Sunday, February 1, 2015


You have given a banner 

to those who fear you

that it may be displayed

because of the truth.        Psalm 60, verse 4

I'll admit, last Saturday I was not waving my banner too high. Arriving at work I found that someone had parked their Audi smack dab in the middle of our test site. There was frost on the windshield so I knew that the car must have been left there overnight and that meant that the odds were good that it would not be moved at least during the first part of the day and perhaps not at all that day.

We were able to make a workable adjustment to our course but I was still quite steamed. Many options of what to do about that darn car ran through my brain.

Initially I thought about getting a hatchet we keep in our shed and using that to destroy the driver side window in order to gain entry, put the car in neutral and push it out of the way, most logically down the slope that heads to the side of the mall, letting it end up where ever. But I didn't want to get tiny shards of broken glass on our course.

Next I thought that I could just leave a nice message, written with my key on the hood or door or maybe both. "Thanks a lot you idiot!" But that would mean that I would have to park my car like, you know, out of sight for the next few weeks.

Lastly I remembered that we had a device in our shed known as The Club. It was for one of our rental cars that was out on repair. Although not designed for tires the steel contraception actually would fit around the wheel and lock tight and make it impossible to go driving anywhere without the car bouncing and having the wheel well torn up. A nice picture but that didn't get the car moved.

After a couple of hours of steaming and scheming the thought occurred to me that here I am, a disciple of the Lord for over 42 years, and I still exhibit an unredeemed mind and didn't even think for a minute what His will would be for me in this situation. Kinda embarrassing. Sometimes it's much easier to receive grace than to give it.

Eventually I calmed down and called the boss (my other boss) and if the car remains through the weekend it will be towed. Like it should be. Without my vengeance.

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