 60 thousand in a rally in swing state PA, and had thousands of spontaneous Trump parades, received 74 million votes in 2020. Joe Biden, with no excitement behind him, who spent most of his time in his basement and when he did go out attracted fewer than 100 cars, who had one of the most unpopular VP choices ever, who never articulated a positive vision of what he would do, received 80 million votes, 11 million more than Obama and 14 million more than Clinton.
Not only that but Joe Biden 2020 underperformed Clinton 2016 in EVERY major metro area in the country except 4 - Atlanta, Detroit, Philly and Milwaukee, all of which restricted, limited or outright excluded Republican poll watchers from observing millions of mail-in votes being processed.
Not only that but Trump won Florida by 3 points and Ohio by 8 points. In the last 60 years who ever won both of those bellwether states won the Presidency.
Not only that but Trump won 18 of the 19 bellwether counties (counties that historically predict the winner) by an average margin of 16 points. Biden carried the other by 3 points. There is a larger group of 58 bellwether counties. Trump won 51 of those by an average of 15 points. Biden won his 7 by an average of 3 points.
Not only that but Biden's 80 million votes did not affect any of the down ballot races. When a Presidential candidate wins big it always pulls in victories for those running for the House of Representatives. Republicans in 2020 won every contested House election. Trump is the only incumbent in history to lose their re-election while their party gained a lot of seats in the House.
From a worldly point of view this election will eventually be overturned and lots of people are going to go to jail. The thousand of sworn witness statements to fraud, the thousand of strange statistical anomalies and some outright statistical impossibilities, the information that has already come out about Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic and related software and the personalities involved and their political connections, all will end up causing a national uprising if justice is not done.
But for now the process is to present available evidence and push it upstream through the courts, with multiple fronts being pursued, including involving State legislators, to invalidate improper ballots. This will either result in a Supreme Court ruling or in there not being enough Electoral votes to confirm a candidate, which will then push the solution back to the states. The Constitution provides that each State legislator send 1 representative to Washington to place their vote for President. There are 31 Republican State Legislators and 19 Democrat.
Spiritually I believe that justice will be brought about and that all that has been hidden and done in darkness will be revealed. This will involve people from both parties. And hopefully this will happen soon.
But I am inclined to believe in the scene I described in the beginning is that the cardinal's red represents the life of the innocent unborn child, whose lives have been squeezed out and torn apart. The calls from their blood have risen to Heaven and God is about to bring about justice for them. Commentators on the Conservative side have been saying that Roe V Wade will not be overturned, even with a Conservative Supreme Court majority and that the most that can change will be minor adjustments regarding abortion in individual State laws.
I think that what God is saying to me here though is that not only can Roe V Wade be overturned - but that it indeed will be, and much sooner than anyone would think. The courts of Heaven have spoken and it will come about through both the courts and the hearts of men and women in this country.
Lord, release into this land the spirit of Truth and Justice.
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