Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Amazing Predictions For 2016

After an exhaustive review of a lot of different sites on the internet I feel confident enough to make the following predictions for what WILL happen in our country next year.

There will be an extremely large eruption of a sunspot directly facing the earth which will cause an EMP strong enough to fry your smart phones, computers, TVs and vehicle wiring.

The stock market will crash, the dollar will be devalued, the government will confiscate 80% of all savings and Hillary will be pictured on the new 37 dollar bill.

A giant meteor/asteroid will impact smack dab in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean creating a huge tsunami over 200 feet high which will strike most of the East Coast of America, wiping out a large part of the population.

The "Big One", actually the "Big Ones" will finally happen, shaking the West Coast and causing parts of California in it's south to fall into the Pacific as well as leveling San Francisco, silicon valley and surrounding areas in it's north.

A new "Super Bug" related to the avian flu and with no known cure will rapidly infect large portions of the South West.

Yellowstone Park will blow, the ash and debris cloud will cover multiple states to the east and then eventually circle the globe. Large areas will experience crop failures.

A series of earthquakes 9.0 and larger will strike near the New Madrid fault lines in Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois, remaking the landscape, rerouting large rivers, destroying most bridges and gas lines, effectively splitting America in two.

Riots will break out all along the Southern border and Texas will secede from the United States.

Black United Nations helicopters will invade the U.S. from the north although in Michigan our National Guard assisted by an armed citizen militia will eventually rise up and drive them out.

The Cubs would have won the World Series if not for the baseball season being canceled due to "unforeseen acts of nature".

Martial law is declared and the National Elections are cancelled. President Obama takes a break from one of the few remaining golf courses to get fitted for his crown although while on the way his limo gets hijacked by a crazed group of Trump supporters and is never seen again.

You should be able to take these predictions to the bank, if any banks remain. Make a hard copy of these warnings for you and your family because, after the EMP, good luck with the internet.

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