The swamp is a draining, mosquitoes are fleeing
ugly monsters are paining, restrictions are freeing
the clatter and chatter of doom saying gators
appears little more than the rambling of haters
Sweet rays from the sun poking holes in the canny
our old guard will run till they fall on their fanny
when bitterest chitter is exposed to the light
a fresh breeze moves through to set those thing right
The swamp is a draining, new land will appear
it might need explaining, I'll be round to cheer
there is more that's in store for the muck and the mire
one day we will plow it, such is my desire
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Late One Clear Bethlehem Night
Late One Clear Bethlehem Night
Ho / do you hear it / a new baby's cry
world / in deep silence / now lets out a sigh
He / who was promised / salvation is nigh
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / on the hill sides / bold angels sing praise
say / to some shepherds / Immanuel stays
here / come adore Him / with hearts set ablaze
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / do you see them / who traveled so far
there / in a manger / beneath a bright star
men / who were wise / saw hope's reservoir
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / do you feel it / a true Christmas gift
yours / for the taking / a guarantied fit
join / with the others / in worship to lift
Christ / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / do you hear it / a new baby's cry
world / in deep silence / now lets out a sigh
He / who was promised / salvation is nigh
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / on the hill sides / bold angels sing praise
say / to some shepherds / Immanuel stays
here / come adore Him / with hearts set ablaze
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / do you see them / who traveled so far
there / in a manger / beneath a bright star
men / who were wise / saw hope's reservoir
late / one clear Bethlehem night
Ho / do you feel it / a true Christmas gift
yours / for the taking / a guarantied fit
join / with the others / in worship to lift
Christ / one clear Bethlehem night
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Oh Sweet Jerusalem
Earlier this past week President Trump announced that the United States would finally move it's embassy to Jerusalem, thus officially recognizing that city as the capitol of Israel. This action is opposed by the rest of the world's nations because of the desire of Muslim nations to not only eliminate Israel but also for their desire to have Jerusalem be the capitol of an independent state of Palestine. Yet this it is a huge event prophetically.
Jerusalem is a key piece in any prophetic puzzle. It makes it's first Biblical entry (Genesis chapter 14) around 2000 BC after Abram defeats the forces of several kings and frees his nephew Lot. Prior to this God had called Abram to leave Ur and go to a land He would show him. He tells Abram to walk the length and breadth of the land promising that every place he goes would be his. The extent of this promise is much larger than where current Israel is today.
Coming home from the victory Abram is met by Melchizedek the priest king of Salem who blesses him. Abram in return gives Melchizedek a tithe of a 10th of his spoils. Immediately after this God makes an eternal covenant with Abram whom he soon renames Abraham, promising the land not only to Abraham but to his descendents as well. God warns Abraham that his people would be removed from the land for 400 years but it then would be restored to them.
A thousand years after Abraham the Jewish people did returned from their sojourn in Egypt, they conquer a portion of what God had promised, are ruled by judges and priests and eventually demand that God give them a king like the other nations. Saul becomes the first king and is replaced by David. It is David who defeats the ancient city state of Salem which is now known as Jerusalem and makes it the nation's capitol city.
When David dies his son Solomon becomes king. Israel expands greatly in extent and wealth and it is Solomon who builds the first great temple in Jerusalem. After Solomon dies the nation splits. The 10 northern tribes years later are conquered by the Assyrians who deport all the Jews and replace them with other peoples. The southern two tribes of Judah and Benjamin are where Jerusalem is located and years later it too is conquered by the Babylonians who level Jerusalem, destroy the temple and deport most but not all of the Jewish population to Babylon where they are in captivity for 70 years.
It is toward the end of this 70 year period when Daniel inquires of God as to the exact timing of the restoration of the Jewish people to the land and to Jerusalem. The answer to his prayer is delivered by the angel Gabriel who provides Daniel with the great prophetic scope of Jewish history which extends even to the last days.
Babylon is defeated by the Persians and Cyrus makes a decree allowing the Jews not only to return but permits them to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem as well.
A second temple, not as glorious as the first, gets built on the same site in Jerusalem around 349 BC It has a major rebuilding project that lasts from about 30 BC to 40 AD which makes it again one of the wonders of the ancient world but it is destroyed as is Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. The second temple period also represents a time when the Jewish people are not autonomous, being ruled in turn by the Persians, Greeks and then Romans, just as prophesied to Daniel.
In 70 AD not only are the temple and Jerusalem destroyed but most of the Jewish people are either killed or sold into slavery and scattered around the Roman empire. The city eventually gets rebuilt, there are many different nations or empires that get their turn to control the city, some which deny any Jewish presence at all and some which slaughter, depending on who is favored, any Jews, Muslims or Christians living there.
The walls of Jerusalem, so evident in any modern photo of the city, are not original but were built in the 1500's. None of the buildings that exist today were there at the time of Christ. The Muslims became interested in Jerusalem in the 600's but there were time periods when they, like the Jews, were not even allowed access to the city.
Around 30 AD Jesus, 40 days after He rose from the grave, ascended from the Mt. of Olives near Jerusalem into the clouds. He promised that He would one day return in His glory to rule the nations from Jerusalem. The early Christians expected Jesus to come back at any time but as time went on the association with the Jewish faith became less and less and the Biblical promise of Jesus physical return and the events immediately preceding it were not taken literally by the Church. The promise to the Jewish people of an eternal homeland also was forgotten by the Church.
The Reformation restored to the Church much of what was lost on many levels but it took a couple of hundred years before people began to once again consider what the Bible had to say about a Jewish homeland and Jesus actual return to rule the nations from Jerusalem for 1000 years. Sir Isaac Newton in the 1700's actually spent quite a bit of time researching Daniel and Biblical end time prophecy.
Christians who were studying Biblical prophecy on a literal basis began to understand that there were certain things and events that needed to happen prior to Jesus returning. The two major ones were that there had to once again be a Jewish nation with Jerusalem at it's core and there had to be constructed a new Jewish temple.
Think of the situation just 100 years ago. The backwater region of Palestine had a population of less than 100,000, mostly nomads, but because of the Zionist movement beginning in 1897 the population was now growing. Jerusalem was divided into 4 uneven quarters - Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Armenian and many of the Muslims living there had come from a variety of neighboring countries. The Muslim part of the city, or East Jerusalem, contained the holy sites, such as the Temple Mount, which were considered so sacred to the Jews. Jerusalem had been under the control of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years until December of 1917 when British forces took the city during WWI. The aftermath of WWI redrew the map of the Middle East and Jewish people were given limited permission to return to their ancient land.
So 100 years ago, unless you trusted that God would do what He said He would do, it still seemed very unlikely that there would ever be a Jewish nation with Jerusalem at it's core and a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
On May 18,1948, against all odds, Israel once again became a sovereign nation. The next day they were attacked by the 5 surrounding Arab nations but prevailed. In June of 1967 there was another war and it was at this time that Israel took control of East Jerusalem including the holy sites. Although they later returned control of the Temple Mount to Jordan is was now theirs to give and theirs to take.
If you think about it, 1967 was first time since Daniel was exiled that Israel existed as a sovereign nation with full control over Jerusalem. And 2017, because the U.S., the world's most powerful country, it will be the first time that Jerusalem is recognized by the world as Israel's capitol. That means that time wise we are surely in the last days and it should not be too long before construction begins on a new Jewish temple.
Although I believe the Church will be raptured before that time we await the return of the priest king Jesus, who will descend from the same place He ascended. An earthquake will split the Mt. of Olives in two forming a great valley and the rebelling nations will be defeated. One day there will be a new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven but now we see her as a visible symbol that all God's promises are righteous and true and will come to pass.
Here is a poem I wrote about that city.
Oh Sweet Jerusalem
Oh sweet Jerusalem
you who stoned the prophets
are a stumbling stone
and cup of trembling
Oh dearest Corner Stone
you longed to gather your people
under loving protective wings
but they would not listen
Oh swift Advocate
you sent out sons and daughters
with singing and firm foundation
unto distant nations
Oh ancient Mt. Zion
your barren years are over
two thousand years waiting
the King is now coming
Jerusalem is a key piece in any prophetic puzzle. It makes it's first Biblical entry (Genesis chapter 14) around 2000 BC after Abram defeats the forces of several kings and frees his nephew Lot. Prior to this God had called Abram to leave Ur and go to a land He would show him. He tells Abram to walk the length and breadth of the land promising that every place he goes would be his. The extent of this promise is much larger than where current Israel is today.
Coming home from the victory Abram is met by Melchizedek the priest king of Salem who blesses him. Abram in return gives Melchizedek a tithe of a 10th of his spoils. Immediately after this God makes an eternal covenant with Abram whom he soon renames Abraham, promising the land not only to Abraham but to his descendents as well. God warns Abraham that his people would be removed from the land for 400 years but it then would be restored to them.
A thousand years after Abraham the Jewish people did returned from their sojourn in Egypt, they conquer a portion of what God had promised, are ruled by judges and priests and eventually demand that God give them a king like the other nations. Saul becomes the first king and is replaced by David. It is David who defeats the ancient city state of Salem which is now known as Jerusalem and makes it the nation's capitol city.
When David dies his son Solomon becomes king. Israel expands greatly in extent and wealth and it is Solomon who builds the first great temple in Jerusalem. After Solomon dies the nation splits. The 10 northern tribes years later are conquered by the Assyrians who deport all the Jews and replace them with other peoples. The southern two tribes of Judah and Benjamin are where Jerusalem is located and years later it too is conquered by the Babylonians who level Jerusalem, destroy the temple and deport most but not all of the Jewish population to Babylon where they are in captivity for 70 years.
It is toward the end of this 70 year period when Daniel inquires of God as to the exact timing of the restoration of the Jewish people to the land and to Jerusalem. The answer to his prayer is delivered by the angel Gabriel who provides Daniel with the great prophetic scope of Jewish history which extends even to the last days.
Babylon is defeated by the Persians and Cyrus makes a decree allowing the Jews not only to return but permits them to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem as well.
A second temple, not as glorious as the first, gets built on the same site in Jerusalem around 349 BC It has a major rebuilding project that lasts from about 30 BC to 40 AD which makes it again one of the wonders of the ancient world but it is destroyed as is Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. The second temple period also represents a time when the Jewish people are not autonomous, being ruled in turn by the Persians, Greeks and then Romans, just as prophesied to Daniel.
In 70 AD not only are the temple and Jerusalem destroyed but most of the Jewish people are either killed or sold into slavery and scattered around the Roman empire. The city eventually gets rebuilt, there are many different nations or empires that get their turn to control the city, some which deny any Jewish presence at all and some which slaughter, depending on who is favored, any Jews, Muslims or Christians living there.
The walls of Jerusalem, so evident in any modern photo of the city, are not original but were built in the 1500's. None of the buildings that exist today were there at the time of Christ. The Muslims became interested in Jerusalem in the 600's but there were time periods when they, like the Jews, were not even allowed access to the city.
Around 30 AD Jesus, 40 days after He rose from the grave, ascended from the Mt. of Olives near Jerusalem into the clouds. He promised that He would one day return in His glory to rule the nations from Jerusalem. The early Christians expected Jesus to come back at any time but as time went on the association with the Jewish faith became less and less and the Biblical promise of Jesus physical return and the events immediately preceding it were not taken literally by the Church. The promise to the Jewish people of an eternal homeland also was forgotten by the Church.
The Reformation restored to the Church much of what was lost on many levels but it took a couple of hundred years before people began to once again consider what the Bible had to say about a Jewish homeland and Jesus actual return to rule the nations from Jerusalem for 1000 years. Sir Isaac Newton in the 1700's actually spent quite a bit of time researching Daniel and Biblical end time prophecy.
Christians who were studying Biblical prophecy on a literal basis began to understand that there were certain things and events that needed to happen prior to Jesus returning. The two major ones were that there had to once again be a Jewish nation with Jerusalem at it's core and there had to be constructed a new Jewish temple.
Think of the situation just 100 years ago. The backwater region of Palestine had a population of less than 100,000, mostly nomads, but because of the Zionist movement beginning in 1897 the population was now growing. Jerusalem was divided into 4 uneven quarters - Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Armenian and many of the Muslims living there had come from a variety of neighboring countries. The Muslim part of the city, or East Jerusalem, contained the holy sites, such as the Temple Mount, which were considered so sacred to the Jews. Jerusalem had been under the control of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years until December of 1917 when British forces took the city during WWI. The aftermath of WWI redrew the map of the Middle East and Jewish people were given limited permission to return to their ancient land.
So 100 years ago, unless you trusted that God would do what He said He would do, it still seemed very unlikely that there would ever be a Jewish nation with Jerusalem at it's core and a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
On May 18,1948, against all odds, Israel once again became a sovereign nation. The next day they were attacked by the 5 surrounding Arab nations but prevailed. In June of 1967 there was another war and it was at this time that Israel took control of East Jerusalem including the holy sites. Although they later returned control of the Temple Mount to Jordan is was now theirs to give and theirs to take.
If you think about it, 1967 was first time since Daniel was exiled that Israel existed as a sovereign nation with full control over Jerusalem. And 2017, because the U.S., the world's most powerful country, it will be the first time that Jerusalem is recognized by the world as Israel's capitol. That means that time wise we are surely in the last days and it should not be too long before construction begins on a new Jewish temple.
Although I believe the Church will be raptured before that time we await the return of the priest king Jesus, who will descend from the same place He ascended. An earthquake will split the Mt. of Olives in two forming a great valley and the rebelling nations will be defeated. One day there will be a new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven but now we see her as a visible symbol that all God's promises are righteous and true and will come to pass.
Here is a poem I wrote about that city.
Oh Sweet Jerusalem
Oh sweet Jerusalem
you who stoned the prophets
are a stumbling stone
and cup of trembling
Oh dearest Corner Stone
you longed to gather your people
under loving protective wings
but they would not listen
Oh swift Advocate
you sent out sons and daughters
with singing and firm foundation
unto distant nations
Oh ancient Mt. Zion
your barren years are over
two thousand years waiting
the King is now coming
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Measure Once, Read Twice
I am very pleased to announce that my newest book, Measure Once, Read Twice: The 2017 Collection has just been published and is now available at Amazon Books (I'm still working on the Kindle version). It turned out great if I do say so myself!
This is a selection of 110 poems which reflect themes that are either spiritual, humorous or family centered. In order to make my work even more enjoyable I've included some commentary on each work.
The title Measure Once, Read Twice is a take off on the old saying - measure twice, cut once - intended as advice to avoid wasting material. The title represents taking an approach to reading poetry that is different than what we do when we read prose. To be more enjoyable one needs to spend a little more time with each piece (perhaps reading it aloud or going over it a second time) in order to better appreciate the images, the pacing and the rhyming.
I've listed the introductory price at just about ten dollars which is great for 6" x 9" sized, 171 page collection of pure joy. However I would love to send you a copy for free if you would be nice enough to post a sweet review on Amazon and/or another site like Goodreads. To get your copy email me at with your address and I will get one out to you.
This is a selection of 110 poems which reflect themes that are either spiritual, humorous or family centered. In order to make my work even more enjoyable I've included some commentary on each work.
The title Measure Once, Read Twice is a take off on the old saying - measure twice, cut once - intended as advice to avoid wasting material. The title represents taking an approach to reading poetry that is different than what we do when we read prose. To be more enjoyable one needs to spend a little more time with each piece (perhaps reading it aloud or going over it a second time) in order to better appreciate the images, the pacing and the rhyming.
