Shortly before Jesus was to head to the garden to pray and wait for son of perdition to betray Him, He spoke these words to the remaining eleven.

whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be
glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
you love Me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father,
and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever,
that is the Spirit of Truth, who the world cannot receive, because it
does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with
you, and will be in you". (John 14: 11-17)
Look at all the words connected with the way the Helper works. He reveals who Jesus is and the mysteries of God. He draws men and women to encounter the Christ, and He convicts the conscience, bringing to us awareness of our sins and weaknesses.
He brings Christ's healing to the body, soul and spirit. He is the power that discerns the intent of man's heart and the presence of evil spirits, providing power as well for deliverance from evil spirits and from all things that bind us. And He gives us scripture as a sword to fight the evil one.
He creates out of nothing, moving and changing our understanding of time and space and physics in ways we call miracles.
He comforts those who are hurting. He restores both the body and the soul and builds up the individual. He unites those in the larger body of the church to honor and serve the Father for a common purpose.
He explains things to us, and directs us in the way that God desires us to go. He teaches and interprets, He exhorts and inspires, He excites and enables.
He brings Christ's healing to the body, soul and spirit. He is the power that discerns the intent of man's heart and the presence of evil spirits, providing power as well for deliverance from evil spirits and from all things that bind us. And He gives us scripture as a sword to fight the evil one.
He creates out of nothing, moving and changing our understanding of time and space and physics in ways we call miracles.
He comforts those who are hurting. He restores both the body and the soul and builds up the individual. He unites those in the larger body of the church to honor and serve the Father for a common purpose.
He explains things to us, and directs us in the way that God desires us to go. He teaches and interprets, He exhorts and inspires, He excites and enables.
doing all of those things the Holy Spirit never seeks to draw attention
to Himself. Instead He always brings the focus toward Jesus, and
ultimately toward the Father. The Son in obedience to the Father sent
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit draws man to the Son and then brings the
Spirit of Christ to man to unite with man's dead spirit, bringing about a
rebirth of our spirit. The Holy Spirit then works in man to conform him
to the image of the Son so that the kingdom of God may be proclaimed
and established on the earth.
One day we will be with the Son in the presence of the Father. And the Son, by the power of the Spirit, will one day complete the restoration of all creation. Sin, sickness and death will be no more. And He will give this all to the Father.
One day we will be with the Son in the presence of the Father. And the Son, by the power of the Spirit, will one day complete the restoration of all creation. Sin, sickness and death will be no more. And He will give this all to the Father.
is a word found in scripture that describes Jesus but can also be
applied to the Holy Spirit, and that is "advocate". An advocate is a
witness, or someone who will go to court to testify for you.
anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for
ours only, but for those of the whole world". (1Jn. 2: 1-2)
"Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high". (Job
16: 19)
When Jesus told His disciples that He would send them another
Helper, the Greek word for "Helper" is "Paraclete", and it is the same
word that is translated "Advocate" in 1 John. The Spirit testifies to us
concerning the truth of who Jesus is, and in doing so He also gives us
the power to testify to the world. And the Son gave us the Spirit not
just to testify in word, but also through the "greater works".
Holy Spirit as described in the words above has already been given to those who belong to the body of Christ. It
already is the will of the Father that we have the Holy Spirit and that
He will work in power in our lives so that we may grow in spiritual
maturity, having as evidence the fruit of the Spirit.
It is already the
will of the Father that the Holy Spirit will flow through us in power to
minister to others so that the "greater works" will be evident in our
lives and in our ministry to others.
Salvation brings a change to our spirit and makes us a temple for the Holy Spirit. But we also need to surrender the lordship of our souls to allow the Holy Spirit to move in power in our lives. I liken our souls to a house with many rooms and closets. We want to let the Lord walk through parts of our house but at the same time we keep some doors locked to Him.
Salvation brings a change to our spirit and makes us a temple for the Holy Spirit. But we also need to surrender the lordship of our souls to allow the Holy Spirit to move in power in our lives. I liken our souls to a house with many rooms and closets. We want to let the Lord walk through parts of our house but at the same time we keep some doors locked to Him.
What do we accomplish when by
singing or praying we ask God to send more of His Holy Spirit, or to
send the Spirit in power, or to fill the place where we meet? The best
way to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and to have the power of
the Holy Spirit evident is to focus our prayer, our praise, and our
worship on the Father. When we surrender our voice, in understanding and
in the Spirit, when we cry out to God to exult and to glorify Him, when
our focus is not on what we can get or what we can feel but is instead
directed in surrender to the Father, we are doing what we were created
to do.
It is not an easy thing, living in a carnal world and trying to live a Spirit filled life. The world tells us that surrendering control from the soul to the Spirit will both hurt and make us look foolish. We would rather have works and rules that satisfy the pride of our souls and present us well in the kingdom of this world instead of humility and prayer where only God may know. But praise God, we have
been given a Helper.
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