Sunday, October 23, 2016

Bread And Fish

Bread And Fish

Sometimes we hear but have not heard
see but are blind to what we've seen
tasted and ate but are still hungry

There are those that ask for a sign then eat their fill
a little bread, a little fish, more left over
still waiting for what has just happened

Was the smell warm and fresh
the texture rough or crunchy
the meat slightly salty

Did they notice how He did it
where each loaf came from
how long it took to break or cut

When the day ended
the baskets gathered
given to the dispersed crowds
the boat pushed our from shore

There were men who worried
after seeing Him feed the 5000
and then just today another 4000
from several loaves and a few tiny fish
that they only brought with them on that boat
a single loaf of bread

And when they cried - we have no bread
did He shake His head and bite His lip

He wondered if their hearts were hardened
how they could not remember
why they did not understand
the twelve baskets of left overs
and today's seven more

Their boat came to shore
and He healed a blind man
at first everything was hazy
so He prayed again and all was clear

Oh may our hearts be soft
and our memories stay fresh
may we hear and understand
see clearly and give Him praise
taste and know that He has compassion on us.

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