Their goal, as has been the goal of all Marxist, is to dismantle society and then rebuilt it to their vision of Utopia, This ultimately means getting rid of God, redefining morality and the family, controlling the press, the education system, the means of production and moving all power and transferring all money to the State. From there a small group of enlightened managers directed by a smaller group of enlightened leaders will distribute rights, wages, healthcare, services, security and unbridled happiness to an adoring population, so thankful to have such wise and righteous leaders and ruling class. What could go wrong?
Well for one, that's not American and everything that made and makes America great. It does not reflect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, or how the legal system and courts work. It does not reflect freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom to bear arms. It does not reflect the freedom we have in this country to innovate, to build, to start a business, to become wealthy or to fail in the effort to do so. It does not reflect either our generous spirit or our dogged determinism. And it does not reflect what every Founder was keenly aware of. All people are by nature selfish and weak and when small groups or individuals gain great power they have the potential to be despots.
It has been said that when you don't believe in God then your belief is not in nothing. Instead it means that you will believe anything. Marxism gets rid of God and replaces Him with a morality that has no foundation and which changes according to the times. What is dogma for a Marxist today can be replaced tomorrow without a blink of an eye or a hint of logical introspection. Because it is really a dogmatic religious belief it allows for no debate and has no respect for the past. In order to evolve into a glorious and just moral future American history and American society must not only be retold but destroyed as well. Think of giant rallys where books are burned.
This my friends is what our colleges and universities, with their heavy percentage of Marxist professors, have been churning out for the last couple of decades. They teach that America has been racist and sexist from the start and nothing that exists today is legitimate. Not everyone exits the education system that way of course but there does exist today a large population of social justice warriors (SJW's) who have become the brown shirts of social media.
One of their tactics is to declare that racism in America is systemic. This apparently is not the evil of normal racism, of which every person of every race is somewhat guilty of and which has existed in every society where there is a dominant tribe or people. No, this is specifically something that whites in America are guilty of, having inherited it from our white ancestors. And there is no cure for it. Reparations would be just, public humiliations should be expected, and when that's done perhaps whites should think of moving to some place that will have us.
And logical reasons for economic differences cannot be discussed. Statistical evidence shows quite clearly that across all races, the greatest indicator of poverty is having babies early and out of wedlock and not having a father figure in the home. This greatly decreases the odds for educational advancement and greatly increases the odds for being unemployed, having substance abuse and being imprisoned. Sadly, since the 1960's, government policies have helped create this very situation. And as a result males in particular are deprived of learning how and what it means to be a man and being able to achieve the basic human dignity afforded by having work that can provide for one's family.
However, now all economic disparities are described as due to "white privilege". I'm not disputing that for various reasons people get treated different in our country. Do majority populations or the majority tribe have advantages in every society? Yes. Should we be aware of that and strive to do better? Yes. Is it right to make racist statements and judge people as a group because of their skin color, including whites? No.
Also in order to tear apart society and insert their own moral code SJW's want to redefine what it means to be a man, a woman and a family. To do this they need to control the language we use and frame how the debate is conducted and then shame and boycott anyone who does not go along. They identify dozens of micro groups, all like blacks oppressed by the dominate group that they intend to tear down and replace. This has been an active policy of the Left in the Democrat Party for a long time but it has now gone full bore over social media through the intimidation and mass shamming by the hordes of Social Justice Warriors.
There are different layers of Marxist influence in America and there are at least of couple of anarchist groups that somebody is organizing, directing and financing. Most SWJ's are just unwitting pawns, although they do have leaders that organize, direct and announce what their group's current moral outrage is. So how does Black Lives Matter fit into all of this? What I am going to say next might make some of you mad but I think it needs to at least be discussed.
In my view the phrase, Black Lives Matter, is really a positive statement. By itself it is not racist, it promotes the idea that blacks have been both discriminated against as well as victims of violence and have been victims of violence specifically by police. I think almost everyone agrees with those statements. We all want to see improvement and actual healing in the way police respond to situations and they way we ourselves treat and view those of another race. However there are two things we have to be aware of if we want to associate ourselves with the organization called Black Lives Matter.
The first is to be aware of what actual statistics show regarding: the extent of police violence, the extent of police violence towards blacks and towards whites, the percentage of people of different races who commit violent crimes, the reasons why crime exists in certain areas, the personal risks that a police officer takes every day on the job, how difficult police unions make it to get rid of bad eggs and so on. When you start seeing that twice as many unarmed whites get killed than blacks by police, that blacks because of reasons economic and social commit 50 per cent of all violent crimes in our country and that most blacks murdered overall are murdered by other blacks, it starts to eat away at the narrative that not only are all cops bad but that white cops hate black people.
The second is to realize that Black Lives Matter was founded by 3 (female) community organizers who put into the groups founding, statements such as - blacks are victims of state sponsored violence and, as we are seeing today, the solution to state sponsored violence is to defund police departments. They are quite radical in many other social ways and violence seems to follow them where ever they go. I don't know if they would be strictly considered a Marxist group but they seem to have many of the same goals and are supported and financed by the same people in the background.
There are people with a far reaching and hate filled toward whites agenda who have no problem using people of good faith to achieve that agenda. The times we are in have exposed how radical the people in the background really are and what total hypocrates the people on the Left in power really are. There are some people on the Left who are not Marxist but stay quiet thinking they can control the crazies. They lust for power and don't care if the country burns so that they will end up with more power in the end. There are also people in power on the Right who lust for that same power just as much and have no problem making promises but then screwing us. Both groups should be cleaned out.
This is a spiritual war. It is a war of ideas and principles. For many years the enemy has been playing the long game, infiltrating the education system, eliminating objectivity in the media, attacking Christian beliefs, bit by bit, piece by piece, principle by principle. Now, all of a sudden, the darkness has started coming fully out of the closet. And there is more to come. Cancel culture does not reason or debate. It screams at us and thinks it makes intelligent points by the number of vulgar words yelled, typed or spray painted.
Here is a secret though. Although they will continue to get louder for a time, know for certain - We have won and they have lost. We have won and they have lost. We have won and they have lost.
Our task now is to think through what our principles are, what they are based on and how they fit with the things that are happening today. Always stand for truth and justice but be aware that there are out there wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. Then teach your children well.
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