Dear Mr. President
Thank you for being the most pro-life president that we have had in my voting lifetime. Your actions to support the rights of the unborn have spoken much louder than all the empty rhetoric of politicians in the past or any political tweets that you have made in the present.
Your first major decision while running for President was to select pro-life Michael Pence as your VP running mate. Your second was to announce a top flight list of possible Supreme Court appointees that court scholars said would be inclined to support both a strict constitutional interpretation as well as the right of the unborn to be protected and valued.
I believe that abortion is THE most important political issue of my lifetime. Because I believe abortion is the taking of a human life given by God and because I believe that one's stance on abortion reflects an inner moral compass that ultimately affects other governmental decisions, including the economy and foreign policy. I voted for you in hopes that your actual deeds in regards to abortion would match your political promises. To me this issue far outweighed any of my concerns about your previous moral lapses or any embarrassment I might have had about how you conduct yourself publicly in the present.
I was thrilled to see that on your very first day in office you canceled the Mexico City Accord which required other nations to provide abortions in order to receive our country's foreign aid
I am also thrilled and encouraged to see that so far during your first term you have appointed two constitutional conservative Supreme Court Justices who will, hopefully along with your next appointment, insure that like slavery Roe V Wade goes to the ash heap of our country's history and will bring the decision of whether to terminate an infant's life back to each individual state
So far during your first term you and the Senate have confirmed more Federal judges than both of your predecessors combined, all of them constitutional conservatives, their average age 10 years younger than those confirmed by your last two predecessors. This will affect the direction of our courts for decades to come and will be instrumental when lawsuits arise challenging state laws restricting abortion.
Along with the above you have done much to restrict the use of tax payer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood, our country's largest provider of abortions who by themselves terminate over a third of a million of lives every year
Your actions to defend the most vulnerable among us has been an answer to the voices of over fifty million innocent lives that have cried out for justice to the heavens since 1972. For this stance alone your name will be remembered and honored for generations to come.
I thank you as well for officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. Unlike most of your predecessors who only gave lip service to the idea, you have actually followed through on your promise and have made sure that America remains a great friend of the nation of Israel.
Our country does not need to approve or support everything that Israel does. However God promises in His Word that He will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse it. You have blessed Israel by giving international recognition to the fact that Jerusalem is its capital and you have blessed Israel by recognizing their right of sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Thus I believe that the following spiritual principle will play out. Your support for Israel will help insure God's blessing for our country and you as well are being blessed by it.
Thank you for recognizing the severity of the persecution of the Christian Church that is happening today in many countries internationally as well as for truly understanding all the cultural and political pressures that the Church in America is experiencing greater and greater everyday. More than any President in the past you have show a willingness to both seek and to listen to advice giving by respected Church leaders.
I thank you for the courage you have displayed in the midst of the greatest opposition and the greatest attacks any president has ever seen during their first days in office and during their first term. I believe that opposition to your election goes far beyond normal politics and instead reflects a spiritual battle that is going on today. And part of that spiritual battle is that the evil spirits that thirst for the shedding of innocent blood do not want to lose one of their means to their power and influence.
My constant prayer for you is that as you seek God's will for our country you will also humble yourself personally. I pray that you will receive not only the fullness of His salvation but will also experience the gifts of His Holy Spirit as well as the demonstration of the fruits of His Holy Spirit in your life.
May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.