Sunday, May 24, 2015

Review - Zane's Birthday Party

It is evident that every birthday party by necessity needs both a protagonist and a hero/heroine. In the case of a four year old's birthday the hero definitely is going to be the young boy who exclaimed when opening his super sized Nurf repeat shot blaster; I love this! I love this! I love this! Lucky we opened presents after eating because Zane's hands never let go of that gun for the rest of the day. No doubt he is sleeping with it as I write.

The party began earlier in the day when Jackie and I arrived to find Zane and some of his sisters and cousins playing on their new but used swing set. The set has a wood platform the kids can play in and they quickly invited me to climb the stairs and go into their fort. Once I surprised them by actually getting there they promptly kicked me out via the slide and told me that I was to be the enemy.

Those were just the words I was waiting for. You see this was to be a squirt gun party (guns are very big for Zane right now. Last week he sternly told his mom that she must take him to the gun store so he could get squirt guns for the party). Knowing this I came prepared. Their little guns would hold a small amount of water but the guns that Jackie picked up for me at the local Goodwill store were pretty big.

"Wait here kids" I told them. When I came back with guns blazing the war began. It was 1 against 8 to begin with but I held my own. More family arrived which meant reinforcements for those brave lads and lassies but without any additional help for me from my "Oh don't shoot me" sissy girls and their laughing husbands. After awhile a sure fact of life occurred to me. I would get not only very wet but also quite tired and would need a time out. They had no off button and did not really believe me when I told them that the garage was a safe place where no one was allowed to squirt anyone.

Eventually we all dried off or changed, ate our fill, opened presents, enjoyed cake and cup cakes and then the adults were left alone to tell our stories. I will sleep well and happy tonight.

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