Sunday, August 30, 2015

Our Eternal Home

For the majority of the Christian world it may not really be necessary to understand exactly how salvation works, only that we are saved through the atoning work of Jesus. The gospel message is laid out this simply.

God loves us. He really does.

However there is a problem. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That means that even though God loves us we cannot have fellowship with Him because He is a holy God and we are born sinners.

God provided the solution. He sent His only Son Jesus into the world to pay the price for us which as sinners we could not do ourselves. Jesus paid the price by His suffering and death on the cross, and because God raised Him from the dead that atonement can become ours.

This becomes real to us when we confess our sins to God and promise to try to do better, when we believe that Jesus death on the cross has paid the price that God demands for our sins, and when we then publicly proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

This basic outline with the supporting scriptures behind them have been presented to many hundreds of millions of people and many have come to a saving and life changing experience because of it. It is not the intellectual argument that makes the outline work so well. Rather it seems to be a framework through which the Holy Spirit can move to open up hearts to the truth.

The following post I wrote about 8 years ago goes into a little more detail on how I see salvation working. I wrote it because I believe that many in Christianity have a very limited view on what salvation really is. Not everyone will agree because (1) they have been taught different and that's a tall hill to climb (2) salvation by works has such a strong appeal to man and (3) it has been accused as being gnostic by making all Christians into "little gods" (that by a former pastor of mine).

Obviously I don't agree and hopefully, if you read it carefully, my viewpoint will help give a little more depth to your understanding of salvation.

What is not in this post and what really should be is a discussion on the difference between the body, soul and spirit of man and how the Holy Spirit works in and through each area. Perhaps another day.

Link to - Our Eternal Home

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