The Democrat Party is dying. They just don't know it yet.
There is a revolution coming, but much different than you think. We may even be looking at a new civil war, sparked by the results of the November elections. People are going to vote Republican in record numbers, the Democrat Party is going to split, the major news media, now the propaganda arm of the Left, will be momentarly stunned and may not recover, and some high profile people who were active in the attempted coup against President Trump will be put on trial.
Because all of this may come as a bit of of shock to my never Trump friends and family, some of whom, even as I write, may actually believe that Joe Biden is really leading in the polls and has a good chance to take the prize, I will present the reasons I believe why a landslide Trump win is coming.
My first reason is the most important one and it undergirds everything else, but it is also one that never Trumpers either cannot or are most unwilling to understand. They may shout and scream and even tear their hair out even at the mention of it. But here goes. God has chosen Donald J. Trump for such a time as this. It would take me many pages to expand on that and if asked (yeah right) I would love to lay out step by step my reasons. Instead, for now, speaking as a Christian sensitive to the how the Holy Spirit is moving in these times and seasons, trust me when I say - this is a God thing.
Because of that everything that has been hurled at President Trump over the last 3 1/2 years has or will come back at the accusers.
The major news media (controlled by a small group of Left leaning individuals) who since his election have been well over 90 per cent negative in their coverage of President Trump, who have twisted and taken out of context everything he has said or done to match their narratives of racism, incompetence, being a Russian pawn, orange man bad in all it's forms, etc, in order to get him out of power, are no longer trusted as accurate news sources by the vast majority of the population. New Conservative internet platforms with far greater audiences (despite being censored and demontinized by their Left leaning platform hosts) have sprung up as alternatives and are flourishing. Meanwhile, someone like Rachel Maddow, a MSNBC host who had an average of 6 million viewers during the Russia debacle, is now down to 600,000 and still dropping like a stone.
There are major trends working against the Democrat Party. First, at the same time as it has shifted far to the Left, the world at large has been shifting more to the Right, toward National Capitialism. While education systems both here and in Europe are still controlled by professors that favor Socialist and Communist viewpoints, and while those views are then still heavily ingrained in the hearts and minds of younger college and university educated populations, people eventually get older and more experienced and confront the real world. In doing so most become more Conservative. In Europe, because of low birthrates and heavy restrictions imposed on their countries by the EU, they are encountering both the limitations of the inherent flaws of Socialism and the desire for greater Nationalism.
This is currently happening in many European countries, but look no further than Great Britain. Several years ago, against the opposition of most party leaders and their own Main Stream Media, the Brits voted by 66 per cent to leave the EU (Brexit). This was a shock to the ruling class who kept promising to get it done but could never in their hearts go far enough to actually do it. Finally last year the people had enough. The ruling Labour party (Left) was demolished in new elections by huge margins, many replaced by people who had never run for office before.
We don't have a Brexit movement in the United States but there is a Blexit (Black exit from the Democrat Party) movement alive and well and growing fast in the Black community. Throughout the last couple of years polls have been showing increasing support for President Trump among people of color. There are a half a dozen major reasons for this. (1) Black owed business have grown by 400 per cent under President Trump, (2), Prison reform under President Trump, (3), Media voices like Candace Owens, Charles Paine and Larry Elder, (4) The work Ben Carson has done through HUD, (5) The idea that Blacks have been on the Democrat "plantation", i.e., "They woo us every 4 years for our votes and then forget us, so what do we have to lose?", (6) The growing realization that the current Democrat Party is actually opposed to religion and other conservative views held by the majority of the Black community.
In 2016 President Trump received about 9 per cent of the Black vote, which is average for a Republican. He was helped because fewer Blacks showed up to vote for Clinton than they did for President Obama. A Rasmussen poll taken a few days ago among active voters showed President Trump with a 40 per cent approval rating among Blacks. Let that sink in for a moment. If Trump receives 12 per cent of the Black vote he will win easily. If he receives 15 per cent of the Black vote the Democrat Party itself is in serious trouble. Those numbers in 2020 are not only likely but could even be greater.
President Trump;s support with Hispanics is also in the 40 per cent range. Strange isn't it? And yet it reflects the faces you will find in a typical Trump rally. The Democrat Party has left the working middle class and, despite what the media wants you to believe, there are an awful lot of Blacks and Hispanics who do not view President Trump as a racist.
Just as what happened with Blexit, there is a huge backlash welling up in America against far Left policies and the actions of certain Democrat Governors during the Corona Virus lock downs and the recent rioting and lootings, I'm telling you, when gun sales increased by 80 per cent even before the riots, people are going to express themselves by more than just buying guns. While defunding police departments may seem like Left nirvana, it will end up being suicide in the next election. And people are not going to blame Trump either for lives lost or for jobs lost or for freedoms being taken away from them. But they are going to blame somebody.
The economy took a hit during the shutdowns but should recover at a good pace before the elections. And as every politician knows, "It's the economy stupid". President Trump will get credit for that.
Finally, Trump's approval from his base is over 90 per cent. He has collected record vote totals in the primaries for an unopposed canidate. Special elections have been swinging heavy Republican. There were a lot of Evangelical voters who sat out the last election but who will cast their ballots red this election because Trump has proven to be a champion for pro-life, pro-religious freedom,, pro-gun, pro-free speech and pro Israel causes. He has also appointed and had approved over 200 Conservative Federal Judges and there is a high likely hood that the next President will select at least one more Conservative Supreme Court Justice.
And then we come to who the Democrats will run against Trump. Vice President Biden has just secured enough delegates to officially be his party's nominee. If they stay with Biden he will be crushed six ways to Sunday. Apart from scandals involving Hunter (among other things he went over to CHINA with his dad on Air Force 2 and came back with a 1.5 BILLION dollar deal), his public grouping, shoulder squeezing and hair sniffing of females both young and younger, the sexual accusations against him and a political past that does not match the demands of the new Leftists in his party, it is obvious that Old Joe is in serious cognitive decline. I think "word salad" is how many pundents describe many of his off the prompter remarks during the last 6 months.
If Biden resigns at some point or is replaced at the convention there will be a battle royal between the Democrat factions for power. I believe the far Left faction, thinking this is actually their time, will demand to have one of theirs run. If they don't get their way, many will riot and then sit out the election. Either way, not only is President Trump heading for a landslide election but both the House and the Senate will be solidly in Republican hands. And it could remain so for a long, long time.
That is my prediction for today. As of now God's hand is still on President Trump. Hopefully he will learn to humble himself because, as we all know - Pride comes before the fall.