I cannot vote for a person or a party that encourages abortion.
Same sex orientation should not be
given the status of marriage.
Education is more a local matter than a
Federal matter.
We must help the poor to get out
of their situation.
We should revise policies that
encourage a culture of single parent families.
Protection of our borders should have
priority over votes.
Revenue for social programs come from
tax payers, not the government.
Our rights come from the Creator, not
the government.
Our country should be able to pay for
everything it provides without needing to borrow or print money.
If we don't have the money we need to
first cut back on spending.
Spending can be added if and when
revenues increase, not on promises.
Because we can't have everything we
need to prioritize, have a say in the process, and go without.
16 Trillion in debt is going to destroy
this country, hurting everyone, the poor first.
Inflation (rising gas, utilities, food
prices) hurt everyone, the poor first.
Becoming energy independent must happen
We are responsible for protecting our
environment, but there must be balance.
Solar and wind requirements should not
be mandated.
Gas millage should not be mandated.
Social engineering should not be
In today's world we need a strong
We should not apologize to the world
for our values or history.
We need to stand with and support our
We need to seek the will of God for us
and for our country.
We need to cry out to Him for
forgiveness and mercy.
We need to thank Him for placing us in
this place at this time.
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