Sunday, May 29, 2016

Whom Shall We Vote For?

There are some lines from Hosea that struck a chord with me today. Hosea was a prophet to the northern 10 tribes, also known as Israel (Judah was the name of the nation comprised of the southern 2 tribes). Israel, also called Ephraim in Hosea after the dominate tribe, always had kings "that did evil" in the sight of the Lord.

Eventually, but long before Judah who had a few rulers that made an attempt to get rid of the idols and high places of worship and return to the law, they would be judged, destroyed as a nation, and their people would be either killed, enslaved or scattered among the nations.

In that context we get Hosea's statement in chapter 7, verse 7:

All their kings have fallen. None of them calls on Me.

The "their" here are the princes of the nation. It says of them earlier in chapter 7:

And the princes with their lies, they are all adulterers (i.e. investing their resources in things that are not real like man made idols instead of honoring the Lord who is the One who truly loves them).

Their hearts are like an oven as they approach their plotting . . . and they consume their rulers.

We then get the statement that all of their kings have fallen. They have gotten the rulers that they desired, none of them called upon the Lord who was the only One who could have saved their country and, well too bad, those rulers are now all dead and cannot call upon the Lord from the grave.

Then we have this chilling word which gives pause for us today:

Ephraim mixes himself with the nations; Ephraim has become a cake not turned. Strangers devour his strength, yet he does not know it. Though the pride of Israel testifies against him, yet they have neither returned to the Lord their God, nor have they sought Him for all this.

Later on in chapter seven we see that, even after forsaking the Lord for so long His desire for the princes and the people of Ephraim is for restoration and not judgment, if only their hearts would change:

Destruction is theirs, for they have rebelled against Me! I would redeem them, but they speak lies against me. And now they do not cry to Me from their heart when they wail on their beds.

Here is my take in the election season we are in now from the reading in Hosea. Almost all of our princes are lying to us. They are kingdom of the world centered and do not seek out the will of the Lord for our nation. We will get the king we deserve and suffer for it because we are not willing to trust that the Lord's ways are higher than man's ways.

The good hope here though is the implication that a ruler or rulers who forsake the lies and calls upon the Lord from their hearts can make a huge impact upon a nation.

Thus we who are a minority in this land of ours must pray that God will raise up such men and women, princes that will not lie to man or God, to be put into places of authority.

I will vote for such a person.  

Friday, May 27, 2016

Kingdom Of The Son

Parts of the last verse are taken from the 1st chapter of Colossians

Kingdom Of The Son


do i first bind the wild beasts
that have eaten too much, too often, too many
and have distorted all that is pure and holy
that maybe this time we can get
to the heart of the matter


do i go opposite and say
reveal yourselves you filthy bastards
then after dodging the ugly missiles
distorted faces, chilled shoulders
mop up the pieces (if that be possible)


if things go on as they always have
we smile, we chat, we talk of nothing
and later i run home
and want to go hide in a corner
what good can come of it


let me be filled with the knowledge of your will
with all spiritual wisdom and understanding
so that i may walk in a manner worthy of you
to please the one who in everything
has rescued me from the domain of darkness

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lazy Day

There is a nearby wooden deck
enclosed by slated railing
tables and chairs are spread about
neath shady bright umbrellas

Oh lucky me I get to sit
watching winds blow softly
through leafy greens and bending boughs
oils on a soft blue canvas

And out beyond the grassy plain
past woods and fence and neighbors
are questions met with soft replies
as robins sing for dinner

How long will pleasant warming sun
shine brightly in the cities
where life goes on with normal pulse
where merchants open early

When will the clouds go churning black
send torrents on the roof tops
with blinding bolts and smashing drums
shrill sirens in the distance

Why are the bees so unconcerned
while circling our blossoms
yet do they know where safety lies
when comes the great unfolding

A thousand times we've heard it said
that life goes on as normal
the sun rises somewhere in the east
and sets in red horizon

So as I ponder butterflies
children playing, passing cars
far off traveling streaks of white
above this pleasant refuge

There comes a fleeting glimpse of why
we will not see the surging flames
until the fire's burning hot
and everybody's running

But as I rise to go inside
the book for me has turned it's page
will there be pain in missing this
will I return to dream again

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Stories like the one below that was told to Jackie this week are actually not that uncommon for us to hear. I have actually talked to dozens of people on our driving tests who have had family, friends or both die from things like gunshots.

Just last week a women told Jackie about getting a house on a nice cul-de-sac behind the old Rodgers Department Store that we drive past on our tests. Although not intended for her, one night 9 days after moving in someone emptied the rounds of two automatic guns into her home. They just missed her young niece but a bullet went through one cheek and out the other side of this lady's head requiring seven major surgeries to fix.

The Leticia of this story never had a driver's license or insurance for her car. One day the police pulled her over, she went before a judge and he gave Leticia a month to get her license or she would have to spend 60 days in jail. Of course she comes for her test only 2 days before the end of her month leaving almost no chance to take the test again in case she fails. Jackie asked her why she waited so long and she told Jackie that she was scheduled for a week before but one of her nieces got killed in an auto accident that day leaving her six kids orphans. She had to go and be with the family.