I've listed the introductory price at just about ten dollars which is great for 6" x 9" sized, 171 page collection of pure joy. However I would love to send you a copy for free if you would be nice enough to post a sweet review on Amazon and/or another site like Goodreads. To get your copy email me at with your address and I will get one out to you.

Sunday, November 12, 2017
My Rock and My Redeemer
I talk to the One who gives songs to the birds
who causes new babies to cry
who comforts my soul in the midst of the storm
who answers my every why
Yet you say their tune is purely by chance
that we were all born just to die
that man is the center of all that is now
sure victors if only we try
I worship the One who channels the winds
who knows all the families of men
who loved us so much that He sent down His Son
so we could be freed from our sin
Yet you honor those who sail on their own
who divide the spoils with greed
who think they know best the morals of life
then make others live by their creed
I wait for the One whose Spirit gives flight
who delivers from utter despair
who opens His word directing our lives
who writes us new songs to declare
who causes new babies to cry
who comforts my soul in the midst of the storm
who answers my every why
Yet you say their tune is purely by chance
that we were all born just to die
that man is the center of all that is now
sure victors if only we try
I worship the One who channels the winds
who knows all the families of men
who loved us so much that He sent down His Son
so we could be freed from our sin
Yet you honor those who sail on their own
who divide the spoils with greed
who think they know best the morals of life
then make others live by their creed
I wait for the One whose Spirit gives flight
who delivers from utter despair
who opens His word directing our lives
who writes us new songs to declare
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Book Review: Seeing The Supernatural
My father-in-law used to loan me a lot of books early on in my Christian walk and his advice when encountering parts in which I disagreed with was this - "Eat the fish and spit out the bones". I have recently finished SEEING THE SUPERNATURAL by Jennifer Eivaz and that advice applies well for this book. There is some nice tasty meat mixed with a few little bones that you don't want to choke on.
The strength of this write lay in the anecdotal stories told by the author of her experiences with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, knowledge and discernment. She relates how they have operated in her life and how she ministers those gifts. There can be much that can be gleaned here for a Christian already filled with the Holy Spirit who has sensed that the Holy Spirit may be leading them into growing in those giftings.
The subtitle to the book is: How to Sense, Discern and Battle in the Spiritual Realm. The end of each chapter has a list of Kingdom Principles supposedly covered in that chapter as well as something called Thoughts for Reflection. And therein lies the book's weakness. It presents itself as a teaching tool but in my opinion it lacks the adequate theological underpinnings and logical buildup to accomplish that.
This is reflected in two ways. The first is that some of the Scriptures referenced seem like proof texts (it sounds kinda the same so let's use it) and a couple totally miss the mark. And the second is that I would have liked there to have been, for example, a discussion of what the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12 are and how they normally operate. Improvement in both of these areas would be necessary for the book to be an actual teaching tool.
My thanks to Chosen Books for sending me a copy to review. I've read through it twice and did pick up some interesting information.
The strength of this write lay in the anecdotal stories told by the author of her experiences with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, knowledge and discernment. She relates how they have operated in her life and how she ministers those gifts. There can be much that can be gleaned here for a Christian already filled with the Holy Spirit who has sensed that the Holy Spirit may be leading them into growing in those giftings.
The subtitle to the book is: How to Sense, Discern and Battle in the Spiritual Realm. The end of each chapter has a list of Kingdom Principles supposedly covered in that chapter as well as something called Thoughts for Reflection. And therein lies the book's weakness. It presents itself as a teaching tool but in my opinion it lacks the adequate theological underpinnings and logical buildup to accomplish that.
This is reflected in two ways. The first is that some of the Scriptures referenced seem like proof texts (it sounds kinda the same so let's use it) and a couple totally miss the mark. And the second is that I would have liked there to have been, for example, a discussion of what the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12 are and how they normally operate. Improvement in both of these areas would be necessary for the book to be an actual teaching tool.
My thanks to Chosen Books for sending me a copy to review. I've read through it twice and did pick up some interesting information.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
The Word Was In The Beginning
Well, well well. No new deep thoughts for today to share. So instead you will get my poem for the day. This is inspired by the section of Scripture from John 1: 1-14, which is so beautiful by itself that nothing can top it.
The Word Was In The Beginning
The Word was in the beginning
before the world had begun
and He started the elements spinning
cause the Word was God's only Son
He sent out the Spirit in power
to assemble all matter just right
so the darkness started to cower
when exposed to Almighty light
Then a man was placed in a garden
to care for all that was made
but he sinned and needed a pardon
by the blood of justice delayed
In the fullness of time came redemption
the Word and the Light became flesh
and His blood caused our spirit's perfection
and His love spun our souls to refresh
Oh we praise the Lord of beginning
Oh we praise the Light of the world
as we wait for the end of all sinning
we will raise up His banner unfurled
The Word Was In The Beginning
The Word was in the beginning
before the world had begun
and He started the elements spinning
cause the Word was God's only Son
He sent out the Spirit in power
to assemble all matter just right
so the darkness started to cower
when exposed to Almighty light
Then a man was placed in a garden
to care for all that was made
but he sinned and needed a pardon
by the blood of justice delayed
In the fullness of time came redemption
the Word and the Light became flesh
and His blood caused our spirit's perfection
and His love spun our souls to refresh
Oh we praise the Lord of beginning
Oh we praise the Light of the world
as we wait for the end of all sinning
we will raise up His banner unfurled
Sunday, October 15, 2017
This has been quite a year for our country as well as for some friends of ours. Although there are many things I don't understand there is one truth that will never fail -
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
There'd been fires
and there'd been rain
there'd been people
not home again
there'd been wind
and there'd been shooting
oh Lord we've seen
the worst of things
There'd been cancer
and there'd been death
there'd been homes
with no one left
there'd been anger
and there'd been fighting
oh Lord we've seen
the worst of things
There'd been people
who braved the flood
there'd been hero's
who gave with blood
there'd been friends
and there'd been sharing
oh Lord we've seen
the best of things
There'll be faith
and there'll be hope
they'll rebuild
with stronger rope
they'll rejoice
as they're rebuilding
oh Lord we'll see
the best of things
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
There'd been fires
and there'd been rain
there'd been people
not home again
there'd been wind
and there'd been shooting
oh Lord we've seen
the worst of things
There'd been cancer
and there'd been death
there'd been homes
with no one left
there'd been anger
and there'd been fighting
oh Lord we've seen
the worst of things
There'd been people
who braved the flood
there'd been hero's
who gave with blood
there'd been friends
and there'd been sharing
oh Lord we've seen
the best of things
There'll be faith
and there'll be hope
they'll rebuild
with stronger rope
they'll rejoice
as they're rebuilding
oh Lord we'll see
the best of things
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
A Story of Renewal
The prompt for one of the contests that run on the poetry site I use was to compose a poem that talked about a historic event that had a great impact on our lives. I choose to write about a 1967 weekend retreat attended by college students and faculty from Duquesene University, a Catholic school located in Pittsburgh, PA, along with some other young leaders who had been involved in leading Catholic University youth groups and Catholic marriage encounter weekends.
Events that happened at this retreat triggered what was to become known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a true fresh breath of the Holy Spirit into that church that impacted many millions of Catholics world wide, including myself. Although there had been previous Catholics that had experienced the active working of gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives and many others who reflected the fruits of a Spirit filled life it was this weekend that provided the spark for an explosive Holy Spirit outpouring throughout the Catholic Church.
The idea for focusing on the gifts of the Holy Spirit began when two professors from Duquesene happened to have dinner with a Presbyterian lady who had been "baptized" in the Holy Spirit. This lady obviously had something that radiated from her about her relationship with Jesus and the professors wanted to examine this Holy Spirit thing further. The people invited to the Ark and Dove retreat house just outside Pittsburgh were told to prepare for the weekend retreat by reading the first 4 chapters of Acts and the books - The Cross and The Switchblade, a story by Assembly of God pastor David Wilkerson about the power of God in his ministry in Harlem and - They Speak With Other Tongues, a story by John Sherill about the baptism of the Holy Spirit being experienced in the main line denominations.
The retreat house had an upper room chapel and one evening various individuals at different times felt a compulsion to go to the chapel to pray. When they got there they each felt the overwhelming presence of God, so much so that they lay prostrate on the floor, and a couple of them started speaking in other tongues. The result of their experiences was awe at the holiness of God and a great joy that filled them and many others that saw, believed and received their own Pentecost.
Because some of these people were involved in campus ministry, prayer meetings soon sprang up at places like Michigan State, Notre Dame and the University of Michigan. These same people created the Life in the Spirit courses and literature and eventually organized renewal book and tape distribution, prayer meeting song books and conferences.
A Life in the Spirit seminar was an hour meeting in a small group once a week for seven weeks with daily Scripture readings in between. The power of this was that the first four weeks were basically going over the same material as does the four spiritual laws of Campus Crusade. These are: God loves us. Even though He loves us there is a real problem and that is that we all sin and fall short of what God desires. The good news is that God the Father has provided through His Son Jesus a way to be united with Him. We need to confess that we sin and invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. The course then covers what Jesus has promised for us with His Holy Spirit.
All this is gone over in the first 4 weeks. The fifth week is scheduled to pray with people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Between week 4 and 5 the course leaders try to meet individually with each person to see how they are doing and if they have any questions that they might not want to bring up in a group. All this leads to the best and most powerful part of what is accomplished for an individual.
The first thing done when praying for someone to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their lives is to lead that person in the sinner's prayer. You cannot imagine how huge this is for the average Catholic who has been told all their lives that if they have been baptized Catholic and have gone to confession and are without mortal sin then they will go to heaven. For many Catholics (not all of course) this was when they actually became born again and experienced a personal relationship with Jesus.
The effect of the release of the Holy Spirit then produces a hunger for living a holy life, the words of the Bible becoming alive and meaningful, a desire to share this good news about Jesus to all and of course spiritual gifts that the Spirit has given to build up the individual as well as the faith community. Weeks 6 and 7 then talk about how to live a balanced Christian life and what to expect days, weeks, months and years ahead.
The Charismatic Renewal grew quite rapidly and deeply within the Catholic Church but eventually, like all revivals it cooled down and became institutionalized. And a large problem for Catholicism is that it's structure, devotion to Mary and other like things are substitutes for the Holy Spirit. I left after 10 years when I realized that it was not possible for any of those things to change.
And yet it was through this that I was lead in 1972 from being an atheist to believer and Jackie and I began to experience a wonderful Spirit filled life that still goes strong today. Below is my poem.
Duquesene Weekend - 1967
Catholic retreat
at the Ark and Dove
Holy Spirit
in the room above
those who were hungry
filled with love
late into the night
Spirit's power
joy and awe
new languages
mission's call
ancient church
shook in that hall
late into the night
Pittsburgh on
to East Lansing
South Bend, Ann Arbor
hear them sing
Jesus is Lord
sweet offering
late into the night
Great crowds came
worship and pray
small living rooms
stadiums on display
modern day Acts
was now OK
late into the night
Events that happened at this retreat triggered what was to become known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a true fresh breath of the Holy Spirit into that church that impacted many millions of Catholics world wide, including myself. Although there had been previous Catholics that had experienced the active working of gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives and many others who reflected the fruits of a Spirit filled life it was this weekend that provided the spark for an explosive Holy Spirit outpouring throughout the Catholic Church.
The idea for focusing on the gifts of the Holy Spirit began when two professors from Duquesene happened to have dinner with a Presbyterian lady who had been "baptized" in the Holy Spirit. This lady obviously had something that radiated from her about her relationship with Jesus and the professors wanted to examine this Holy Spirit thing further. The people invited to the Ark and Dove retreat house just outside Pittsburgh were told to prepare for the weekend retreat by reading the first 4 chapters of Acts and the books - The Cross and The Switchblade, a story by Assembly of God pastor David Wilkerson about the power of God in his ministry in Harlem and - They Speak With Other Tongues, a story by John Sherill about the baptism of the Holy Spirit being experienced in the main line denominations.
The retreat house had an upper room chapel and one evening various individuals at different times felt a compulsion to go to the chapel to pray. When they got there they each felt the overwhelming presence of God, so much so that they lay prostrate on the floor, and a couple of them started speaking in other tongues. The result of their experiences was awe at the holiness of God and a great joy that filled them and many others that saw, believed and received their own Pentecost.
Because some of these people were involved in campus ministry, prayer meetings soon sprang up at places like Michigan State, Notre Dame and the University of Michigan. These same people created the Life in the Spirit courses and literature and eventually organized renewal book and tape distribution, prayer meeting song books and conferences.
A Life in the Spirit seminar was an hour meeting in a small group once a week for seven weeks with daily Scripture readings in between. The power of this was that the first four weeks were basically going over the same material as does the four spiritual laws of Campus Crusade. These are: God loves us. Even though He loves us there is a real problem and that is that we all sin and fall short of what God desires. The good news is that God the Father has provided through His Son Jesus a way to be united with Him. We need to confess that we sin and invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. The course then covers what Jesus has promised for us with His Holy Spirit.
All this is gone over in the first 4 weeks. The fifth week is scheduled to pray with people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Between week 4 and 5 the course leaders try to meet individually with each person to see how they are doing and if they have any questions that they might not want to bring up in a group. All this leads to the best and most powerful part of what is accomplished for an individual.
The first thing done when praying for someone to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their lives is to lead that person in the sinner's prayer. You cannot imagine how huge this is for the average Catholic who has been told all their lives that if they have been baptized Catholic and have gone to confession and are without mortal sin then they will go to heaven. For many Catholics (not all of course) this was when they actually became born again and experienced a personal relationship with Jesus.
The effect of the release of the Holy Spirit then produces a hunger for living a holy life, the words of the Bible becoming alive and meaningful, a desire to share this good news about Jesus to all and of course spiritual gifts that the Spirit has given to build up the individual as well as the faith community. Weeks 6 and 7 then talk about how to live a balanced Christian life and what to expect days, weeks, months and years ahead.
The Charismatic Renewal grew quite rapidly and deeply within the Catholic Church but eventually, like all revivals it cooled down and became institutionalized. And a large problem for Catholicism is that it's structure, devotion to Mary and other like things are substitutes for the Holy Spirit. I left after 10 years when I realized that it was not possible for any of those things to change.
And yet it was through this that I was lead in 1972 from being an atheist to believer and Jackie and I began to experience a wonderful Spirit filled life that still goes strong today. Below is my poem.
Duquesene Weekend - 1967
Catholic retreat
at the Ark and Dove
Holy Spirit
in the room above
those who were hungry
filled with love
late into the night
Spirit's power
joy and awe
new languages
mission's call
ancient church
shook in that hall
late into the night
Pittsburgh on
to East Lansing
South Bend, Ann Arbor
hear them sing
Jesus is Lord
sweet offering
late into the night
Great crowds came
worship and pray
small living rooms
stadiums on display
modern day Acts
was now OK
late into the night
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Words From A Watchman
And I set watchmen over you, saying; "Listen to the sound of the trumpet!"
But they said: "We will not listen." Jeremiah 6:17
Recently, because I have studied and taught on the end times, one of my children asked me if there was any prophetic significance to the two recent hurricanes that have caused so much destruction in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. My reply was that the earth has always been subject to drastic weather events and perhaps these two were things that just happened in the course of time.
Yet on the other hand it is interesting that the hurricanes occurred so soon after the total eclipse that traversed our country this August. In Scripture eclipses of the moon are signs of judgment for Israel and eclipses of the sun are signs of judgment for the gentile nations.
Here are some more thoughts on the matter.
