Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where Will You Find Your Comfort

Where will you find your comfort
when the shades are slowly drawn
while your family speaks in whispers
someone plays a favorite song

All the plans you made meant nothing
as you fight to take in air
now the battle rages constant
and the odds are far from fair

And you know earth's time is ending
seen it pass a thousand times
played your part to be quite caring
heard them ring the ancient chimes

Well then the cause was elsewhere
and you viewed it from afar
said you'd promise to remember
put their tokens in your jar

But now you lay there helpless
never thought this day would come
even tried to cheat the outcome
though it couldn't be outrun

Thoughts are pressing down upon you
while they grab your soul with fear
and they fill up every moment
as you hold to life so dear

So you hope the dark is nothing
more than quiet in a field
and the sun will rise and show you
that your body will not yield

That perhaps you're like all people
who have walked this mortal soil
and together you'll join with them
full released from pain and toil

Yet what if that's not weighty
to be placed on heaven's scales
and your ship's not filled with cargo
there's no wind to lift your sails

Why should you not feel hopeless
like all creatures weak like us 
for the piper needs his payment
and so certainly we must

And what if accusations
leave you standing there alone
when your book in court is opened
and you've no chance to atone

Then thoughts of pain not ending
and hopelessness descends
since alone in death you're heading
without family or your friends

Oh where will you find your comfort
when the shades are slowly drawn
and you don't know our dear Savior
who has given us His song

And although your plans meant nothing
there's redemption in the air
and He'll give it to you freely
if you ask for Him to share

But wouldn't it be better
in this world with endless strife
not to wait till that last moment
to repent and change your life

Why miss the joy of praising
Him in worship every day
or of walking paths He's charted
to have led you on your way

Of serving the Creator
to help bring about His plan
or of living life with purpose
to be a better man

Then when the lights grow dimmer
and the shades are slowly drawn
a door will stand wide open
you'll be singing out His song

And me, I'll be so jealous
since I've seen it in my heart
and I'll meet up with you later
where true life will have its start

Monday, March 28, 2016

Use Your Talents

they say
you are
a harsh

you get

all that
you gave
and more

it was

so if
I knew
this when
you left

upon your

then why
did everything
just sit

in the

If I
had put
it in
the bank

just some

then maybe
would not
been mad

when I
gave the

you took
the little

in trusted
this servant

and gave
it to
another man

who had
ten times
as much

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


In the last year I have probably given driver's tests for over two dozen men and women who have emigrated to Grand Rapids, Michigan from the little Caribbean island of Cuba. Some are in their 20's and 30's, some have been in their 50's and 60's. I don't think any of them have come because one day they were having a nice dinner at home with their family after work and someone blurted out, "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if we moved way up North to, oh let's say Michigan, and see what it's like to live wearing sweaters and coats for most of the year?"

Cuba has been in the news for the last couple of days because our anti-imperialist president has chosen to once again make his point about past American sins and our present need to level our own unjust economic playing field by visiting that bastion of socialist empowerment. Perhaps we can even learn something from the system set up by the Castro brothers.

In Cuba everyone (except for the ruling elite) is equal. Although they are all equally poor and without any chance of economic advancement the government does provide for it's citizens education, health care and free rides home from party meetings. Freely attending a non official church is a little bit of a problem but it looks like someday soon that might become somewhat problematic here as well.

Our glorious leader has unilaterally decided that "the time is right" for our country to recognize the legitimacy of Castro's revolution and the reality of Cuban socialism/communism by ending embargos and normalizing relations. It reminds me a little of the rerun of a movie I watched this week where Bob Wiley is consoling his psychologist's family after the psychologist's blowup by saying something like, 'He is so far above us. We can't even begin to imagine where his brain is going'.

Normalizing relations isn't too popular with most of the elderly Cubans living in the U.S. who remember having their property confiscated and seeing friends and family killed, but to be honest many in the younger generations, not having lived through it, are OK with the idea.

Cuba declared their independence from Spain in the early 1900's. Eventually a guy named Batista came to power, large portions of the island were owned by big businesses and the Mafia had also invested heavily there. Our government tended to support dictators and there is no doubt that Batista was both a brutal and a corrupt dictator. The Castro brothers who brought along South American revolutionary Che Guevara wanted to replace the government of Batista. Eventually after a few years of armed conflict they were able to do so, taking power on January 1, 1959.

Castro did not come in as a Communist. In fact he promised his supporters that he was not a Communist. There were a certain number of the population who supported overthrowing the Batista regime but let us be brutally honest here. Like most revolutions, there is a small group of true believers and there are others who go along because of fear and intimidation.

Consider the use of Fidel's and Raul's firing squads. The official number of deaths attributed to their firing squads is 3,615, although I have read estimates that since 1959 there have actually been 30,000. Apart from the goal of eliminating political opponents firing squads have three other purposes: To enforce discipline, to punish disloyal followers, to intimidate opposition. A quote from the Left's folk hero Che Guevara is quite instructive:

"To send men to a firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an arcane bourgeois detail. There is a revolution. And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine of hate."