Leticia had rented one of our cars for her test and I remember her walking across the parking lot to our location with a big smile on her face. When Jackie and I stopped for dinner on our way home I told her my story from that day about a woman named Aliyah who kept dating "knuckleheads". They would come over to her house and her Momma didn't like any of them. "She would never even lay a plate of food in front of those boys" said Aliyah. But her current boyfriend was a very shy co-worker with whom she shared a common bus route. He treats her like a queen, does all of Momma's home improvement projects in good cheer, and of course they both love him. Then Jackie tells me Leticia's story.


My Momma died in my arms
and I think, there be nothing wrong with Momma,
Why she die?

So I had them do an autopsy,
and they said - cyanide.

Momma's boyfriend was putting rat poison in her food.
They couldn't stick him with it,
but I know he did it.

He may not face a judge here.
but there is a judge he cannot avoid.

One day the video store call me.

They said, Leticia, you kids be running around outside buck naked.
I go home and, sure enough, they be naked.
Momma's boyfriend had kicked them out of the house without any clothes.
I look in the window and he be dragging Momma down the stairs.

You know. his Momma died when he was born.
Maybe that's why he don't know how much it hurts to lose you Momma.

Awhile back I went to a church down in Indianapolis.
They said, you must trust the Man.
I gave my life right then to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

When the funeral place fixed up Momma
they finally told me I could go in the other room and look at her.
I walked over, rubbed my hand softly on her head and told her,

Momma, I miss you!
Then I prayed that I could talk with my Momma one last time.

Two nights later I was sleeping and the phone rang.
There was this kind of wind in the background and someone spoke.

Leticia! the voice said.

Is that you Momma? I said,
praise be to Jesus!

Momma, where are you?

I in hell!

Momma, I told you that you needed to change things!

I know Leticia.

Oh oh, someone be coming . . .

You know, The Lord is Good!
He let me talk to my Momma one last time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016



father and daughter
one fresh spring day
down an asphalt path
toward the western lake

were walking and talking
of God's good humor
and her blah blah blah ing
and why He'd waste time
on dandelions

we happened upon
by the side of the way
a cute old couple
leaning over the grass

approaching my girl
they hand her their present
for you they smiled
yellow dandelions

Sunday, May 15, 2016

God's Good News

Although sometimes missing one I have been a daily reader of the blessed word of God for over 43 years.

I started with The Jerusalem Bible which is a Catholic translation, complete with those interesting books of Judith,Tobit and Ecclesiasticus (and having a nice "Nihil Obstat" and "Imprimatur" from guys named Lionel Swain S.T.L., L.S.S and John Cardinal Heenan). The book was hard covered, two and a half inches thick and I carried it to all those early prayer meetings which was great because after putting that heavy thing down my arms just flew up so easy. Perhaps it has a special place in my heart because it was my first bible and the first time my brain and heart had grappled with so many different revelations. I just loved the language in that translation.

On my 25th birthday Jackie gave me a soft cover bible with a nice leather zip up cover. This was The New American Bible (NAB) , another Catholic translation and this one has a nice in color full page photo of Pope Paul IV up front (plus 3 Nihil Obstat's and Imprimatur's !!!)  It has forms up front for our marriage records, genealogy for the husband and wife sides and records for children (sorry Missy and Becky but somehow we stopped filling in after Carrie). This was my work horse bible for many years.

Tapped to the inside front cover is a prayer for deliverance from demons by Derek Prince and in the back cover are scriptural references on various subjects.  -  Plan of Salvation, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 1:12, Revelation 3:20:  God's order for the Christian, 2 Peter 1: 3-7:  God's ultimate purpose in Christ, Ephesians 1: 7-10, Colossians 1: 15-20:  Using the word of God to resist Satan, John 1: 1-5, Luke 4, Ephesians 6: 10-16, 1 John 4-5. These and others listed there were the fruit of many Friday and Saturday night family prayer meetings (when you go to battle you need to bring your sword and you should also know how to use it!)

After that one wore out I switched to The New American Standard (NAS) and to The Ryrie Study Bible which is a NAS having commentaries from Dr. Ryrie. That is the one sitting on my lamp table as I write. It does not have a picture of either a pope or of Dr. Ryrie but it is the one that I almost always quote from when writing these blog posts.

Over the years I have loved reading from both the Old and the New Testaments. I have heard it said that we are not Old Testament Christians but rather New Testaments Christians and frankly, that is just stupid. The Old points to the New, the New helps reveal the Old, together they give a more complete picture of Who our God is and what His plan is for us. While it is true that we are now not bound by certain national, dietary and ceremonial restrictions for the Jewish people even those things are instructive when we come before our great Lord and King seeking His wisdom.

When I was younger I tried using the thru the bible in a year plans but those became a burden. My suggestion for any newbies that are interested is to first commit to carve out at least a few minutes daily to read the Word. It is not quantity by quality that you should be looking for. Pray before you begin, asking God to give you wisdom and insight, and then afterwards spend a moment contemplating about what you just read. If you honor God with your time He will honor you with His wisdom. That is what I still do and it has always borne fruit.