I am convinced that the year 2017 is quite significant on God's calendar for the Jewish nation but I don't know what that is yet. There are an amazing number of important dates concerning Israel and Jerusalem that tie into the years 2017 and 2018. Interestingly there are also some corresponding historic dates for the Church that tie in to 2017. The Church of course is world wide and the U.S. is not Israel nor the center of the universe.
However, many believe that, because of our unique call upon God and dependence upon Him at our founding, the presence of a Church that has sent out missionaries and mission materials world wide, a still vibrant Church in many places, the large number of Jewish people living here and our special relationship with Israel, that we will be blessed or judged depending on our countries stance toward Israel.
Here are just a few of the dates I am talking about:
1517 - Ottoman Empire controls Jerusalem - Martin Luther nails 95 thesis at Wittenburg Church
1897 - First World Zionist Congress calling for a Jewish homeland
1907/1908 - Azusa Street Revival, reintroducing Pentecostal/Charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit
1917 - Balfour Declaration - British call for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
1917 - British general Allenby captures Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks (ending 400 yrs rule)
1947 - Jews declare a homeland in Palestine (50 yrs from Zionist Congress)
1948 - Jewish state officially begins
1967 - Jewish forces capture East Jerusalem/temple mount in 6 day war
2017/2018 is the 500th anniversary of the rebirth of the Christian Church, the 120th anniversary of the call for a Jewish state, the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the Jewish state and the 50th anniversary of the Jews gaining control of Jerusalem and the temple mount. It is also the Jewish year 5777/5778.
There was also on September 23 a major sign in the heavens that corresponded with the description of the sign of the woman and the birth of a man child found in Revelation chapter 12. This happened to occur during the Jewish feast of Yom Kippur (also known as the Feast of Trumpets and the Jewish New Year). Some commentators thought this might indicate a good date for the prophesied rapture of the Church.
I happen to have a foot in two different Christian world views. The first is the study of Biblical prophecy which I believe shows that my Lord Jesus could return at any time to catch up all born again believers, first the dead and then the living (the rapture) to be with Him for eternity. After this happens, either immediately or after some period of time, tribulation will come upon the nations, God will focus His attention on the Jewish people and Jesus will return to earth to reign and rule for 1000 years.
In my lifetime I have seen a steady decline in the moral condition's of both our country and the world and I believe the pace of disintegration is rapidly increasing. There is a steady and I believe organized attack on Christian values in general and on Christians in particular. The only solution I see to that is massive revival, where enough people get born again and empowered by the Holy Spirit so that society in general can be renewed. I pray for this but right now my eyes cannot see it.
My other foot is in the prophetic witness of those who are truly sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying. I do believe that the aspect of the spiritual gift of prophecy that reveals future events is for today and I know of some things that have been promised whose time has not yet come. So the paradox for me is that Jesus can come at any time but there are still promises to keep. Personal prophecy should never overrule Scriptural prophecy but we must admit that our timing of future Biblical events may be influenced by the teachings of others who are not infallible.
Great caution though must be exercised with personal prophecy. I believe that there are many prophets who perhaps are sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit's voice that they can get some things right but for a variety of reasons (that I will not list here) other of their words are not solid and true. They partially prophesy from their own biases.
There are a whole bunch of these prophets who believe that God will put Christians in positions of influence (government being one of those) and then there will come a revival in America so strong that the nation will be renewed. They see a mass harvest of souls prior to the first return of Christ. Again, I am more inclined to see revival coming, not top down but out of distress rather than out of prosperity.
I am not a prophet but I want to blow this trumpet as a watchman, one who has been called to gather the people to safety.
Our country has been given a major warning from God by the total eclipse of the sun in August which traversed the entire continent in the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina. To make this sign stronger and more obvious there will be another total eclipse seven years later that traverses the U.S. from Texas to Maine, the route of which marks an X in the middle of the country. Seven is a divine number. Maybe these will be seven years of either warning or judgment.
It would not stretch the imagination to say that Harvey, Irma and the Los Vegas shootings, so soon after the eclipse, can be seen as warnings that we must soon get our house in order. There are also rumblings in the earth, political situations in North Korea and Russia and domestic tensions that keep getting worse.
Perhaps, if there is a major revival coming, it will come after the rapture. What we are doing now is laying the groundwork for it. We will plant, someone else will harvest.
We have an enemy here and abroad who hates us and is well organized. He knows his time is short and is on the move.
Do not put your hope in politics to change the drastic situation our country is in. The situation we find ourselves in (20 trillion in debt, the inability to reign in spending, the annual growth of the welfare state) has come because of weak and corrupt hearts. Although there are many good people in government, human nature desires power and Washington corrupts almost all who serve there.
Do not put your hope in Donald Trump. Yes, it has been prophesied that he was God's man to route out corruption in government, to expose the hypocrisy of the press and to stop the assimilation of the U.S. into the politics of globalism. We will see.
And even though he has so far surrounded himself with true Christians, selected well for Supreme Court and lower judgeships, is a friend of Israel, removed U.S. funding for abortions overseas, started withdrawing from the unrealistic climate accords and has been eliminating all of Obama's restrictive executive orders, he is still a vain, vindictive and insecure individual and I still fear he may end up being a wolf in sheep's clothing.
We must pray that his heart will be soft to the leading of the Holy Spirit, that he will exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in his character and his life, and that God will use him to help heal the racial divide and unrest that dark forces have planned to split apart our country and bring violence to our cities. We must pray that God will give him wisdom for all the challenges that our country will be facing in the years ahead.
We have elected a Trump(et), have seen our warning eclipse and now we must listen and find our safety in the love and grace of our Lord Most High. He will never disappoint and will see us through.
And watch and be ready, for Jesus may return at any time.
But they said: "We will not listen." Jeremiah 6:17
Recently, because I have studied and taught on the end times, one of my children asked me if there was any prophetic significance to the two recent hurricanes that have caused so much destruction in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. My reply was that the earth has always been subject to drastic weather events and perhaps these two were things that just happened in the course of time.
Yet on the other hand it is interesting that the hurricanes occurred so soon after the total eclipse that traversed our country this August. In Scripture eclipses of the moon are signs of judgment for Israel and eclipses of the sun are signs of judgment for the gentile nations.
Here are some more thoughts on the matter.
I am convinced that the year 2017 is quite significant on God's calendar for the Jewish nation but I don't know what that is yet. There are an amazing number of important dates concerning Israel and Jerusalem that tie into the years 2017 and 2018. Interestingly there are also some corresponding historic dates for the Church that tie in to 2017. The Church of course is world wide and the U.S. is not Israel nor the center of the universe.
However, many believe that, because of our unique call upon God and dependence upon Him at our founding, the presence of a Church that has sent out missionaries and mission materials world wide, a still vibrant Church in many places, the large number of Jewish people living here and our special relationship with Israel, that we will be blessed or judged depending on our countries stance toward Israel.
Here are just a few of the dates I am talking about:
1517 - Ottoman Empire controls Jerusalem - Martin Luther nails 95 thesis at Wittenburg Church
1897 - First World Zionist Congress calling for a Jewish homeland
1907/1908 - Azusa Street Revival, reintroducing Pentecostal/Charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit
1917 - Balfour Declaration - British call for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
1917 - British general Allenby captures Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks (ending 400 yrs rule)
1947 - Jews declare a homeland in Palestine (50 yrs from Zionist Congress)
1948 - Jewish state officially begins
1967 - Jewish forces capture East Jerusalem/temple mount in 6 day war
2017/2018 is the 500th anniversary of the rebirth of the Christian Church, the 120th anniversary of the call for a Jewish state, the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the Jewish state and the 50th anniversary of the Jews gaining control of Jerusalem and the temple mount. It is also the Jewish year 5777/5778.
There was also on September 23 a major sign in the heavens that corresponded with the description of the sign of the woman and the birth of a man child found in Revelation chapter 12. This happened to occur during the Jewish feast of Yom Kippur (also known as the Feast of Trumpets and the Jewish New Year). Some commentators thought this might indicate a good date for the prophesied rapture of the Church.
I happen to have a foot in two different Christian world views. The first is the study of Biblical prophecy which I believe shows that my Lord Jesus could return at any time to catch up all born again believers, first the dead and then the living (the rapture) to be with Him for eternity. After this happens, either immediately or after some period of time, tribulation will come upon the nations, God will focus His attention on the Jewish people and Jesus will return to earth to reign and rule for 1000 years.
In my lifetime I have seen a steady decline in the moral condition's of both our country and the world and I believe the pace of disintegration is rapidly increasing. There is a steady and I believe organized attack on Christian values in general and on Christians in particular. The only solution I see to that is massive revival, where enough people get born again and empowered by the Holy Spirit so that society in general can be renewed. I pray for this but right now my eyes cannot see it.
My other foot is in the prophetic witness of those who are truly sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying. I do believe that the aspect of the spiritual gift of prophecy that reveals future events is for today and I know of some things that have been promised whose time has not yet come. So the paradox for me is that Jesus can come at any time but there are still promises to keep. Personal prophecy should never overrule Scriptural prophecy but we must admit that our timing of future Biblical events may be influenced by the teachings of others who are not infallible.
Great caution though must be exercised with personal prophecy. I believe that there are many prophets who perhaps are sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit's voice that they can get some things right but for a variety of reasons (that I will not list here) other of their words are not solid and true. They partially prophesy from their own biases.
There are a whole bunch of these prophets who believe that God will put Christians in positions of influence (government being one of those) and then there will come a revival in America so strong that the nation will be renewed. They see a mass harvest of souls prior to the first return of Christ. Again, I am more inclined to see revival coming, not top down but out of distress rather than out of prosperity.
I am not a prophet but I want to blow this trumpet as a watchman, one who has been called to gather the people to safety.
Our country has been given a major warning from God by the total eclipse of the sun in August which traversed the entire continent in the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina. To make this sign stronger and more obvious there will be another total eclipse seven years later that traverses the U.S. from Texas to Maine, the route of which marks an X in the middle of the country. Seven is a divine number. Maybe these will be seven years of either warning or judgment.
It would not stretch the imagination to say that Harvey, Irma and the Los Vegas shootings, so soon after the eclipse, can be seen as warnings that we must soon get our house in order. There are also rumblings in the earth, political situations in North Korea and Russia and domestic tensions that keep getting worse.
Perhaps, if there is a major revival coming, it will come after the rapture. What we are doing now is laying the groundwork for it. We will plant, someone else will harvest.
We have an enemy here and abroad who hates us and is well organized. He knows his time is short and is on the move.
Do not put your hope in politics to change the drastic situation our country is in. The situation we find ourselves in (20 trillion in debt, the inability to reign in spending, the annual growth of the welfare state) has come because of weak and corrupt hearts. Although there are many good people in government, human nature desires power and Washington corrupts almost all who serve there.
Do not put your hope in Donald Trump. Yes, it has been prophesied that he was God's man to route out corruption in government, to expose the hypocrisy of the press and to stop the assimilation of the U.S. into the politics of globalism. We will see.
And even though he has so far surrounded himself with true Christians, selected well for Supreme Court and lower judgeships, is a friend of Israel, removed U.S. funding for abortions overseas, started withdrawing from the unrealistic climate accords and has been eliminating all of Obama's restrictive executive orders, he is still a vain, vindictive and insecure individual and I still fear he may end up being a wolf in sheep's clothing.
We must pray that his heart will be soft to the leading of the Holy Spirit, that he will exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in his character and his life, and that God will use him to help heal the racial divide and unrest that dark forces have planned to split apart our country and bring violence to our cities. We must pray that God will give him wisdom for all the challenges that our country will be facing in the years ahead.
We have elected a Trump(et), have seen our warning eclipse and now we must listen and find our safety in the love and grace of our Lord Most High. He will never disappoint and will see us through.
And watch and be ready, for Jesus may return at any time.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
And In The End Dear Skeptic
And in the end dear skeptic, what do you have?
I have a promise of a full life to come
an assurance no one can take
you have nothing
save in the memories of those who will also one day pass
I have seen beyond the veil and looked at my High Priest
you think you have no high priest
and worship no one else
but deception reigns
for you serve one who fell because of his pride
Faith has cost me everything
for I have willingly surrendered all
my rights, my desires, my rebellion
my ability to make the rules
yet His bounty in return has far exceeded my loss
Being master of yourself will cost you everything
solely in return for the lusts of the mind and body
these will age as you do
the body and mind turn to dust
someone else will tell your tale
Each day I live in awe of my Master's work
the beauty and complexity of matter
the inspiration and sweet guidance of His Word
how He calms my stormy seas and hears my pleas
worship and obedience are a joy
You see the math but not the Math Maker
and thinking you are wise you believe lies
told by one who hates everything pure and holy
who gets you to blame the Most Pure and Holy
for all the ills cause by rebellion and sin
There are many gods and many paths
but in the fullness of time the true Father
sent us His only Son - Jesus
who lived, who shed His blood for the sins of all
who rose and now sits at the right hand of the Father
There are many gods and many paths
much tried and true wisdom abounds
yet all are man's efforts to make himself righteous
there is only One who died so that you may live
in the end dear skeptic, choose life
I have a promise of a full life to come
an assurance no one can take
you have nothing
save in the memories of those who will also one day pass
I have seen beyond the veil and looked at my High Priest
you think you have no high priest
and worship no one else
but deception reigns
for you serve one who fell because of his pride
Faith has cost me everything
for I have willingly surrendered all
my rights, my desires, my rebellion
my ability to make the rules
yet His bounty in return has far exceeded my loss
Being master of yourself will cost you everything
solely in return for the lusts of the mind and body
these will age as you do
the body and mind turn to dust
someone else will tell your tale
Each day I live in awe of my Master's work
the beauty and complexity of matter
the inspiration and sweet guidance of His Word
how He calms my stormy seas and hears my pleas
worship and obedience are a joy
You see the math but not the Math Maker
and thinking you are wise you believe lies
told by one who hates everything pure and holy
who gets you to blame the Most Pure and Holy
for all the ills cause by rebellion and sin
There are many gods and many paths
but in the fullness of time the true Father
sent us His only Son - Jesus
who lived, who shed His blood for the sins of all
who rose and now sits at the right hand of the Father
There are many gods and many paths
much tried and true wisdom abounds
yet all are man's efforts to make himself righteous
there is only One who died so that you may live
in the end dear skeptic, choose life
Sunday, September 17, 2017
The Woman and The Dragon
This week on September 23, for the first time ever, will be an alignment with the constellation's Virgo and Draco which is talked about in Revelation 12. Here is a poem inspired by that.
The Woman and The Dragon
The Woman
Who is this woman
sun at her head
moon at her feet
crowned with twelve stars?
A King has been in her womb
after forty-one weeks she will give birth
to a male child who will rule the nations
with an iron rod.
The Dragon
Red and fierce waits the one
with seven heads and ten horns
and seven crowns upon his heads
for the woman to deliver so that he may devour.
His powerful tail
sweeps away
a third of the stars
casting them to earth.
The Woman
When she gives birth her child is caught up to the throne.
Angry, the dragon sends out a flood to destroy her.
The wings of an eagle carry her away to a wilderness
where the ground opens up to swallow the waters.
The Dragon
The woman's protector engages the dragon and his forces in war.
Weak and no longer having a place the dragon is thrown down.
He becomes enraged and goes off
to make war with the rest of her children.
A voice cries from above:
Rejoice heavens, for the one who accuses
day and night has been thrown down.
Woe to you earth, for the dragon knows
his time is short.
The Woman and The Dragon
The Woman
Who is this woman
sun at her head
moon at her feet
crowned with twelve stars?
A King has been in her womb
after forty-one weeks she will give birth
to a male child who will rule the nations
with an iron rod.
