Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Two or three weeks ago, while thinking about politics, this thought popped into my mind - Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be a Supreme Court Justice when this year's election happens. The thought came so out of the blue and so strong that I actually mentioned to Jackie that I didn't think Ginsberg would be around then.

I didn't know if this was because Ginsberg was going die, although I did know that she recently had to go to the hospital to get something treated. Other possibilities came to mind. Perhaps she would retire, although I believe it would be her desire to keep hanging on as long as possible. Perhaps, in order to best engage their base, Democrat insiders, knowing despite public polling otherwise that Biden was actually far behind, would try to get Ginsberg to resign. The odds were not good that she was going to hang on for another 4 years anyway so why not use her retirement as adding fuel to the far Left fire so to speak. 

And, if she would not retire then maybe she would end up getting "Clintonized" (an untimely end that is supposed to look natural or self inflicted but actually ends up being a bit suspicious). although I'm not suggestion that's what happened to RBG. Cancer is a tough foe and even though she had beat it for a long time it has been known to flair up and be fatal in a very short time. I'm glad she did not have to endure a long time being in pain and was able to be surrounded by family when her time came. 

Imagine my surprise hearing RBG had died. I had heard from prophetic voices after President Trump's election that he would be able to appoint at least 3 and maybe 4 or even 5 Supreme Court Justices. It looks like Ginsberg's replacement will be nominated soon and he or she (most likely she) will be the 3rd Trump selection. And this person will be the one (if Trump selects right) who finally swings the voting balance in the Supreme Court in the direction that Conservatives have always prayed for.

It will be the chance to finally overturn Roe V Wade and bring the issue of abortion back to the States. It will be the chance to finally return law making back to the States and to Congress instead of having the major issues of the day decided by just 5 unaccountable people, willing to revise the foundational principles of the Constitution because in their own eyes they see or desire something different. It will finally be the chance to retain the Judeo/Christian principles this country was founded on. 

The Democrat Party and the Marxist far Left (but now I'm beginning to repeat myself) also understand that this selection for Supreme Court Justice represents a historic moment that could for decades sideline their plans for societal change. Their viciousness in opposing Judge Kavanaugh will seem pale to what is coming. And there is a real chance that the dogs of war will be released and riots or worse will ensue.

It seems Ginsburg's death threw another wrench into the Democrat's plans that I had not thought about back then. The well advertised game for Democrats, knowing they were going to lose big on November 3rd, are plans to do everything possible to cast doubt upon the election results and ultimately bring the decision up to the Supreme Court, as happened with Bush verses Gore in Florida. They were looking for a 4 - 4 tie with Chief Justice Roberts having to cast the deciding vote, and were hoping that Roberts would once again cave in to the Liberal side as he has done a few times before. That outcome is now in shambles.

After I heard about Ginsberg's death I was checking my online links. I found a posting from pastor and prophet Mike Thompson, a man about my age, whom I follow and who in my opinion is one of the best and most mature prophetic voices out there. He posted that same afternoon but before it was known that Ginsburg died that God told him to go to Exodus 14. He pointed out 7 points that he thought God wanted us to hear at this moment. I am only going to share with you the first 3 but I truly believe they are an encouragement from God for His Church for the times we are in right now. 

The context is that the children of Israel were hemmed in by the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his forces are about to advance on the Jewish nation. Earlier Pharaoh had relented and let the nation go but God hardened Pharaoh's heart once again to go after them. The Jewish people complain to Moses, asking him why he led them into the wilderness only to have them die at the hands of the Egyptians. Moses then speaks to the people, and I believe this is God's word for us today;

Moses said to the people;

Do not fear! 

Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today

The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent

God then tells Moses to lift up his staff, stretch his hand over the Red Sea and divide it. The sons of Israel would then cross over as if on dry land and God would harden the heart of the Egyptians so they would go in after them, only to have the waters return upon Pharaoh's army, chariots and horsemen. In this the Egyptians would know that God is the Lord and He would be honored.

Now for additional commentary by me;

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was Jewish. She died just before the beginning of the Jewish Days of Awe, which began Friday, September 18, at sunset. The Days of Awe are a 10 day period of repentance, starting with the Feast of Rosh Hashanah and ending with the Feast of Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah also marks the beginning of a new year on the Jewish calendar. I have to believe that the timing of Ginsburg's death was too perfect to be by accident.

Despite all the sound and the fury which we have heard the last 4 years and will continue to hear, God is in control and is moving. This is the beginning of a new day and a new era. Our country is crossing over, from a focus on death and the destruction of all we hold dear to a focus on life and the blessings of milk and honey. We will be brought to a point where we, as a Christian people, need to decide whether to confront the giants in our promised land with their fortified cities or to live in fear and wander in the wilderness for 39 more years. 

The hearts of those who oppose the will of God and who desire conflict and chaos will be hardened in the days to come. This is God's will, to reveal and expose what is the outcome of rebellion. Their armies and chariots and horsemen will follow after God's people seeking to destroy, but instead mighty waters will fall in upon them. In this the people of our land will finally understand the power of the Lord. And God will indeed be honored.

The first and the greatest message then for us today is - Do not fear! Fear is always the enemy's greatest and most powerful tactic. Fear made the Jewish people forget all that God did through the 10 plagues. Fear kept the Jewish people from entering the promise land. But we have been praying and I believe that our prayers have risen to the Most High, who will continue to move in our midst. 

Second, we need to trust that the Lord is indeed moving in our midst. "Stand by" then does not mean not to pray or not to work toward truth and justice or not to vote. We need to continue to do all of those things. It does mean that even as we engage we need to understand that ultimately the battle is the Lord's, and that He is more than able to destroy and thwart the designs of the enemy.

And third, I think God is saying to us right now - Watch what I will do and be in awe of what will be accomplished. I know that is hard for us. We all like to complain. We all have doubts that the slide in morality and values, the tearing apart of the family, the redefining of our language, the attack on Christianity and the decades long march toward Socialism can actually be stopped or could ever be reversed.

So friends, let us put aside our complaining, stand firm in the will of the Lord, and indeed be in AWE of what the Lord will do.



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