Friday, December 30, 2011

Tooth Ba Rush

Got invaded yesterday by three little granddaughters, one blond, one burnet and one red head, who came over to sew with Jackie.  They brought their American Girl dolls, went to Field fabrics (we call it Mood from the show Project Runway), picked out the material they wanted, made the ladies at Mood jealous of Grandma Jackie, then went back to the house to slave their 8 and 9 year old bodies over the cutting tables and sewing machine.

Tried to stay out of their way but found out that evening when I went to check on them that they had found my sour cherry candy from Christmas that I was saving for a special occasion and had enjoyed themselves quite a bit.  They even thought this was funny.  Couldn't think of a better special occasion though.

Ellie the red head, who normally greets me with a hug and "Hello Grandpa" slapped me five and said "Hey Gramps".  Daphne the blond was working at the sewing machine looking like she really knew what she was doing.  And our dark haired beauty Raleigh was carefully cutting fabric along the edge of a pattern.

They slept over that night and after brushing their teeth they all started chanting "tooth ba rush, tooth ba rush".  This went on for quite a long time, followed by the normal loud chatter, interspersed with someone yelling out "tooth ba rush" which make all three of them giggle, no matter how many times this was repeated.

When they went to pack this morning they were rapping some songs that were basically different variations of this:  "One jump, two jump, step on the pie", rear ends wiggling and hands a waving, and then "No No.  One jump, two jump, step on the bus".  A new version always good for laughs.

The only conflict seemed to be who would end up with the middle seat when riding in the back.  Jackie solved the problem because she had three places to go with the girls (like McDonalds for shakes after Mood).  I was unaware of all this.  After I packed the car today and told the girls to get in, Daphne (having learned to survive with two older brothers) jumps in on one side and fastens her seat belt while the other two are still yelling "not it". 

Since no one wants to sit up front with Gramps someone ended up being "it".  But we had a good time on the way home and I was sad/happy to see them go. 

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