The Dragon
Red and fierce waits the one
with seven heads and ten horns
and seven crowns upon his heads
for the woman to deliver so that he may devour.
His powerful tail
sweeps away
a third of the stars
casting them to earth.
The Woman
When she gives birth her child is caught up to the throne.
Angry, the dragon sends out a flood to destroy her.
The wings of an eagle carry her away to a wilderness
where the ground opens up to swallow the waters.
The Dragon
The woman's protector engages the dragon and his forces in war.
Weak and no longer having a place the dragon is thrown down.
He becomes enraged and goes off
to make war with the rest of her children.
A voice cries from above:
Rejoice heavens, for the one who accuses
day and night has been thrown down.
Woe to you earth, for the dragon knows
his time is short.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Knowing God
It was all a mystery
too big to comprehend
too vast in the smallness
and in the invisibility of it all
how could I stake a claim
For many nights I lay awake
trying to understand the smoke and mirrors
Death, or more simply, fear of Death
the awareness of no more awareness
that was the common denominator
in all religions
OK, if that was it then that was it
I could live without all the fear trappings
do my best, live peaceably, don't rock the boat
But then one day I met her
full of life, full of faith, and best yet
she laughed at all my crazy jokes
but her family had this strange belief
that when they prayed about something
they actually expected to be heard
But I could not claim something out of nothing
believe what I could not grasp
walk on choppy waters
It started with a thought
logic presented this argument
If there was a God, what ever that meant
and If that God was in the vastness and the smallness
and If that God in some way created, or designed or knew me
then it only followed that this God must have a will for me
and that life would work out much better
if I knew what that will was
Thus I challenged the confounding emptiness
reveal yourself and I will follow
I waited and got what I expected - NOTHING
And yet - in the next few months - my world shook
He began to speak to me though testimonies of divine power
each time I had a question it was answered in the strangest way
the word began to speak and the depth of joy began to pull
and I could see the path but knew not how to walk it
Again I challenged
reveal yourself and I will follow
I waited, this time full of hope
then sighed a deep sigh at the nothingness
At this point friend, He took me by the hand
which opened His word, which spoke to the deepest part
showing the soft gate to the endless trail
Now, on my knees, I confessed all my rebellion
and promised allegiance to the still invisible something
and asked that He would renew my heart
fill me with the power of His Spirit
and be the Lord of my life
As I began to yield my tongue to a new language
His presence filled me to the deepest part
and I knew, for the first time, so sure
I could never doubt or question the reality
that God, in all His unsearchable majesty
knows me, loves me, and is worthy of my praise
Nineteen seventy-two has long passed
His presence remains and my greatest joy
is found in being lost in worshiping the One
who has proven faithful at every corner
through the joys of life and the despairs of death
who still holds my hand and gently leads me on
too big to comprehend
too vast in the smallness
and in the invisibility of it all
how could I stake a claim
For many nights I lay awake
trying to understand the smoke and mirrors
Death, or more simply, fear of Death
the awareness of no more awareness
that was the common denominator
in all religions
OK, if that was it then that was it
I could live without all the fear trappings
do my best, live peaceably, don't rock the boat
But then one day I met her
full of life, full of faith, and best yet
she laughed at all my crazy jokes
but her family had this strange belief
that when they prayed about something
they actually expected to be heard
But I could not claim something out of nothing
believe what I could not grasp
walk on choppy waters
It started with a thought
logic presented this argument
If there was a God, what ever that meant
and If that God was in the vastness and the smallness
and If that God in some way created, or designed or knew me
then it only followed that this God must have a will for me
and that life would work out much better
if I knew what that will was
Thus I challenged the confounding emptiness
reveal yourself and I will follow
I waited and got what I expected - NOTHING
And yet - in the next few months - my world shook
He began to speak to me though testimonies of divine power
each time I had a question it was answered in the strangest way
the word began to speak and the depth of joy began to pull
and I could see the path but knew not how to walk it
Again I challenged
reveal yourself and I will follow
I waited, this time full of hope
then sighed a deep sigh at the nothingness
At this point friend, He took me by the hand
which opened His word, which spoke to the deepest part
showing the soft gate to the endless trail
Now, on my knees, I confessed all my rebellion
and promised allegiance to the still invisible something
and asked that He would renew my heart
fill me with the power of His Spirit
and be the Lord of my life
As I began to yield my tongue to a new language
His presence filled me to the deepest part
and I knew, for the first time, so sure
I could never doubt or question the reality
that God, in all His unsearchable majesty
knows me, loves me, and is worthy of my praise
Nineteen seventy-two has long passed
His presence remains and my greatest joy
is found in being lost in worshiping the One
who has proven faithful at every corner
through the joys of life and the despairs of death
who still holds my hand and gently leads me on
Thursday, August 31, 2017
College Days
Here is a poem I wrote recently about one of my good Aquinas College friends. One of my clear memories of Andy was his Volkswagen Beetle.
One day Jackie, now my dear wife whom I met at Aquinas, and I were out driving and she spots a Volkswagen Beetle. "Look" she says, "There is a car just like Andy's - only white". I laugh and Jackie says "What?". About two minutes later I spot a VW bug and say, "Look, there's a car just like Andy's - only red!" Another minute passes, a green VW goes by and I again repeat the phrase. After a few more my right shoulder is starting to ache from the pounding.
That was when I learned to be, how shall I say it? - more discrete. Instead of announcing each passing VW I would just chuckle quietly to myself. It worked. Now feeling bad for me Jackie started pointing out Andy's huge fleet of mystery cars.
A couple of years after graduation we attended Andy's wedding. A few weeks prior to that he got in a bad car accident, different car I'm sure, and the wedding was the last I saw of him. About 5 years ago however I received a friend request on Facebook from Andy. My initial reply, as you can appreciate from the poem below was, "Andy - You still got that music box?"
The Accordion
Andy had one of those last names
that ended in C H I C. We both
attended a Catholic college on
the West side of the state, but
Andy was an Eastern Orthodox
guy from DEE TROIT.
This was in the late sixties, early
seventies and Andy drove around
a blue Volkswagen Bug which carried
all his worldly possessions, including
his portable music box, white keys
and silver buttons framing a large
black chamber of moving air.
He loved all the current music of course.
On New Year's Eve Andy would record that
year's top 100 hits from W D what ever
onto another music box, this one running
a half inch of dark brown tape from one
six inch reel to another, speakers blaring
Mo Town and Chicago during parties held
in our rented house, or softly lulling Andy
to sleep later while sitting in his favorite
reclining chair.
And yet, when we went to someone
else's parties, Andy would bring
along his childhood companion.
When enough kegs were tapped and
drinks were mixed and if Andy was
feeling in the mood he'd saunter out
and grab from that little car's trunk
the pathway to another dimension.
Andy would role up his sleeves, ignite
the tip of one of his Marlboro's, close
his eyes and start playing that old
Jewish tune, Hava Nagila,
softly at first, then a bit more urgent,
then faster and faster until every slightly uptight
Catholic in that house were clapping and singing
and dancing in circles.
When the last note finished and the cheers
died down Andy would thank all who
bothered to say something nice, strap
his music box tight, glance over at me
with a look that said "Time to go"
and we would head back home, me to my
waiting bed and Andy to his chair of
worries, comforted once again by the low
sounds of harmony and brass.
One day Jackie, now my dear wife whom I met at Aquinas, and I were out driving and she spots a Volkswagen Beetle. "Look" she says, "There is a car just like Andy's - only white". I laugh and Jackie says "What?". About two minutes later I spot a VW bug and say, "Look, there's a car just like Andy's - only red!" Another minute passes, a green VW goes by and I again repeat the phrase. After a few more my right shoulder is starting to ache from the pounding.
That was when I learned to be, how shall I say it? - more discrete. Instead of announcing each passing VW I would just chuckle quietly to myself. It worked. Now feeling bad for me Jackie started pointing out Andy's huge fleet of mystery cars.
A couple of years after graduation we attended Andy's wedding. A few weeks prior to that he got in a bad car accident, different car I'm sure, and the wedding was the last I saw of him. About 5 years ago however I received a friend request on Facebook from Andy. My initial reply, as you can appreciate from the poem below was, "Andy - You still got that music box?"
The Accordion
Andy had one of those last names
that ended in C H I C. We both
attended a Catholic college on
the West side of the state, but
Andy was an Eastern Orthodox
guy from DEE TROIT.
This was in the late sixties, early
seventies and Andy drove around
a blue Volkswagen Bug which carried
all his worldly possessions, including
his portable music box, white keys
and silver buttons framing a large
black chamber of moving air.
He loved all the current music of course.
On New Year's Eve Andy would record that
year's top 100 hits from W D what ever
onto another music box, this one running
a half inch of dark brown tape from one
six inch reel to another, speakers blaring
Mo Town and Chicago during parties held
in our rented house, or softly lulling Andy
to sleep later while sitting in his favorite
reclining chair.
And yet, when we went to someone
else's parties, Andy would bring
along his childhood companion.
When enough kegs were tapped and
drinks were mixed and if Andy was
feeling in the mood he'd saunter out
and grab from that little car's trunk
the pathway to another dimension.
Andy would role up his sleeves, ignite
the tip of one of his Marlboro's, close
his eyes and start playing that old
Jewish tune, Hava Nagila,
softly at first, then a bit more urgent,
then faster and faster until every slightly uptight
Catholic in that house were clapping and singing
and dancing in circles.
When the last note finished and the cheers
died down Andy would thank all who
bothered to say something nice, strap
his music box tight, glance over at me
with a look that said "Time to go"
and we would head back home, me to my
waiting bed and Andy to his chair of
worries, comforted once again by the low
sounds of harmony and brass.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Is the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 a Warning to America?
Traditionally in Jewish history lunar eclipses are warnings for the nation of Israel and solar eclipses are warning signs for nations.
Next week on August 21 America will experience a total eclipse of the sun. It's path of totality will enter the U.S. from the Pacific Ocean near Salem, Oregon and exit near Charleston, South Carolina into the Atlantic. This is pretty rare. It's been almost 100 years (June 8, 1918) since a total eclipse has crossed our country. The last time a solar eclipse covered exclusively our nation was at it's beginning in 1776.
Interestingly, almost 7 years after the August 2017 eclipse comes another one on April 8, 2024. This time the path of the sun enters Texas from Mexico and exits from Maine into Canada.
The path of these two eclipses is over 70 miles wide and provides at it's midpoint about 2 minutes 40 seconds of totality for the 2017 eclipse and over 4 minutes for the 2024 one. As shown below they create an image of an X over our country, the direct intersection being a little village in Southern Illinois known as Makanda. Other cities in this cross section are Carbondale Illinois, Cape Gireadaeu, Missouri and Paducka, Kentucky.
Map of total solar eclipse over the United States - 2017 and 2024
Checking to see if there are any interesting facts about this area spiritually the following things can be noted. Makanda is a Hindu word basically translated as the mango tree (mango is the national tree of India).There are a couple of Hindu gods associated with mango fruit or mango leaves, one of which is Ganesh, the one with the elephant head. That god represents blessing and success which helps explain why I have seen so many of those little idols under plastic domes on the dashboards of people from India that I do driver tests for.
However, as I checked further I found a site on line called Babynuology which must be an astrology site. There the mango is identified as the king of the fruits and in Vedic astrology it's ruling element is the sun and it's moon element is Leo the lion. Checking another site I found that the position of the sun and moon on August 21 will be smack dab in the middle of the constellation Leo (the stars of which will become visible during the eclipse), right next to the brightest star Regulus (known as "the heart of the king", or in Latin, "The Prince" or "The Little King").
From another site I found a list of all the number 33's associated with this eclipse. Just to get you up to speed on the meaning of numbers in Scripture, the number 11 is usually associated with judgment. Bullinger says in his book - Number In Scripture - that if 10 represents the perfection of divine order then 11 is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that order. If 12 is the number which marks the perfection of divine government then 11 (whether 10+1 or 12-1) is the number which marks disorder, disorganization, imperfection and disintegration.
33 is a multiple of 11 (11 x 3). The sun will enter the U.S. at Lincoln, Oregon, which is our 33rd state. It will exit from Key Beech, South Carolina, which is at the 33rd degree latitude. It has been 99 years (33 x 3) since the last eclipse of this kind and 33 days later in September we will have seen the great sign of Virgo in the heavens which is mentioned in Revelation 12 (the woman with the crown of 12 stars who gives birth to the man child). More on the possible meaning of this sign in the heavens at a later post.
Other things to note:
Carbon (root of Carbondale, is the 6th element and it is made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons (6-6-6 - well known reference to the Antichrist).
August 21, 2017 is Ehul 1 on the Jewish calendar. In Jewish tradition this marks the beginning of a 40 day period of repentance to prepare generally for the day of God's judgement and specifically for the upcoming Jewish feast days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Although I think the rapture of the Church, if on a Jewish feast day, will occur at some future Pentecost, many think that it will happen on a Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), which begins this year on Sept. 20, 2017. Ehul 1 begins with the blowing of the shofar. The Sign of Virgo happens on Sep. 23rd, 2017.
April 8th, 2014 happens on the Jewish month Nissan 1, which marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
In 1811 and 1812 the U.S. experienced a series of huge earthquakes, some of which were over 9 on the Richter scale. These occurred in an area known as the New Madrid fault, a lot of which is covered by the crossing routes of the two eclipses. Some have prophesied that the U.S. will be divided in two by a future major earthquake(s) happening in this area. Check the link below to see the area.
Map of New Madrid seismic activity
Although I am not predicting that judgment on the U.S. will begin then or that the rapture will come this September I am convinced that God is in control of the movements and timing of the sun, moon and stars and that we are indeed somewhere in the last days. Even if there will instead be 7 years of national blessing and revival between the two eclipses I am convinced that these two crossings are a call for the Church and our nation to repent and to pray as never before.
Here is a poem I wrote about this.
Total Eclipse of August 21
There are stories we've been told by men with lying lips
who weave their interesting tales, sure facts until one slips
and so begins the terrors of the next great full eclipse
I'm told that darkness will extend from shore to shining shore
beginning west in Oregon, then east southeast will tore
South Carolina where it ends, the ocean it will pour
And in the path of full darkness, seventy miles wide
lasting two full minutes long, that's quite a solar ride
but all this is a warning shot concerning nation's pride
About a hundred years ago was last it crossed complete
we entered war to end all wars that leveled the elite
but came out later standing tall, strong arms and on two feet
Yet now the nation's at a point of body, spirit, souls
the air's a mess of boiling clouds with darkness at the poles
the question - do we change and heal - the answer be - who knows?
Next week on August 21 America will experience a total eclipse of the sun. It's path of totality will enter the U.S. from the Pacific Ocean near Salem, Oregon and exit near Charleston, South Carolina into the Atlantic. This is pretty rare. It's been almost 100 years (June 8, 1918) since a total eclipse has crossed our country. The last time a solar eclipse covered exclusively our nation was at it's beginning in 1776.
Interestingly, almost 7 years after the August 2017 eclipse comes another one on April 8, 2024. This time the path of the sun enters Texas from Mexico and exits from Maine into Canada.
The path of these two eclipses is over 70 miles wide and provides at it's midpoint about 2 minutes 40 seconds of totality for the 2017 eclipse and over 4 minutes for the 2024 one. As shown below they create an image of an X over our country, the direct intersection being a little village in Southern Illinois known as Makanda. Other cities in this cross section are Carbondale Illinois, Cape Gireadaeu, Missouri and Paducka, Kentucky.
