Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bad Jokes

It was beautiful yesterday and May 4th is something called Star Wars appreciation day. I first became aware of this while checking out my FB account before work and noticed that a couple of friends had posted "May the 4th be with you." Then later that afternoon a young man I was testing told me that at his school everyone was greeting each other with that phrase and the appropriate reply was "And with you also."

I made the mistake of remarking to the kid and his father that on the 4th Yoda had a fifth and that's how it all started, funny voice and all. Somehow inspired by this the dad goes into a perfect high pitch Yoda impersonation and says "Not so bad an idea it is." When I started laughing he assures me; "I've got teenagers, what can I say?"

One of my daughters can do voices and impersonations and can carry on a conversation in character until everyone is on the floor, holding their stomachs and begging her to stop. I am not good at that but yesterday I was wishing that I could do a good Yoda and conduct the rest of my test that way.

Today is the 5th of May, or Cinco De Mayo, which is a big deal in our area because of the large Hispanic population here. Cinco De Mayo does not mean a fifth of mayonaise but rather remembers a day in 1862 in central Mexico when a Mexican army defeated a French army which eventually leads as I see it to the delicious tacos that Monsieur LaBarge enjoyed last night.

Today was not as nice weather wise but on one of my tests during a cool spring rain we were in a red Saturn Vue. The residential area ends at a T at 32nd street and I thought that maybe I would try out one of my Saturn Vue jokes on the son and father. "A few years ago a vehicle just like this was traveling 80 miles per hour on this street, flew over the curb and landed in the house ahead of us. ("Oh my gosh" gasps the father) When they asked the home owner how he felt about it he remarked, 'Oh, not so bad. I always wanted a room with a view.' "

The dad seems confused and the son remarks, "Oh, I get it. He wanted a picture window." I then need to explain to them that we were in a Saturn "Vue", room with a view, etc., etc. I did not explain that this was a joke although if I told it in a Yoda voice it might have gone over better. I work better in the sun.

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