The Castro government seized billions of dollars of private property. It nationalized ALL foreign property. It is also estimated there have been over 2000 political assassinations, 5000 deaths in prison due to beatings and denial of health care and 60,000 Cubans who have died trying to flee their country. These totals pale in comparison to the 30 million who died in Russia and the 50 million who died in China in their communist revolutions, but again Cuba started with a much smaller population.

OK, we recognize and trade with those totalitarian regimes and we maintain embassies on their soil as well. Is there a logical reason not to do so with Cuba? Is "the time is right" truly now to end our embargo and have our president watch baseball at their stadium grinning his Cheshire cat grin while Europe is ready to explode?

One of the reasons the embargo started was our fear that the declaration of both Castro and Che Guevara to export their revolution to the rest of the Caribbean would be successful. We did not want to give them the financial wherewithal to do so. Indeed at various times Cuba did send troops to other countries, including 50,000 to help screw up everything in Angola. Plus it only took a short time for Castro to align with the Soviet Union, allowing their nuclear missiles and spying bases close access to the United States.

Now the missiles are gone, the Castro brothers are old as are the bulk of the people still alive whose property was stolen and families were murdered. The American Left is in love with socialism, they don't worry anymore about Russian missiles or Chinese domination and Cuban baseball players are in high demand. I don't know whether the world has changed or we've all gotten a little bit senile.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Pigs In The Parlor

This poem tells a true story about something that happened to a man I know, a Christian by the way. What I love about his story is not only the freedom that came into his life but also the fact that the Holy Spirit can use ordinary people for great impact.


While sitting there on a nice barber chair
between clanking clips the man sighed
there is no joy for this old troubled boy
am feeling quite dead deep inside

Well hon said she if you want to be
as free as a swift bird in flight
each time you feel blue just yell hallelujah!
it's the purest prayer ever in sight

A few nights it came while he traveled quite plain
on a lonely and dark rural road
and not feeling that great he thought he would state
the prayer just as he'd been told

But starting to speak he felt a small tweak
which would not even lead him to say
that praise to the Lord which his heart had stored
and he couldn't even begin to pray

There was only a groan then finally a moan
it was the strangest darn thing
so next time in the chair he started to share
and asked why his heart wouldn't sing

Well hon may I plead that I think you should read
a little book just might loosen your throat
read pigs in the parlor and then you will holler
your praise will fly over that moat

It took quite a search but he found where it perched
in a listing available on line
when it came to his door from the retailer's store
he devoured it page at a time

For three days he read while his spirit was fed
then with bible came time to do battle
the book had a list where struggles exist
faced each one to see what would rattle

While strongholds were named and the word was explained
he confessed and pleaded the blood
then bending the knee in his quest to be free
the victories came in a flood

As each one was found he threw up on the ground
the demons could no longer stay
all the filth and the pain became very plain
but finally it was a new day

In all of his life through the hell and the strife
he had never no ever felt free
but now on the floor there was life that was more
then he ever thought it could be

From the depths of his heart came a praise that did start
raised his arms, stood him up, made him cheer
there came perfect love from the Lord up above
Hallelujah! released from his fear!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mike And Patti

After 2 years of marriage Jackie and I moved back to my hometown of Holland. One of the first things we did after getting to town was to join a weekly small study group that met at the house of my older brother Jet and his wife Karen. With 2 other couples we studied and discussed a book by Larry Christenson called The Christian Family (a great foundational tool by the way. You really don't know everything by instinct).

Mike and Patti were one of the couples and have been our dear friends ever since. Jackie and I were co-leaders with them (with my brother and sister-in-law) for a Charismatic prayer meeting that met for about 10 years in the basement of our parish church. When Jackie and I eventually left the Catholic Church they did the same soon after. We both ended up getting heavily involved the next couple of years with 2 different Pentecostal churches and both couples ended up with the same result. Somehow we got burned.

That led to us having home church together for 7 years - Jackie and I with our son and 4 daughters, Mike and Patti with their 5 boys, a single woman and for awhile another couple with their 5 kids. It was I believe an important time for both families but eventually we felt the Lord's leading to join more traditional churches. Mike and Patti's family went to a large Evangelical church in town and Jackie and I spent many years attending a large Charismatic congregation in a near by city.

Mike was like me an owner in a family business. Trained as an engineer he was also McGuiver on steroids. Equip Mike with only a decent Swiss army knife and you could drop him off in the interior of Alaska and he would not only build a lodge but would somehow be exporting lumber within a year. This you could say was a little different than me.

