The day Billy Graham died I Googled his name
finding their algorithms favored an article from the
New York Times titled - Billy Graham, lost opportunities
I didn't waste my time reading it because the obvious slant
had nothing to do with hearts and souls and changed lives
but everything to do with the politics of religion in America
My wife and I got married in 1972, just out of college
and at the end of November I surrendered my life to the
Lordship of Jesus and to the infilling of His Holy Spirit
At that moment I went from being an atheist to having an assurance
deep in my heart that Jesus had not only forgiven my sins but He had
revealed Himself so real that I could never doubt what happened
It was our wedding anniversary the next year that I remember
seeing Graham on our little 13" black and white TV, preaching
to over a million people spread out before him in South Korea
His message was pretty much the same then as it was
the dozen of other times I managed to watch him preach
every man, from pauper to king, and in between, is lost without Jesus
Although the world may change, the heart of man has always been the same
the Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of God
but the good news is that through Jesus we can be reconciled to God.
And as always Graham told the crowd that it was not an accident
they were there that night. Whether brought by a friend or out of curiosity
the Holy Spirit had called them. Now the decision was theirs
Algorithms know nothing about faith or the presence of God
or the power of a Holy Spirit who can transform the life of any person
and who one day soon will shake this nation, one person at a time
Just as they are, without a plea, but that His blood was shed for thee
millions responded to the simple message presented by Dr. Graham
others, hearing but not responding, I would call - lost opportunities
had nothing to do with hearts and souls and changed lives
but everything to do with the politics of religion in America
My wife and I got married in 1972, just out of college
and at the end of November I surrendered my life to the
Lordship of Jesus and to the infilling of His Holy Spirit
At that moment I went from being an atheist to having an assurance
deep in my heart that Jesus had not only forgiven my sins but He had
revealed Himself so real that I could never doubt what happened
It was our wedding anniversary the next year that I remember
seeing Graham on our little 13" black and white TV, preaching
to over a million people spread out before him in South Korea
His message was pretty much the same then as it was
the dozen of other times I managed to watch him preach
every man, from pauper to king, and in between, is lost without Jesus
Although the world may change, the heart of man has always been the same
the Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of God
but the good news is that through Jesus we can be reconciled to God.
And as always Graham told the crowd that it was not an accident
they were there that night. Whether brought by a friend or out of curiosity
the Holy Spirit had called them. Now the decision was theirs
Algorithms know nothing about faith or the presence of God
or the power of a Holy Spirit who can transform the life of any person
and who one day soon will shake this nation, one person at a time
Just as they are, without a plea, but that His blood was shed for thee
millions responded to the simple message presented by Dr. Graham
others, hearing but not responding, I would call - lost opportunities
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