Map of total solar eclipse over the United States - 2017 and 2024
Checking to see if there are any interesting facts about this area spiritually the following things can be noted. Makanda is a Hindu word basically translated as the mango tree (mango is the national tree of India).There are a couple of Hindu gods associated with mango fruit or mango leaves, one of which is Ganesh, the one with the elephant head. That god represents blessing and success which helps explain why I have seen so many of those little idols under plastic domes on the dashboards of people from India that I do driver tests for.
However, as I checked further I found a site on line called Babynuology which must be an astrology site. There the mango is identified as the king of the fruits and in Vedic astrology it's ruling element is the sun and it's moon element is Leo the lion. Checking another site I found that the position of the sun and moon on August 21 will be smack dab in the middle of the constellation Leo (the stars of which will become visible during the eclipse), right next to the brightest star Regulus (known as "the heart of the king", or in Latin, "The Prince" or "The Little King").
From another site I found a list of all the number 33's associated with this eclipse. Just to get you up to speed on the meaning of numbers in Scripture, the number 11 is usually associated with judgment. Bullinger says in his book - Number In Scripture - that if 10 represents the perfection of divine order then 11 is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that order. If 12 is the number which marks the perfection of divine government then 11 (whether 10+1 or 12-1) is the number which marks disorder, disorganization, imperfection and disintegration.
33 is a multiple of 11 (11 x 3). The sun will enter the U.S. at Lincoln, Oregon, which is our 33rd state. It will exit from Key Beech, South Carolina, which is at the 33rd degree latitude. It has been 99 years (33 x 3) since the last eclipse of this kind and 33 days later in September we will have seen the great sign of Virgo in the heavens which is mentioned in Revelation 12 (the woman with the crown of 12 stars who gives birth to the man child). More on the possible meaning of this sign in the heavens at a later post.
Other things to note:
Carbon (root of Carbondale, is the 6th element and it is made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons (6-6-6 - well known reference to the Antichrist).
August 21, 2017 is Ehul 1 on the Jewish calendar. In Jewish tradition this marks the beginning of a 40 day period of repentance to prepare generally for the day of God's judgement and specifically for the upcoming Jewish feast days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Although I think the rapture of the Church, if on a Jewish feast day, will occur at some future Pentecost, many think that it will happen on a Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), which begins this year on Sept. 20, 2017. Ehul 1 begins with the blowing of the shofar. The Sign of Virgo happens on Sep. 23rd, 2017.
April 8th, 2014 happens on the Jewish month Nissan 1, which marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
In 1811 and 1812 the U.S. experienced a series of huge earthquakes, some of which were over 9 on the Richter scale. These occurred in an area known as the New Madrid fault, a lot of which is covered by the crossing routes of the two eclipses. Some have prophesied that the U.S. will be divided in two by a future major earthquake(s) happening in this area. Check the link below to see the area.
Map of New Madrid seismic activity
Although I am not predicting that judgment on the U.S. will begin then or that the rapture will come this September I am convinced that God is in control of the movements and timing of the sun, moon and stars and that we are indeed somewhere in the last days. Even if there will instead be 7 years of national blessing and revival between the two eclipses I am convinced that these two crossings are a call for the Church and our nation to repent and to pray as never before.
Here is a poem I wrote about this.
Total Eclipse of August 21
There are stories we've been told by men with lying lips
who weave their interesting tales, sure facts until one slips
and so begins the terrors of the next great full eclipse
I'm told that darkness will extend from shore to shining shore
beginning west in Oregon, then east southeast will tore
South Carolina where it ends, the ocean it will pour
And in the path of full darkness, seventy miles wide
lasting two full minutes long, that's quite a solar ride
but all this is a warning shot concerning nation's pride
About a hundred years ago was last it crossed complete
we entered war to end all wars that leveled the elite
but came out later standing tall, strong arms and on two feet
Yet now the nation's at a point of body, spirit, souls
the air's a mess of boiling clouds with darkness at the poles
the question - do we change and heal - the answer be - who knows?
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Daisies and Poppies
This poem was inspired by a prophetic word we had this Sunday morning. Dave has been preaching the last two weeks on my favorite Scripture, Romans 8:1.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
In the word daisies represented life and poppies death.
Daisies and Poppies
She wandered the field
searching for daisies
but brought back poppies instead
then cradled those close
to her broken heart
while curled as a ball
in her bed
And the tears that were shed
while curled in that bed
came from loneliness and pain
of life that was lost
at a terrible cost
which she recalled again
and again
Through shutters then shone
while she lay there alone
bright light on that tear stained face
encouraging word
forgiveness assured
offered with kindness
and grace
And the grace that was hers
could also be yours
daisies fresh to brighten your day
cast those poppies aside
you'll have new life inside
from One who gave
His life away
There is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
In the word daisies represented life and poppies death.
Daisies and Poppies
She wandered the field
searching for daisies
but brought back poppies instead
then cradled those close
to her broken heart
while curled as a ball
in her bed
And the tears that were shed
while curled in that bed
came from loneliness and pain
of life that was lost
at a terrible cost
which she recalled again
and again
Through shutters then shone
while she lay there alone
bright light on that tear stained face
encouraging word
forgiveness assured
offered with kindness
and grace
And the grace that was hers
could also be yours
daisies fresh to brighten your day
cast those poppies aside
you'll have new life inside
from One who gave
His life away
Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Explorer - Isaiah 53:6
The forest folded as I walked
into the great unknown
but carried on with slower pace
searched till the path was shown
past dew and damp and sticking thorns
down to a wandering creek
and there I stopped to contemplate
what future I should seek
just as I did a minnow jumped
beneath a floating branch
a darting cloud of tiny bugs
flew by as if by chance
and as I stood there lost in thought
a beam of sun shone through
down to my knees there in the mud
to follow what was true
all that I've done was just for me
like all I'd gone astray
He was the Lamb who shed His blood
for me, to show the way
into the great unknown
but carried on with slower pace
searched till the path was shown
past dew and damp and sticking thorns
down to a wandering creek
and there I stopped to contemplate
what future I should seek
just as I did a minnow jumped
beneath a floating branch
a darting cloud of tiny bugs
flew by as if by chance
and as I stood there lost in thought
a beam of sun shone through
down to my knees there in the mud
to follow what was true
all that I've done was just for me
like all I'd gone astray
He was the Lamb who shed His blood
for me, to show the way
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Spiritual Warfare
This is a review of the book - Spiritual Warfare - by Derek Prince, which I received from it's publisher Chosen Books.
Derek Prince, who died 2003 in Jerusalem, has always been one of my favorite spiritual authors and speakers. His teachings via books or tapes or through his radio broadcasts were very influential in the early days of the Charismatic Renewal as well as in my life personally. One time I even heard him speak and watched him direct a team of healing ministers on a visit to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where I was living at the time.
He leaves behind a ministry organization which continues his radio broadcasts, distributes his thousands of writings, tapes, books and videos which go throughout the world, and from time to time they put his material together in book form. HERE is a link where I have blogged about another of his posthumous books which includes a story from his visit in Kalamazoo.
I have read quite a number of other books dealing with spiritual warfare and deliverance, including what I consider one of the classics by Prince called Deliver Us From Evil. This book - Spiritual Warfare - is quite different from the others in that it does not go into any details about deliverance or provide lists of spiritual strong holds for the reader to confess and apply the Word of God to. And in my opinion the center part of the book reflects a view of an overcoming Church in the last days which I have several problems with.
That said the teaching presented at beginning and end could not be more powerful or timely for today. Let me summarize it with one Scriptural verse from Revelation 12:11:
They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony
This was made into a powerful worship song which takes this Scripture verse and brings it to us as a statement of faith: "We have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the strength of our testimony."
Here are some of the spiritual principles that Prince wants every believer to understand. I am only going to high lite just a few.
First, evil is a person, not a thing. We are in a struggle with the ruler of darkness who has evil spiritual minions assigned to torment us and to pull us away from the knowledge and love of the Father. Much of what we think is a physical or psychological struggle in our lives is actually a spiritual struggle with spiritual beings involved.
Second, by His death and resurrection Jesus has defeated the evil one and his forces. Because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior we have divine authority to overcome the kingdom of darkness.
Third, even though redeemed our ignorance of this spiritual battle empowers the evil one. Plus things that we do in the spiritual or attitudes we have, such as unforgiveness or harboring sin, give the evil one and his forces a legal right to torment and deceive us.
Fourth, we have three main weapons to use against evil spirits and their deceptions. These would be the Word of God (knowing and understanding the truth of Scripture), the blood of the Lamb (it is the shed blood of Jesus that both redeems us and gives us the legal right to defeat the evil forces), and the word of our testimony (we must declare the truth of the Word as well as declare, not just the blood of Jesus, but that we have authority because Jesus shed His blood for us, for me personally).
When we declare the Word, and testify to the shed blood for us, the Holy Spirit will always be at work. He is the true power behind everything we do.
In the last couple of chapters Derek Prince teaches quite a bit about the blood of Jesus and how to apply it to the situation in our lives. This is something that all Christians should understand and a main part of what makes Spiritual Warfare an important read.

Derek Prince, who died 2003 in Jerusalem, has always been one of my favorite spiritual authors and speakers. His teachings via books or tapes or through his radio broadcasts were very influential in the early days of the Charismatic Renewal as well as in my life personally. One time I even heard him speak and watched him direct a team of healing ministers on a visit to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where I was living at the time.
He leaves behind a ministry organization which continues his radio broadcasts, distributes his thousands of writings, tapes, books and videos which go throughout the world, and from time to time they put his material together in book form. HERE is a link where I have blogged about another of his posthumous books which includes a story from his visit in Kalamazoo.
I have read quite a number of other books dealing with spiritual warfare and deliverance, including what I consider one of the classics by Prince called Deliver Us From Evil. This book - Spiritual Warfare - is quite different from the others in that it does not go into any details about deliverance or provide lists of spiritual strong holds for the reader to confess and apply the Word of God to. And in my opinion the center part of the book reflects a view of an overcoming Church in the last days which I have several problems with.
That said the teaching presented at beginning and end could not be more powerful or timely for today. Let me summarize it with one Scriptural verse from Revelation 12:11:
They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony
This was made into a powerful worship song which takes this Scripture verse and brings it to us as a statement of faith: "We have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the strength of our testimony."
Here are some of the spiritual principles that Prince wants every believer to understand. I am only going to high lite just a few.
First, evil is a person, not a thing. We are in a struggle with the ruler of darkness who has evil spiritual minions assigned to torment us and to pull us away from the knowledge and love of the Father. Much of what we think is a physical or psychological struggle in our lives is actually a spiritual struggle with spiritual beings involved.
Second, by His death and resurrection Jesus has defeated the evil one and his forces. Because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior we have divine authority to overcome the kingdom of darkness.
Third, even though redeemed our ignorance of this spiritual battle empowers the evil one. Plus things that we do in the spiritual or attitudes we have, such as unforgiveness or harboring sin, give the evil one and his forces a legal right to torment and deceive us.
Fourth, we have three main weapons to use against evil spirits and their deceptions. These would be the Word of God (knowing and understanding the truth of Scripture), the blood of the Lamb (it is the shed blood of Jesus that both redeems us and gives us the legal right to defeat the evil forces), and the word of our testimony (we must declare the truth of the Word as well as declare, not just the blood of Jesus, but that we have authority because Jesus shed His blood for us, for me personally).
When we declare the Word, and testify to the shed blood for us, the Holy Spirit will always be at work. He is the true power behind everything we do.
In the last couple of chapters Derek Prince teaches quite a bit about the blood of Jesus and how to apply it to the situation in our lives. This is something that all Christians should understand and a main part of what makes Spiritual Warfare an important read.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017
As It Was In The Days Of Noah
This last week Jackie and I ventured south to northern Kentucky and visited the Creation Museum, the Ark Encounter and then did zip lining at the course next to the Ark. It all was great fun.
I do believe in a literal Adam and Eve, an actual world wide flood and ark built by Noah and that God created and designed each species with the ability to change in multiple ways within limits. That said, I was disappointed with how the Creation Museum presented the arguments for specific creation verses evolution, I thought the Ark Encounter was amazing, and zip lining was a blast. Here is a poem I wrote about that activity:
Zip Lining As A Senior
Astride Noah's Ark
on an afternoon lark
we did Zip Line Adventure
They loaded with gear
so we wouldn't fear
a mistaken quench her
Harness, helmets, gloves
first hesitation shoves
down and out screams
Climb the next stair
up to the top lair
my helmet kept hitting the beams
Fourth time I clunked
went into a funk
wondering how stupid I was
Always looked down
at stairs or the ground
BANG! My head's in a fuzz
Now back to the review. My problem with the Creation Museum was this. Although about a quarter of the displays are evangelical (the world is going to hell, teenagers do drugs and rebel against their parents, Adam sinned now all men are sinners, Jesus is the second Adam and died as as God's chosen sacrifice to take away our sin, etc.) that and the other displays actually seemed designed to comfort the believer instead of actually presenting either the gospel or specific creation arguments in a way that would convince the skeptic or capture the attention of the young generation.
Let me give you just one example. At some point through the museum you come to a display case which shows a copy of the bones know as Lucy, which was a small ape like creature supposedly with a pelvis that would enable it to walk upright. This was one of the evolutionary proofs of transitional species. Near that was the Creation Museum's rendition of what Lucy would look like with chimpanzee hair, hands and facial features, standing of course on all four legs and looking very much like a juvenile chimp.
Now, I'm already familiar with the apologetics presented by creationists and AIG (Answers In Genesis - sponsors of the Creation Museum) regarding this. But for someone else who is not, who walks by and briefly scans the small print, without someone to logically lay out the argument, this will do nothing. It is a display laid out to show those who already believe. For skeptics or for our youth who have a world of information at their fingertips, in full color and in audio, this does not work.
One time I heard a scientist on TV talking about the design and functions of a simple feather. Turns out there is nothing simple about feathers. They have multiple parts, each part needed to allow the other parts to function. I was glued to his presentation because I could see and hear how it all worked together. And the obvious point in the debate is: Why would all these parts develop randomly over tens of thousands of years by natural selection if none by themselves would be a benefit until all came together?
I think we are in a losing battle not just for the heart but also for the mind and if indeed the Creation Museum wants to take part in that war then it needs to rethink everything.
And the other hand, the same people have given us the Ark Encounter, and I loved it. Here is a case where the visuals are everything. It is a life sized imagination of what Noah's ark might have looked like according to the dimensions and descriptions found in Genesis and I wanted to see it - JUST TO SEE IT!
The Ark Park is just off the expressway. You take a winding road and then come to the entrance, which reminds you of the entrance to Jurassic Park (genius!). From there you come to the large parking lots and visible from the lots, sitting high upon a hill, is this huge wooden structure, the ARK. This is also the way it should be. The Ark was probably built up high for safety when the flood waters came but it also presents of picture of the Ark resting on the mountains of Ararat after the flood.
Buses take you from the ticket areas, up a winding road, and drop you off near a structure which looks massive from the ground. There is a ramp on the side of the Ark (not for visitors) that leads to a single large door in the side. The visual on this is also important. Just as there was only one way for all the animals plus Noah and seven more to enter into the Ark, the door then closed by God and the people and animals then delivered from God's judgment, so there is only one door for all mankind to enter to avoid judgment. And that is our Ark, Jesus Christ.
Inside there are three large levels, clean, easy to walk, which display cages for all sorts of animals, food and water storage, waste removal and much more. There is also a lot of information to read and we were lucky to have come when it was not so crowded. The views inside are impressive, you can smell the wood and see how this could have been done. And that's the point.
