Saturday, June 4, 2016


The journey started years ago
while dreaming on his bed
of dragons, treasures, princesses
and lands to where they led
each passing day he'd map it out
a little at a time
and plans grew up and in and out
like poison ivy vine

Then one fine day they took control
how sad he never knew
that every thought was penciled in
a misty colored hue
at first it seemed this gave him hope
great beauty far beyond
fine castles, knights and pageantry
just past the placid pond

But there are places not to go
since you may be dragged under
and you won't know how deep it is
beneath the trumpets thunder
this world is not as it appears
while wading in the shallows
those trees reflecting softly back
don't show the hangman's gallows

Upon the sea he placed his craft
of paper, wood and glue
and sailed it out away from shore
to see what it could do
so proud he was to see it float
until there came a wave
which overturned our voyager
not smart - but oh so brave

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