Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Occupy The Forest

My first road test client today was a 22 year old unshaven young man by the name of Jordan.  To strike up a conversation I asked him if he was working or going to school.

"I worked for the Forest Service in California this summer and will be going to college this fall."

"That sounds wonderful.  Did you enjoy your work?"

'It was OK."

"Only OK?"

"Do you know what Amercorps is?"

"Oh, sure."

"Well, they provide free room and board but give you  $5,000  for college."

"So, were you fighting fires and stuff?"

"We did work on some property fires, but mostly we would clear out brush and small trees."

"Like around peoples houses so those homes wouldn't catch fire?"

"Yeah, mostly houses of millionaires.  And some would complain we were removing too much and then would not even let us jump into their pools."  The word "millionaires" Jordan said with an actual sneer.

"Do you realize Jordan that the taxes those millionaires pay make up the bulk of the college funds you earned?"  I think Jordan was under the impression that government funds somehow came from some magic pot of gold. (FYI - The rainbow currently ends in China)

"Oh." responded Jordan, looking a little confused.

"And you might be surprised to learn that in their eyes, you represent THE MAN.  As in -THE MAN wants to take away all of my trees."

"Oh" again said Jordan, now embarrassed that he had unwittingly become a tool of the US government and their Wall Street buddies.

Jordan ran through a stop sign 20 yards from the end of the test so maybe we'll have a chance for another mini economics lesson.

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