Friday, October 14, 2016

internal bleeding

There is, way up there
beyond the hazy blue mountains
and pass the peaks of desperation
deep in a hidden wooded valley
lying next to an ice cold stream
whose pebbles are still sharp
on this cold October morning
a large saber toothed cat
forgotten by time
but caught in a moment of contemplation

He looks at himself in the backwater of a bend
then closes his eyes tight to make sense of his fear

It has been days since the fall
branches breaking, needles flying
intense pain in the gut
he dragged himself to this very spot
and waited
now he was finally hungry
but when dinner came scooting by
his body wouldn't respond

The young teacher spread out fresh papers
for her second grade class and asked them
to dream of wild animals and funny trees

what is that she asked one girl

a cat with big curved teeth was the serious response

waiting for the pumpkins to fall

The sight of raining pumpkins made her laugh
and grateful
that the orange and yellow, falling from the trees outside
would not end her life that day

it was the cat that gave her pause

He had been a man she had always admired
and she trusted him with an open heart
but one day he grew fangs and flew away

The pebbles in the ice cold stream
are still sharp on this cold October morning
but there is One who knows your pain
who waits patiently for you

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