Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Tree Of Life

DNA (combined with RNA) is the instruction manual for all living things. It enables a cell to grow, to protect itself, to reproduce itself, to absorb energy, to eliminate waste, to move and to adapt to different environments. It provides instructions for the cell to create machines which transform proteins into whatever the cell needs - things like an outer shell, an inner lining, entry and exit portals, a motor complete with gasket and propeller, on and on and on.

The most simple cells are comprised of millions of atoms which make up 60,000 to several million proteins arraigned in 100 or more different configurations. The DNA code for the most simple cell is 3 MILLION links long. Something more complicated like a human cell has a DNA code of over 3 BILLION links for each cell in a human body comprised of TRILLIONS of cells.

Science has NEVER observed the spontaneous formation of a cell in nature. Science has NEVER been able to combine the proper ingredients in a lab and observe the spontaneous formation of a cell. Material simply does not self organize itself into DNA chains of information to create life from non life.

Contained in DNA is a genetic code that enables cells to reproduce like from like. DNA has a self correcting feature which searches out defective genes to repair them. DNA also has trigger mechanisms which allow the structures that cells make up to vary due to environmental changes. What does this mean?

1. Cells have a programmed ability so that structures can change within limits.
2. Mutations will always have negative and not positive effects.
3. Selective breeding actually reduces genetic variety.

It can be observe within all species that creatures change within limits. These changes all have to do with aspects such as size, shape, color and features. Sometimes the change is significant enough in those areas that a different species classification is assigned although they still remain in their overall larger species classification. The observed transition into a new species classification has never happened. There is great variety in dog and cat species but we never see cats becoming dogs or vise versa.

Recorded history has not observed the in progress transition of one species into another. Apes are not becoming human (although there may be some argument the other way) and you and I do not have starter stubs for wings or antenna or special digits forming that will one day be useful for our iPhone and X boxes. Dandelions are not in the process of becoming roses, amoebas are not becoming fish, fish are not becoming reptiles and reptiles are not becoming birds.

The development over time of a non functioning feature (which has not been seen and which is largely prohibited by the self correcting feature of DNA anyway) would make any species less likely, not more likely to compete in it's environment.

The amount of new DNA code to produce something as sophisticated and multi-faceted as an organ or even a feather would be in the hundreds of millions of links. There is not one bit of evidence showing the gradual development of organs, feathers or any other complex feature.

Complex features such as organs and feathers need many inter related working parts to function. All would have to develop separately and non functioning over time until ready.

The billions of fossil records we already have not shown ANY creatures in the process of developing new features. All extinct creatures have fully developed features.

ALL creatures appear in the sedimentary record as fully developed. One of the most common fossils, the trilobite, all of a sudden shows up by the millions at a certain level with nothing looking close for it's ancestor for 500 previous feet of sediment.

Fossil records do NOT show the gradual transition of one species into another. Lining up charts of fully developed extinct species to present a tree of life without one bit of evidence of linkage is only speculation, not proof.

If mutations were able to rewrite a cell's DNA and genetic code in incremental stages over time then mathematically in each generation there should be at least as many negative developments as positive ones (although as stated above mutations are by nature negative). Each successive generation of mutations on the positive line would have to have at least as many negative aspects as positive and so on for each new mutated generation. This means the odds for a positive mutation to continue to develop positive (because there is no advantage until functional) would decrease with each mutated generation.

Unlimited time does not change odds. If the odds are zero for something happening by chance (your watch self assembling itself from raw materials) then something more complicated (a living cell that can reproduce) would also be zero. Zero times zero is always zero.

Microbs arriving from another planet via a meteor or visits from aliens to infuse life do not change the odds of self generation, although for some it is easier to believe in aliens than in God.

Scientists did not self generate. They are the combination of the DNA of their mother and father and each is a unique being, blessed with brains so big that they can contemplate the physical  mysteries of the universe while at the same time being blind to it's spiritual dimension.

The complexity of matter and life, it's vastness and smallness, the dependence of each part upon so many other parts, it's beauty and benefit to humankind, the delicate balance of it all, everything we continue to discover screams out that there is an intelligent and loving designer.

I cannot tell you where God came from or how He designed and created the vast amount of matter and energy in the universe, Simple logic says that there is a Designer. For some reason most scientists want to look at the universe as if God doesn't exist and because of that they willfully become blind to conclusions that are obvious. They NEED to have a purely mechanical and mathematical universe.

Ah, but that's where faith comes in, isn't it? It says in the first chapter of Romans that the righteous man shall live by faith. It then goes on to say about men who suppress the truth:

that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse;

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing to be wise, they became fools

Nature was meant to be discovered. It's complexity and beauty to be unraveled. It's Creator to be worshiped and held in awe. It's logic to be understood. Faith sees both the physical and the spiritual and completes the picture.

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