Saturday, April 27, 2013

Home Schooled

When Jackie and I had our own driver testing organization we loved nothing better than getting appointments from the home school crowd. They could come in for their tests in the middle of the day and who wouldn't be excited to learn that the child driving a 15 passenger van was the oldest of many more to come. For us this was good business. For them the test was much more than the route to a driver's license. It was a field trip learning experience.

Initially I expected that kids were home schooled for mostly religious reasons and would show up wearing home made outfits. Buzz headed boys and long haired girls would have little personality because they were sheltered from the stimulation of mixing with the teeming masses inhabiting our school systems. Experience proved me quite wrong. Oh sure, some matched that description but we discovered that there were dozens of other reasons parents educated their precious ones at home. We also found out that most of these children were involved in numerous out of the home activities with other children. And most told me they were very happy being home schooled.

Home schooling is a big commitment for the parents.  Fortunately today there are a lot of materials available and multiple systems that one could choose to help them maneuver through the grades.  Plus there is so much that can be done now with a computer.  And it was interesting that a lot of the parents that I talked to had been teachers or otherwise involved in education.  If Jackie and I had known more about what was available we might have been interested for our own brood, except for one little problem.  Jackie and Ceci would most definitely have killed each other in the process.  Yeah, that wouldn't have been good.

This week I did a driving test for Hannah, a fresh faced, well dressed 18 year old junior college freshman. I asked her what she was going to major in and she said that she really liked geography. “GEOGRAPHY!” I exclaimed. “No one likes geography. Americans are rated like last in the world for their geographic knowledge. Why may I ask did you choose that field?” “Well it's just something that I've always been interested in.” I encourage Hannah; “You go girl!”

I then ask Hannah where she went to high school. Looking slightly embarrassed Hannah tells me that she was home schooled.  When I inquired if she liked being home schooled she scrunched up her nose and replied; "Kinda".  "What was the problem?"

I found out that Hannah started her home schooling at the 3rd grade level and that she did most of her studies at home on the computer. Hannah's parents were wary about the local schools and were concerned about both her safety and the quality of education offered. However they worked and could offer no help with any questions Hannah had until they got home at night. When she was younger she did have an older brother and sister who were also being educated at home but in her high school years she was flying alone.  The only outside activity Hannah mentioned was that she played soccer on a home school team.

“Do you have any other interests, such as music?” “Oh, like most home schooled girls I play a little piano.” says Hannah.  I laugh. “Is that one of those home school stereotypes?”

“You mean like long jean skirts?” says Hannah with a smile. “Exactly” I answer.

Just then my brain puts together all the pieces and I tell Hannah I figured out her story.  "For years you were mostly alone in your basement, doing your school work on the computer.  Maybe occasionally you would head upstairs and fool with the piano.  Once a year and only during soccer season were you able to get out of the house, twice a week.  Once a week for practice and once a week for the game.  Other than that you would sit at that computer and search out places like Tahiti or the Rockies and dream of one day traveling there to see the wonderful sights.  That's why you are interested in geography.  It all makes sense now.  Am I any way accurate on my assessment?"

Hannah laughs and responds; "You pretty well described my life."

She then asks me if I have any kids and so I brag about having 5 children and my 22nd grandchild on the way.  "I love being a grandfather" I tell 18 year old Hannah.  And someday after you travel the world you will love being a grandmother.  First you need to find the right guy, and get married, and have your own kids."

"I would really like that" says Hannah.  Of course I knew she would.  She's been home schooled.


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