Tuesday, March 24, 2020

12 Things The Democrats Tried To Add To The Covid19 Relief Package

Well, it's day two of State mandated stay at home for Jackie and me (minimum of 3 weeks). I was wondering what kind of relief package our government would pass that would help take the bite out of not being able to work for that amount of time and how could small and big business be helped so that many of them don't have to go out of business. And I wondered if that would be possible without adding excessive amounts of dept for my children and grandchildren.

It turns out that there was a package ready to go Sunday night that was hammered out between Dems and Repubs that focused just on those areas (except for the debt). And then Nancy flew into town on her private jet, talked with Chuck, bipartisanship flew out the window, and the following stuff was added into the relief package.

Please point out to me which one of these is needed to dig us out of the hole that the Covid19 virus is putting our country in.

- Racial and gender pay equity provisions
- Diversity on corporate boards
- Increased use of minority banks by federal officials plus other diversity provisions
- Increased collective bargaining power for unions
- Cancel all U.S. Postal Service debt
- Fuel emissions standards for airlines
- Required carbon offsets for airlines
- Tax credits for alternative energy programs
- 9.5 billion in funds to colleges and universities
- 100 million to juvenile justice programs
- Suspension of various aspects of immigration laws
- Election requirements for States

There was more but I digress. It really doesn't matter if you are for these provisions or not. Our country is in a crisis and elected officials are putting ideology ahead of recovery.

I would like to boil up some tar, gather some feathers, tie a rail or 2 to the top of my car and drive to Washington. But, oh yeah, I'm currently sheltered in place.

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