Saturday, June 25, 2022


Last Friday was a good day. A day I had longed, hoped and prayed for but was never sure I would actually see. A day marking a major victory against dark principalities and powers in the high places over this country.

Early June of this year Jackie and I celebrated being married for fifty years. When we met both of us came from Catholic families but she had a relationship with Jesus and I was an atheist. It had been my plan to avoid having any arguments about politics or religion but here it was several months after our wedding and we were having a Sunday dinner with her mom, dad, nine brothers and sisters and a couple of brothers-in-law.

When dinner was over and everybody was sitting around the table a couple of Jackie's cousins dropped by. Their mom was very involved in the Right To Life group in Kalamazoo and they had just finished helping her stuff some mailers. So the discussion around the table became about abortion and then switched to religion. It was Jackie's oldest brother (the other atheist) and me against the crowd and it began to get a little heated. Jackie of course had been praying for me and now she was screaming to God in her prayer - "What are you doing?"

Well, it turns out God does know what He is doing and this argument turned out to be a catalyst for my surrendering my life to Jesus and being filled with His Holy Spirit a few months later at the end of November that year. The following January the Supreme Court ruled on Roe Verses Wade and the evil of killing a human life while still in the womb has been heavy on my heart ever since.

In fact for me, someone who majored in Political Science and minored in History, a candidate's stance on the life and rights of the unborn and their willingness to fight for those lives and rights outweighs everything else when I consider whom to vote for, including economics. I believe that if we stand firm on this God will give us guidance and clarity on other issues and will even bless our stupidity when we miss the mark.

So much about following the will of God revolves around core principles. The core principle here is that inside a pregnant woman is a unique individual who has a growing body with a soul and a spirit. That child already has a God given destiny that awaits him or her in time. It matters not how that child is conceived or if indeed it is even wanted by the parent. In life there are struggles and tragedies but God is loving and He longs to pour out His love and healing to all: mother, child, family and community.

The Supreme Court ruling reverses a gigantic self imposed curse over our nation which will greatly weaken the spiritual forces that are trying to destroy this land. The blood sacrifices they desire are starting to end and now the battle can be waged State by State. Watch now for great moves of the Holy Spirit which will transform what are known as the seven mountains of influence: Church, Family, Academia, Government, Media, Business and Finance, Arts and Entertainment.

For over 49 years I have been standing on the ramparts, ready to call out the advance of the enemy or the coming of the great King. For over 49 years I have laid before my Lord the bodies, souls and spirits of many prodigals who walk in the wisdom of this world but do not have a relationship with the one who made us in love. It has been 49 years of seeing many lives wonderfully changed but also seeing the world devolve into the stupidity of the wisdom of this age. Friday was a good day.


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