If you are a Conservative you know full well what Trump Derangement Syndrome (DRS) is. The morning after Donald Trump won the election, after eight long years of Barack Obama, you got on social media and wrote something like "yea", "hurrah" or "I can't believe we did it." Within minutes several of your friends posted angry comments or shared nasty memes, some using the vilest language possible, and questioned both your sanity and your faith. There was never a wait and see period and we'll see how things work out. Instead it was - Don't you dare associate that name with anything positive - EVER!!!!!!!!
All this was very confusing to us. It was an election for God's sake. Our side won, their side lost. It had been that way in our country for 240 years. If you don't like the results of an election you suck it up, work hard, become the loyal opposition and try to get your guy in the next time. And besides, there were principles very important to us that we had voted on and had hopes that Mr. Trump would follow through on. Topping the list for the average Conservative was ending Roe V Wade, the Supreme Court selection(s), border security, lowering taxes, building up the economy, being friends with Israel, ending the Iran deal, draining the Swamp and getting rid of Obamacare.
We could see where those on the Left would object to the proposed Trump policies but we could not understand their failure to acknowledge or understand that policies even mattered. Instead all we heard were comments that Trump lies 100 times a day, that he hates Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, gays, transgenders, women, the poor, the handicap, and is a Nazi, immoral to the core, lazy, in it for the money and talks like a third grader. And our "friends" never had any interest in debating policies or perceptions or understanding that a Clinton victory would have in our minds been a disaster. But also they had no interest in a logical discussion as to why some (or most) of their opinions on Trump's character may not be as black as they were so sure of.
And that's where we get into why DRS is like cult behavior. A positive mention of President Trump or anything Trumpian causes in some people - eyes to glare, veins to bulge, spittle to form on the lips and an inability to hear and process an opposing viewpoint. I'm not just talking about comments made on line. I have a relative with whom I was having a nice conversation with. Foreign policy happened to come up and I began to opine on what I believed President Trump's intentions were. I was immediately cut off, informed that Trump has no plan, only governs by the seat of the pants to stroke his ego and was then lectured on how awful the man has been every day since he was elected. When it was over it was very clear that ANY comments by me about President Trump would not be welcomed.
Please understand that I'm not calling everyone who disagrees with my political views a cultist or a Marxist. I do firmly believe though that the Democrat Party is rapidly moving to the far Left and is becoming more Marxist by the day. I believe that Marxism is by definition athetistic at its core and that in turn makes Marxism a type of religious belief. And Marxism it is a belief that has always viewed Judeo/Christian beliefs and traditions as threats that must eventually be eliminated.
Thus it is that when someone has bought in to the core tenets currently being promulgated by the far Left, even if they do not consider themselves Marxists, and if anyone questions those core tenets, it elicits an emotional reaction rather than a logical response. It reminds me of the second warning sign of someone who may be in a cult - "No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry".
So what else would cause otherwise very nice, intelligent and caring people to flip out at the snap of a finger or the sight of a MAGA hat? There are four factors.
The first is an education system which has become over the years extremely liberal and is filled at the top levels with a very large percentage of professors and even administrators who favor and thus teach Marxist ideas. Studies have shown that eighty to ninety percent of professors in colleges and universities lean Liberal and in turn vote Democrat. Graduates are now coming out with a world view that has distorted the past, hates a lot of the present and wants to fundamentally change the future. Thought that counters those arguments is met with emotion, considered hateful and is not even allowed in many colleges and universities today.
The second factor is cultural. Most people in the US are not politically intelligent. Their opinions instead are strongly influenced by the movies and shows they see, the music they listen to and the non news media they absorb. This area is dominated by Leftists and thus reflects their opinions, morals and political views.
The third is that Trump committed the unpardonable sin of promising and then beginning to deliver on undoing everything that Barack Obama achieved while he was in office. President Barack Obama has almost saint like status to the Left. Many love him, have this powerful emotional attachment to him, court his advice and blessing, and long for the smooth double talk that covers his radical agenda. They also love Michelle and still put her on the covers of their magazines while completely shutting out the stunningly beautiful Melania. MSM coverage of Obama was and is the exact opposite of that given to Trump.
Sadly there are still people on the Right who would rather have a leader who looks nice and talks smoothly, even though he governs against everything they actually believe in, than have a guy who always says exactly what he is thinking, albeit often crudely, but then govens toward every goal they would hope to achieve. Goals the media has consistently distorted.
And the fourth major factor is that the vast majority of the main stream media (MSM) is owned by a half dozen corporations, all run by far Left leaning executives, and the MSM is now effectively the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. The Democrat's plan has been clearly announced and has been well executed by the media. They would never admit that President Trump was or deserved to be the real President of the United States. They would present everything President Trump did in a negative light (media coverage has been over 90% negative about Trump since the day he got elected). And they would intentionally take things out of context and twist them to fit their narrative that Orange Man is not only bad and a dunce but also a threat to the survival of Democracy as we know it.
Thus it was in Charlottesville when a group of protesters came because they wanted to petition for the removal of statues of Confederate generals and another group of protesters and locals came to support the status quo. Into the city their arrived two other groups. One consisted of a KKK group and the other consisted of an Antifa group, who showed up to cause trouble against the KKK group. Stuff happened and eventually President Trump made his public comments about it. He first said according to the published transcript (which you can Google to check my story), referring to the original two protest groups, that there "were fine people on both sides". I think any reasonable person would agree with that. Then just two paragraphs later he condemned all violence and specifically condemned any actions by the KKK or other extremist groups.
