Sunday, April 26, 2020


Jackie and I have been doing stay at home for so long that she found a show about the Bronx Zoo on Animal Planet and is now hooked. Me, not so much. There are a lot of things I just don't understand.

Why, for example, does each croc or gator get fed 20-30 pounds of fish a day but when one of the zoo fish gets a cataract they bring in an optometrist (that must not be cheap, and besides I didn't know they made house calls) to do an operation. I'd say, get a bad eye fish and you're dinner.

Then there was the story about the 800 lb. tiger who needed a root canal. This time they get a dentist to come in, the tiger is sedated but the tiger's tooth is too big for the regular dentist drill. So he finds a larger drill with a larger drill bit and after some time into the drill the anestheoligist (yup, another specialist) starts to get nervous that the tiger is going to wake up so he pressures the dentist to hurry up. Now at this point I'm finally getting interested but then we go to commercial and by the time we get back everything seems to have ended up fine. OR THEY'RE LYING TO US!.

Five hundred forty people work at the Bronx Zoo and on TV they all seem to love it. They even found a gal who loved taking care of the wild African dogs. No one else wanted the job because those dogs like to roll around in the dirt and their own poop. I was trying to imagine the young lady having lunch at the cafeteria with no one wanting to sit next to her.

If you're an animal in the wild and something goes wrong, that's pretty much if. If you live in a zoo and have a bad foot you end up with an artificial leg. If you have no social skills and can/t mate that's called survival of the fittest. However in a zoo you have a team of a dozen people trying to work out all the details for you.

For those of you who might have been worried, 4 of their 5 tigers ended up with the Covid 19 virus but are doing fine. The fifth one still has cotton in his mouth so we'll have to ask him later.