Sunday, October 29, 2017

Book Review: Seeing The Supernatural

My father-in-law used to loan me a lot of books early on in my Christian walk and his advice when encountering parts in which I disagreed with was this - "Eat the fish and spit out the bones". I have recently finished SEEING THE SUPERNATURAL by Jennifer Eivaz and that advice applies well for this book. There is some nice tasty meat mixed with a few little bones that you don't want to choke on.

The strength of this write lay in the anecdotal stories told by the author of her experiences with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, knowledge and discernment. She relates how they have operated in her life and how she ministers those gifts. There can be much that can be gleaned here for a Christian already filled with the Holy Spirit who has sensed that the Holy Spirit may be leading them into growing in those giftings.

The subtitle to the book is: How to Sense, Discern and Battle in the Spiritual Realm. The end of each chapter has a list of Kingdom Principles supposedly covered in that chapter as well as something called Thoughts for Reflection. And therein lies the book's weakness. It presents itself as a teaching tool but in my opinion it lacks the adequate theological underpinnings and logical buildup to accomplish that.

This is reflected in two ways. The first is that some of the Scriptures referenced seem like proof texts (it sounds kinda the same so let's use it) and a couple totally miss the mark. And the second is that I would have liked there to have been, for example, a discussion of what the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12 are and how they normally operate. Improvement in both of these areas would be necessary for the book to be an actual teaching tool.

My thanks to Chosen Books for sending me a copy to review. I've read through it twice and did pick up some interesting information.

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