There are two videos shown which tie into the Ark that present the gospel and they are also very well done.
If there is a negative I would point out two things. The tickets are $40 per adult (as seniors Jackie and I paid $31 each) and I believe kids are something like $24 ea., so not cheap although we spent 3 hours inside the Ark and if busy it might take 5 hours. Plus parking is $10.
The second would be the music. OK, OK, the music, which starts at the ticket areas, continues on in the buses, and follows throughout the Ark (except for storm sounds when you enter) is very effective for creating a mood. However Jackie described it as "swami music", which if you don't know what I mean then think of a MGM movie with a snake charmer girl coming out of a large vase.
We are very much now in a time just like in the days of Noah. Jesus is coming back soon and then worldwide judgment is coming. Maybe there will be revival and restoration before that, maybe not, but the clocks keeps ticking.
Let me leave you with the words from 2 Peter, chapter 3, beginning with verse 3:
Know that first of all that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts
and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.
For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,
through which the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water.
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
Last night it was the forth of July. Jackie and I went outside and there were booms and pops and sizzles and rocket whistles around our house in the distance and nearby from every direction. We thanked the Lord that this was a celebration night and that we were not like so many who hear the same sounds and have to hide in their basements.
The Ark reminds us that God is holy and that sin and rebellion will not be allowed to go on indefinitely. But it also displays His abundant mercy and provision for all that will repent and come to Him.
I do believe in a literal Adam and Eve, an actual world wide flood and ark built by Noah and that God created and designed each species with the ability to change in multiple ways within limits. That said, I was disappointed with how the Creation Museum presented the arguments for specific creation verses evolution, I thought the Ark Encounter was amazing, and zip lining was a blast. Here is a poem I wrote about that activity:
Zip Lining As A Senior
Astride Noah's Ark
on an afternoon lark
we did Zip Line Adventure
They loaded with gear
so we wouldn't fear
a mistaken quench her
Harness, helmets, gloves
first hesitation shoves
down and out screams
Climb the next stair
up to the top lair
my helmet kept hitting the beams
Fourth time I clunked
went into a funk
wondering how stupid I was
Always looked down
at stairs or the ground
BANG! My head's in a fuzz
Now back to the review. My problem with the Creation Museum was this. Although about a quarter of the displays are evangelical (the world is going to hell, teenagers do drugs and rebel against their parents, Adam sinned now all men are sinners, Jesus is the second Adam and died as as God's chosen sacrifice to take away our sin, etc.) that and the other displays actually seemed designed to comfort the believer instead of actually presenting either the gospel or specific creation arguments in a way that would convince the skeptic or capture the attention of the young generation.
Let me give you just one example. At some point through the museum you come to a display case which shows a copy of the bones know as Lucy, which was a small ape like creature supposedly with a pelvis that would enable it to walk upright. This was one of the evolutionary proofs of transitional species. Near that was the Creation Museum's rendition of what Lucy would look like with chimpanzee hair, hands and facial features, standing of course on all four legs and looking very much like a juvenile chimp.
Now, I'm already familiar with the apologetics presented by creationists and AIG (Answers In Genesis - sponsors of the Creation Museum) regarding this. But for someone else who is not, who walks by and briefly scans the small print, without someone to logically lay out the argument, this will do nothing. It is a display laid out to show those who already believe. For skeptics or for our youth who have a world of information at their fingertips, in full color and in audio, this does not work.
One time I heard a scientist on TV talking about the design and functions of a simple feather. Turns out there is nothing simple about feathers. They have multiple parts, each part needed to allow the other parts to function. I was glued to his presentation because I could see and hear how it all worked together. And the obvious point in the debate is: Why would all these parts develop randomly over tens of thousands of years by natural selection if none by themselves would be a benefit until all came together?
I think we are in a losing battle not just for the heart but also for the mind and if indeed the Creation Museum wants to take part in that war then it needs to rethink everything.
And the other hand, the same people have given us the Ark Encounter, and I loved it. Here is a case where the visuals are everything. It is a life sized imagination of what Noah's ark might have looked like according to the dimensions and descriptions found in Genesis and I wanted to see it - JUST TO SEE IT!
The Ark Park is just off the expressway. You take a winding road and then come to the entrance, which reminds you of the entrance to Jurassic Park (genius!). From there you come to the large parking lots and visible from the lots, sitting high upon a hill, is this huge wooden structure, the ARK. This is also the way it should be. The Ark was probably built up high for safety when the flood waters came but it also presents of picture of the Ark resting on the mountains of Ararat after the flood.
Buses take you from the ticket areas, up a winding road, and drop you off near a structure which looks massive from the ground. There is a ramp on the side of the Ark (not for visitors) that leads to a single large door in the side. The visual on this is also important. Just as there was only one way for all the animals plus Noah and seven more to enter into the Ark, the door then closed by God and the people and animals then delivered from God's judgment, so there is only one door for all mankind to enter to avoid judgment. And that is our Ark, Jesus Christ.
Inside there are three large levels, clean, easy to walk, which display cages for all sorts of animals, food and water storage, waste removal and much more. There is also a lot of information to read and we were lucky to have come when it was not so crowded. The views inside are impressive, you can smell the wood and see how this could have been done. And that's the point.
There are two videos shown which tie into the Ark that present the gospel and they are also very well done.
If there is a negative I would point out two things. The tickets are $40 per adult (as seniors Jackie and I paid $31 each) and I believe kids are something like $24 ea., so not cheap although we spent 3 hours inside the Ark and if busy it might take 5 hours. Plus parking is $10.
The second would be the music. OK, OK, the music, which starts at the ticket areas, continues on in the buses, and follows throughout the Ark (except for storm sounds when you enter) is very effective for creating a mood. However Jackie described it as "swami music", which if you don't know what I mean then think of a MGM movie with a snake charmer girl coming out of a large vase.
We are very much now in a time just like in the days of Noah. Jesus is coming back soon and then worldwide judgment is coming. Maybe there will be revival and restoration before that, maybe not, but the clocks keeps ticking.
Let me leave you with the words from 2 Peter, chapter 3, beginning with verse 3:
Know that first of all that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts
and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.
For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,
through which the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water.
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
Last night it was the forth of July. Jackie and I went outside and there were booms and pops and sizzles and rocket whistles around our house in the distance and nearby from every direction. We thanked the Lord that this was a celebration night and that we were not like so many who hear the same sounds and have to hide in their basements.
The Ark reminds us that God is holy and that sin and rebellion will not be allowed to go on indefinitely. But it also displays His abundant mercy and provision for all that will repent and come to Him.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Holy Spirit Power
Let me tell you about the Spirit of Power
sent from the Father and Son one fine hour
when women and men were gathered in prayer
one hundred and twenty were said to be there
a loud rushing wind announcing His coming
then tongues of hot fire to get them all humming
in languages heard by citizens gathered
from dozens of countries where Jews had been scattered
which spoke of the greatness of God now proclaiming
what is this new wonder they all were exclaiming
so Peter got up to explain this strange show
and talked about Jesus beginning with Joel
who said that our God would pour out His Spirit
with visions and dreams so lost men would hear it
proclaimed to the ends of a very big earth
that Jesus has died so all could have worth
and the good news for us who sit here and read
is that Spirit still moves in power and deed
giving gifts to all people reborn in Christ Jesus
to build up the church and not just to please us
although some indeed do comfort our soul
to mold us and form us so we will be whole
and these we call fruits like love, peace and joy
or patience, long-suffering and others, oh boy!
yet now we must mention to build up the body
apostles and prophets and teachers not shoddy
and even today greater works we will see
with miracles, healing and wonders for thee
divine words of knowledge and wisdom are shared
tongues with interpretation also are paired
which calls for discernment a most vital gift
what spirit or prophetic word it must sift
and last but not least for our private prayers
the Spirit with tongues of languages shares
when our understanding falters and fails
and we groan to the Father not knowing details
I've prayed in this way for forty-five years
seen people healed and delivered from fears
opened the Word setting my heart afire
all this and much more for you my desire
sent from the Father and Son one fine hour
when women and men were gathered in prayer
one hundred and twenty were said to be there
a loud rushing wind announcing His coming
then tongues of hot fire to get them all humming
in languages heard by citizens gathered
from dozens of countries where Jews had been scattered
which spoke of the greatness of God now proclaiming
what is this new wonder they all were exclaiming
so Peter got up to explain this strange show
and talked about Jesus beginning with Joel
who said that our God would pour out His Spirit
with visions and dreams so lost men would hear it
proclaimed to the ends of a very big earth
that Jesus has died so all could have worth
and the good news for us who sit here and read
is that Spirit still moves in power and deed
giving gifts to all people reborn in Christ Jesus
to build up the church and not just to please us
although some indeed do comfort our soul
to mold us and form us so we will be whole
and these we call fruits like love, peace and joy
or patience, long-suffering and others, oh boy!
yet now we must mention to build up the body
apostles and prophets and teachers not shoddy
and even today greater works we will see
with miracles, healing and wonders for thee
divine words of knowledge and wisdom are shared
tongues with interpretation also are paired
which calls for discernment a most vital gift
what spirit or prophetic word it must sift
and last but not least for our private prayers
the Spirit with tongues of languages shares
when our understanding falters and fails
and we groan to the Father not knowing details
I've prayed in this way for forty-five years
seen people healed and delivered from fears
opened the Word setting my heart afire
all this and much more for you my desire
Saturday, June 17, 2017
knife fight
We heard there'd be a rumble coming
somewhere out there
maybe in the dark back of da alley
perhaps it be in some fool garage
ol Snatch, he threw down a challenge
"Come out, come out if ye dare
I be here waiting for you fool!"
We sat so still an listened
frightful we was to even peek out
it all seemed most uncomfortably quiet
I see my hand be wet and shaking
and then, I hear a voice, deep and slow
right thru the walls it answers back
"Courthouse square, five minutes"
Four minutes go by an no one moves
but Mister, you have to know that
it was like we was pulled out, all of us
made our way outside toward dat courthouse
we git near and sure enough
Snatch be just leaning against a post, smirking
and letting da sun flash off dat ten inch blade
Next to da square there be this little church
every Sunday da bell ring an I hear tell
dat a nice group of folk git all dressed up
to hear some preachin an do some singin
an some of their women make ham buns
for those days dat people git hitched
or them days dat some poor sod git's buried
Dat church be quiet for awhile
seems it's preach got sceered by Snatch
left town without so much as a hey dilly dilly
me, I never knew him. I say goodbye
to religion years ago when Pa left
an good riddance to him dat drunkin S O B
he never came to say nothin when Ma passed
Now a new preach come to town
first thing he do is start painting dat old place
pulls weeds an spruces up da joint
I hear music around there now like everyday
an I thinks dat's all made Snatch right mad
see, folks be starting to sing those songs
at home, with neighbors join in for goodness sake!
Five minutes is up and out those large wood doors
come Preach, holding onto this old bible
he don't look feared at all, in fact I say
he be looking most determined, most determined
I look at Snatch an he still be grinning
but I notice dat he lower his blade
an he be takin a step back
Preach stride forward an we all lean in a bit
fearin da worse but now a wondrin
he git close an I see his hair done shine like a helmet
an his vest seems to be most righteous
like nothin could hurt that man
then, with a voice calm but firm he say
"You git, an don't come back".
Well, we all been fixin on Preach an didn't see
that Snatch be gone, poof - disappeared
somehow my shoulders now feel all lite like
as I was a wonderin, Preach, he looks at me
says he hasn't seen me much an asks
if I got time to come by for some fixins
"Ham buns?" I ask - "Lamb chops" he say
somewhere out there
maybe in the dark back of da alley
perhaps it be in some fool garage
ol Snatch, he threw down a challenge
"Come out, come out if ye dare
I be here waiting for you fool!"
We sat so still an listened
frightful we was to even peek out
it all seemed most uncomfortably quiet
I see my hand be wet and shaking
and then, I hear a voice, deep and slow
right thru the walls it answers back
"Courthouse square, five minutes"
Four minutes go by an no one moves
but Mister, you have to know that
it was like we was pulled out, all of us
made our way outside toward dat courthouse
we git near and sure enough
Snatch be just leaning against a post, smirking
and letting da sun flash off dat ten inch blade
Next to da square there be this little church
every Sunday da bell ring an I hear tell
dat a nice group of folk git all dressed up
to hear some preachin an do some singin
an some of their women make ham buns
for those days dat people git hitched
or them days dat some poor sod git's buried
Dat church be quiet for awhile
seems it's preach got sceered by Snatch
left town without so much as a hey dilly dilly
me, I never knew him. I say goodbye
to religion years ago when Pa left
an good riddance to him dat drunkin S O B
he never came to say nothin when Ma passed
Now a new preach come to town
first thing he do is start painting dat old place
pulls weeds an spruces up da joint
I hear music around there now like everyday
an I thinks dat's all made Snatch right mad
see, folks be starting to sing those songs
at home, with neighbors join in for goodness sake!
Five minutes is up and out those large wood doors
come Preach, holding onto this old bible
he don't look feared at all, in fact I say
he be looking most determined, most determined
I look at Snatch an he still be grinning
but I notice dat he lower his blade
an he be takin a step back
Preach stride forward an we all lean in a bit
fearin da worse but now a wondrin
he git close an I see his hair done shine like a helmet
an his vest seems to be most righteous
like nothin could hurt that man
then, with a voice calm but firm he say
"You git, an don't come back".
Well, we all been fixin on Preach an didn't see
that Snatch be gone, poof - disappeared
somehow my shoulders now feel all lite like
as I was a wonderin, Preach, he looks at me
says he hasn't seen me much an asks
if I got time to come by for some fixins
"Ham buns?" I ask - "Lamb chops" he say
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Book Review: Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso

Today is Pentecost and I've just finished reading quite an interesting book that I received free from Chosen Book Publishers about how the Holy Spirit is moving in a powerful way during these last days. Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso is now available in several formats from Amazon Books.
The title Ekklesia loosely means 'the Church in the marketplace'. The author contends that we need to expand our vision as to how we view what "Church" is. This means that we see Church not just as a place with programs and ministries where we invite people to but also as the world or marketplace at large where each believer, led by the Holy Spirit, is a shepherd and each non-believer is a sheep who needs one.
The marketplace is defined as where we work or places outside of Church in which we interact on a regular basis. It is our work, our neighborhood, our town, our state.
This book was a little difficult for me to get into right away because I had slight disagreements with certain broad statements made by Silvoso. However I was kept going because of several wonderful examples of community transformation made by men and woman who were obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading. Then toward the end Silvoso puts everything together and the principles and vision he presented made a lot of sense.
Here are the high lights for me:
I found it interesting how Silvoso describes poverty. Everyday in my job as a Road Test Examiner I encounter the full range of humanity in a city with a population of a couple hundred thousand. Many of these people are poor or don't work because they are on some type disability. Silvoso, originally from a small village in Argentina, says that systemic poverty has four dimensions: spiritual, relational, motivational and material. All of these aspects need to be ministered to for an effective transformation.
Silvoso teaches that there are 4 steps in being an effective evangelist in the marketplace. The first is that we have to learn to bless and not curse. The world and Satan already place many people under a curse but curses are broken by blessings. So we need to speak peace to people.
The second step is to start to fellowship with the unbeliever. Both of these actions indicate to that person that they have worth and our love toward them in this way breaks down many barriers.
Next comes the point where we ask them if we can help them with any of their needs or if they would like prayer for anything. This step of ministry is done without any judgments.
