Friday, April 29, 2016



As the music began held my face in my hand
struggled with all that was pushing inside
lo not worthy oh Lord to share such a chord
take from me all my coarseness and pride

Then when row upon row came the time to let go
stood to wait for procession to yield
raised my eyes to the song giving voice all along
thought of favor and laver and field

When I came to the bread and the minister said
take you this now the body of Christ
held my palm to believe what my heart would receive
that His life was enough to suffice

Yet still there was more that would flow from the store
of redemption that had come in His blood
so I dipped that small piece in the wine of release
shed for me from compassion and love

Then with amen agreed headed back with the creed
while I carried that precious small load
and finding my place sat and bowed to the grace
opened up and consumed what had flowed

And friend listen hear that I shed a new tear
overwhelmed by his presence and peace
saying thank you sweet Lord only You be adored
once again this old life I release

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