Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What I Sometimes Sing To Myself While Scoring Parking In The Winter

So here I am
standing outside
watching the lady
park before we ride
with each passing minute
getting more old
standing outside in the cold

The temperature's twenty
the wind is eighteen
hopping up and down
like a jumping bean
there'd be days like this
or so I've been told
standing outside in the cold

There are miles per hour
leagues per day
even feet per second
and that's OK
but inches per minute
is not too bold
standing outside in the cold

I think I might be crazy
and I'd be right
can't wait to be finished
and call it a night
hey! just found my pencil
hiding in a fold
standing outside in the cold

Shiver shiver shiver
brr brr brr
move that dang car
lady or sir
hop hop hop
c c cannt  f f feeel  m m my  t t towd
standing outside in the cold

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