Someone gave a speech to the nation the other day (which I watched, so these are my own opinions). You know, a typical American political speech - dark red background, military men standing behind him, angry tone from start to finish with both fists up in the air, devoted to only one subject - dehumanizing his opposition. He said during that speech and in the weeks prior to that speech that anyone supporting President Trump (meaning me!) was:
1. A threat to our Constitution
2. A threat to our Democracy
3. A fascist/nazi
4. An extremist
5. A traitor
6. A domestic terrorist
7. An insurrectionist
8. A white surpremist
Wow! Never in my 72 years have I heard or seen a speech like that (except in newsreels). Here I am, a white, church going believer in Jesus, who loves his country and hates corruption in government. I want an honest press, an internet that doesn't censor my views or restrict my access to information, free but fair elections, secure borders, an end to the killing of babies, the right to refuse being injected with something I have serious doubts about, the right to talk about and demonstrate against government corruption and the right to say positive things about President Trump and his policies without being shunned, attacked by trolls or told that I'm worshiping a man instead of God.
But that is the world I am living in. The politician who says that I am a threat to the Constitution fears the guarantees of the 1st amendment giving me rights of religion, free speech, free press and open assembly.
The gathering at the Capitol of a couple of hundred thousand unarmed people in Washington on January 6 who believed with good cause that an election had been stolen came to support a possible legal option that Vice President Pence could refer the electoral college delegates back to the States for a limited period of time so the elections in certain states could be audited. As the crowd marched to the Capitol, families, ministers, grandmas, grandpas, vets, the vast majority being the heart and soul of middle America, sang religious and patriotic songs and came to show solidarity with President Trump and with the democratic process. They were exercising their basic 1st Amendment rights.
President Trump suggested before hand to Speaker Pelosi (it was her call) that National Guard be called up and stationed at the Capitol so there would not be any problems with the large crowd. Pelosi rejected the suggestion and also did nothing to beef up Capitol police forces. We now know that FBI and other government agents were actively involved with the small number of anarchists who arrived at the Capitol prior to the crowds to remove barriers, open doors, break into windows and encourage crowds (who had only come to stand outside) to enter into the Capitol building. Lies were then spread that 6 policemen had been killed by the rioters.
Someone wanted this to happen. Someone wanted to label this "an insurrection". Someone wanted to label their political opposition as extremists, traitors and homegrown terrorists (now known as the greatest threat to our democracy).
Someone wanted to put in jail thousands of innocent protestors who had opposing political views, waive their 5th Amendment rights of due process and 6th Amendment rights to confront opposing witnesses and to have a lawyer. Hundreds of people without any prior criminal records were arrested, thrown into filthy prisons, asked to sign false statements, put into solitary confinement and denied the right to make any public comments on their case. Many are now still in prison. The FBI has a list of a thousand more they are looking at. Others who were at Washington that day have been tagged on a watch list and cannot fly without being pulled aside. This is America today.
The politician who says that I am a threat to the Constitution fears my 2nd amendment right to bear arms and then mocks me this week by saying what I really need if I'm worried about government abusing my rights is an F-15.
The politician who says I am a threat to the Constitution can for political reasons have the FBI violate my 4th amendment rights of not having an illegal search and seizure by sending a swat team to knock on my door in the middle of the night, haul me outside in my underwear without first showing me a warrant and then take my cell phone and computers to obtain any information they want.
The politician who says I am a threat to Democracy and to the Constitution can violate Congressional rules by forming a select committee without participation by minority leadership as required to investigate January 6. In this "investigation" there has been select editing and misrepresenting of the facts, no presentation from the other side, no opposition to anything presented and 5th Amendment right of due process and no 6th Amendment right for President Trump to have attorneys or to confront his opponents. Political opponents have been subpoenaed without their 5th and 6th Amendment rights and threatened with jail if they refuse to cooperate.
The politician who says I am a threat to Democracy and the Constitution can send the FBI to invade Presidents Trump's home and seize documents under a pretext so lame and twisted it would make a pretzel blush. And the mustard on top is that everything we are allowed to see is heavily redacted because the government/FBI, insists on it.
Now in a true "Democracy" there would not be a government press who would stay silent about all of this or who exhibits zero curiosity about any wrong doing from a certain party or who actively pushes the agenda of a single party. There would not be an internet that fact checks, demontizes, bans posts, tweets, videos and internet searches about certain subjects, such as a certain election, a certain laptop, a certain virus, a certain insurrection, a certain mental incapacity, financial deals between a certain family and a certain Asian country and a certain Ukrainian politician. You would almost think that Orange Man bad 24/7 for 6 years straight was a strategy planned and directed on a daily basis by certain people who have control of the government press.
Someone gave a speech to the nation the other day. The powers behind the someone fear the Constitution because they fear you and me. They want total control but our God given freedoms and divinely inspired rights get in their way. Those with me and you are way more than those with them. That is why they cannot allow any proof of their cheating in the last elections to come to light. That is why they continue to implement ways to cheat. That is why they call us fascists, traitors, terrorists, extremists, insurrectionists and the greatest threat to the soul of this nation.
Here is a poem I wrote after the speech.
The rantings of a man gone mad
well, maybe just demented
his grasp of facts was rather sad
all truth got circumvented
The lectern's framing - dark - and red
two soldiers in it's shadow
his wife led in a man half dead
just given an espresso
He coughed to clear his muddled mind
then barked and pounded sand
that we were Fascist of some kind
(though he wore the armband)
A doctor led him from the stage
his days expire soon
he'll miss the dawning of an age
when light will flood the room
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