Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where Will You Find Your Comfort

Where will you find your comfort
when the shades are slowly drawn
while your family speaks in whispers
someone plays a favorite song

All the plans you made meant nothing
as you fight to take in air
now the battle rages constant
and the odds are far from fair

And you know earth's time is ending
seen it pass a thousand times
played your part to be quite caring
heard them ring the ancient chimes

Well then the cause was elsewhere
and you viewed it from afar
said you'd promise to remember
put their tokens in your jar

But now you lay there helpless
never thought this day would come
even tried to cheat the outcome
though it couldn't be outrun

Thoughts are pressing down upon you
while they grab your soul with fear
and they fill up every moment
as you hold to life so dear

So you hope the dark is nothing
more than quiet in a field
and the sun will rise and show you
that your body will not yield

That perhaps you're like all people
who have walked this mortal soil
and together you'll join with them
full released from pain and toil

Yet what if that's not weighty
to be placed on heaven's scales
and your ship's not filled with cargo
there's no wind to lift your sails

Why should you not feel hopeless
like all creatures weak like us 
for the piper needs his payment
and so certainly we must

And what if accusations
leave you standing there alone
when your book in court is opened
and you've no chance to atone

Then thoughts of pain not ending
and hopelessness descends
since alone in death you're heading
without family or your friends

Oh where will you find your comfort
when the shades are slowly drawn
and you don't know our dear Savior
who has given us His song

And although your plans meant nothing
there's redemption in the air
and He'll give it to you freely
if you ask for Him to share

But wouldn't it be better
in this world with endless strife
not to wait till that last moment
to repent and change your life

Why miss the joy of praising
Him in worship every day
or of walking paths He's charted
to have led you on your way

Of serving the Creator
to help bring about His plan
or of living life with purpose
to be a better man

Then when the lights grow dimmer
and the shades are slowly drawn
a door will stand wide open
you'll be singing out His song

And me, I'll be so jealous
since I've seen it in my heart
and I'll meet up with you later
where true life will have its start

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