Many commentators have called today's America a post Christian society. Belief in the inspiration of sacred scripture has greatly declined, more and more young men and women are leaving the churches they grew up in because they do not find church or religion relevant to their lives and values and the values of those who still go to church are becoming more and more like the world's.
Pastor Andy Stanley recently wrote that the main thing that drives today's generation is the pursuit of happiness and "when faith is viewed as an impediment to happiness - goodbye faith".
In the same article he also wrote that this group also comes into the room with a full slate (i.e. they have a fully developed world view that coincides with most of what modern culture currently believes). In response to that we have to simplify everything in order to give them a reason to accept the inspiration of scripture as a basis for establishing truth.
In other words, it is not enough simply to quote scripture to establish a basis for what God's will is on a subject because today's culture has already discounted scripture (and in fact it is becoming more and more hostile to it). This generation has been exposed to Christianity and has rejected it as not being relevant for their world. Our response then needs to be to meet the millennial where they are and to begin laying a foundation, building upon it step by step, that allows the Holy Spirit to bring in light and truth.
Dear Post Christian,
Would it make any difference if I told you that when I prayed for you the other day it was in tears? I was having a nice talk with God and your name came up and as I started asking for walls to be torn down so the Holy Spirit could move in your heart and mind I started choking up.
Do I love you? Of course I do, but nowhere as much as I know He does. And you see that is really the whole deal, isn't it? I get to talk with my Father in heaven. I get to worship Him with abandon. I experience what has been called "the peace that passes understanding". And it hurts me to know that there is so much more to life that is real and sure and lasting and that you have no idea what you were really made for.
He wants to love on you, to see you grow and mature, to kiss you on your cheek and send you out and to wait for you to return, running back with arms wide open.
He wants you to know where you are in this vast universe, to know what your purpose is here, to help you with every part of your journey.
Dear friend, there are ropes that bind and chains that wrap around and vines that choke out and flesh that hardens. But these do not come from the Father. There are things done in the darkness but one day everything will be brought out into the light. He is light and in Him darkness flees.
I end with an account that was written by Matthew only 20 to 30 years after it happened. Matthew was a disciple and apostle of Jesus who was also an eye witness to the risen Christ.
Now after the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. And behold a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it . . . The guards shook for hear of him and became like dead men.
The angel said to the women; "Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here for He has risen, just as He had said. Come see the place where He had been lying. Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Behold, I have told you."
And they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to His disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him.
There came a day for me when this became much more than a story. After being an atheist for years the Spirit of God brought me to my knees and the risen Jesus entered my life. That moment began a journey with it's ups and downs, but I never walked it alone.
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