Also when I was younger I would read The Living Bible, also known as The Message. The Living Bible is a paraphrase which was meant to help the modern person more easily get the drift of what the Word was saying. I think it is a terrific tool, especially for someone just getting started. Obviously we do not want to establish doctrine using a paraphrase but sometimes looking at a passage from a different angle can flip a switch in our brain and we go, 'Oh yeah, now I get it'. For those that worry that perhaps one is wasting valuable time reading a paraphrase instead of the real deal I have this thought to give you from someone who is currently 66 years old. Our walk with the Lord is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be plenty of time for both.

The inspiration for this post came in the middle of last night. I felt that I should share a passage from The Living Bible and the thought came very clearly - give them Romans 1. So here it is, verses 1-7, then verses 15-32 plus the start of Romans 2: verses 1-4.

Dear friends in Rome: This letter is from Paul, Jesus Christ's slave, chosen to be a missionary, and sent out to preach God's Good News. This Good News was promised long ago by God's prophets in the Old Testament. It is the Good News about his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who came as a human baby, born into King Davids's royal family line; and by being raised from the dead he was proved to be the mighty Son of God, with the holy nature of God himself.

And now, through Christ, all the kindness of God has been poured out upon us undeserving sinners; and now he is sending us out around the world to tell all people everywhere the great things God has done for them, so that they, too, will believe and obey him.

And you, dear friends in Rome, are among those he dearly loves; you, too, are invited by Jesus Christ to be God's very own - yes, his holy people. May all God's mercies and peace be yours from God our Father and from Jesus Christ our Lord.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is God's powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven. This message was preached first to the Jews alone, but now everyone is invited to come to God in this same way. This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven - makes us right in God's sight - when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scripture says it, "The man who finds life will find it through trusting God."

But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, evil men who push away the truth from them. For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts. Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse (when they stand before God at Judgment Day).

Yes, they knew about him all right, but they would't admit it or worship him or even thank him for all his daily care. And after awhile they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted then to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused. Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead. And then, instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they took wood and stone and made idols for themselves, carving them to look like mere birds and animals and snakes and puny men.

So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to - yes, vile and sinful things with each other's bodies. Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn't obey the blessed God who made those things.

That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God's natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. And the men, instead of having a normal sex relationship with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave the up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip. They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. They tried to misunderstand, broke their promises, and were heartless - without pity. They were fully aware of God's death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway, and encouraged others to do them, too.

Well, you may be saying, "what terrible people you have been talking about!" But wait a minute! You are just as bad. When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are talking about yourselves, for you do these very same things. And we know that God, in justice, will punish anyone who does such things as these. Do you think that God will judge and condemn others for doing them and overlook you when you do them too? Don't you realize how patient he is being with you? Or don't you care? Can't you see that he has been waiting all this time without punishing you, to give you time to turn from your sin? His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.

What power are in these words even they are from a paraphrase. God's Good News, that all have sinned but God in His love and mercy has given us His Son Jesus to be our Lord and Savior and Deliverer, to set free from sin and bondage and death all who would trust and surrender their lives to Him.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


On a moving sliver thirty stories high
beside a wall of endless glass
came time to rest and set for lunch
and watch the nearby clouds float pass

And on that beam sat two types of men
it's strange but never was another
the heathens gathered far to the right
the others far left with their kindred brothers

The heathens sat down quick and easy
opened their boxes with bread, meat and beer
they talked of sports and cars and women
looked out at the vastness without a fear

The brothers gave thanks for what they had
ate, then bowed each one's head to pray
the request was the same in that little haven
Lord once more let me make it down today

When hearing this story I thought it strange
cause brothers should not be living in fear
then remembered of praying each and every day
for Him to protect and keep me near

And while there is no sting with death
there still is much in this world for me
and I don't need a crazy wind or driver
to toss me out where I cannot see

But I know the One who fixes the currents
Who judges the hopes and the hearts of men
Who sees all things with infinite wisdom
and will lead me down safe once again

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Tulip Time

Tulips live in road side trenches
tourists sit on metal benches
children walk the streets while holding poles

Curbs will stop the water rising
trailers sell what's appetizing
merchants stay inside like hungry moles

Streets hear sounds of wooden klomping
parks endure the annual stomping
windmills are on every kind of thing

Pigs in blankets come in handy
everyone loves cotton candy
buses filled with seniors every spring

Bands march by with horns a blazing
elephants with cinnamon glazing
crowds are deep at 8th and River Way

Parents proudly point and cheer
co-eds opt for brew pub beer
Holland is once more the place to stay

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Of Winds And Waves

Will it come in a thimble or maybe a bucket
perhaps as a soft meandering stream
sitting with toes caressed in the current
dreaming day dreaming while watching the clouds

Or maybe one day blowing sand stings my face
hear the roar of the surf see the surge of the waves
do I foolishly dive alone in that maelstrom
riding yes riding all the way back to shore

Oh Master oh Master I see the sky churning
I feel the light mist now turning to storm
for this my soul has been anxiously waiting
will I then turn back or get soaked to the skin