One winter night Mike picked me up and we parked outside the property of the local gun club located in the rural north side of town. Walking back a ways Mike gets out a target, places it about 20 feet away on the side of a snow covered sand bank, takes out a 45 caliber hand gun, shows me how to stand, aim and squeeze the trigger, then tells me I'd be lucky if I get within 10 feet of the target. I did as instructed but really, with my eyes closed it was hard to tell how close I got. Next month as a reward for my bravery out of the blue I started getting in the mail the NRA magazine. That was Mike. Deeply committed in what ever he did, always generous, always gently trying to introduce me to something in his world.

For my part I would try to challenge Mike to see spiritual things from a slightly different angle. It is not easy to get an engineer to let go of his logical barriers because they have to understand how everything works. Mike would usually immediately reject any new thoughts I would introduce to him, then spend the next couple of weeks mulling them over in his mind until he finally figured out the logic in a way that made perfect sense to him. In truth I would do the same thing. It just didn't take as long. The upshot though was that because he went through the process and understood how a spiritual principle worked it made him very well prepared to teach what he knew.

Patti and Mike are a very good fit. She as well is very smart, deeply spiritual, generous, adores Mike, lets him get his way for most of his idiosyncrasies and loves to examine every decision in extreme detail (which to use one of the many Mike and Patti isms is the "catch 22" between her and Jackie. Jackie HATES endless details). Patti just retired last year from selling real estate.

Patti comes from a large Irish Catholic family and spent a good deal of her childhood working for her family resort business which they used to have on Beaver Island, located in the Northern part of Lake Michigan. She and Mike met there, own 2 cottages on the island and every year in May Jackie and Patti go up to prepare them for the rental season.

Our lives and our families have been intertwined for over 40 years. We rejoice when something good happens with us or any of our children and we grieve and pray when something goes sour.

Less than 2 weeks ago Patti found a lump on her breast. A subsequent examination found a spot on her liver. Further exams revealed that there is cancer throughout her body. The oncologist does not recommend any treatment. There is X amount of time left (which praise the Lord is in years and not months, but who knows?) and right now Patti feels great and does not notice anything different.

She is a realist but has always been a fighter and is currently very upbeat. They plan to attack the cancer with nutrition and prayer and the plans are still on for Jackie and Patti to go up to Beaver Island this May. For my part I will pray and seek the Lord's guidance for how best to pray for Patti and Mike and their family. I have no doubts that God can move powerfully in this situation.

However, to be honest, right now I feel like I could throw up.  

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Of Princes, Presidents and Potentates

The other night I dreamed I was sitting around with several people, one of whom is quite well known. I didn't say anything to him in my dream but later while still laying in bed I thought that if I actually had a chance then I would tell him this story.

He was the ruler of the greatest empire of the world. Leader, builder, all other leaders who followed would pale in comparison.

One day he had a dream which greatly disturbed him. A man in whom was the spirit of god was called to stand before him. That man knew without being told what the dream was, what it meant and how the leader should respond to it.

You will be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle and will be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.

Therefore . . . break away now from your sins by doing righteousness and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor.

The ruler did not listen and exactly a year later he was standing on the roof of his palace, overlooking all the beauty and the greatness and the splendor of his empire. Reflecting on it he spoke out and proclaimed it's greatness, adding;

I myself have built (it) , , , by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty.
While the words were still in his mouth a voice came from heaven saying;

To you it is declared; sovereignty has been removed from you.

Indeed, the ruler was driven away from mankind, he was kept with other beasts in a special garden and given grass to eat and was drenched with the dew from heaven. His hair grew long, his nails became like bird claws and this lasted for seven years.

Then one day he looked up toward heaven and reason returned to his mind. He honored and blessed and praised the Most High and proclaimed:

His dominion is an everlasting dominion and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing but He does according to His will.

The ruler was restored and greatness was added to him and he went on to praise, exult and honor the King of heaven, saying:

All His works are true and His ways just and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Filled With The Spirit

I heard a report
just the other night
of a woman who was walking on air
her tongue had been loosed
to that glorious chorus
and suddenly the weight wasn't there

Oh come Holy Spirit
and fill every room
of my heart
of my soul
of my life
I give you control
of my legs, hands and voice
such a wonderful story to share

It really doesn't matter
if you're not that young
seen the world spin around a few times
your youth will be renewed
like the flight of an eagle
as you sing out in angelic rhyme

Oh praise the Creator
who gives flight to me
shows me faith
shows me hope
shows me love
I'll follow the currents
and give all I have
to the artist of all that's sublime

She isn't that different
from all those who walk
through the valleys while carrying a load
prays for her family
loves all her neighbors
tries to stay on the straight narrow road

But Oh hallelujah
He breathed out His Spirit
cleansed her through
built her up
gave her wings
and now she goes out
to share what He's given
that's just how the comforter's sowed

We all think we're captains
while riding the high seas
although tossed about by the wind
hands tight on the tiller
with spray in our face
our baggage stowed safely within

Oh glory to Jesus
who rests in the craft
should we fret
should we scheme
should we fear
our tongues a small member
but freed to His Spirit
new lives, let the victories begin