Wednesday, September 7, 2016

To The Laodicean Shepherds

Why do you dismiss the wisdom of ages
offer aid and comfort to rebels
encourage those who sin
walk down forbidden roads yourself
and make to no effect the Word of God?

If your sheep die while you are their shepherd
comfortable in their rebellion and sin
ignorant on how to read the Bible
kept from the moving of the Holy Spirit
never having surrendered to Jesus
either as Savior or as Lord
will you have an answer
when you yourself stand before Him?

Who owns the fields you shepherd
provides sun and rain in season
while you are sitting dry and in the dark
writing your lectures to Him?

Do you understand the nature of evil
how it deceives and calls itself light
then burrows deep in the soul?

Have you thrown yourself down in anguish
for the souls of those entrusted to you?

Have you ever trembled in His presence
in fear and awe of His holiness?

Do you even know Him?

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