"Did you know there is a smell to abortion?" - Abbey Johnson
The RNC Convention, which I thought was absolutely fantastic from start to finish, featured a very strong pro life witness throughout. Whether it was the talk by Abbey Johnson, a former national employee of the month for Planned Parenthood turned Pro Life activist, which brought me to tears, or the one by Sister Byrne in full habit, a long time military surgeon who later became a nun and quipped that she was not just for unborn lives but also for eternal lives, the collection of short speeches by a bunch of real people gave a very clear indication of the importance of this coming election.
It was a sharp contrast to the DNC, which is not only strongly pro abortion, even approving abortion right up to birth and in certain cases just after (infanticide), but with Kamala Harris as the VP choice, who has been an activists for abortion, prosecuting those who oppose it in conscience in California and raking Justice Cavanaugh over the coals in the Senate confirmation hearings, they have now given us the most pro abortion ticket ever to run for the highest office in the land. At one time the Dems hid their true agenda by declaring that abortion should be legal but rare. Today support for abortion for any reason and at any time during the pregnancy is now the main litmus test for inclusion in the Democrat Party.
Less than 2 months after I became a born again Christian and Roe V Wade became law, a deep curse settled upon our country. Since that time, in order to honor and in turn empower the ancient spirit of Baal (a major or perhaps the major spiritual principality over our country), over 60 million innocent children in this country alone have been sacrificed. Most who have participated in these sacrifices were certainly not aware of what they actually were doing or who they actually were honoring and empowering, but innocent lives were being taken, blood was being shed, evil spirits were gaining power and influence, and we and our country have suffered as a result.
Just like slavery could be tolerated because people convinced themselves that certain other people were less than human, so abortion is tolerated by saying that a human life is not really a human life if it isn't wanted, or can't be seen, or might be somehow defective, or hasn't taken a breath yet outside the womb. The lie that an unborn child is not really a human but is instead just a lump of cells inside a woman's body is from the deepest pit of hell. For too long we have tolerated this lie, and for those who know better but do nothing to bring light into this darkness, there will come a day when we stand before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to give an account for what we did or did not do according to the light given us.
Since 1973 we have had chances to vote on pro life measures in our States. Since 1973 we have had people running for office who have informed us as to their stance concerning being pro life or pro abortion. A lot of politicians have given lip service to the pro life cause but when push came to shove they did nothing or next to nothing. And yet, each person old enough to vote has had many chances to play a part in ending this great sin.
Voting pro life has always been my litmus test to determine for whom I will vote for. For me it tops all other economic and foreign policy considerations, although those that vote pro life usually are Conservative as well on social and economic issues and are for the US supporting the State of Israel (another spiritual issue that I believe results in either blessings or curses for America).
Many states have passed legislation to restrict abortion. However the main battle then switches to the courts, the restrictions get challenged and then ultimately overturned at the highest levels. The fact is, who ever wins the highest office in the land gets the right to appoint judges at the highest levels. Since 1973 the Supreme Court has not had enough strong Conservative members to overturn Roe V Wade.
We now have for the first time in my life a real chance to end or at least weaken that curse over our nation. One or two more Justices will be enough to finally turn the tide and the odds are high that there will be those openings in the next 4 years. Having a solid majority in the Supreme Court is a real possibility if President Trump gets re-elected. It will for sure not be possible if a Democrat wins. There is not one single Democrat who will admit they will support a pro life position. This may actually be our last chance.
In 2016 we did not know if Trump would actually follow through on his pro life promises and his commitment to appoint very Conservative judges. Yet he has, 2 Supreme Court Justices and over 200 other Conservative Federal judges confirmed. I don't care if you like the guy or hate the guy. Your votes are about issues that have great and lasting importance and not about a person's personality. And the election is a binary choice. Not voting or voting third party contributes nothing in the cause to overturn Roe V. Wade.
As a Christian I believe that how we vote on the pro life issue will determine how God will in turn bless our country. It is the base issue that determines everything else. Please, pray, pray, pray about what God's will is. Pray that God will put into office a person to appoint the right judges to the Supreme Court and the Federal Courts. Pray that the Senate has enough pro life members to get those persons confirmed. Pray that confusion will fill the enemy's ranks. And then get off your knees and vote.
It is coming. I believe the curse will be lifted in my life time, and hopefully soon. I believe there is a confrontation coming with the prophets of Baal and that their positions and altars of influence will be destroyed. This I do know. It will take place a lot sooner if enough of us humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, pray, and vote pro life.