Then lastly, because we are representatives of the Kingdom of God, and because the Kingdom has now come next to the person in need, we present the Kingdom to them in love.
After reading this part I get a client the next day who was someone whose looks and bearing made my skin crawl. The deep spiritual oppression in his life was very evident. I actually thought to myself; "Lord, you've got to be kidding. You want me to love him? Not this person!" Honestly, I fell short and didn't even make any chit chat, but I'm learning. Hopefully I will do much better the next time.
There is much, much more presented that makes Ekklesia an important read not only for Church leaders but for individual Christians as well. Many are prophesying that there is one last great move of the Holy Spirit before the return of Christ. The Holy Spirit of course always breaks out of the old forms and I would not be surprised if He chooses what is described in this book during these last days as the means for vast millions to come to know Christ in a very short time.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Prevailing Prayer
While in church today we had a family that was leaving, moving to Colorado Springs, and Dave had them come up front so we could pray for them. As we always do on such occasions the congregation holds out a hand toward them while the pastor offers his prayer and blessing.
As we were doing this today my thoughts turned to the Scripture where Moses holds out his hands toward the armies of Israel as they are in battle. While his hands holding the staff are extended victory belongs to the Israelites but when he lets his hands relax the tide turns the other way. Aaron and Hur then help support Moses's hands until the battle is won.
Here is the account from Exodus 17: 8-13
Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua, "Choose men for us, go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand."
Joshua did as Moses told him and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Arron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.
But Moses hands were heavy. They they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Arron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.
So Joshua overwhelmed Amalek with the edge of the sword.
Feeling that this was something I should write about I Googled for the Scripture reference this afternoon, then checked the Matthew Henry commentary, and then almost got chills while reading the commentary.
Henry points out that there are two types of battles going on here. One is in the physical and one is in the spiritual and the success of the overall war depends of what is being done in the spiritual.
There are two generals for the battle on the side of Israel. One is Moses who with God is at the center of most of what is happening in the book of Exodus, and the other is Joshua, probably about 45 years old at this time, in his first appearance in Exodus.
There are two weapons of warfare. One is the sword used by Joshua and his army and the other is the staff held up by Moses with the aid of Aaron and Hur.
You would think that the hands that would grow weary first would be the ones welding the swords. And indeed without the prayer support by Moses and then aided by his team that would have been the case. But like every spiritual battle I have been involved in, and I'm sure you have found as well, it was Moses hands holding up the staff in prayer that grew weary first.
Our lesson here is that although we will grow weary when praying for victory in the battles that life presents we need to be encouraged to press on in prayer. We grow weary because prayer is doing real battle in the spiritual. I now understand that my weariness should be encouraging because this indicates that my prayer will bring about real victories in the physical.
And then, who cannot notice that Moses was not able to press on by himself. On one side was Aaron, Moses brother, who spoke for him before Pharaoh, who messed up big time when Moses was gone for a long time on Mt. Sinai and caved into the nation's request to make for them a golden idol, but who became head of the priestly tribe of Israel. On the other side was Hur, someone who only appears in Scripture this one time.
Aaron and Hur supported Moses. They brought a stone so he could sit but still view the battle and they held his hands up so those hands would remain steady. Perhaps in our lives we will have a spouse or other family, a close friend or people from our church who will step in and offer us encouragement and rest.
May the Lord provide us with these helpers as well as the Joshua's who will fight for us while we support them with prevailing prayer.
As we were doing this today my thoughts turned to the Scripture where Moses holds out his hands toward the armies of Israel as they are in battle. While his hands holding the staff are extended victory belongs to the Israelites but when he lets his hands relax the tide turns the other way. Aaron and Hur then help support Moses's hands until the battle is won.
Here is the account from Exodus 17: 8-13
Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua, "Choose men for us, go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand."
Joshua did as Moses told him and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Arron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed.
But Moses hands were heavy. They they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Arron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.
So Joshua overwhelmed Amalek with the edge of the sword.
Feeling that this was something I should write about I Googled for the Scripture reference this afternoon, then checked the Matthew Henry commentary, and then almost got chills while reading the commentary.
Henry points out that there are two types of battles going on here. One is in the physical and one is in the spiritual and the success of the overall war depends of what is being done in the spiritual.
There are two generals for the battle on the side of Israel. One is Moses who with God is at the center of most of what is happening in the book of Exodus, and the other is Joshua, probably about 45 years old at this time, in his first appearance in Exodus.
There are two weapons of warfare. One is the sword used by Joshua and his army and the other is the staff held up by Moses with the aid of Aaron and Hur.
You would think that the hands that would grow weary first would be the ones welding the swords. And indeed without the prayer support by Moses and then aided by his team that would have been the case. But like every spiritual battle I have been involved in, and I'm sure you have found as well, it was Moses hands holding up the staff in prayer that grew weary first.
Our lesson here is that although we will grow weary when praying for victory in the battles that life presents we need to be encouraged to press on in prayer. We grow weary because prayer is doing real battle in the spiritual. I now understand that my weariness should be encouraging because this indicates that my prayer will bring about real victories in the physical.
And then, who cannot notice that Moses was not able to press on by himself. On one side was Aaron, Moses brother, who spoke for him before Pharaoh, who messed up big time when Moses was gone for a long time on Mt. Sinai and caved into the nation's request to make for them a golden idol, but who became head of the priestly tribe of Israel. On the other side was Hur, someone who only appears in Scripture this one time.
Aaron and Hur supported Moses. They brought a stone so he could sit but still view the battle and they held his hands up so those hands would remain steady. Perhaps in our lives we will have a spouse or other family, a close friend or people from our church who will step in and offer us encouragement and rest.
May the Lord provide us with these helpers as well as the Joshua's who will fight for us while we support them with prevailing prayer.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
The Book of Ecclesiastes has so many wonderful images and is often quoted. The verses about there being a season, a time for every purpose under heaven was one of the readings at Jackie and my wedding.
What I like about reading poetry inspired by Scripture is that it both brings back to us those familiar images (if indeed we are familiar with the Bible) but it also presents the Word in a slightly different light. Hopefully if the poem is true to Word it may help us better understand the passage.
This is inspired by the last two chapters in Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
As I grow old these thought persist
while casting bread on water's deep
all will come back in many days
it will be found, it will be found
I'll split my blessings seven times
and if I need then share them eight
for I don't know what lies ahead
some will remain, some will remain
When clouds are full they pour out rain
just as the wind blows where it wants
this shows me that the harvest comes
but I must plant, but I must reap
New sun will shine with pleasant light
but just as sure the night arrives
I praised those days when I was young
for darkness comes, for darkness comes
There was not need to store up grief
or foster anger deep in my heart
I knew that death comes way too soon
all will be judged, all will be judged
Before the panes of glass grow dim
and joy in life will fly away
I'll think of Him who made all things
He keeps me now, He'll keep me then
And though my tree will lose white blooms
these ears and eyes and limbs grow weak
before the silver cord gets sliced
I'll think of Him, I'll think of Him
Dust returns to where it came
the spirit flies to Him above
all men should fear Creator Lord
He sees it all, He sees it all
What I like about reading poetry inspired by Scripture is that it both brings back to us those familiar images (if indeed we are familiar with the Bible) but it also presents the Word in a slightly different light. Hopefully if the poem is true to Word it may help us better understand the passage.
This is inspired by the last two chapters in Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
As I grow old these thought persist
while casting bread on water's deep
all will come back in many days
it will be found, it will be found
I'll split my blessings seven times
and if I need then share them eight
for I don't know what lies ahead
some will remain, some will remain
When clouds are full they pour out rain
just as the wind blows where it wants
this shows me that the harvest comes
but I must plant, but I must reap
New sun will shine with pleasant light
but just as sure the night arrives
I praised those days when I was young
for darkness comes, for darkness comes
There was not need to store up grief
or foster anger deep in my heart
I knew that death comes way too soon
all will be judged, all will be judged
Before the panes of glass grow dim
and joy in life will fly away
I'll think of Him who made all things
He keeps me now, He'll keep me then
And though my tree will lose white blooms
these ears and eyes and limbs grow weak
before the silver cord gets sliced
I'll think of Him, I'll think of Him
Dust returns to where it came
the spirit flies to Him above
all men should fear Creator Lord
He sees it all, He sees it all
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Who Can Separate
This is inspired by one of my most favorite Bible verses which is found in the 8th chapter of Romans.
Who Can Separate
Will it be depths too deep to climb
or heights too high to see
might there arise dark angel hoards
or principalities
when trials come as come they must
and persecution pains
if we are naked without food
and nothing left to gain
then if the sword puts us to death
our dear ones led to slaughter
and hope seems lost for everyone
including sons and daughter
still we are more than conquerors
through Him whose love is poured
cause nothing can ever separate us
from Jesus Christ our Lord
Who Can Separate
Will it be depths too deep to climb
or heights too high to see
might there arise dark angel hoards
or principalities
when trials come as come they must
and persecution pains
if we are naked without food
and nothing left to gain
then if the sword puts us to death
our dear ones led to slaughter
and hope seems lost for everyone
including sons and daughter
still we are more than conquerors
through Him whose love is poured
cause nothing can ever separate us
from Jesus Christ our Lord
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
My Father-In-Law
Harry had an automatic bible
that opened to what ever Scripture he needed
and that was a useful tool
because there was no such thing
as a quick answer to a simple question
He never gave me a nice photograph
showing what I wanted to see
because together we first had to start
somewhere back in Genesis
and muck our way forward
An hour or two later
foundation laid, framed in
dry wall up and completely wired
lights would turn on
and I could see the beauty of the structure
After Harry's heart stopped
and he took that short step forward
I asked if I might have his automatic bible
he must have taken the battery with him
took me years to rewire mine
that opened to what ever Scripture he needed
and that was a useful tool
because there was no such thing
as a quick answer to a simple question
He never gave me a nice photograph
showing what I wanted to see
because together we first had to start
somewhere back in Genesis
and muck our way forward
An hour or two later
foundation laid, framed in
dry wall up and completely wired
lights would turn on
and I could see the beauty of the structure
After Harry's heart stopped
and he took that short step forward
I asked if I might have his automatic bible
he must have taken the battery with him
took me years to rewire mine
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The Latest From Physics
Today I read a couple of interesting articles in the area of physics which actually made sense to me and which I want to condense for you without getting into depth about the reasons why these things work or don't work.
One involved the idea of time travel. If I just got your hopes up - sorry. Time has to do with the expansion of the universe. In theory if you could travel at the speed of light, time for you would slow down. When you came back to earth your actual age would be less than those who sent you off. That has been understood since the time of Einstein.
However it is now suggested that all of us living today are actually on the far edge of an expanding universe. We live in the now but cannot advance past the now because that does not yet exist. Of course we all knew this. It was only in movies or books that one could advance forward or backward in time, although by watching or reading we are doing this mentally, but not physically.
What keeps us from going back in time and then going forward to catch up was not explained so I'm thinking that perhaps the science is not yet settled on time travel. I will write more on this later - I will write more on this later.
It was theorized that there is something called negative energy. This has to do with the idea of mass, gravity and applied force. If you were to, for example, apply force to the mass of a ball but that ball's mass was negative rather than positive then the ball should react by moving toward the applied force instead of away from it.
Recently scientist's were able to create a liquid with negative energy. They did this using lasers upon certain particles which made those particles spin 'backwards". Actually I've done the same thing many times without needing lasers. Just toss a ball or hula hoop out with heavy backspin and it will bounce or roll back to you every time. Too bad they didn't ask me. Could have saved them a lot of money.
These principles actually work in God's economy as well. I belong to an on-line poetry site which has been great but I've discovered that a lot of people write poetry as a way to verbalize all their inner struggles, hurts and pains. Many seemed to have grown up abused, abandoned or unloved.
I would love to share with them that we need not to keep living with the pains of the past and have that define who we are in the now. The true key to reverse that negative energy is to put a different spin on our memories and relationships. And to do that usually requires something totally different than what are normal responses are.
Human nature wants to hold on to the pain caused by the abuser and does this with unforgiveness, anger and blame. A lot of times the anger and blame gets transferred to God. This of course is a lie from the enemy.
The solution many times is opposite of what we would normally think. God actually does love us no matter what we've experienced. And His love is far beyond our comprehension. It is His desire that we be free from the pain of the hurts in our pass. But to experience that we first need to forgive all who have injured us and to let go of any thoughts of getting even. We must trust God that He will take care of things.
Right now we physically cannot go back in time but our hearts can. And because God is not bound by time He can be both there and now to bring healing and release. If we move toward Him His love will flow toward us. What could be better?
One involved the idea of time travel. If I just got your hopes up - sorry. Time has to do with the expansion of the universe. In theory if you could travel at the speed of light, time for you would slow down. When you came back to earth your actual age would be less than those who sent you off. That has been understood since the time of Einstein.
However it is now suggested that all of us living today are actually on the far edge of an expanding universe. We live in the now but cannot advance past the now because that does not yet exist. Of course we all knew this. It was only in movies or books that one could advance forward or backward in time, although by watching or reading we are doing this mentally, but not physically.
What keeps us from going back in time and then going forward to catch up was not explained so I'm thinking that perhaps the science is not yet settled on time travel. I will write more on this later - I will write more on this later.
It was theorized that there is something called negative energy. This has to do with the idea of mass, gravity and applied force. If you were to, for example, apply force to the mass of a ball but that ball's mass was negative rather than positive then the ball should react by moving toward the applied force instead of away from it.
Recently scientist's were able to create a liquid with negative energy. They did this using lasers upon certain particles which made those particles spin 'backwards". Actually I've done the same thing many times without needing lasers. Just toss a ball or hula hoop out with heavy backspin and it will bounce or roll back to you every time. Too bad they didn't ask me. Could have saved them a lot of money.
These principles actually work in God's economy as well. I belong to an on-line poetry site which has been great but I've discovered that a lot of people write poetry as a way to verbalize all their inner struggles, hurts and pains. Many seemed to have grown up abused, abandoned or unloved.
I would love to share with them that we need not to keep living with the pains of the past and have that define who we are in the now. The true key to reverse that negative energy is to put a different spin on our memories and relationships. And to do that usually requires something totally different than what are normal responses are.
Human nature wants to hold on to the pain caused by the abuser and does this with unforgiveness, anger and blame. A lot of times the anger and blame gets transferred to God. This of course is a lie from the enemy.
The solution many times is opposite of what we would normally think. God actually does love us no matter what we've experienced. And His love is far beyond our comprehension. It is His desire that we be free from the pain of the hurts in our pass. But to experience that we first need to forgive all who have injured us and to let go of any thoughts of getting even. We must trust God that He will take care of things.
Right now we physically cannot go back in time but our hearts can. And because God is not bound by time He can be both there and now to bring healing and release. If we move toward Him His love will flow toward us. What could be better?
