For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)
Yesterday while reading on-line a prophetic word, an image popped into my mind. It was only there for for a brief second but I knew right away what it represented and also what its meaning was.
The person had mentioned what has been commonly referred to as "the seven mountains of influence". The idea, first purposed in the 1970's by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham (Campus Crusade for Christ) is that the enemy is trying to shape our society and culture by inserting his twisted ideas into and then dominating areas that affect each and every life.
These areas have been identified as - Family, Church, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business.
You have to be spiritually blind not to notice or at least suspect that the enemy has taken a lot of territory during your life time over each of those areas. The family and even the definition of what family is has taken a serious hit. Many churches are now nothing more than social organizations with a 501c tax exemption, afraid to boldly speak out against sexual immorality, abortion and many other types of sin. Schools get more liberal each day. The vast majority of professors at colleges and universities, even at many Christian schools, lean not only liberal in their viewpoints but Marxist as well. Free speech and open discourse has given way to shouting down and safe spaces.
Time does not permit me to innumerate further on corruption in government, the extreme liberal bias of the press or the values presented every waking second electronically, across the air waves and in theaters. The regression in those areas in just the last decade has been breathtaking. Is there good in any of these? Yes, very much so. Are there more pitfalls appearing every day designed to ensnare you and me? You better believe it.
All of this combined makes one think that we as a country are on a sure path to judgment. The opposition to God's will seems too vast, too interwoven, too far gone for anyone or any group to change even a little. Compromise comes little by little, step by step and our views become with each step down not to radically change things but rather to hold on to what little we can. We almost seem resigned to form together in little groups and then watch while the world burns. We want to have hope for the future but we also earnestly pray - Come quickly Lord Jesus!
In the last decade there have arisen intercessory groups who are in constant prayer for our nation (and other nations as well) who specifically target those spheres of societal influence. People like Lou Engle, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce come to mind, traveling to every U.S. state, training and organizing intercessors, holding large city wide conferences, speaking boldly the Word of God to tear down enemy strongholds.
I believe God is saying to us today that He is not yet through with America. He desires to have before He returns a great harvest of souls. And for that purpose He desires to reverse, for a season (I do not know how long that season will be) much of what the enemy has been accomplishing over the last several decades. I am also sensing that it is God's will not to just stem the tide and hold back the waters of rebellion but that He wants those areas of rebellion defeated, destroyed and annihilated.
This of course will not initially be pretty. It will be a battle, albeit one with the supernatural help of God on our side. There will be great opposition with each victory and many things will not look the way they did before, including our churches. Those who are lukewarm will need to make decisions and many will not choose wisely.
The prophecy I read talked about speaking out against ruling powers in high places over the seven mountains of influence. As I read it I saw a picture of a part of a town. There was a large and very black scaffold like structure erected from the ground that rose up and over the city. All the beams looked charcoal black, like they were made of wood that had survived a fire.
It was only there for a flash but I knew that it represented the spiritual high places over each area of influence. I think we, each as God directs us, are called to be intercessors to come against ruling spirits in the high places, to declare those spirits to be bound and for God to release His angels to defeat and remove those foul creatures. Our authority as followers of Christ has been granted us through the shed blood of Jesus.
Let us not remain discouraged but rather go forth boldly in the name of Jesus to rebuke and bind the works and lies of the evil one. We have won! They have lost! We have won! They have lost! We have won! May it all be for the glory of God.
Below is a poem I wrote about this.
In High Places
It was a type of scaffolding
tall, black, burnt out looking posts
connected by more of the same, dark, ugly beams
interspersed throughout an ordinary looking town
They overshadowed pleasant homes, busy businesses
neighborhood schools, eating places, entertainment venues
radio stations, churches, parks and the old city hall
those occupants seemingly unaware of the structure
On top dark shadows contrasted against blue sky
in constant motion, side to side, up and down
their forms like rancid smoke from burning tires
some descending into lungs of those below
I despaired when first noticing this horrendous edifice
was shocked as it continued to grow wider and higher
when I yelled warning the people went about their business
traffic continued to flow smoothly on path and road
One unexpected Spring, after many years of anxious prayer
the air stilled, temperature dropped, snow fell straight down
everything covered with thick layers of white
a voice boomed from side to side across the valley
Vibrations from the sound frightened darting wisps
as platforms shook they tumbled down and scurried away
then one after another, those platforms came crashing down
crushing into dust much of what was built below
From midst of the haze came forth a new song
drowning out weeping and gnashing of teeth
mountains sent strong winds to freshen the air
latter rains from which sprung forth new gathering places
Watchmen with authority were placed round and about
to teach and declare, to warn and to sweep away the rubble
gardens full of fresh flowers and delicious fruits were planted
then shared in celebration with every neighbor
Thus it continued for several more years
barns and storage houses were filled and then dispersed
when troubles began all high places were clear
and remained so until the last sound of a trumpet
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