Sunday, November 12, 2017

My Rock and My Redeemer

I talk to the One who gives songs to the birds
who causes new babies to cry
who comforts my soul in the midst of the storm
who answers my every why

Yet you say their tune is purely by chance
that we were all born just to die
that man is the center of all that is now
sure victors if only we try

I worship the One who channels the winds
who knows all the families of men
who loved us so much that He sent down His Son
so we could be freed from our sin

Yet you honor those who sail on their own
who divide the spoils with greed
who think they know best the morals of life
then make others live by their creed

I wait for the One whose Spirit gives flight
who delivers from utter despair
who opens His word directing our lives
who writes us new songs to declare

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