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Tongues Of Fire
What sounded like a roaring wind
shook the room they gathered in
imagine shock and great surprise
when tongues of fire was their prize
They now proclaimed His glory loud
which drew a large and boisterous crowd
amazed that they could understand
God praised in language from their land
They wondered what those had consumed
at 9 A.M. throughout that room
so Peter stood to set them straight
a gospel story to relate
About the Man they crucified
who paid for all the day He died
then rose to conquer death and sin
appeared to many and their kin
Those hearts were pierced like right away
three thousand added just that day
and many more would follow soon
thanks to the fire in that room
Now if there is a lesson here
please hear my plead which is sincere
the Spirit moves in power still
when we find worshiping a thrill
Then boys and girls will prophesy
old men dream dreams before they die
the young see visions that are clear
both slave and free will be drawn near
A people renewed by tongues of flame
will shake a church that had it tame
and we'll proclaim Jesus is Lord
when greater works have been restored
shook the room they gathered in
imagine shock and great surprise
when tongues of fire was their prize
They now proclaimed His glory loud
which drew a large and boisterous crowd
amazed that they could understand
God praised in language from their land
They wondered what those had consumed
at 9 A.M. throughout that room
so Peter stood to set them straight
a gospel story to relate
About the Man they crucified
who paid for all the day He died
then rose to conquer death and sin
appeared to many and their kin
Those hearts were pierced like right away
three thousand added just that day
and many more would follow soon
thanks to the fire in that room
Now if there is a lesson here
please hear my plead which is sincere
the Spirit moves in power still
when we find worshiping a thrill
Then boys and girls will prophesy
old men dream dreams before they die
the young see visions that are clear
both slave and free will be drawn near
A people renewed by tongues of flame
will shake a church that had it tame
and we'll proclaim Jesus is Lord
when greater works have been restored
Sunday, April 16, 2017
If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.
But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit who dwells in you.
Romans 8: 10-11
But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit who dwells in you.
Romans 8: 10-11
Sunday, April 9, 2017
What Kind Of Poetry Do I Like To Write?
A little over a week ago I joined All Poetry (AP) the world's largest on-line poetry site and have been churning out poems left and right ever since. Each time you submit a poem you have to write a nice comment about the work of two other poets published there and that has been fun as well.
I found this site after getting rejections on a few poems submitted to a Christian poetry site joined in February. One of my submissions was the bronze winner for the month of February and one won the gold for the month of March but they only seem to like a very narrow range of poetic expression.
As explained in their page on submission requirements, true Christian poetry should rhyme, have good cadence and meter, not go in and out of rhyme, and be "reader oriented" as opposed to "writer oriented". Evidently those who chose to "read" poetry at this site are heavily left brained and don't want to be challenged by messy stuff that fires off multiple right brain syntaxes.
The first time a poem of mine was rejected, a very nice selection called SHOE BOX expressing my emotions about praying for unsaved family members, the reason given was "check submission requirements". Doing so and not getting any greater clarity I rewrote the poem, explaining in the poem all the imagery, such as what the shoe box was, called it SHOE BOX II and submitted. I thought the effort was dreadful but it was accepted right away. Ha!
Perhaps one should not bite the hand that feeds it (i.e. they really like some of my stuff and they have every right to determine what they will publish). But then I came across a prompt from the AP site which is the title of this poem, and I couldn't help myself.
What Kind Of Poetry Do I Like To Write?
A while back I found a site
that asked for Christian poems
they had to rhyme
like all the time
and fit the proper zones
this I could do
till I was blue
but found it's not enough
to have good meter, cadence too
just not that other stuff
like imagery and metaphors
and heaven's no emotion
i would submit a little bit
which caused a great commotion
some they would post
and I would boast
of winning a nice prize
though some would sink
when it made them think
which opened up my eyes
a greeting card is really nice
one knows what to expect
but twiggy waters was too much
it earned a quick reject
so here I am an AP man
free verse, humor and rhyme
still talk about my dear sweet Lord
sometimes a bit sublime
I found this site after getting rejections on a few poems submitted to a Christian poetry site joined in February. One of my submissions was the bronze winner for the month of February and one won the gold for the month of March but they only seem to like a very narrow range of poetic expression.
As explained in their page on submission requirements, true Christian poetry should rhyme, have good cadence and meter, not go in and out of rhyme, and be "reader oriented" as opposed to "writer oriented". Evidently those who chose to "read" poetry at this site are heavily left brained and don't want to be challenged by messy stuff that fires off multiple right brain syntaxes.
The first time a poem of mine was rejected, a very nice selection called SHOE BOX expressing my emotions about praying for unsaved family members, the reason given was "check submission requirements". Doing so and not getting any greater clarity I rewrote the poem, explaining in the poem all the imagery, such as what the shoe box was, called it SHOE BOX II and submitted. I thought the effort was dreadful but it was accepted right away. Ha!
Perhaps one should not bite the hand that feeds it (i.e. they really like some of my stuff and they have every right to determine what they will publish). But then I came across a prompt from the AP site which is the title of this poem, and I couldn't help myself.
What Kind Of Poetry Do I Like To Write?
A while back I found a site
that asked for Christian poems
they had to rhyme
like all the time
and fit the proper zones
this I could do
till I was blue
but found it's not enough
to have good meter, cadence too
just not that other stuff
like imagery and metaphors
and heaven's no emotion
i would submit a little bit
which caused a great commotion
some they would post
and I would boast
of winning a nice prize
though some would sink
when it made them think
which opened up my eyes
a greeting card is really nice
one knows what to expect
but twiggy waters was too much
it earned a quick reject
so here I am an AP man
free verse, humor and rhyme
still talk about my dear sweet Lord
sometimes a bit sublime
Sunday, April 2, 2017
I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
My father-in-law used to say that if you wanted the gospel in a nutshell you could find it in the first 3 chapters of Romans and Galatians and Ephesians. I will add, throw in also the first 3 chapters of John and Acts and you're good to go.
The other day I was struck by Paul's statement to the Roman Church that:
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteous of God is revealed from faith to faith. As it is written; 'But the righteous man shall live by faith.' " (Romans 1: 16-17)
The gospel or good news here is the testimony about Jesus, who He was, who He is, what He did in His death and resurrection so that all, Jews and non Jews, could come through Jesus to a saving relationship with The Father. The door to the Father is now wide open but we can only enter in -by faith - through the person of Jesus Christ.
It is that simple. It was always the core of Paul's message. If we get away from that central focus we then start to rely on the wisdom of man and the wisdom of man will always try to pull us away from surrendering in faith to the person of Jesus and instead try to establish religious or moral beliefs or good actions as the avenue to righteousness and salvation.
Not that we don't need the help of the Church to mature and grow us in our faith. But the first and foremost purpose of the Church is to introduce us to Jesus, to then equip us with the Holy Spirit of wisdom and power, and to lay a firm foundation in the Word of God so that we may be well equipped to grow and mature as part of the Body of Christ. Everything else flows out of our relationship with Jesus.
Unfortunately many modern churches of the day teach about the idea of Jesus, the social teachings of Jesus, the religion of Jesus, a Christ removed from the blood, the resurrection, the ultimate surrender of one's life to Jesus as Savior, Lord, and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. And to go along with this they make to no effect the sound teaching of Sacred Scripture. All authority now rests in the evolved minds of contemporary man.
There could be no better example of this than the growing and wide spread acceptance of the LBGTQ agenda that we see happening (for the first time in history) today. Scripture that immediately proceeds the above quote talks about worshiping, or exalting, the created over the Creator. The created could be idols of wood, stone or metal that represented things of nature, worshiped in blindness over the One who made those things of nature.
But it also applies the same to the exalting of man over the Creator of man, a Creator who both through nature and consistently through His revealed Word speaks against such actions. Here is the sad part. The heart of man initially knows that his actions are wrong but the body and the soul were not able to change. Thus they look to find acceptance and approval of their sin and find a ready partner with a church which has already compromise the Word with a hundred arguments against it.
And the root, the source of all of the compromise, goes to the removal of the central focus of the gospel, the righteous man shall live by faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified (for the SINS of man).
Here the Word of God picks up beginning in the very next sentence, Romans 1: 17. (bold print mine)
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteous of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
for that which is known about God is evident is within them, for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse.
For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools,
and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore God them them over to the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for the women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,
and so also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire for another, men with men committing indecent acts (Romans 1: 17-28)
Paul goes on in this chapter including many of the other sins against God that we do, things that we even encourage others to, and advises us that without repentance, without Jesus, all of us would be condemned.
Today may each of you come to know my Lord and Savior Jesus in a more intimate way. Seek Him without reservation. Surrender all to His Lordship. Yield to His Holy Spirit. Come to the Father through Him.
The other day I was struck by Paul's statement to the Roman Church that:
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteous of God is revealed from faith to faith. As it is written; 'But the righteous man shall live by faith.' " (Romans 1: 16-17)
The gospel or good news here is the testimony about Jesus, who He was, who He is, what He did in His death and resurrection so that all, Jews and non Jews, could come through Jesus to a saving relationship with The Father. The door to the Father is now wide open but we can only enter in -by faith - through the person of Jesus Christ.
It is that simple. It was always the core of Paul's message. If we get away from that central focus we then start to rely on the wisdom of man and the wisdom of man will always try to pull us away from surrendering in faith to the person of Jesus and instead try to establish religious or moral beliefs or good actions as the avenue to righteousness and salvation.
Not that we don't need the help of the Church to mature and grow us in our faith. But the first and foremost purpose of the Church is to introduce us to Jesus, to then equip us with the Holy Spirit of wisdom and power, and to lay a firm foundation in the Word of God so that we may be well equipped to grow and mature as part of the Body of Christ. Everything else flows out of our relationship with Jesus.
Unfortunately many modern churches of the day teach about the idea of Jesus, the social teachings of Jesus, the religion of Jesus, a Christ removed from the blood, the resurrection, the ultimate surrender of one's life to Jesus as Savior, Lord, and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. And to go along with this they make to no effect the sound teaching of Sacred Scripture. All authority now rests in the evolved minds of contemporary man.
There could be no better example of this than the growing and wide spread acceptance of the LBGTQ agenda that we see happening (for the first time in history) today. Scripture that immediately proceeds the above quote talks about worshiping, or exalting, the created over the Creator. The created could be idols of wood, stone or metal that represented things of nature, worshiped in blindness over the One who made those things of nature.
But it also applies the same to the exalting of man over the Creator of man, a Creator who both through nature and consistently through His revealed Word speaks against such actions. Here is the sad part. The heart of man initially knows that his actions are wrong but the body and the soul were not able to change. Thus they look to find acceptance and approval of their sin and find a ready partner with a church which has already compromise the Word with a hundred arguments against it.
And the root, the source of all of the compromise, goes to the removal of the central focus of the gospel, the righteous man shall live by faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified (for the SINS of man).
Here the Word of God picks up beginning in the very next sentence, Romans 1: 17. (bold print mine)
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteous of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
for that which is known about God is evident is within them, for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse.
For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools,
and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore God them them over to the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for the women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,
and so also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire for another, men with men committing indecent acts (Romans 1: 17-28)
Paul goes on in this chapter including many of the other sins against God that we do, things that we even encourage others to, and advises us that without repentance, without Jesus, all of us would be condemned.
Today may each of you come to know my Lord and Savior Jesus in a more intimate way. Seek Him without reservation. Surrender all to His Lordship. Yield to His Holy Spirit. Come to the Father through Him.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
The Grave Is Still Empty!
Throw out all religion
discard all pretense
repent from your dead works
stop burning incense
the grave is still empty
The Lord lives today!
He's already done it
He'll make you OK
He needs not your praises
attendance or tithes
those things are for us
but here's the surprise
the One of great glory
the One of pure love
defeated the darkness
shines light from above
The empty grave speaks
that Our Lord is alive
that death is defeated
that hope can abide
that Jesus has power
to change who you are
no matter your station
poor beggar or star
Yes Jesus has risen!
this world has no hold
He's given you purpose
if only you're bold
you'll gain by surrender
you'll rise to the skies
the grave is still empty!
new life is your prize!
discard all pretense
repent from your dead works
stop burning incense
the grave is still empty
The Lord lives today!
He's already done it
He'll make you OK
He needs not your praises
attendance or tithes
those things are for us
but here's the surprise
the One of great glory
the One of pure love
defeated the darkness
shines light from above
The empty grave speaks
that Our Lord is alive
that death is defeated
that hope can abide
that Jesus has power
to change who you are
no matter your station
poor beggar or star
Yes Jesus has risen!
this world has no hold
He's given you purpose
if only you're bold
you'll gain by surrender
you'll rise to the skies
the grave is still empty!
new life is your prize!
Monday, March 20, 2017
Thoughts Of Big Red On This Windy Day
Before the gate house, the cottage association
the historical commission and let's not forget the rich
there sat on our southern pier a large red lighthouse
years past it's working life but available I was told
the historical commission and let's not forget the rich
there sat on our southern pier a large red lighthouse
years past it's working life but available I was told
by my younger brother to rent to a college age guy
like him, who thought it'd be so cool
Even if he had to risk life and limb getting to the rusty door
chopping off thick layers of sprayed on ice to enter
what to me seemed like a dark metal tomb
where condensation would drip upon his drawn in head
while he dreamed of sailing inland seas and vast oceans
unencumbered by access rules
Early this March on a cloudless day
sky as blue as it ever gets in Michigan
Early this March on a cloudless day
sky as blue as it ever gets in Michigan
when winds were steady past thirty
my wife and I braced ourselvesagainst clouds of pelting sand
while near the edge of the northern pier
Once more we were in total awe of surging water
wondering how any man made structure could survive
but there, still on the southern pier
though leaning a bit
was the past, the present
and who knows - the future
though leaning a bit
was the past, the present
and who knows - the future
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The Pond
Some goldfish swan in twiggy light inside a garden pond
while morning ducks splashed all about, which made me think beyond
of galaxies spread far and wide too vast to comprehend
and protons circling a spot with no apparent end
It seemed too much for me to know
too small to say I knew
was there somehow a God who held
this all within His view?
I pondered this for many years while laying on my bed
cried out unto the mystery for insight to be shed
my answer then was silence back, it roared within my brain
must we be made to live and die, with death nothing to gain?
Then brightness shone through leafless trees upon that primal scene
a different view of flesh and stone, showing a golden mean
one could not know by measuring the width that lay before
or pace it out and understand what futures were in store
We must accept by simple faith, just like the common man
to find the Maker of all hearts who gave all life its plan
and so on knees surrendered I - deep pride and filthy sin
asked Jesus to forgive it all and make His home within
Dear friend believe me when I say that light shone through my fog
the Lord my God revealed Himself and saved me from the bog
now life is simple as some fish who dart as they respond
and happy as an early bird atop this garden pond
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
What Awaits The Saints In Glory
His mystery, His majesty
His might upon the throne
the thunderstorm of praises born
engulfed in Him alone
thick rolling clouds His glory shrouds
approach we on our knees
then bursting light around Him bright
across deep crystal seas
How can it be that we don't see
how awesome is that place
explosions of emotions
in the center of His grace
by faith we'll know it tells us go
approach with godly fear
to lay it down and throw our crown
such is the atmosphere
And gathered by the brilliant sky
vast armies of the Lord
with elders near who lead a cheer
The Savior be adored
gold trumpets blown the seeds are sown
fall all before our King
He's placed inside where once was pride
new songs for us to sing
We will be dressed in garments blessed
by blood shed once for us
time standing still in His great will
no need to make a fuss
and I will wait for Him to state
that righteousness prevailed
then raise a shout with those about
His might upon the throne
the thunderstorm of praises born
engulfed in Him alone
thick rolling clouds His glory shrouds
approach we on our knees
then bursting light around Him bright
across deep crystal seas
How can it be that we don't see
how awesome is that place
explosions of emotions
in the center of His grace
by faith we'll know it tells us go
approach with godly fear
to lay it down and throw our crown
such is the atmosphere
And gathered by the brilliant sky
vast armies of the Lord
with elders near who lead a cheer
The Savior be adored
gold trumpets blown the seeds are sown
fall all before our King
He's placed inside where once was pride
new songs for us to sing
We will be dressed in garments blessed
by blood shed once for us
time standing still in His great will
no need to make a fuss
and I will wait for Him to state
that righteousness prevailed
then raise a shout with those about
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