In response the MSM intentionally and wrongly reported that Trump called the KKK "fine people". So pervasive was this hoax that most attempts to set the story straight via Twitter or other social media (Big Tech is also owned and run by those on the Left) and fact checked by Left leaning Big Tech sites were censored, scrubbed, removed and demonitized. On top of that Joe Biden colorfully cited the "fine people" hoax in his acceptance speech at the DNC convention as the main reason he put his hat into the ring to run for President and then kept on repeating his rendition of the story every time he got out of his basement in order to assure us that President Trump is the worse kind of racist. I assume he actually knows better and is just lying about it for political advantage. But then again maybe his handlers have kept the truth from him.
Or take for example a supposed video showing President Trump making fun of a handicap man. I have heard this so many times - How could you ever vote for someone who makes fun of the handicap? Most people when seeing the video of Trump making wobbly moves with his arms and saying OOO OOO while at the same time being informed that he was doing this to make fun of a handicapped person believe the report without asking any further questions. But this too is a hoax devised by the MSM to try to defame and further their agenda against the President.
Here is the actual story. Trump at one time remarked that he remembered at 9/11 there were hundreds or even thousands of Muslims that were cheering after the Twin Towers came down. When asked again about it Trump said hundreds but did not use the word thousands. ABC News fact checked it and declared it false. They assured their audience that no Muslims were seen celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. Two bits of information then came to light. First, old videos surfaced showing that someone from ABC news itself had actually on TV reported on the said celebrations. And an article published by the NY Times also reported that on the roof tops of apartment buildings across the river in New Jersey there were groups of Muslims that were watching the towers burning and were seen celebrating when the towers collapsed. Trump, being a New Yorker, must have been recalling what he had read in the NY Times.
So the media finds the Times reporter and wants him to recant his original story to reduce the egg on their faces. The reporter does not actually deny what he wrote but he does soften it a bit and say that the number was not in the thousands or maybe not even in the hundreds. Later at a rally (that the reporter was not at) Trump does a wobbly move with his arms and body in referring to a reporter who waffled on his original story that went against Trump's version. As it turns out there are at least 4 other videos (which I have viewed) showing Trump speeches where Trump uses the same body motions when he refers to people who waffle on their positions.
Well, it turns out that the reporter that Trump was making fun of waffling this time was someone with a handicap. That gave the MSM an opening to set up one of their most cruel hoaxes. They show Trump wobbling, report that he is making fun of a handicap person, then freeze frame one of Trumps hands in a downward pose from the wobble video and then show the reporter with his hand in the same position. Did Trump actually know anything about the NY Times reporter other than what he wrote? Did he even know that the Times reporter had a handicap? Did Trump remember one of a thousand business reporters he may or may not have met in New York over a dozen years before for a interview on his businesses? Probably not. And, as it turns out, the reporter's arm and hand are frozen, so he doesn't even have a handicap that matches the wobble.
Finally I'll bring up the kid from a Catholic school who went to a Right to Life rally in Washington D.C. Nicholas Sandman had just bought a MAGA hat and was waiting with his group for their bus to come. Nearby was a group called that called themselves Black Hebrews who were yelling vulgar and racist things toward them. An American Indian activist was chanting at the Black Hebrews and when the boys started to join in the chants to support him the activist turns around, goes up to Sandman and starts beating his drum inches from Sandman's face. Not knowing really what to do and not wanting to do anything provocative Sandman just stood there and smiled, taking the abuse from the Indian. CNN got ahold of some of the video, edited it, took it out of context, created a story and then went on a crusade to destroy the young man's life. His crime? Being against abortion (the blood sacrament of the Left) and wearing a Trump MAGA hat.
My point here is that if someone's views about President Trump and his supporters are formed mainly by watching and listening to the same news and information outlets that are themselves actually providing not news but propaganda, and if someone is only surrounded by people who also only hear the same stuff, then is it far fetched to believe that people can be so easily brainwashed into group think, are fearful to break out of their comfort zone and will get emotional when their beliefs are threatened?
President Trump is not a saint. He has many flaws but also great strengths. The picture of Trump created by the MSM has little resemblance to who the person actually is, what he actually has been able to accomplish and to the direction of his policies. Marxist's elements are tearing apart the Democrat party. They want to rewrite the past, redefine our language, tear down all national and moral borders and with religious zeal replace everything we hold dear with some type of atheistic Utopia and the religious intolerance that goes with it.
The hoax's above are considered gospel by all Trump haters and low information voters. Many after being exposed to the truth still refuse to believe that they were deceived. There are some though that have done their research, going beyond the fact check sites, and have then asked this one simple question. Why would they (the media) lie to me? Welcome to the red pill moment.
President Trump is going to be re-elected and after the election the brains of many of the indoctrinated are once again going to explode. Swamp creatures are going to be exposed and the MSM will in turn double down on their hatred and misrepresentations of President Trump and their efforts to get him out of office by whatever means possible. There is a plan afoot for more racial riots and more blood in the streets. The true believers think this is their time, but they have overplayed their hand.
You see, this actually is a spiritual battle. Evil spirits in the high places are agitated and coming out of the shadows. They want not only corruption but death and destruction as well. But we are not going to let them. I have been praying a long time for there to be truth and justice released into this land. And that is going to happen. There will be a healing of the racial divide not born out of violence. There will be an overturn of Roe V Wade which will lift a major curse off of our land. There are major corrections and resettings in store for many institutions in this great land, including the Church.
Into the darkness there will come a great light.
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