Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Impeach! Impeach!

Impeach! Impeach! Well, well, how did we get here, what does this all mean and how will this all play out? Hopefully I will be able to shed a little insight that will make things a bit clearer on what has been going on and what will be happening.

Let me start by taking a quick look at the Obama presidency. Although he ran as a centrist, Barack Obama's voting record when he was in the Senate was to the extreme far left of the spectrum. When he became our President his actions thus proved to be far left. This should not have been a surprise to anyone who would have looked past the nice suits, attractive family and smooth talking blah blah and done a little research.

His father's politics in Kenya were Anti-Colonial. His father believed that Western powers had robbed third world countries like his of their resources and should be punished for such. His politics were also Anti-Capitalist or Socialist/Communist which is reflected by his belief that the rich should pay 100% in taxes and only receive an amount back from the government sufficient to live on. It is interesting that Barack Obama wrote a book that was titled - Dreams Of My Father. Obama's mother also had hard leftest leanings as can be determined by the politics of the church she belonged to in Hawaii.

Sometime after Barack's father left his mother to go back to Kenya she married a man from Indonesia where she and her son moved. In Indonesia Barack was educated during his elementary years in a religious Muslim school. She sent him back to Hawaii during his high school years to live with her parents. It was during or shortly after that time that he was introduced to and was mentored by Frank L Davis, a leading African American member and thinker in the Communist Party in America. Later on during his college years in California most of his room mates and organizations he belonged to were politically on the radical spectrum. Not much is known about his politics or associations while at law school at Harvard but then, apart from his being the editor of the Harvard Law Review, almost no one can be found who remembers or is willing to share that they remember going to class with him.

After Obama came to Chicago he is well known for having been a community organizer. On it's face value that sounds like a noble occupation and indeed it can be, helping the poor and disenfranchised to do better with food, housing, clothing, medical care and helping them have a greater voice over their affairs. But there can be a radical political aspect involved in community organizing as evidenced by the methods of famous Chicago community organizer Saul Alansky.

In 1971, the year before he died, Alansky wrote a book called Rules For Radicals. Its ten chapters laid out Alansky's insights about how confrontation can produce desired results. Later on in the community organization community there was debate as to how effective Alansky's rules actually were in practice but the book and its principles did become famous in the world of the radical left. At the University of Chicago Barack Obama taught a course called Alansky 101, so we know he was quite familiar with Alansky's radical teachings. Oh by the way, in the book Alansky dedicates it to someone called Lucifer (no kidding!)

Here is a partial list of Alansky's main principles. Notice two things here. First, the other side is referred to as "the enemy". Second, see if any of these tactics ring a bell when you think of the how the Democrats have resisted form day one and continue to resist the presidency of Donald Trump, the Kavanaugh hearings, the Russia hearings and their constant calls for impeachment.

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have".

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules".

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon".

"Keep the pressure on".

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself".

"The major premise for tactics is the development of opportunities that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition".

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter side".

"Pick the target, freeze it, polarize it".   

Barack Obama eventually moved to the same neighborhood and was on one of the same boards as Bill Ayers, former leader of the Weatherman Underground, a radical 1970's group that among other things bombed the Pentagon and Capitol building. The church Obama belonged to for 20 years had definite leftest leanings. I could on and on along the same vein but I think I've made the point that it seemed to me pretty clear, even before he was elected, that Barack Obama if chosen would try to radically change not only US foreign policy and US domestic policy but would also appoint and place in positions of power men and women with the same mind set as his.

The part of interest for us here is not President Obama's foreign or domestic policies. I think from what we know about his past and from what he showed while being President is that he is at heart a Marxist and was smart enough to have both a short term and a long term plan for how to radically transform our country. I also strongly suspect that despite our hearing almost nothing about President Obama for the last 3 years that he is in fact the key person leading a behind the scenes opposition to President Trump and his administration. You should be aware that there is a select group of power people that meet every day in private, either in person or via devices, that determine both tactics and each day's talking points, that are then relayed to the press and to key Democrat leaders in Congress. 

There are some interesting things that happened while President Obama was in office that demonstrate his efforts to ensure that his opponents would not be successful in gaining power.

The main one that comes to mind is how he used the IRS to delay and refuse applications for almost every conservative political group that tried to obtain non taxable status.

Another well known one is the activity of Susan Rice and others toward the last days of his administration to unmask identities of quite a large number of his political opponents so that people in his administration would have access to their private conversations (I think that might be called "spying" on your political opponents).

And a third one that is coming to light is the effort to use the FBI and CIA along with their foreign contacts, to both spy on candidate Trump and everyone connected with him but also to set up sophisticated operations designed to eventually remove him from power in case he would actually win. People have blamed Hillary Clinton's campaign for spending 9 million to finance the fake dossier that the intelligence agencies then used to obtain FISA warrants of Trump's people, but I believe it actually goes much deeper than that.

Let me make this very clear. There were and still are people appointed or hired by President Obama in the intelligence community who are actively opposed to President Trump, not just because he is a Republican but because he is an outsider who is threatening both their power and globalist worldview. Many of these people, previously so comfortable in their arrogance, are now becoming increasingly frightened that their secret activities will be exposed.

There will soon be reports released that will lay a lot of this out. The guilty parties have the full support of the main stream media so everything will be twisted in the news and there will be a full blown attempt to impeach and discredit Attorney General Barr. I would like to believe that all those that have taken part in this coup attempt against the President will get the punishment they deserve. I would like to believe that the main stream media itself will be exposed and eventually be replaced by honest men and women without political bias. Can all of this happen without a revolution or civil unrest? I sure pray so.

Cries for impeachment today are a desperate ploy to circumvent the ballot box. After all we do have another election in about a year. These last three years have pulled the veil off the political faces of the far left, the never Trump right and others in Washington and have totally destroyed any confidence we ever had in the main stream media. By God's grace we now know much clearer their desire for an atheistic utopia that sees Conservatives, Christians and the Constitution as  "enemies" that need to be discarded.

The good news is that a light does shine in the darkness and that God is using the events of the day to bring out a deep and widespread spiritual change in this country. There are dark spiritual forces behind all the lies and shouting and their desperation is a sign that they know a change is coming.

Pray for our President for wisdom and grace. Pray for all those in authority over us that they will be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Pray for your enemies that His light will shine so bright that their hearts will be open to coming to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. And pray for a spirit of repentance to flood our land as an invitation for the presence of God to fall upon us.

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