Wednesday, March 7, 2012

That's Where You Find Them Monsta Flatheads

While in 10th grade I did a vocational test that the school administered to all who passed through those hallowed halls.  OK, Holland High actually had what they called Mods and Pods with classrooms built around large open areas, but we got tested just the same.  It was one of those tests that ask hundreds of times for you to choose between three or four different and usually unappealing options.  I never know how to answer those type of questions.  Just ask my daughter Missy who use to love to bring home the five colors of this or the seven shades of that.  I must not be honest with myself because I usually say something like, "Oh, I guess I like choice 4" and Jackie will pipe in, "No, you're definitely a seven" and Missy will side with her mom, "Dad, you're a seven."

Anyway, turns out in High School that the test told me I should avoid outdoor work with attached advice such as "Whatever you think, DO NOT become a  forest ranger."  Oddly my children tease me that I'm the type of person who will put on a snowmobile suit before heading out to the mail box.  I only did that once!

I love Fall in Michigan but when the leaves start changing I do not start cleaning my shotgun, turn on Michigan Outdoors and run with my trusty dog to get us both in shape.  When I chance upon an unspoiled river I may skip a few stones but never wonder what else is below the surface.  I love a great campfire with friends followed by a cozy night in my own bed.  I AM an out doors man!  Just not my first choice.

Yesterday was sunny with temps in the low 60's.  What a beautiful early March day!  A guy about 40 years old named Selvy stopped by for his test and remarked while we we were driving that he couldn't wait to start fishing again.  I asked him where he liked to fish and he told me that he fished along the banks of the Grand River, usually near Bridge Street and Monroe.

 "When it floods in the Spring the water overflows the bank and I have me a special place by some trees.  That's where you find them monsta flatheads.  Last year I gots me a 35 pounder.  Took me 40 minutes to reel him in.  Now I use me a 17 pound line but everybody tells me that I should use the 20 pound. My friend says - 'Yank him in!' -  but I likes to feel the fish and play with him and let him wear himself out.  There was a big crowd watching from the bridge and as I was working the fish they all came over to see how I was doing and to encourage me.  It's always a great time fishing.  Man, sometimes we stay there till 2 in the morning.  You should come sometime."

Selvy made fishing at the Grand sound like so much fun that I almost headed over to the nearby MC Sports to check out some gear.  Almost.

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